

1130 Uppsatser om The Federal Funds Rate - Sida 12 av 76

Konstruktion och byggnation av testfixtur för 10Gbit/s transpondermoduler

This thesis for the Master of Science degree was performed at Solectron Corporation in Norrköping. The background for the thesis was a need to develop and build two test fixtures to automatize testing and adjusting of transmitter modules (TX-fixture) and receiver modules (RX-fixture) which are head devices in DWDM-systems. The basic elements for the test fixtures are: Test board, switch board and DC/DC board. The main function of the test board is to handle communication between the transmitter and receiver modules and supply voltage to these modules. The test board was insufficient and modified with a microprocessor to handle the communication between the PC and the receiver module.

Arbetsprov i fält på ridhästar

Sport horses are widely used for performance in jumping, dressage, endurance etc. To enable comparisons of horses, training facilities, programs or physical status, an exercise test can be used. Exercise tests are also important to increase knowledge about exercise physiology of the horse considering different ways of training to compare training methods or individual qualities, development of an individual or other investigations of equine exercise physiology. Since several investigations are done on standard- and thoroughbred horses but less on sport horses, it is of great importance to get an overview of the investigations done. Most common is to investigate heart rate and lactate concentration.

Tillskottsutfodring av smågrisar under digivningsperioden :

Weaning is one of the most critical events in the piglet production with problems such as growth check and post-weaning diarrhea as a result. The lighter the piglets are when the growth check occurs, the harder they have to get back to normal growth rate. Creep feeding of piglets is used to reduce the problems by increasing the weaning weight and adapting the digestive tract to a starter diet. Hodge (1974) showed that the sow?s milk can not provide enough nutrients for maximal growth rate.

Värdet av företagsrating

Background: Increasingly, companies choose to finance their business with corporate bonds which has resulted in an increased demand on credit ratings. As such the rating agencies have a very important role in the financial markets. Examining the value of a credit-rating can be very interesting for both issuer and investor. Purpose: The purpose of the study is to identify and define the value of rating. Execution: The study is built upon nine interviews with rated and non-rated firms and investors.

Drank som proteinkälla till regnbågslax (Onchorhynchus mykiss) :

The objective of the present study was to evaluate distillers? dried grains with solubles (DDGS) as a protein source to rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), by studying digestibility and growth measurements. One control diet, totally lacking DDGS, and three test diets were made containing 10 % (low), 31% (medium) and 51 % (high) DDGS respectively on dry matter (DM) basis. The control diet and the test diets were made to be as nutritionally equal as possible. Wheat bran was used to balance the fiber content of the diets.

Barnkullar och arbetslöshet - Stora barnkullar och möjligheter på arbetsmarknaden

Youth unemployment in Europe is a big problem today. The number of unemployed young people has risen past decades, from 10 % in1980 to over 20 % 2010. The purpose with this thesis is to deal with big cohorts and unemployment rate for young people 20-24 years old in Sweden. I have a look at three different generations, people born:1963-1967 and start working 19871968-1972 and start working 19941988 and start working 2008-2012Did these people from a baby boom face any specific difficulties when entering the labor market 20-24 years later? I have used Easterlin theory in my work and lokked at statistics from SCB (Statsitiska centralbyrån) in Sweden.

Att bita den hand som föder en? EU-kritiska parlamentarikers arbete i Europaparlamentet

The study seeks knowledge about the Swedish euro-scepticism and about the work of the Swedish euro-sceptical Members of the European Parliament (MEPs). How do they work in an environment where the norm is to have a positive attitude towards a future federal state of Europe? How do they regard their own situation and possibilities to make a change?The study includes a debate on today's Swedish euro-scepticism as background. My finding about the MEPs? work is that their way of acting in the European Parliament does not distinguish from other MEPs? in large.

EU och pengarna : en undersökning om hur den översiktliga planeringen i två svenska strategiska regioner påverkas av Europeiska regionala utvecklingsfonden

The European Union is a 60 year long collaboration between the European countries. It was born from the intention to ease trade and thereby reassure peace. Within the 60 years EU has functioned it has developed and expanded further. In 1952 it evolved around the trade of coal and steel between six countries, today it includes 27 nations and oversees a large number of topics such as foreign affairs, a common currency and regional politics. EU has grown at several times, the latest expansion was the largest where 12 new countries became members. The unions of countries that only 60 years ago were at different sides of a world war can be considered an accomplishment.

Aktiekursförändringar och sökfrekvens på internet

The purpose of this Bachelor thesis is to analyze if there is a correlation between stock prices and the amount of searches of the companies names on Google. The theories used in the study were Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) and Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH). Regressions analysis is used as the statistical method to see if there is a significant correlation between the stock prices and the amout of searches of the company name on Google. The data used were the rate of return of three companies (ABB, Oriflame and Sandvik) on the Nasdaq OMX Nordic stock market, the rate of return of the Nasdaq OMX Nordic stock market index (OMX Stockholm_PI) and the Google search frequency from Google Trends on each company. The result showed no significance and the conclusion of the thesis is that there is no significant correlation between the three studied companies and their search frequency on the search engine Google..

