

2799 Uppsatser om Technologies of power - Sida 2 av 187

Utvärdering av konsekvenserna för nätanslutning av vindkraftparker i Sverige vid införandet av nätkoden Requirements for Generators

Grid codes are becoming more demanding on power generating units due to the factthat the complexity of the power grid is increasing. The penetration of wind powerhas grown over the last years and it is clear that wind farms need to be addressedwith the same type of grid codes as conventional generation units. There is howeveran undeniable difference between the technology in conventional synchronousgeneration units, and the asynchronous generation units in wind farms.This thesis has reviewed the current grid code in Sweden and compared it to the newcode proposed by ENTSO-E, ?the Requirements for Generators?, in the aspect ofwind farms with an installed power of 30 MW or more. The comparison has beencomplemented by an analysis of how wind farms of two different technologies(Doubly fed induction generators and full power converters) can meet therequirements and technical proposals have been given on how to be able to meetcompliance with the new grid codes.The Requirements for Generators contains many non-exhaustive and optionalrequirements, because of this it has been difficult to, at this stage, exactly point outthe technical impact on the grid connection of future wind farms in Sweden.

Utvecklingen av energieffektiv teknologi i svenska datorcenter

This thesis investigate how energy efficient measures has spread throughout the data centers in Sweden. These questions are put up against a theoretical use of such concepts such as green IT, technological evolution, large technical systems and knowledge dissemination. These theories are used to answer the questions that are encountered during the study, such as how green IT is approached, how big of a role environmental thinking has had in the evolvement of these new technologies. The study has been conducted in a longitudinal manner, it is an observation of the phenomenon that is data centers over a longer period of time. 23 non structured interviews spanning over 27.5 hours of recorded material have been conducted alongside a study of archived material.

Light or Voice ? make your choice! : Plocktekniker för tillverkningsföretag

Companies constantly strive for the perfect order which enables them to satisfy and retain their customers. This is a difficult process that can be facilitated by using different picking technologies. In this study, a research of the picking technologies Pick-to-Light and Pick-to-Voice have been made to investigate when each technology is suited.In order to collect relevant information and data to be able to answer the question formulation, a qualitative study with interviews have been made. The purpose of this essay was to investigate Pick-to-Light and Pick-to-Voice to see when each technology is best suited and to see what the differences between the technologies are. With our essay we wanted to help manufacturing companies to make the right decisions when implementing a picking technology.The results showed that those picking technologies give companies a higher picking quality and an increased work efficiency since the order picking is faster to perform, and that picking errors are reduced.

Förutsättningar att utforma stationsbatterier i vattenkraftverk med Li-jonteknik

In hydropower plants it is necessary to always have local power supply. Therefore, the plants are equipped with batteries as stationary back up power. Vattenfall Vattenkraft is using lead acid batteries but has been investigating alternatives to replace them. The aim of this study is to investigate the potential of using Li-ion technology as back up power.The study showed that Li-ion batteries have many qualities. The Li-ion technology will decrease the space and maintenance demand.

Skolledare och digitala teknologier : En kvalitativ studie i skolledares användning av och tankar kring digitala teknologier, i arbete och för skolan

Today, digital technologies (DT) can be said to play an important role in the Swedish school system. The goal of this essay was to describe DT use by school leaders, in relation to their views on schools? goals and visions, and teachers? and students? use of DTs. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with five school leaders of secondary schools in Umeå municipality, Sweden. The results show that school leaders? use of DTs center on three key tasks: communication, information and administration.

Effekten av höghöjdsvistelse på anaerob arbetsförmåga

Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka om vistelse på hög höjd påverkar den anaeroba arbetsförmågan. Sex aktiva universitetsstudenter, fyra män och två kvinnor, deltog frivilligt i studien. Expeditionen till Nepal varade i 40 dagar och under den perioden sov och vandrade försökspersonerna mellan 1400 och 5100 meter över havet. Före och efter expeditionen genomförde försökspersonerna ett anaerobt wingatetest där peak power, average power, minimum power and power drop uppmättes. Resultatet visade en signifikant sänkning av average power efter den genomförda expeditionen på hög höjd, med ett medelvärde på 8.44 ± 0,84 w/kg före expeditionen och 7.81 ± 0,87 w/kg efter expeditionen.

Kalibrering av en transient GT-Power modell av en SI PFI turbo motor

I detta arbete behandlas transient simulering i ett 1D-simuleringsprogram, i dettafall Gamma technologies GT-Power. Vad som behöver ändras i en modell för attden skall kunna simulera en motor under transienta driftsfall med godnoggrannhet har undersökts. När detta är gjort, skall det undersökas hur väl dentransient kalibrerade modellen kan simulera en motor med förändrad rörgeometripå insugs- eller avgassidan, och vad som måste omkalibreras om detta inte ärfallet.Den viktigaste slutsatsen av detta arbete är vikten av att ha en korrekt framtagenkompressormapp i modellen. Den som fanns tillgänglig under arbetet hade baramätdata ned till 70000 rpm. Detta resulterade i en överskattning av massflödet iden lägre regionen i den av GT-Power framställda kompressormappen.

