2216 Uppsatser om Television culture - Sida 27 av 148
Underbart är kort?: En utvärdering av reklam- och upplevelseeffektivitet vid reducerad reklamtäthet i TV
The high and seemingly increasing degree of consumer avoidance and disliking of television advertising breaks should raise many questions for commercially financed television networks as it can be argued that benefits sought by both viewers [seeking a fulfilling viewing experience] and advertisers [seeking advertising effectiveness] are eroded by this effect. This thesis studies effects on advertising effectiveness [RecallBRAND; AttitudeBRAND; AttitudeAD] as well as on the viewing experience [SatisfactionPROGRAM/CHANNEL; Attitude PROGRAM/CHANNEL; IntentionPROGRAM/CHANNEL] given a reduced degree of advertising clutter. By conducting an experiment two breaks are compared, one having the standard primetime nonprogram time units (5 min and 30 sec *3?16minutes/hour) and the other the standard nonprogram content cut in half (2.45 min *3 ?8min /hour).Results show that the reduced breaks award advertisers with higher commercial effectiveness. Measures of RecallBRAND demonstrates no differences between the standard and the reduced break, implying a significantly increased likelihood to be recalled and an equivalently lowered risk to be forgotten in the reduced break.
?Kultur är läkande, verkligen? ? En fallstudie av sjukhusbibliotekariers arbete med ungdomar
The main purpose of this thesis was to examine how hospital librarians worked with young people at a children?s and young people?s hospital in Sweden. We wanted to see how they promoted their health with culture and cultural means such as book trolleys. We did a case study, and made three qualitative interviews with the hospital librarians. The purpose was also to find out what the hospital librarians thought of young peoples.
Mata inte trollen : En studie i marknadskommunikation och internetkultur
Social media provides, as many points out, new possibilities for marketing. Marketing in social media requires a two way communication, rather than the traditional marketing where the communication model is typically sender ? receiver.To create a marketing campaign that is suitable for a two way communication model has its difficulties and risks as well as its opportunities. Opportunities in the sense that the campaign can become a viral, a Word of mouth and create a Buzz, which will reach potential customers, to a bigger quantity for lower costs, with a message that will make a different impact from the types of commercial messages we are used to. Risks in the sense that the message, if not properly aimed and phrased, can be turned overnight into something that humiliates the company and possibly harm its brand.The difficulties in creating such a campaign is to create something that will catch people?s attention, discuss and forward it, while at the same time avoid getting hurt.We aim to describe the internet from a cultural context, and from that point of view explore the types of misunderstandings which often seem to happen when a corporate message is created and sent out in social media, how to avoid putting the image of a company in danger when doing this, and examine if there is ways to know how the message will be received.
?Tolkien himself would be proud? - En studie av fansens deltagande i expanderanderingen av en fiktiv värld
This essay examines fans contributions in a transmedia culture. I examine how fans relate and use the fictional worlds in the creations of their own films. The study focusing on the use of graphical elements and character design in some fan films. The examination is done by using two intertextual theories. One of the theory is Lubomir Dolezel theory on transfictional relationships and the other one is Gérad Genette theory on the realtion in transtextuality.
Doktoranders förhållningssätt till Open Access: En studie av epistemiska kulturers betydelse för doktoranders tankar kring vetenskaplig publicering
The aim of this bachelor-thesis is to study how postgraduates approach open access during times of change within scholarly communication. Our theoretical framework is based upon Knorr Cetinas epistemic cultures and Cullen & Chawners theory that there is a paradigmatic conflict within scholarly communication due to the fact that open access has failed to reach the same level of prominence among researchers as it has within research libraries. We interviewed six postgraduates at Malmö högskola in order to find answers to our research questions. We identified a shared epistemic culture among the postgraduates, which can be explained by the fact that being postgraduates, they all share similar experiences and values. We chose to call this epistemic culture the horizontal epistemic culture.
?On the Side of the Angels?? : Representationer av kristendomar i TV-serien Arkiv X
The X-Files (svensk titel Arkiv X) är en TV-serie som producerades mellan 1993-2002. Serien har gått till historien för att fånga tidsandan och dess postmoderna misstro mot myndigheter och intresse för nyandlighet. I ett flertal avsnitt kommer huvudpersonerna i kontakt med den kristna religionen. Uppsatsen undersöker hur olika former av kristendom gestaltas i The X-Files. Frågeställningen berör de bikaraktärer som dyker upp i serien och som kan beskrivas som representationer av kristendomar.
"democracy in doses"? - en studie kring demokrati och Egypten under Mubarak
AbstractWhy don't (some) regimes with formal democratic features undergo transition to democracy? Which are the internal dynamics of these regimes that can offer comprehension to this state of affairs? The main purpose of this thesis is to advance the above questions, and, on a lower level of abstraction, examine the case of Egypt. The Egyptian regime is characterized by, for instance, a multiparty-system, steps toward economic liberalization, and some level of persistent state opposition, and has been considered on the way to liberal democracy, but can still hardly be estimated as such.Thus, the thesis takes part in a theoretical framework on democratization, and further analyzes the case of Egypt on grounds of socioeconomic development, political culture, and class configuration. By this contextual approach, the thesis adduces that a low level of modernization, an incomplete democratic political culture, and a bourgeoisie supported by the state are impending significant factors. The thesis additionally remarks on the interconnection of the adopted theories, and discusses a potential need for new theoretical propositionsA secondary aim of the thesis also gives some insights into the concurrence of regime stability and the absence of democracy in, what often could be labelled, authoritarian regimes.