Feromoninnehållande substansers inverkan på hjärtfrekvensen hos tjur :

During the last 50 years the production of milk per cow has increased. This has, however, been followed by a decreased reproductive performance. Shorter and more indistinct signs of oestrus make it harder for the Swedish farmers to discover when the cows are in oestrus. There is a need for ways to control reproduction. The use of pheromones could possibly provide means to satisfy this need.

Carry Trade : Vad säger teorin och hur ter sig verkligheten?

I nära tio år har främst amerikanska placerare utnyttjat strategin carry trade för att skapa positiva avkastningar. Strategin innebär att lån tas på en marknad med låga räntor för att sedan placeras på en annan marknad med högre räntor. Det är främst de japanska och amerikanska räntemarknaderna som har använts.Syftet med uppsatsen är att utreda om det går att få en positiv avkastning vid carry trade-affärer. Vi kommer även att belysa vilka risker som uppstår vid dessa investeringar, samt undersöka vad som kan göras för att minimera de risker som uppstår. Genom att studera andra länder med betydande räntedifferenser vill vi även utreda om denna strategi går att tillämpa på andra ränte- och valutamarknader än Japan och USA.För att uppfylla syftet har en kvantitativ studie genomförts baserad på sekundärdata, där vi skapat olika fiktiva affärer över tre tidsperioder för att kunna räkna ut och jämföra avkastningar.

Carry Trade : Vad säger teorin och hur ter sig verkligheten?

I nära tio år har främst amerikanska placerare utnyttjat strategin carry trade för att skapa positiva avkastningar. Strategin innebär att lån tas på en marknad med låga räntor för att sedan placeras på en annan marknad med högre räntor. Det är främst de japanska och amerikanska räntemarknaderna som har använts.Syftet med uppsatsen är att utreda om det går att få en positiv avkastning vid carry trade-affärer. Vi kommer även att belysa vilka risker som uppstår vid dessa investeringar, samt undersöka vad som kan göras för att minimera de risker som uppstår. Genom att studera andra länder med betydande räntedifferenser vill vi även utreda om denna strategi går att tillämpa på andra ränte- och valutamarknader än Japan och USA.För att uppfylla syftet har en kvantitativ studie genomförts baserad på sekundärdata, där vi skapat olika fiktiva affärer över tre tidsperioder för att kunna räkna ut och jämföra avkastningar.

Transferfunktionsmodeller modellering och prognoser av Sjötransportindex

We have by Statistics Sweden (SCB) been given the task of using different dynamic regression models in order to forecast service price index for sea transport. The aim is to see whether these models provide better forecasts than those previously used. This essay aim to identify, estimate and evaluate the selected prediction models. Through our data material we were given access to 28 sightings of sea transport index during the period of 2004 q1 to 2010 q4. We have chosen to evaluate three different transfer function models, one ARIMA model and one naive forecasting model. The input variables we decided to test in our transfer function models were the price of petroleum products, the port activity in Swedish ports and the lending rate of Swedish Central bank. The results of our study suggest that transfer function models generally provide better models than the ARIMA model and the naive forecast model.

Besparingsmodell för produktivitetshöjande arbete inom skärande bearbetningsteknik

The market is developing and a growing competition increases pressure on companies to maintain their competitive advantage. Working with cost savings is a way to enhance earnings in a short term but also in a longer perspective. Volvo Powertrain Production Köping has an overall goal; to reduce costs by nine percentages in three years. To achieve the goal, Volvo Powertrain Production Köping works with World Class Manufacturing where the Department of Processing Technology constitutes an important part.Volvo Powertrain Production Köping lacks a standard for how savings within the metal cutting tool area are to be calculated. This makes it difficult to control and monitor their business outcome but it also causes difficulties in controlling the tool suppliers? outcome.

Riskpremie i UIP - möjlighet till cross-currency arbitrage? - en jämförande studie av ränta och växelkurs mellan Storbritannien, Tyskland och Sverige.

The thesis explores the Uncovered Interest rate Parity (UIP) and the possibility of cross-currency arbitrage between England, Germany and Sweden. The data is gathered between May 1999 and December 2005 on a monthly basis and is compared using simple regression analysis. The aim is to find out whether UIP holds and, if it does not, a risk premium exists that makes it possible to make arbitrage gains on moving capital between England, Germany and Sweden. It is discovered that UIP does not hold and that cross-currency arbitrage possibilities exist. In the end a an attempt is made to practically show how the arbitrage possibility could be used for a real investor to make risk free gains from the Foreign Exchange market..

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