

1364 Uppsatser om Technical regulation - Sida 9 av 91

Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale-ett instrument för att undersöka svårigheter med känsloreglering vid Borderline personlighetsstörning

Inom området psykologisk behandling har intresset för känsloreglering och svårigheter med känsloreglering som gemensam nämnare vid psykisk ohälsa allt mer ökat. Vid behandling enligt Dialektisk Beteendeterapi av Borderline personlighetsstörning har svårigheter med känsloreglering varit en central del, både att i behandling arbeta med för att uppnå ett större fungerande, och i förståelsen av svårigheter hos individer som har fått diagnosen. Vid utvärdering av behandling har dock instrument riktade specifikt mot känsloreglering och eventuella svårigheter saknats. Denna studie har undersökt om frågeformuläret Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale (DERS) kan användas för detta syfte. Resultatet visar en användarvänlighet av formuläret och signifikanta skillnader i svaren mellan en patientgrupp med diagnosen Borderline personlighetsstörning och en kontrollgrupp.

EU-patent på datorrelaterade uppfinningar : en rättsekonomisk analys

Computer programs must give a technical effect that goes beyond"normal physical interaction"to be considered to belong to a technical field. The invention shall be be susceptible of industrial application, which means that it should be possible to reproduce or use in any other industrial way. The reqirement that the invention shall be new means that the technique must not be previously known because of patents, published articles, etc. That an invention shall be a contribution to the state of the art in a technical field means that the invention shall not be obvious to invent for a person skilled in the art. Patents do effect the innovation among the inventers, but in most industries most inventions would be invented independent if there was a patent system or not.

Möjligheter och hinder för aggregerad förbrukningsflexibilitet som en produkt på reglerkraftmarknaden

Electricity production from renewable energy resources such as wind energy and photovoltaics is variable. Integration of these intermittent resources into the electricity system leads to new challenges in how to manage imbalance between supply and demand on the grid.One way to meet these challenges is to develop so-called smart grid solutions. One idea, called demand response, is to adjust the amount or timing of energy consumption, e.g. by control of household appliances, to provide flexibility that could be used to balance the grid. In aggregate, when applied to many units across the system, large volumes of energy could be made available when needed and this grid flexibility can be used as a product on the electricity regulation market.Despite the potential benefits, the number of demand response bids is currently low.

Flödeskartläggning avbilflödenpå Södertälje Hamn(Car-flow mapping at the Port of Södertälje)

The purpose of this thesis is to identify the factors that drive efficiency and effectiveness in technical development projects performed at A?F?s department of product development. In addition to identifying and analyzing these factors, the thesis also analyzes what needs to be taken in to account in order to implement a measurement system that is able to both monitor and control the identified factors.The thesis has been performed in a qualitative manner. It is based on interviews with people from several different technological companies, within different lines of business, all of which are customers to A?F?s department of product development.The results show that there are seven critical factors for project efficiency and effectiveness.

Isaac Newton och den matematiska naturfilosofin

In several scientific and technical educations today we meet mathematical studies in differential- and integral calculus. The classic mechanics is a foundation for the physics and it has made it possible for today's technical developments that we in our everyday life meet and make use of. The intention for this essay is to give a picture of the person behind this discoveries that changed the science and the world. Besides the purpose to bring the reader on a journey through Isaac Newton's life the main intention is to give an understanding of the way he discovered the binomial theorem, the differential- and integral calculus, the numerical methods Newton-Raphson's and Newton's interpolation-polynomial, Newtons identities and his classification of third-degree curves and elliptic curves. A derivation of Kepler's first law is also included..

Ledarskap inom ramen för ett systemutvecklingsprojekt : fokus på en arbetsprocess med stöd i Vattenfallsmodellen

Many research reports mention the fact that a huge number of all system development projects never reach a successful ending; with other words never fulfil formulated goals. By identifying and forming success factors (and in some aspect risk factors) that the project manager in practice can use, this study may be seen as a step in the direction towards minimising the high number of failed system development projects. The purpose of this research report is to investigate how a system development project, where the development process is based on a specific development or process model (in this case the Waterfall model), can and should be driven. I aim to clarify what is demanded of a project leader for the specific development process and give an account for which eventual leadership qualities that can be well suited for given situation in relation to the need for technical competence. Among other things the project manager should inspire confidence, drive, be a decision maker, engage and own some form of basic knowledge in the field of system development.

Hälsopromotion som ledningsstrategi : -ett sätt att få medarbetarna att identifiera sig med organisationen

Health and physical exercise has a become trend in today's society and the work with health promotion has increased in organizations. This is not only a way for organizations to get healthier and more efficient employees, but also a way to regulate the employee?s identity by getting them to identify with the organization. This bachelor essay studies how health promotion can be used as a management strategy. This is done by interviews and by performed observations at the recruitment company, Adecco, in the Stockholm region.

