

6058 Uppsatser om Text-picture integration - Sida 3 av 404

"Skippar prinsessböcker med happy ending" : En kvalitativ studie av genus i fem bilderböcker och fem förskolepedagogers uppfattningar om genus i bilderböcker

The aim of my thesis was to examine if educators need to be critical of what they read to the children from a gender perspective. I examined how picture books depict gender and if the books enhances or breaks perception of gender roles. I also examined educator?s perception of gender and if they think picture books can affect children?s perceptions of gender, but also what educators think about gender equality through picture books. The study is based on analysis of five picture books and interview with five educators.The results of analyzes showed that picture books are stereotyped and enhances perceptions of gender roles.

Applikationsutveckling baserad på mobilkameran

Mobile application demands a lot of attending to the program code. There are lots of different development platforms that can be used for development. Not only for the specific operating system there are also lots of different cross-platforms that should minimize the amount of program code. This report is comparing the way of creating an android application in the cross platform Xamarin versus in the platform Eclipse using the Android plugin. It contains a part about the architecture of Android and its functions.

Fritid - en väg till integration : en studie av praktiskt, lokalt integrationsarbete

According to our apprehension, work of integration is commonly considered managed in the main best through the labour market. Since this path is not available to everybody we wanted to find out how work of integration also can be practised in other areas. The purpose of this paper is to, with focus on children and youth, find out and analyze in what way the people working locally in residential areas and in associations, reflects around integration in general and within their own business, plus in what way they pursue local work of integration practically. The method we have used is qualitative, with unstructured, individual interviews. Our seven respondents within local authority, church and sport clubs, have told us about their work from a perspective of integration.

Ungdomar och social integration i Malmö: En kvantitativ och kvalitativ studie om ungdomars upplevelser av och syn på social integration i deras vardag

This paper examines, through questionnaire, how young students in upper secondary school in Malmo experience social integration. It also contain what they think should be done in order to improve the integration between youth that are ethnic Swedish and youth that have a foreign background. To understand the subject we started with a review over Swedish integration politic and its influence over Malmo and social integration in the country. We have used such theoretical starting points as identity and ethnicity in relations to the social surroundings, social affinity theory and flexible mindedness, making of groups among youth and factors to promote social integration. Our conclusion is that the experience of social integration between the two groups depends on how you experience yourself.

Multimedia eller inte multimedia, det är frågan.

Is it possible, and suitable, to use multimedia in classic literature studies at Swedish upper secondary school? What alternatives are there?  Is there any foundation in the curriculum for an expanded conception of text as in multimedia?  Will the conception literacy support use of multimedia in classic literature studies, and in what ways? How do we generally look upon the definition text, is it only printed letters, or something more? To get an answer to the questions we decided to examine a number of theories, Gardner?s theory about the different intelligences, the conception literacy and the expanded text concept. In these three theories we took our starting-point for the following work. The main subjects became two interactive sights on Internet and one CD-ROM, all containing classic literature. Our previous knowledge in this subject field was very meager.  This work has given us an opportunity to discover some of the multimedia that is available, and the result we have come to is that multimedia absolutely belongs in studies of classic literature as well as in other subjects.

Bilderboken i förskolan En fokusgruppstudie av kanonprocessen

The aim of this masters thesis is to examine the picture book canonization process in pre-schools. To succeed in this I have examined what pre-school staff believe to be the criteria of a good picture book. Together with an observation of the pre-schools current collection, other factors which can influence the collection of the picture book are included. This constitutes the foundation for a description of the pre-school picture book canon. To pursue this goal, I have used the methodology of focus group interviews with staff from two pre-schools in a middle-sized town.

Låt oss tala om integration : En studie av folkbibliotekariers syn på integrationsfrämjande arbete

Social exclusion is a problem in today?s society that we feel public libraries can help resolve since they are based on the idea of equality and openness. The purpose of this essay is to examine how public librarians think and reason about the concept ?integration? as well as what role public libraries can play in immigrants? integration process. With Jose Alberto Diaz? theory on the integration process, and Marianne Andersson and Dorte Skot-Hansen?s model for analysis of the local library profile as theoretical framework, we analyzed the responses from two qualitative interviews in small groups of 2-3 librarians from two different public libraries.

Skriftligt och muntligt berättande hos vuxna i åldern 30-80 år: påverkar ålder berättande?

