

3175 Uppsatser om Telephone survey - Sida 43 av 212

PION Patientinformation on-line en brukarorienterad utvärdering

During the past decade, consumer health information-centers have been developed at the hospital libraries in Sweden in order to meet the increasing demand from patients and their relatives concerning consumer health information. In 1993, the hospital libraries in Falun, Västervik and Karlstad launched a consumer health information database called PION. The aim of this Master's thesis is two-fold. My first aim is to describe and discuss the principles of user-oriented evaluation. In my attempt to convey the theoretical discussion into the everyday life of librarianship, my second and most important aim is to conduct a user-oriented evaluation of the database PION.

Frivillig revision - Vad avgör rekommendationen? : En studie ur revisorns perspektiv

Aim The aim of the thesis is to explain the factors that affect the auditor's recommendation concerning audit services to customers who are not subject to mandatory auditing.Background and problem In 2010 mandatory auditing for small companies was abolished. It is common for the auditor to provide recommendations re-garding whether or not a customer should chose to retain the audit. The question is which factors can explain the auditor's recommendation.Method and empirics This thesis uses a deductive approach with inductive elements and a combination of qualitative and quantitative data is used. The qualitative data consists of a pilot study and the quantitative data consists of a questionnaire survey. The analysis of the empirical data was performed using regression analysis.Theory This thesis applies an eclectic approach where the starting point is legitimacy, institutional theory, professional theory and decision making theory to develop a model.Results and conclusions The notion of the recommendation as well as the extent of the recommendations can be explained by factors related to the auditor's agency affiliation and the auditor's personal qualities..

Inställningen till ämnet Idrott och hälsa : En undersökning av attityder bland invandrarelever och svenska elever i grundskolan

The purpose of my work is to study what attitude pupils with immigrant background as well as native pupils have towards the subject Physical Education (PE). An other purpose with my work is to contribute in a way that all newly graduated PE teachers think of making the subject PE to a subject that all pupils regardless gender or background can get advantage of.During the whole work I compare pupils with immigrant background to native pupils and boys to girls. The reason why I compared boys to girls is that I want to study how satisfied girls are compared to boys when it has to do with the subject PE. I consider that boys take more and more space in PE lessons.The method I have used is both interviews and surveys. I chose a school in Stockholm.

Vad har det med religion att göra? : En studie om elevers och Skolverkets mål med religionskunskapsämnet

This essay examines upper secondary school pupils as well as the Swedish National Agency for Educations views on the education in subject of religion. How they describe its purpose, what content the topic should address, how the education should be implemented and what influence the pupils should have over their own studies. This to examine how the views of pupils and the Swedish National Agency of Education correlate and to analyze how it possibly can affect the pupil?s motivation. The survey is conducted by semi-forging tured interviews and text analysis in order to ascertain the pupils and the Swedish National Agency of Educations opinions on the issues.

Med kulturen som redskap : En fallstudie om kulturell representation och dess möjligheter att stärka Sverigebilden utomlands

AbstractIn the heart of Paris, you will find Sweden?s only cultural center abroad. Since the early 70?s a wealth of cultural activities has been offered, and every year the center receives more than 100,000 visitors. The center is a branch of the Swedish Institute (Si), a public authority which promotes mutual relationships between Sweden and other countries through culture, education, science and business.

Mobbning i skolan : En undersökning om elevers uppfattningar av mobbning inom ämnet idrott och hälsa 

Bullying is a serious problem for many children and youths in today?s society. Surveys have shown that more than 145 000 children and youths are concerned by the problem as a victim or as bullies. The purpose with this survey is to obtain a clear picture of the students? views of bullying in physical education and health.The main questions in this study are:·         Does bullying occur in a bigger extent within the subject physical education and health than within other subjects?·         In which elements during physical education lessons is the risk highest to be exposed to bullying?·         Are there any differences concerning the students? views of physical education in relation to what age they are. To acquire an understandable picture of bullying I have chosen to do a literature study where different kinds of definitions are presented.

Egna märkesvaror ? dagligvaruhandelns kronjuveler : En kvalitativ studie om de svenska dagligvaruhandelskedjornas förmedling av egna märkesvarors image

The four grocery chains Axfood, Bergendahls, Coop and ICA, all providing private labels, dominate the Swedish grocery market. Through private labels, it may be possible to convey an image about the grocery chain's overall brand. Furthermore, it is important that the grocery chain's employees have a fairly consistent understanding regarding the company's image to achieve success.The main purpose of this study is to examine how the intended image the Swedish grocery chains head offices will communicate through private labels is perceived among the store employees. The study intends to provide an expanded view among the grocery chains' work on internal communications regarding the image of private labels. The research method is qualitative.

Med fokus på manliga reportage :  En kartläggning och analys av Veckans reportage i Fokus 2008

The aim of this thesis was to examine what stories the Swedish periodical Fokus write about in their main reportage, "Veckans reportage", and how they express their stories. Through the survey we wanted to examine which topics, areas and actors that occurred in the texts during the year of 2008. We studied Fokus in two parts. In the first part we read every "Veckans reportage" published in 2008, which is 43 reportages, and categorized them into groups based on topics, areas and actors. The result helped us to pick two representative texts to analyse further.