En studie av IT-miljön och dess användning inom förskolan

The purpose of this study is to examine the usage of IT technology within preschool and study how IT tools are used by preschool staff for administrative as well as pedagogical assignments. Several aspects affects the work preschool staff do with IT which concerns availability to technology, how technology is used and how technology is made available for the children. There are a number of questions linked to these aspects where some examples this study examines are which advantages, disadvantages, obstacles or other limitations that comes with introducing IT? This study also examines how, when and in what contexts IT is being used? Other questions examined are the pedagogue?s general views of IT, competence development and eventual needs of investment? Further on this study examines to some part how children interact with IT during pedagogical activities? The overall objective is to shed light on problems that preschool staff encounter  in their daily work and on the basis of identifying important questions at issue that could constitute a basis for further research. The results of this study are based on both a literature review and a field study.

IKT - 2000-talets mentor? : En jämförande studie mellan manliga och kvinnliga pedagogers uppfattning om IKT i undervisningen

During the past decade Information Technology (IT) and Information and Communication Technology (ICT) have become the main tools in teaching. Authors and early educators who are treated in the study talks about how technology has come to change the school's approach to teaching and didactic tools. The technology has also affected students´ and teachers´ ways to work because the technology's versatility makes demands on the user's expertise and competence. The technical skills have long been associated as a male domain, where men are expected to master the technology´s versatility. These expectations are not the same for women.

Hur hanterar institutioner en miljö med blandade Operativsystem?

The purpose of this thesis is to investigate if there are environments that use some kind of central authentication system within institutions/schools. The hypothesis is that an institution not using a form of central authentication service has more need for maintenance and as such is considered a higher cost for the organization. The gathering of data has been done through interviews with technical personal at Blekinge Tekniska Högskola and Linköpings Universitet. Based on the technical background of the authors, and the system limited to discussing Windows and UNIX operating systems, a discussion and analysis of the systems working today has been done, with emphasize on the hypothesis..

Emotionsreglerings och emotionsperceptions betydelse för hälsofrämjande ledarskap

Syftet med studien var att ta reda på om det går att predicera medarbetares livstillfredsställelse, psykosociala välmående och upplevd relation till närmaste chef utifrån chefers emotionsperception och emotionsreglering. Detta gjordes genom att 38 chefer utförde ett datorbaserat emotionsperceptionstest samt besvarade Emotional Regulation Questionaire. Deras närmaste medarbetare bestående av totalt 213 stycken fick sedan besvara en enkät bestående av delar från Satisfaction With Life Scale, SF-1 och QPS Nordic. Studiens huvudresultat visade att generaliserat kan resultatet från emotionsperceptionstestet och det självrapporterade användandet av omvärdering av känslor hos chefer förklarar 28 % av skattningarna på Satisfaction With Life Scale hos medarbetarna. Resultaten diskuteras i termer av att chefer skapar en positiv atmosfär på arbetsplatsen, identifierar sociala problem och löser konflikter effektivare när de är skickliga på emotionsperception och omvärderar sina känslor..

Från idé till IPRED ? Svenska Filminstitutets argument kring fildelning, upphovsrätt och Internet

The aim of this thesis is to examine how the Swedish Film Institute?s arguments regarding file sharing, copyright and the Internet relates to the changes made in the Swedish copyright law during 2003 and 2007, using the current debate about surveillance versus liberty on the Internet as a backdrop. The theory used is based on Lawrence Lessig?s ideas about how a network such as the Internet can be controlled, and what regulating forces a government can use to constrain a certain behavior such as illegal file sharing. By examining referral statements made by the Swedish Film Institute to five different communications from the Swedish government regarding copyright and film politics an idea analysis is being used as a method to answer the following sub-questions: 1.) How has the Swedish copyright law evolved during the latest years? 2.) What arguments are being used by the Swedish Film Institute in issues regarding file sharing, copyright and the Internet? 3.) Are the arguments being used by the Swedish Film Institute regarding these issues changing during the examined period? The findings of the study show that the Swedish Film Institute has been eager to support a more powerful expansion of the copyright laws, often suggesting more powerful solutions than the Swedish government itself.

Interaktiv vittneskonfrontation : Utvecklandet av ett Directorspel för Internet

This final-year project has been performed at Strix production Efterlyst. The task has been to make a page under their homepage, with a game application that?s supposed to be interesting and also have a strong connection to the TV- program. In the first part of the report, the reader will learn about the preparing work that was done before the work with the final game began. It is in these two test versions all the technical problems were tested, to finally be used or thrown away.

Dramawebben: Att välja tekniska lösningar för digitalisering

This study is predominantly qualitative. It is also descriptive to a large extent and notoriented towards hypothesis-testing. The study aims at studying what has influenceddigitization of old Swedish dramatical works through the Dramawebben projekt, whilefocusing on the technical solutions. Four different data collection methods have been applied.Interviews and a questionaire with open-ended questions were the two primary tools. Adocument analysis and observations were applied as well.Examples from earlier research to relate to questions about digitization as an institutional andsocietal practice are presented.

Institutet beslag : vid brottsutredning

The purpose of this paper is to explore what objects that can be seized and how the management of a seizure should be conducted. Ability to take enforcement against an individual should be carefully weighed against the rights and freedoms that exist. Seizure is one of the various restraints that exist, and the regulation on which they appear is mainly in the Code of Judicial Procedure, Chapter 27th. To be able to apply coercive measures, it is fundamental prerequisite that a criminal investigation is initiated, but there exist some significant exceptions to this. There are also rules about who has the right to provide for the seizure, the decision can be taken by a prosecutor, an investigator, a police officer or, in special cases, the court.

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