

6342 Uppsatser om Technology education - Sida 18 av 423

Matematiksvårigheter och dyskalkyli : Ur speciallärarens syn på specialpedagogik

The aim of this essay has been to surrey the perspective of view the special education teachers have on the tree concepts of special education, compensatory-, critical and dilemma perspectiveThe questions that have been covered in this study areWhat does the concept of special education means for the special teachers? What does the concept of mathematic difficulties means for the special teachers?What does the concept of the diagnostics of dyscalculia means for the special teachers?A qualitative research method has been used to answer the questions in this essay. In the purpose to get the most out of the study..

Att våga vara innovativ: En fallstudie om affärsutveckling av befintliga produkter i ett högteknologisk företag

High technology companies in Sweden spend a huge amount of money on research and product development in proportion to what they get back in earnings from their inventions. Product development has traditionally been regarded as much more important than business development. This thesis aims to point out the critical factors behind successful business development processes for high technology companies. We have chosen to make a case study of Hexagon, a highly successful and innovative company within the measurement technology business. Internal and external actors that are important for business development have been identified and interviewed in order to understand how ideas are developed and executed.

Trafikinformation via SMS

Abstract The technology has made it possible for you as a train traveller to be available in other places than stations and on the train. You now have the possibility to communicate by the phone or through the Internet to get information about the train you want to take. Development in mobile technology gives us new possibilities to communication. We want to find out whatever SMS would be a suitable approach to inform passengers about delays. The problem formulation is ?If the technology is available to inform the passengers about delays in an more effective way than today, then why not use it? The ?Kustpilen? that operates in Blekinge and Skåne is the case for our study.

Don't mention the "L"-word. En analys av biblioteks- och informationsvetenskapsutbildades karriärmöjligheter på den alternativa arbetsmarknaden.

This master's thesis is about alternative career opportunities for library and information science graduates. Ever since the beginning of our education we have been interested in working outside of the traditional libraries. Now that we are about to receive our degrees in library and information science we are doubtful if the competence we have obtained is enough to meet the demands of the labour market. The employment field we have been studying in this master's thesis is information management, since this is a field that we find comparable to library and information science. Our study involves a qualitative survey amongst recruiting companies to investigate how the recruiters value different educations, competences and personal skills when they employ staff within the field of information management.

Konstpedagogik : ett alternativt arbetssätt

This study concerns art education, and the importance of creativity in learning. The objective is to examine the use of art education in practice, and the school teacher?s position on this practice.The theoretical basis of the study is rooted in a socio-cultural perspective, and concerns the relationships between theoretical concepts as learning, knowledge and art education.The investigation is qualitative and the main research methods are participant observations and structured interviews.The group studied in this investigation consisted of five active educators, who work at different schools and make use of art-based methods in their daily work.My results show that teachers believe that art education can be used by schools as a gateway to the other subjects. Art is regarded as a form of understanding through which pupils explore their surroundings, challenge their ideas and build skills through interaction with others..

Överrapportering av patient från räddningstjänstpersonal till ambulanspersonal vid I Väntan På Ambulans (IVPA) larm : Patient Handover from local rescue services to paramedics

Introduction: Sleep is necessary for human survival. Difficulty sleeping occurs in about one in four adult person in Sweden, insomnia in every ten. There are several reasons for difficulty sleeping, where stress is one of the most common. The quality of life and health are affected negatively. Treatment with proven efficacy against insomnia is not only sleep medication, but also cognitive behavioral therapy, CBT.

Tingsryds Travbana

Our bachelor thesis is a visualisation made in 3D-graphics of how the horserace track in Tingsryd perhaps will look like in the future, complete with a miletrack, steeplechase, and other horserace courses. Today, the race track is only in it?s building phase. The inner field-group in Tingsryd needed presentation material to show their eventual sponsors, so they contacted us at Media Technology, and we instantly decided to give their idea a try..

Utomhuspedagogik : Pedagogers tankar och uppfattningar om utomhuspedagogik

Through a quantitative examination, 26 pedagogies in the pre-school activity answered a few questions in an enquiry about outdoor education. The purpose with this examination was to find out what pedagogies think and apprehend about outdoor education, and also if the "education plan" is in their minds during outdoor activities and if they see them self´s as competent in nature studies. They have also answered questions whether they think that they have good outdoor environment that stimulates children´s development and learning and if there´s any forest that they visit on regular basis.The pedagogies think that during time spent outdoor, it´s the motor skills that are best developed. All of the pedagogies mentioned above think that they need to get more educated in nature studies and also that pedagogies attitude towards time spent outdoors affect the children. They do not think about the goals and intentions of the "educations plan" all the time.