This study aimed to investigate written and oral narrative in adults. The participants consisted of 30 subjects aged 32-79 years. They produced one picture elicited and one free narrative, both written and orally. The written narratives were recorded in a keystroke logging program and the oral narratives were transcribed orthographically. Data from all the narratives were analyzed according to: number of words, words/minute, active writing time, total process time, number of characters and number of characters in the final text.

Inkludering på olika villkor : En dokumentstudie av aktuella politiska diskurser om integration

The purpose of this essay is to examine the Swedish governments discourse on integration of immigrants and thereby examine what social reality it constructs. The aim is to examine how integration and immigrants are constructed within the discourse. The method and theory being used in this essay is discourse theory. As a methodological instrument we use the policy on functional impairment as a comparison. The material being analyzed in this essay is political documents on the strategy on integration policy and the strategy on the policy of functional impairment.

Ungas syn på integration : En kvalitativ studie om invandrarungdomars syn på integration

The aim of this essay was to acquire an enhanced knowledge about young immigrants? point of view of integration. During a former practical training semester I became interested in what the young immigrants thought about their own integration, what their conception was about this issue. I found that it had different meaning to different persons, to some it meant assimilation, to others it meant being able to interact with the opposite gender. To examine this I used interviews and interviewed an amount of young immigrants in different stages of their studies in Swedish.

En känsla av att födas på nytt : - En studie baserad på sex bosniska flyktingars upplevelse av integration i det svenska samhället

The study involves six Bosnian refugees experience of integration into Swedish society.The purpose of this study is, through the use of a qualitative method, to get an understanding of what the integration process in the Swedish society has been like for six Bosnian refugees.. These refugees fled from the war in former Yugoslavia and came to Sweden between the years 1992-1995. The country who was once called Yugoslavia is currently divided into six republics comprising, Bosnia-Hercegovina, Croatia, Slovenia, Montenegro, Macedonia and Serbia, with its provinces, Vojvodina and Kosovo. The main focus of the study has been in the respondent?s thoughts and experiences of integration into Swedish society.

"Men där kommer en liten skitig lastbil med flaket fullt av lådor. Det är Mehmet som kör" : En kvalitativ textanalytisk undersökning om hur den etniska mångfalden skildras i nio bilderböcker från 2010

In Sweden exist a Swedish institute for children?s book which is a national information center. They have an annual "Book tasting" where they present statistics and trends from the latest publications of literature for youth and children.In their ?book tasting?? from 2010 a number of picture books had, as they say, children who descend from non-Swedish culture (Swedish institute for children?s book, 2010). The aim of this thesis is to investigate how the ethnical diversity describes in these picture books from 2010. To understand how the ethnical diversity describes in these books I had two questions which helped me in my research.

Sverige och smygrasismen : En retorisk analys av ämnena integration och invandring i svensk press

The purpose of this study was to investigate how three Swedish news publications writes about integration and immigrants. The news articles were analyzed with a rhetorical analysis. The method was supplemented with theories of media and ethnicity, agenda setting theory and gatekeeping theory. This study resulted in the conclusion that racist discourses are found in the three news publications, regardless of political color, writer or article genre. Many of the articles makes a clear division of "us and them", where "them" is defined by the text's "us", who are often Swedes.

Vem ska integreras och hur? En diskursanalys kring hur integration konstrueras då den kopplas till invandrare kontra då den kopplas till nationella minoritetsgrupper

In Sweden there is an integration policy and a policy for national minorities. The integration policy aims to integrate newly arrived immigrants (nyanlända invandrare), whereas the minority policy aims to maintain and strengthen the rights of the national minorities. The national minorities are though, at times, included into the integration policy, even though they hold a minority status in Sweden. This paper aims to, through discourse analysis, investigate the research question: ?how is the content of integration referred to, when it is related to immigrants, contra when it is related to national minorities?.

Integration eller återvändande? -Tillämpningen av tidsbegränsade uppehållstillstånd på bosnienkroatiska asylsökande i Sverige

Uppsatsen behandlar det motsägelsefulla flyktingmottagandet den bosnienkroatiska flyktinggruppen fick 1995, vilket resulterade i 5 års väntan på permanent uppehållstillstånd. De omfattades av både integration och återvändande samtidigt och fokus har lagts i uppsatsen på resultaten och upplevelse av integration idag. Till grund för uppsatsen ligger dessutom ett antal intervjuer med bosnienkroater och berörda tjänstemän..

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