

1364 Uppsatser om Technical regulation - Sida 43 av 91

Elektroniska böcker på bibliotek: Bibliotekariers och användares syn på elektroniska böcker utifrån intervjuer och samtal

The purpose of this paper is to describe how librarians andusers think of electronic books in libraries. My questions are:-What are electronic books, and how do they work?-How has electronic books been implemented by librariansin the libraries and on the libraries? websites?-How do users describe their view of electronic books?-How do the librarians and users think of electronic book inthe future?To be able to answer these questions I have studied relevantliterature, made qualitative interviews with two librarians attwo similar libraries and I had dialogues with several usersElectronic books were introduced 2002 at the two libraries.In the beginning the libraries made different types ofmarketing, but today they only have the website withinformation. Their purpose was to try this out and offer theusers a new media. So far, there are few users who borrowthese books, and maybe it depends on technical conditions.According to the dialogues I had, most of the users have noidea what electronic books are.

Påverkar regleringar styrelsenätverket? : En studie av Svensk kod för bolagsstyrnings påverkan på det svenska styrelsenätverket

Bakgrund:                   Under senare år har de börsnoterade bolagens styrning kommit att intressera samhället. Ett viktigt fenomen i bolagens styrning är styrelserna. Under de senaste 15 åren har omfattande regleringar införts för att klargöra och definiera hur styrelserna i de börsnoterade bolagen skall sättas samman och arbeta.Syfte:                            Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka om, och i så fall hur, det svenska styrelsenätverket förändras efter utvecklandet och implementeringen av en reglering. Vår ambition är att ge förklaringar till varför eventuella förändringar sker.Avgränsning:               Studien har utgått från Svensk kod för bolagsstyrning som ett fall av reglering för att se hur denna har påverkat styrelsenätverket.Metod:                          En social nätverksanalys av styrelseledamöternas nätverk har genomförts. Studien omfattar bolag noterade på en svensk reglerad marknad med säte i Sverige.Slutsats:                        Studien påvisar att införandet av en styrelsereglering inte behöver leda till förändringar i styrelsenätverket.

Konsekvensutredning inför införande av koncerngemensam systemplattform : Vad skulle det innebär att införa SAP på KSU, Kärnkraftssäkerhet och Utbildning AB

The implementation of large IT-systems is a complex area where many aspects have to be taken into account.KSU, Kärnkraftssäkerhet och Utbildning AB, is a small company in the Vattenfall group that is increasingly being urged to implement SAP, one of the largest ERP-systems on the market. Vattenfalls purpose with SAP is to centralize certain processes within economy that are common to all the companies in the group, this to gain benefits with economics of scale. However, KSU is not convinced that SAP is a suitable system and that the common processes apply to them.The purpose of this degree project is to investigate if SAP is a suitable system and if KSU will benefit from a transition to SAP. Three perspectives were applied to further specify important areas of the main question. From a technical point of view KSU:s demands on a system was mapped against SAP.

Spegel, Spegel på väggen där : spegeln som inredningsobjekt under den gustavianska tiden och under funktionalismen

The aim of this thesis is to examine how mirrors were hung and used in decorating a room during the gustavian period (1770-1810) and the functionalistic period (1930-1939) in Sweden. I have compared the two styles and the way of decorating with mirrors. Based on the comparison I deduced the differences and similarities. The material which the thesis is based on are three drawings and one painting depicting four gustavian rooms containing mirrors. To illustrate the functionalistic period I used four photos from the catalogue from the Stockholm exhibition in 1930.

Ägarstrukturens påverkan på tillämpningen av Svensk kod för bolagsstyrning: En studie av bolagsstyrningsrapporter

In the light of some company scandals the Swedish Code of Corporate Governance, the Code, was introduced in the year of 2004 to reinforce confidence in how Swedish listed companies are managed. As many of the other European codes of corporate governance, the Swedish Code is based on the principle of ?comply or explain?. The need for corporate governance regulation arises from the inherent conflict of interest between owners and managers. This conflict is limited in companies controlled by a family in contrast to companies that lack a strong owner.

Analys och gestaltning av miljön kring vattentornet i Uppsalas stadsskog

The water tower in Uppsala city forest was built in the late 1950's in what is now a nature reserve. The unique place was supposed to be visited by people, which is currently not the situation. This bachelor thesis aimed to perform an analysis and make a design proposal for the environment surrounding the water tower. The analysis was performed using the methodology previously described by architect Arne Branzell. The methodology focuses on how a space is perceived by a person moving through it.

Det sociala arbetet inom folkbildningen : en fallstudie i Örebro kommun.

The case study investigates study association representatives? perspectives on the activities of the popular education within the social sector in Örebro and why they are organized. It further investigates the cooperation and dialogue between the study associations and the municipality of Örebro regarding this activity. The study is based on critical realism. A questionnaire survey was conducted among all ten study associations in Örebro, combined with qualitative interviews with representatives from six of the active associations.

