

10029 Uppsatser om Texture-based rendering - Sida 19 av 669

Med samtidsperspektiv på äldre konst : en fallstudie av utställningen "Queer: begär, makt och identitet"

The aim of this essay is to study how older art can be used to illustrate our contemporary society with a critical view and also to contribute to the discussion of for what reason we keep our public collections.My essay is based on a case study of the 2008 summer exhibition ?Queer: desire, power and identity? at Nationalmuseum. The exhibition used art from different eras to show how the ideals, norms of gender, and how the symbols for power have changed throughout history. It also reveals how certain art or artists have been excluded from art history due to their sexual orientation.This study is based on three questions:-          How can older art be used to illustrate a to our society contemporary theme?-          How can a public museum make an exhibition with a clear and active message?-          How can a clear and potentially sensitive message be shown without risking to be provocative towards either the visitors or the person(s) it is about.My material is based on the exhibition, the work material from the museum, protocols, photographs, exhibition texts, and interviews with the creators of the exhibition.

Avloppsrening med relining.

There are many elderly buildings, particularly those constructed during the million program, in need of renovations and plumbing replacement. An alternative to the traditional plumbing replacement is the relatively new and untested technique called relining. The purpose of the study is to thoroughly investigate the different types of relining that are currently available on the market to help enhance Peab?s knowledge before purchasing relining services. The theoretical part of this report is based on relevant information provided from companies, previous studies, investigations and reports within the area.

Webbauktionssystem för studenter vid LIU

The purpose of this thesis is to describe the work process and the results of our work with developing a web based auction system for students at Linköpings University. The present options open for students to sell objects within the University is limited to a billboard that doesn?t support bidding. Because of that a system was developed to offer an environment where they could present there objects and let demand set the final price level. A new function in this process is the option of alternate ways to end an auction with the intention of eliminating some of the problems that exists within the currently available web based auction systems with last second biding..

?Vi och dem?? : En kvalitativ studie av hur etnicitet skildras i åtta samtida svenska bilderböcker

The aim of this Master?s thesis is to investigate how contemporary Swedish picture-books describe ethnicity. The analysis is based upon eight books that were published during the period 1996 to 2006. The thesis is based upon a qualitative content analysis and a model of analysis that has been constructed with inspiration from Maria Nikolajeva and Pil Dahlerup and their conceptions of analyzing literature. The study?s theoretical framework is primarily based on the sociology of literature and the perspective of the society in literature.

Lagafors CPU : Chemical Production Unit

This dissertation is performed at the request of Lagafors AB who develops and manufactures stationery and mobile hygiene solutions for companies in the food- processing industry. The objective of this dissertation is to develop and construct a new, cost efficient cleaning station based on an innovative technology.The technique is based on serially connected dosing pumps which allow the customer to work with concentrated detergents. This leads to serious reduction in the clients use expenses. Two units have been developed with this technique, one that is stationary and one that is mobile.The dissertation has led to good results which resulted in the sale of the first stationary unit of the Lagafors CPU before the end of this dissertation. .

Gallringsprioritering av contortabestånd :

Extensive planting of the tree species lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta var. latifolia) during the 1970s and 80s has resulted in large areas now being available for commercial thinning. However, the varying quality of the stands creates a problem. The purpose of this study was to investigate, at the Torsby district of the Stora Enso forest company, how well the present computer records of the stands correspond to reality and determine which stands are, from a qualitative perspective, suited for timber production. Finding variables that indicate better stands would give Stora Enso the possibility of selecting qualitative stands which are more profitable to thin. The study included 32 stands containing at least 70 % Pinus contorta.

Ja just de, så har vi det här med miljön också. En kvalitativ studie om miljömålssystemets svårigheter

The goal and purpose of this essay is to study if and how multimodality is used within a Swedish school in Kalmar. This is accomplished by observing the different modalities inside the classroom and how the use of different modalities affects the teaching. Unstructured observations combined with a material-based thematic presentation leads up to an analysis based on social semiotics and multimodality. The essay shows how the teaching uses lots of modalities: sound, images, movies, speeches and literary text in lots of different ways. These different types of modalities are used in a multimodal context, providing good conditions for learning..

