

301 Uppsatser om Testicular disorders - Sida 7 av 21

Samband mellan högre språkliga förmågor och fonologiskt arbetsminne hos vuxna

This study investigated relationships between high level language functions and phonological working memory in adults by correlating results oftests in a test battery used for investigating subtle language disorders and digit span task results. Results of two digit span tasks were analyzed in relation to demographic factors. 103 subjects without neurological disease, 20 ? 79 years old, participated. Significant correlations were found between the digit span tasks and most of the tests.

Kommunikation och lek i träningsskolan : Lärares syn på lek som pedagogisk metod i undervisningen för elever med diagnosen autismspektrumtillstånd.

AbstractThe purpose of this study is to investigate teachers? views on play as a method for developing pupil?s communication and interaction in schools for children with severe learning disabilities. I am interested in pupils with autism spectrum disorder and their opportunities for social interaction with peers in playful activities. I focus on the subject communication and the parts about speech, conversation and interaction. My study is based on a qualitative study.

"Är jag smal så blir jag lycklig." : En kvalitativ studie om hur behandlingspersonal reflekterar kring sociala påverkansfaktorer till ätstörningar

The background of the study consists of the fact that knowledge about how eating disorders are developed and maintained is extensive. Socio-cultural factors and media influence when developing an eating disorder is of significance. When reviewing literature and previous research, knowledge about practical attainments when treating eating disorders are insufficient. The aim of the study was therefore to examine how staff who treats eating disordered patients think about body ideals, strive for success and media influence in treatment and rehabilitation. The theory consists of Foucault?s theory of power, how beauty ideals are dependent of the cultural context in which we live and what qualities are associated with beauty and body ideals.

Grundskollärares uppfattning om integrering av elever med Asperger syndrom

AbstractThe purpose for this essay has been to illuminate some teachers opinions of integration of students with Aspergers syndrom in the compulsory school, then compare it with the statue documents and see similarities and differences.The studie has been of a quality character, based on quality intervjues to get the teachers understanding at a deeper level. The questions in the intervju are based on open questions with purpose not to control the person during the intervju.The most obvious result which was that it appered two perspective of integration of students with Aspergers syndrom. One in the short run and one in the long run.In the long run it was the integration of the individual into the society and in the short run integration in school.For the perspective in the long run, the opinions from the teachers in compulsory school is good corresponding to the statue documents, that the integration is necessary for our democratic and human values that our sociaty are based on.In the short run, during the years when the students are in school, it came out great difficulties to integrate children with Aspergers syndrom. To proceed an integration that works out for the students, the teachers took site from the individual and not from the society. If we do not look at integration from an individual base we are probably not going to succeed to integrate in society.Searchwords: Aspergers syndrom, neuropsychiatric funktional disorders, integration, inclusion, segregation..

Självmord : en forskningsöversikt

Suicide is the ultimate outcome of mental illness and is a big and serious problem in society. About 1500 persons commit every year suicide in Sweden and many more engage in suicidal behaviour. This review aims at, from research studies from the 21th century, find out the knowledge of riskfactors regarding the risk for committing suicide among adolescents. The research questions are: What does research say, from a psychobiological perspective, about riskfactors among adolescents regarding the risk for suicidal behaviour? How much does genetic factors have an effect on the risk for suicidal behaviour among adolescents? and : What is the importance of environmental factors such as family connections, friends and school environment concerning suicidal thoughts among adolescents?The method that is used in order to answer these questions is a researchreview including ten research-studies.

Arbetsmiljö för djursjukskötare på ett smådjurssjukhus : inriktat på belastningsergonomi

Purpose: The aim of this study was to observe and describe the work environment of veterinary nurses, focused on fysical ergonomics, in a Small Animal hospital. Method: An observational study was made in the stationary ward in an animal hospital. The observation was based on a checklist from the Swedish Work Environment Authority. Six veterinary nurses was observed over three hours when they nursed the patients. The checklist contained paragraphs concerning work postures, manuell work, knowledge, competence and the design of the workplace. Result: The results was divided into three categories; red, yellow and green.

Sjuksköterskans upplevelser av patienter med psykossjukdom och deras delaktighet i den psykiatriska öppenvården

Several studies show that the clinical reality in psychiatric care does not correspond to the demand of consumer participation from a variety of policy documents that has been produced recently. Studies also show that there is a lot to do in improving, patients with sever mental illness, becoming more involved in their own care. The nurse has a central role in this work. The Norwegian nursing theorist Jan-Ka?re Hummelvolls holistic, existentialistic model for psychiatric nursing were used as theoretical ground.The aim of this study was to examine how nurses in psychiatric outpatient units, caring for patients with psychotic disorders, experiences consumer participation.Qualitative phenomenological method was used.