Faktorer som påverkar vindkraftsutbyggnaden

Wind power is expanding rapidly in Sweden. Increasing amounts of wind power sets higher requirements on balancing power and grid expansions and would affect the whole Swedish electricity system. The aim of this report is to examine the factors affecting the wind power expansion in Sweden. How many wind power plants projects will obtain building permissions and what costs and revenues can be expected? How much balancing power will be required and does a changing geographical distribution of the wind power plants reduce the need of balancing power?A survey of the county board?s official applications has been made and out of all the applications, corresponding to 80 TWh produced per year, about half of the applications are expected to obtain a permit with a major portion of them located in the north of Sweden.Especially older wind power plants, deriving revenue from Nord pool, find themselves today in a complicated financial situation.

USA som hård, mjuk och smart makt -En studie av amerikansk utrikespolitik i mellanöstern

This essay is built upon the thoughts of Joseph S. Nye concerning power, and the different ways of exercising that power. The characteristics of Nye's theories are the thoughts about the second face of power, or what he describes as the soft power. The essay seeks to examine what kind of power the US has been in their work for non-proliferation and democracy promotion in the Middle East. It also seeks to find what it is that makes the US to choose to exercise the specific powers.

?Normative Military Power Europe?: a contradiction in terms? : En fallstudie av EU:s militära insats i Somalia i förhållande till Normative Power Europe.

This thesis paper is based on Ian Manners Normative Power Europe-theory with a focus on EU?s military operation in Somalia. By examining documents from EU institutions in the form of reports concerning EU NAVFOR ? Operation ATALANTA ? EUTM Somalia ? EUCAP NESTOR. This study shows that the Normative Power Europe-theory can get expressed and that the EU continues its normative statements in Somalia. This result is an interesting contribution to the theory of Normative Power Europe witch have gotten a lot of critic about how a military operation should effect and diminish the theory..

Maktavstånd och kommunikation - en studie av upplevda och verkliga kulturella skillnader och deras följder

Hofstede constructed a culture dimension called Power Distance, measuring the inequality of Power. Germany and Sweden have relatively similar values according to his world-renowned research. But a series of interviews of Swedish entrepreneurs in Germany shows that these perceive a large difference in inequality of power in the two countries. This essay seeks to explain the difference between these subjective-qualitative experiences and the objective-quantitative data of Hofstedes Power Distance Index. We propose that a combination of differences in communication, exercise and visibility of power and formality influence the way Power Distance is perceived.

Den som ger sig in i leken får leken tåla! : En studie om barns maktlekar

Our essay is about children's exercise of power, oppression or domination in games or when playing on school grounds with one and other. We thought it would be interesting to look into how children in preschool and up to the fifth grade use power acts respective power plays in leisure-time. During four days we visited two different after-school center and carried out observations of children during the school day and later inside the recreation centers during leisure activities. In order to analyze our empirical material in relation to power, we have used Magnus Hörnqvist (2012) interpretation of Michel Foucault's theory of power - Another Foucault. We have also used Åsa Bartholdsson (2008) thesis about The regular exercise of power regime ? about normality and power in school.

EU:s normativa närvarande i Makedonien : - en kvalitativ studie

This thesis treats the normative power of the European Union and its affect on Macedonia. The main purpose has been to look closer with the use of the application of Ian Manners theory of normative power on the Macedonian case. The focus will be to answer the following questions: Does the European Union act as a normative power in relation to Macedonia, if so, how are these values diffused? Has there been any effect of the spreading of these values? Based on six interviews and the available material of European Union strategies for the Macedonian membership I have attempted to understand to what extent the European Union?s normative power has had an influence in Macedonia. The result of my analysis is confirmation of the European Union as a normative power in Macedonia and the understanding of the methods of application..

Nyttan av Web 2.0 i en CRM-kontext

Web 2.0 is a relatively new concept which has made significant progress on the Internet. More recently, corporations as well have begun to get use of the different types of applications that are assigned to the Web 2.0. Organizations are primarily interested in making use of Web 2.0 in two areas: inside the company to increase efficiency and productivity, and from the organization to the customer to improve revenue and customer satisfaction. We have chosen to take a closer look at this last area, as can be seen as a CRM context. Our interest is to investigate how such a context may change by implementing some kind of Web 2.0 technology.

Coding Technologies etablering av de jure standard

Syftet med studein är att studera Coding Technologies och hur det som litet företag har etablerat en högteknologisk standard på en marknad dominerad av stora aktörer. Resultatet av detta ska vara att identifiera viktiga faktorer och visa på strategier ett litet företag kan använda i denna situation. Studien är genomförd i form av en fallstudie med djupintervjuer där den teoretiska referensramen arbetats fram utifrån empirin. Uppsatsen behandlar de teoriområden som förknippas med standardsättande. Områden som nätverksmarknader, nätverk och patentproblematik.

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