Företagsrekonstruktion : En rättslig analys av franchiseförhållandet vid en rekonstruktion

A company reconstruction is an alternative procedure, for companies in payment difficulty, to receivership. Those in any kind of relationship with the ailing company ends up in a dif- ficult situation at a company reconstruction, as in any case when someone is in financial difficulties. Not only is there a risk for the providers not to get paid, the costumers are also at risk if the reconstruction company does not fulfil their agreement. These kinds of rela- tionships are controlled by a contractual relationship. Therefore the regulation has to con- tain how to deal with these contracts when the ailing company no longer can fulfil its obli- gations of the contract.

Employer branding som ett verktyg för att bryta könsstrukturer i organisationer : En kvalitativ studie av tre svenska kommuner

In this thesis we present a qualitative study of Employer Branding through a perspective of gender. We examine the awareness of Employer Branding as a tool to break gender patterns in female and male dominated administrations in three Swedish municipalities. Six recruiters people were interviewed, including three pre-school managers and three managers of technical administrations, to see if there are any differences or similarities between the organizations? Employer Branding to break gender patterns. In addition to the interviews, the Web pages of these three municipalities were investigated through a contextual perspective.We found that our interviewees do use Employer Branding, but that they were not necessarily aware of its? meaning.

Projektdokumentation : Kritiska framgångsfaktorer

Projects of all kinds generate documentation that needs to be organized and stored for future use. Well adapted tools, together with a unified modus operandi need to be available for both the project members and those having a more organizing role if an organization is to be effective.A study of the tools available to project members at Svenska Kraftnät have been performed along with an analysis of the guidelines for the tools' usage. The study has focused on the needs of the project members, not the organization as a whole, thus providing a bottom-up approach to the problem instead of the more organizational top-down approach. Interviews of around 20 project members, whose roles include project leaders, technical experts and documentation supervisors, have been conducted to get an idea of the practical problems that exists.All systems, except for a local network storage device, were found to at least meet Svenska Kraftnät's current demands. The usage guidelines, however, covers only the general process that a project should follow and lacks detailed information on a per system level in several areas.

Implementeringen av miljöansvarsdirektivet i den svenska rätten : En europarättslig studie om förvaltningsförfarandet vid miljöskador utifrån principerna om god förvaltning och processuell autonomi

The aim of this thesis is to examine how the EU directive 2004/35/EC on environmental liability impacts the Swedish administrative legal order. The thesis examines the directive through two main EU principles - the principle of good administration and the principle of procedural autonomy. The EU principle of good administration as a concept contains various procedural and substantive obligations that make up the subject for examination of the directive, both as regulated in the directive and as general principles of EU law. The directive is analyzed using a comparative method to determine to what extent the procedural and substantive principles of the directive impacts the Swedish administrative law, and weather or not the Swedish regulations comply with the EU principle of good administration.The results of the study shows that, althought there?s a general principle of national procedural autonomy, the EU principles of good administration do affect the Swedish administrative regulation in various aspects, through the implementaion of the directive on environmental liability as well as general principles of EU law.

Framgångsfaktorer i e-handelssektorn

The customer behavior is constantly changing along with the developement of new technical improvements. Together with knowledge and higher demands the physical store has received a viral competitor. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine the phenomenon e-commerce and how it has developed in recent years. The study will focus on identifying different success factors relevant for this field of interest. Furthermore the purpose is to analyze how relationships, service and value in the e-commerce sector and how they are connected to each other.

Beräkning av energianvändning i svenska småhus

An energy calculation model for Swedish houses   that is fast, flexible and user-friendly has been developed within the   framework of this thesis.  The model   also provides a set of actions which may be investigated in the model based   on savings and payback period. Energy use in a house depends on the technical   conditions, such as building envelope and heating systems, which outdoor   climate the house is exposed to and who lives in the house. Energy use for a   house can be divided into heating, hot water and household electricity. There   are several methods to calculate the energy use of a house. This report   summarizes the methods that may be suitable for a fast and user-friendly   calculation model.

IDQ Viewer: För enklare Visning av Databasstruktur : Viewer : För enklare Visning av Databasstruktur

The social community is structured around data, a lot of that data is stored in different types of databases. The meaning of this essay is to develop an interactive tool that will change the way database visualization is done, and also to research in which fields a tool of this type can be used. With the help of different methods we discovered areas where it could be of use, such as; presentation of a database, development and documentation of a database. The primary goal of the prototype was to make viewing of database structures easier, even people without prior database knowledge should be able to understand the structure. During the development we used prototypes.

Passivhuset i det långa loppet : - hur påverkar brukarens kunskap energiförbrukningen?

The scope of this investigation is to decide how and to what extent the energy consumption of apassive house is affected by the users? knowledge and habits. To achieve this a literary study hasbeen made and as a complement the planning of a passive house was completed.The result of a primary study of the rules and regulations that effect passive houses in Swedenshows that the user?s influence on passive houses is a completely unregulated area. Even thoughthere is no regulation, a need for some general knowledge of the passive house concept has beenexpressed.To further investigate how the users? knowledge and habits affect the energy consumption and ifthere is a difference between different households? energy consumption , three main factors havebeen identified.

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