

9 Uppsatser om Tears - Sida 1 av 1

"... som om varje tonfall bävade av dold rörelse..." : Om debutsamlingen Från Skåne av Victoria Benedictsson ur ett maskulinitetsperspektiv

The aim of this essay is to examine how men is portrayed in three short stories, ?En omvändelsehistoria?, ?Far och son? and ?Jeppa?, from the debut Från Skåne by Victoria Benedictsson. I also investigate the ideas of masculinity during the 1880s. Unmanliness, paternity and manly Tears are other concepts that I have been examining with close?reading as the method.

Lagning av revor i textilt målningsunderlag Långsiktig stabilitet och karaktäristiska egenskaper hos adhesiv och metoder

Uppsats för avläggande av filosofie kandidatexamen iKulturvård, Konservatorprogrammet15 hpInstitutionen för kulturvårdGöteborgs universitet2013:18.

Tough Guys Don't Cry : en diskursiv och semiotisk medieanalys av gråt och maskulinitet

My intention with this essay has been to examine how men?s Tears are portrayed in three chosen films and what their crying does to their masculinity. In my analysis I have used the concept of hegemonic masculinity. I have worked from the assumption that in our culture men?s crying is problematic in some sense.

"Tears are not a Momans Only Weapon" : En historiebruksanalys av HBOs tv-serie Game of Thrones

The middle ages is a time in our history that is often used as a frame when portraying fantasy on tv. HBOs immensely popular series Game of Thrones could easily be counted as one of these. But to what extent does the creators of the series approach the history of our world while creating their own? The aim of this essay is to analyse a number of characters from the tv- series out of gender- and their place in the social structure and then compare the findings with the image of the middle ages that is given in academic research. By analysing the two released seasons of Game of Thrones the study has shown that there are many similarities between the fictional world and the actual world but that it also differs through choices made by the creators of the series. .

Flickor och pojkar i barnbokens värld: en studie om genus

The purpose with this qualitative text analysis was to study how the sex roles of children are presented in children's books published in 2004 in comparison with children's books published 1972-74. The focus was to find patterns and differences. The study embraces eight books intended for children aged 5-9.The main results of the study showed that the girls were described to have a greater bent to take care, while the boys in general were more aimed to perform and achieve. In both today's and the books from the 70´s, the boys were described as aggressive and independent and the girls were often looked upon as princesses by fathers and boys. Violent rowdy behaviour was the essential thing among boys in especially the books from the 70´s.

Superhjälte eller hjälplöst offer? Vem är vem? : En genusstudie av kvällspressens offerkonstruktioner efter skjutningen på Utöya.

On July 22nd 2011, there was a terrorist attack in Norway. First a bomb exploded in the Parliament House, in Oslo; and shortly after that a man shot 69 politically active young people at a camp on the island Utöya. Throughout the weeks to follow, we could read about the victims' stories. They told of Tears, fear and heroism. But who got to tell what? The purpose of this study was to see how the Swedish tabloids described the victims from a gender perspective.

Kvinnors erfarenheter av framfödandet vid planerad hemförlossning

Background: The prevalence of sphincter rupture during childbirth has increased in Sweden from half percent to three percent from 1973 to 1993. Women who undergo planned home birth have sphincter injuries to a smaller extent than women who undergo planned hospital births. Objective: The purpose of this study was to describe women?s experience of the last stages of delivery during planned home birth. Design: Inductive content analysis of 150 randomly selected delivery reports.

Sangvinolent berättande : En studie av Yu Huas roman En handelsman i blod

The present MA thesis analyzes how body and blood functions as historical and narrative elements in Yu Hua's novel Chronicle of a Blood Merchant (1995). In the novel, the story and the plot can not be regarded as disparate items; the two levels of the text are tightly interwoven by what the thesis introduces as a sangvinolent narration. The term conceptualizes the use of blood as a structural element and the thrust of the text, in this case how the ability to sell blood is a prerequisite for the story and the plot.Close readings reveal the structural correlations between the blood-selling main-character Xu Sanguan in the plot on the one hand, and in the story on the other, which can be detected to have, inter alia, an effect on the temporality of the narrative. Themes linked to identity, belonging and survival (performativity, mimicry, reification and alienation) permeate the text. In the novel the body and bodily fluids are sacrificed in order to form and enforce perceptions of identity and societal roles.The rhetorical use of ?blood and Tears? (Ch.

Emotionella sprickor och utbrott - i en sorg

Intangible feelings of sorrow and grief, caused by events like separation, death, loss and trauma, all leave some kind of traces in us and they play an important role in our development. The individualistic society here in Sweden has shaped us to keep our feelings inside and at bay; since our childhood we have learnt that showing emotions like Tears, sorrow and sadness are signs of weakness and can make others and yourself feel uncomfortable. With the starting point from my own experience and understanding of how we can deal and handle grief, I take a closer look on how jewelry, objects and rituals can be of importance in a grieving process and our lack of visual outer display of grief in today?s society. Through Sara Ahmeds theory I found a new possible way of understanding emotions and how they shape us.