En fallstudie av normativ kontroll på ett telemarketingföretag : En diskursanalytisk studie av etik som motiv till övervakning och styrning
The strive for control over employees has developed throughout the years. This paper has its focus on how normative control can work as a powerful method to create and uphold a sought for behavior. Many companies have found an interest in a higher moral stance to get competitive advantages, and offer their customers and partners a more ethical product. This phenomenon has in Sweden resulted in a sphere of companies who has earned the R-licens. The R-licens is earned by companies if they fulfill ethical and cultural criteria.
Getting well by getting together : how organizational culture influence auditors? well-being
På senare år har sjukskrivningarna i Sverige ökat på grund av arbetsrelaterad stress, vilket tros bero på den ökade stressen i dagens samhälle. Forskning visar att arbetsrelaterad stress ofta drabbar individer som har kontakt med och ansvarar för människor. Det kan bero på att tidigare forskning inom well-being, välmående, främst har riktats mot läkarkåren. Eftersom revisorer, precis som läkare, anses vara en profession av många, finns det incitament att även studera revisorers well-being. Tidigare forskning har påvisat att organisationskulturen både kan ha en positiv och en negativ inverkan på en individs well-being, vilket medför att vi har valt att studera hur olika organisationskulturer inom revisionsbyråer påverkar revisorns wellbeing.Genom att i ett första skede genomföra pilotintervjuer med revisorsassistenter, har detta gett oss en god inblick i deras arbetssituation, vilket har bistått oss i utformandet av en enkät.
Public service och tvåspråkigheten : en studie av tablåutvecklingen i Finlands Svenska Television (FST) 1986-2011
Det politiska uppdraget för Public Service Broadcasting (PSB) i Finland är att bedriva programverksamhet som erbjuder ett mångsidigt utbud av fakta, åsikter och diskussion samt utveckla inhemsk konst, kultur och stimulerande underhållning. Yle ska behandla den finskspråkiga och den svenskspråkiga befolkningen på lika grunder. Under många år samsände Yles svenska och finska verksamhet. Först 2001 fick de svenskspråkiga programmen en egen kanal, FST5 och från den 1 september 2011 delar Sveriges Televisions utlandskanal SVT World kanalplats med FST5. Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka hur det svenskspråkiga programutbudet i Yle utvecklats mellan 1986 och 2011 med utgångspunkt från public serviceuppdraget.
Kultur för äldre på Sannerudshemmet : En fallstudie av ett äldreboendes arbete med kultur och hälsa
The Swedish government published their current proposition concerning cultural politics,Tid för kultur in 2009. Due to this proposition, culture is considered a basic human right we all deserve to be provided with. It contained goals and guidelines for how to enable culture to all citizens, to integrate and enrich the state, the county councils? and municipalities? work with diversity and multi culture in their culture-based institutes. However, there seems to be a lack of strategies in the issue of how to provide our nondependent elderly, suffering age related handicaps and diseases, with this proclaimed necessity.In recent years, there has been a lot of research proving the link between human wellbeing and a stimulating environment.
En del av spelet : En studie av fotbollsdomarnas tillvaro i Gästrikland
There is a clear difference between the way football players and leaders regard the role of the referee, compared to the way the refereeing body looks at it. The refereeing body regard themselves as fundamental for the existence of the sport, while the other mentioned parties merely see them as functional justice makers. This view places the referees outside the field of football. This establishes a football culture, which is conflicted when it comes to the role of the referees on the field. The conflict comes to its edge in youth football, where the referees are under severe pressure.
En analys av en mattestuga : - elever med matematiksvårigheter
Mergers between companies has become more and more common in Sweden and in the rest of the world with the motive to increase the competitive strength in the current markets and has an important role within organisational development of companies. When organisations merger there is not only buildings and objects that are put together but also their individual organisational structures, people, values and cultures. This can be a difficult process and can affect many people in how they think conscious as well as unconscious, feel and react.The purpose of this thesis is to gain a deeper understanding of how employees are affected following a merger when changes in the organisational culture come up, and how these changes are expressed.This thesis is delimited to investigate only one company, Skruf Snus AB and only focus on their business and employees in the region of Stockholm. The thesis contains a qualitative investigation with semi structured interviews that has been carried out with eight employees at Skruf Snus AB. The thesis is partly based on a model of Schein which describes the different levels in organisational culture and partly on some theories about reactions to change in relation to the integration between the employees following a merger.The results of the investigation indicate that with a merger the whole organisational culture is affected and therefore also the employees.
Uppfattningar om Futsal : En studie om futsal och etablering av idrott
Jonas, Buhr & David Nordin. (2011). Uppfattningar om futsal ? En studie om futsal och etablering avidrott (Opinions on futsal ? A study on futsal and establishing of sport) Bachelor Essay in Swedish.Umea: Umea university, Department of Education.AbstractThe study is based on an assignment from Vasterbotten Football Association that because of poorparticipation in futsal activities wants to find out what clubs, the coaches and players in Vasterbottenthink of futsal. The aim is to find out the opinions on futsal and what these opinions are based on.
Blixten & Ida, två elever med synnedsättning möter läs- & skriftspråket
By studying recent literature and following current research we know that language awareness and a rich language is important to all children when learning reading and writing and that decoding and understanding of the words are the fundamental processes in reading. How do pupils with visual impairment learn how to read and write? What strategies do they use in their contacts with reading and writing? What are the advantages do pupils with visual impairment have when learning to read and write? These questions have been the starting points in a study we have done by following two pupils with visual impairment. By meeting and discussing with the children, their parents, teachers, and lowvisiontherapists we have got a deeper knowledge in how these children meet the language in reading and writing. We have also come to an understanding regarding people surrounding the children have to make reading and writing comprehensive, enjoying, and meaningful.The problem for a child with visual impairment is the decoding, to catch letters and pictures of words good enough with the sight.