Arbetsmiljö i stora mjölkkobesättningar :

Earlier studies have shown that musculoskeletal disorders among animal keepers are more frequent than in other occupations. Most of the farms have expanded and the farmers who used to work alone have suddenly become a work manager with several employers. There are only a few studies made on the work environment in dairy farms. Our study is based on a questionnaire and is a part of a project called large dairy herds. The study is based on data from the persons who milk most of the time. The questions they had to answer were about the work environment, musculoskeletal disorders and the psychosocial environment. The results of the survey are presented in diagrams and figures. It was common that the dairy producer themselves answered the questionnaire.

Översättning och validering av pVHI : för barn 6 till 10 år

Studies indicate that between 6-9% of all children has some type of voice problems. Voice problems in children may have different etiology and can affect all ages. In Sweden, there is a lack of a standardized questionnaire addressed to children with voice problems and their legal guardians. The purpose of this study was to translate and validate the Pediatric Voice Handicap Index (pVHI) in Swedish children aged 6 to 10 years. The study was carried out through an internet-based assessment form for children referred to speech and language pathologist/ phoniatrican due to voice disorders in Sweden and a matched control group of children without voice problems.

Så är det inte längre : Närståendes vardag efter patient- och närståendeutbildning vid bipolär sjukdom

Several studies show that the clinical reality in psychiatric care does not correspond to the demand of consumer participation from a variety of policy documents that has been produced recently. Studies also show that there is a lot to do in improving, patients with sever mental illness, becoming more involved in their own care. The nurse has a central role in this work. The Norwegian nursing theorist Jan-Ka?re Hummelvolls holistic, existentialistic model for psychiatric nursing were used as theoretical ground.The aim of this study was to examine how nurses in psychiatric outpatient units, caring for patients with psychotic disorders, experiences consumer participation.Qualitative phenomenological method was used.

Självskadebeteende och riskbeteende för ätstörningar hos tonåringar: förekomst, samband och intervention med expressivt skrivande

The purpose of the present essay, as part of the project Self esteem and Life circumstances among teenagers, was to investigate the rate of both deliberate self-harm (DSH) and risk behaviour related to eating disorders in 14-year-old swedish adolescents, gender differences in DSH, and possible correlations between DSH and risk behaviours related to eating disorder. In addition, the effects of expressive writing (Pennebaker & Beall, 1986) on DSH and risk behaviours related to eating disorders were investigated. Data from two pilot studies are included. In total, 198 14-year-olds from four different schools in southern Sweden participated. For the purpose of measuring the rate of DSH, a simplified version of Gratz's (2001) Deliberate Self-Harm Inventory (DSHI) was used.

Upprördhetens betydelser : Diskursanalys av en känslosam riksdagsdebatt

Today there are many students with behavioral and developmental disorders in schools. One of these disorders is ADHD. The medical designation ADHD stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. I have chosen to research how two students with ADHD can be included in a fifth grade classroom.This research paper addresses the issues surrounding the student?s day-to-day life with a focus on the classroom.

En retrospektiv epidemiologisk studie om hudproblem på dobermann :

It is a well known fact today that suffering due to skin disorders is one of the most common causes to veterinary calls. For the Doberman breed included in the group of working dogs, the frequency and distribution of the different skinrelated diagnoses that causes visits to the veterinary clinics remains undocumented. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the frequency of skinrelated problems causing veterinary visits of Doberman at four different veterinaryclinics in Sweden retrospectively, and compare these results with dogs in general and three other working dog breeds with the help of information collected from Agria - a Swedish animal insurance company. The total amount of veterinary calls that were registered at the clinics in question during the time of the study was 2460 visits. From these, 658 visits were due to skinrelated disorders, which amount to 27%. The most frequent cause to skinsuffering was injury caused by trauma, 15,7% of the Dobermans that were included in the study were affected, the second most frequent cause was inflammatory and infectious skin problems with 12,3% followed by neoplastic changes in the skin with 7% of the Dobermans affected.

Kroppsideal hos unga kvinnor i åldern 15-25 år : En kvalitativ studie av unga kvinnors syn på kroppsideal

In this essay, I have interviewed six young women about their views on body image and how their views are affected by their surroundings, massmedia and social media. Also the relationship between body image and eating disorders is relevant in this context and has a part in the study. The purpose of this study is to build an understanding of how young women relate to the body ideal that exists around them. Theoretical auxiliary tools used are George Herbert Mead's theory of the generalized other, Erving Goffman's theory of dramaturgical perspective and impression management, and Du Bois's theory of double consciousness. I have also used two scientific articles to get a deeper understanding of the subject.

Om patientföreningar och kunskapens kärna En kritisk realistisk studie av patientföreningar, diagnoser och vetenskap

Aims: Patient associations have been around for some time and research has shown that such associations can influence society, politics and how diagnoses are thought of. This study is a comparative analysis of two patient associations in Sweden. The first association called Attention represents people diagnosed with neuropsychiatric disorders such as ADHD. The other association called RSMH represents people diagnosed with mental illness such as depression. The aim of this study is to explore the social and political agenda of these associations and to explain their relation to biological, psychological and social models of explanation.Method and theory: The method used was a qualitative document analysis using documents produced by the associations themselves as well as documents from media and politics.

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