Utveckling av modellbaserad reglering i kommersiella styrsystem

In industrial control systems PID-control remains the prevalent strategy, also for processes that would benefit from model based control. The purpose of this thesis is to evaluate whether model based control can be readily implemented in an industrial control system. To this end a simulated surge tank with a simulated industrial control system is studied. For evaluation two scenarios with specified objectives are selected.Following a review of LQR and versions of MPC, Predictive Functional Control (PFC) is considered the most suitable for implementation. PFC is a form of MPC developed with industrial applications in mind and therefore has several advantages for implementation in an industrial control system.

Den stygga trädgården : En sinnlig tolkningsansats med utgångspunkt i Helen Chadwicks Cacao och Bad Blooms

The purpose of this essay is to discuss what a sensual interpretation of art is and what it should include. The discussion is based on an attempt to do a sensual interpretation of the Greek-British artist Helen Chadwick?s Cacao and Wreaths to Pleasure. Chadwick was an artist working with well-known materials in new and unexpected ways. An interpretation of her works should include the fact that her art affect us on different levels, both intellectually and sensually.

Mellanförskap - svenskhet, ursprung och invandrarskap

The aim for this study was to examine betweenship as a phenomenon by focusing on identity. There is not very much research done on betweenship. I have used a qualitative phenomenological approach, based on four qualitative interviews. The four interviewees were all experiencing betweenship. To analyze their stories I used two theoretical frameworks; identity and affinity groups.

In-situ audiometri ? Vägen mot rätt förstärkning?

This study investigated whether in-situ audiometry, delivered via hearing aids, is a better option as a basis forprescribing hearing aid amplification, compared to conventional audiometry. By examining the real ear insertgain (REIG) in 29 ears (18 subjects), that had been fitted with a hearing aid programmed using both conventionalaudiometry and in-situ audiometry, the study looked at whether in-situ audiometry based prescription is closer tothe NAL NL1's fitting target than audiogram based prescription. The hearing aid Siemens Pure 7mi with speakerunit M was used on all participants. The results showed how in-situ audiometry based gain at certain frequenciesis more consistent with the target curve, especially at 1000, 1500, 2000 and 4000 Hz. It was not establishedwhether the findings of the study were statistically significant.

"...att kunna studsa in när det händer någonting..." Kuratorers arbete med och samverkan kring elever med ADHD

The purpose of this essay is to study seven different school counsellors? way of working and collaborating with students with an ADHD diagnosis. The informants we met come from different high schools in southern Sweden. The study is based on a qualitative approach and the primary knowledge was established through semi-structured interviews. The secondary knowledge is accounted for the form of previous research and theories.

"Integration of VBM and BSC. The perfect match?"

Syftet är att beskriva och analysera VBM ochBSC samt diskutera möjligheten att integreradessa. Studien bygger på en kvalitativ metod därteoretiska begrepp inom Value BasedManagement och Balanced Scorecard analyserasoch jämförs med empiriska undersökningar iform av intervjuer. Kombinationen av VBM och BSC resulterar i ett lämpligt styrverktyg för många företag. Det är ingen perfekt kombination. Koncepten kompletterar dock varandra och ger en mer heltäckande bild av företagets verksamhet och strategiska möjligheter..

Kravanalys och arkitekturell design av en budgetplaneringsapplikation

This thesis presents the theory behind prototyping and user interviews as parts of requirements analysis. It further discusses how these were used in the development of a budget planning application. The implemented Web-based solution uses a new component-based design rooted in a Model-View-Controller architecture. The application is used today with complete success at the Department of Computer and Information Science at Linköping University..

Testverktyg för ett automatiserat system

Most often when developing a new system there is a need get a functioning testtool up and running. Including time, cost and resources the solution isn?t always obvious, developing your own or buy one ?of the shelf?. The purpose of this thesis is to study how a general testtool for executing functional tests should be designed to be reusable, be based on recognized knowledge and be able to fast and simple be customized for different types of systems. Key functions from the litterature is presented and used in the design of a testtool prototype.

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