Fiskevård och delning av fiske vid lantmäteriförrättningar : Studie av FBL 3 kap 8 §

AbstractThis bachelor thesis was performed at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm on behalf of the Land Survey Authority. The thesis is about fish conservation and division of fishing water at official duty. It is the Land Survey Authority that examines division of fisheries, but before a case can be implemented, certain requirements must be achieved such as FBL 3:8, which prevent divisions that are deleterious for fish conservation. The purpose of this thesis is: to obtain a clearer view how FBL 3:8 should be applied in practice, how the application differs between the offices in central Sweden, and how fish care is regulated at both international and national levels.At an international level, in EU the commercial fishery is regulated through the common fisheries policy (CFP). The fisheries policy consists of a reform that will last for 10 years.

Fans of Brands - The revival of fan clubs

Our purpose is to display the meaning of fan clubs and further reveal the potential value of fans. This study has an abductive approach with a qualitative data collection, where empirical material has been collected through a micro netnographic study along with qualitative interviews. IKEA and IKEA Family have been applied together with virtual fan clubs to study the fan club phenomenon. The study is based on prior literature concerning loyalty, customer clubs and brand relations. This theoretical framework was chosen to fulfil the purpose of unveiling the meaning of fan clubs and the potential value of fans.

Logopeders bedömning av funktionell kommunikation hos personer med afasi : En enkätstudie riktad till logopeder i Sverige

There are several different methods of assessment of functional communication in individuals with aphasia. However, these are not very established in Sweden. A number of assessment methods are not translated and adapted to Swedish. The views about what functional communication means are scattered. The purpose of this study was to, with the help of a questionnaire survey, identify how Swedish speech and language therapists assess functional communication, to what extent and what they want that an assessment method should contain to be clinically useful.The study involved 54 clinically active speech and language therapists in the area of aphasia.

Telefonrådgivning: En studie om vad som kännetecknar sjuksköterskans arbete med telefonrådgivning

Telefonrådgivning kräver ett kvalificerat handläggande där sjuksköterskan på kort tid ska kunna etablera en god vårdrelation med patienten trots att den visuella kontakten saknas. Förutom kunskaper inom medicin krävs det att telefonsjuksköterskan har en god förmåga till kommunikation och visar respekt och empati för patienten. Efterfrågan på telefonrådgivning ökar och detta ställer krav på specifik kompetens hos sjuksköterskan. Vi har därför valt att beskriva vad som kännetecknar sjuksköterskans arbete med telefonrådgivning för att få kunskap i om hur vi i vår profession kan bli bättre på att ge råd via telefon. Det har gjorts i form av en litteraturstudie med grund i analys av kvalitativa artiklar samt en kvantitativ artikel.

Segmenting online communities

Thesis purpose: The main purpose of this study is to empirically verify the applicability of Kozinets´ model on an interest, activity or lifestyle based online community, in order to develop an adaptive segmentation approach for segmenting online communities. Methodology: This research is deductive by nature, cross-sectional by design and undertakes a quantitative approach using self-completion questionnaire as a part of a web survey to collect the empirical data needed. Theoretical perspective: The main theories guiding our work and supporting the findings of this study include: market segmentation (descriptive and behavioural) and communities (consumer communities and online communities). Empirical data: A web survey with self-completion questionnaire used to gather empirical data from members of interest, activity or lifestyle based online communities. Conclusions: This study took the specific characteristics of online communities into more consideration than previous research and literature has done and also recognized that an adaptive segmentation approach is needed, depending on the communities of study.

Bibaggar i Halländska grustäkter

This report is a result of a first survey of Halland?s gravel pits as an assignment from the County Administrative Board of Halland. The focus has been on Apalus bimaculatus, since the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency are creating a restoration program as it is red listed as Near Threatened. The purpose was also to get an overview of the pits since the County Administrative Board wants to continue this project. Apalus bimaculatus is easy to overlook since it is a short-lived beetle and it lives early in the spring.

Utvärdering av prototypen för ett kollaboratorium inom biblioteks- och informationsvetenskap

This study is a formative evaluation of a prototypecollaboratory for sharing data collection instruments inlibrary and information science (LIS). The aims were to findout: how the study participants, five hospital librarians,experienced the interaction with the prototype while workingwith predetermined tasks; and their views on the differentfunctions of the prototype collaboratory.Methods used for data collection was as a survey; followedby a think-aloud session where the participant verbalisedhis/her thoughts during the interaction with the prototype;and finally a semistructured interview. The survey wasanalysed with a frequency distribution, while the data fromthe other methods were analysed qualitatively by extractingthemes from the transcribed sessions.The results show that although the librarians expresseddifferent problems while working with the interface, mainlyrelated to the language in the prototype collaboratory anddifficulties with the page for applying metadata, all of themwere confident in being able to learn the system after using itfor a while. The librarians had a positive attitude towardssharing data collection instruments as well as comments inthe prototype collaboratory. At the same time, they wereaware that students and researchers might have differentabilities or incentives to work and share information.

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