Brytningstid i Internkommunikationen? : vilken roll har Intranät och e-post i organisationers kommunikation?

Having a functioning internal communication is necessary for the survival and existence of every company. Traditional communication channels are for example meetings, noteboards and personnel newspapers. During the last ten years we have witnessed an explosion of new channels, who are based on information technology. IT is a natural part in new IT-companies, like Framfab and Icon Medialab, but what role does IT have in a large, manufacturing company with a long history? The purpose with this thesis is to investigate how IT has influenced the internal communication in a company.

Socionomprogrammet- en praktik inom forskningsyrket?

Social work has gone from being a primarily philanthropic issue to becoming an academic discipline at university level. To ensure its legitimacy social work must be founded on, and developed through scientific research and documented experience. The purpose of this essay is to review the various arguments on social work in order to evaluate their impact on education, which in turn affects students. In addition, it will demonstrate how different forms of knowledge are valued depending on the contexts. As a means of reaching this objective, the following questions are addressed: ?What are the requirements and recommendations on how the education of social work should be structured, and why are these requirements and recommendations important??, ?How has the education of social work been influenced by the perception of valuable knowledge?? and ?How does the education of social work affect students?? The collected material consists of various arguments concerning the development of social work and the education of social work's formation.

Kan vi se, så kan alla det : En studie om hur blinda förhåller sig till Internet i Sverige idag och vilken betydelse det har för deras självständighet och delaktighet.

The purpose of this media scientific study is to contribute to a better understanding about how blind people?s empowerment and participation may affect their role in the digital society.Earlier international studies in this area have shown that blind people not only need more knowledge then the seeing population about the computer, but also about the technology behind their tools for using Internet. The results from these studies have also shown that Internet increases the blind people?s independents and that those who use Internet feel more involved in the society.A qualitative method was chosen to study the three most common categories from the earlier studies: knowledge of technology, empowerment and participation. Are there differences in the results compared to our study in Sweden 2014?Interviews with eight blind, experienced computer users have shown that knowledge of technology is essential for their use of Internet and that the Internet increases their empowerment and their participation.

CAMPUS BTH - ett gestaltningsförslag och en studie av begreppet campus

This text answers the questions how do we define what a campus is, how the concept of the campus came to exist and how it is used today, and how the Blekinge Institute of Technology (BTH) campus can be designed according to site conditions and the conclusions drawn from case studies at Chalmers University of Technology and Karlstad University. The purpose of the case studies is to gain insight into their campuses advantages and disadvantages. This finally results in an interpretation of how the Blekinge Institute of Technology campus can be planned. A campus is the area of land on which a college or university and its surrounding buildings resides on. Campus as a concept meant a field at first, it later evolved at American universities due to their design of college campuses.

Stress: En gransking av studenters stressnivå - Praktik och icke praktik

Practical and theoretical learning are methods that are used in schools as a way to prepare students for the working life. Within the practical learning knowledge is not only acquired to learn in practice, but the students must also be able to apply their theoretical knowledge to what he/she does. Against this background, the aim of the study was to investigate the importance of practical learning for students in college / university level and how they are experiencing the stress that may arise out of the loss of practical learning during their education, as well as their vision for working life after completing their education. The population of the study consisted of N = 36, which 18 of these had used both practical and theoretical learning and the remainder had only used theoretical learning. The method was a questionnaire survey with a high proportion of fixed alternative answers according to likert scales.

Utveckling av Prisjakts butiksomdömessystem

This thesis work is the result of the company Prisjakt?s wish to develop and improve its current system of opinions for online stores. The challenge was to develop a similar system that competitors are using but better. The collection of information is based on purchases and are collected from Web-shops. The purchases can then be monitored in a control panel.

Barn med astma - resultatet av sjuksköterskans information och utbildning till barnet och dess familj

Asthma is the most common chronic illness in children. Re-admissions to hospital are common and asthma has a significant impact on children and their families. The purpose of this study was to describe the outcome of the nurses? information and education handed to the family. The result of this literature study was based on 14 scientific articles which evaluated the families? knowledge and the illness? impact on daily life after different ways of asthma information and education.

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