1728 Uppsatser om Teaching supervision - Sida 62 av 116
"Utan språket blir man både döv och stum" : En studie av avbrottsorsaker på grundläggande vuxenutbildning
The aim of this paper was to investigate how many students studying Swesdish as a foreign language, at secondary school level, in Tierps kommun, that have dropped out and their reasons for doing so. The reason for this is the report from Skolverket, stating that the rate of drop outs at this level is very high. To investigate this, a quantitative method was used. A questionnaire was sent out to all the students that dropped out 2005-2008. The result showed that the two main reasons for leaving their studies were that the individuals had found a job or thought the studies were too hard. The research also showed that the majority of the students had not been in contact with Career counseller prior to ending their studies. We came to the conclusion that there might be a need for developing the teaching and to work out routines for guidance at drop out situations.
Internetforumspråk i ett åldersperspektiv
I denna uppsats har språket i 504 svenska internetforuminlägg skrivna av personer i åldrarna 20-25 år och 40 år och äldre undersökts. Inläggens språkliga form har undersökts genom att förekomsten av tio olika okonventionella språkdrag hämtade från menings-, ord- och teckennivå har analyserats. Analysen av inläggen visar att det finns ett tydligt samband mellan språket i inläggen och skribentens ålder. Den yngre gruppen forumdeltagares inlägg karakteriseras av ett stort antal okonventionella språkdrag som anses vara typiska för datordialoger, medan den äldre gruppens inlägg innehåller färre sådana okonventionella språkdrag och alltså istället har ett språk som i högre utsträckning följer den traditionella skriftspråksnormen..
Att undervisa elever med ADHD i idrott och hälsa
AbstractWorking with students who have ADHD are today common in Swedish schools. Approximately 2-3 students per class have been diagnosed with ADHD and require greater demands on their teachers. The pupils have to be included and get the opportunities to develop in the way that suits the students best. The pupils themselves should not have to adapt to the school, it is the school that has to adapt to the pupils. The purpose of this paper is to examine how PE teachers work with students who have ADHD as they need to have adults around them that have insights on their special needs.
Vad hände med beslutet Gröna Skolgårdar?
The purpose of this paper has been to follow how a decision made has developed within anorganization. We have intended to find underlying causes for the development in order to contribute to the understanding of the lifecycle of decisions.The decision we have chosen is Gröna Skolgårdar (Green School Yards) within the city of Västerås. This project has aimed to make the school yards in Västerås more green, more beautiful and more useful for teaching.We have used Grounded Theory Method as our foundation, complemented with decisionmaking theory.The work with this paper has led to the conclusion that Gröna Skolgårdar changed over time, and did not turn out as first intended. This has had several couses such as how resources wasdistributed, political changes, and different views of the project.We have learned that over time a decision can take unexpected paths, and we have contributed with an example of how this can happen..
Betydelsen av lärarens karisma för studenters motivation och engagemang
Vårt syfte med studien var att undersöka om det fanns något samband mellan karismatiska lärare och motiverade studenter. Enligt våra hypoteser skulle vi finna ett positivt samband mellan karisma och motivation. Vi gjorde en enkätundersökning på ett universitet i en mellanstor stad i Sverige. Deltagarna bestod av 172 universitetsstudenter. Enkäten mätte lärarens karisma och studenternas motivation och engagemang.
Med språket i centrum : Undervisning i svenska som andraspråk i den mångkulturella grundskolan
The aim was to find out teachers in Swedish as a second language in primary schools view on how they work with a language development teaching in a multicultural environment. I did a semi-structured interview where I both made questions before the interview and also used individualized follow-up questions during my interview. I did that because I really wanted to get answers to the subject and the aim of the essay. Two teachers in Swedish as a second language have been interviewed. The result shows that a holistic approach to language development is important, where great emphasis lies on understanding. Teachers say that communication and interaction are key factors and that it is important with good linguistically appropriate and understandable texts where the words/concepts are learned and used in the right context. .
Muntlig formativ kamratbedömning som kommunikativ praktik : En designbaserad studie i det naturvetenskapliga klassrummet
In the school subject of the natural sciences it is imperative that the students are given opportunities to ?talk science?, since the dialogues that occur in the classroom have a significant importance for the students? abilities to engage in meaning-making in their learning process. Hence, the student and teacher interaction in the classroom and the feedback given there play a significant role in the students? learning process. The aim of this study is to contribute to the development of formative assessment tools that can mediate the students? meaning-making in natural sciences subjects in upper-secondary school.
"Vill man skapa ett bättre samhälle gäller det att inte stanna vid ett område." : En studie om fyra unga lokalpolitikers uppfattningar av politiskt engagemang.
This examination project is an investigation about the opinion and comprehension for political engagement of four young municipal politicians. The purpose with this project is to describe and understand the pronounced comprehension for political engagement. There is also an intention to investigate the educational in discussing political engagement with students in social studies at upper secondary school. The method that has been used is ?map of conceptions? because of its appropriate way to elucidate the comprehension and understanding of a certain subject. Those four young municipal politicians see political engagement as the will to improve the community. There is also an importance to have a large engagement in more areas than just one.
Förutsättningar för reflektion i skolans värld : En aktionsforskningsstudie om kollegahandledning
Studiens övergripande syfte är att bidra med kunskap om vilka förutsättningar som behövs för att lärare som ingår i gemenskaper skall uppleva att reflektion sker på ett meningsfullt sätt. Eftersom lärares kompetensutveckling idag, skall utgå från egna erfarenheter och initieras nerifrån av praktikerna, kan studien på längre sikt också bidra med att synliggöra framkomliga vägar för lärares kompetensutveckling, som ett led i skolutveckling och dessutom som ett led i att utveckla läraryrket till en profession.Studien ingick i ett aktionsforskningsprojekt där lärarna själva bestämde fokus, i syfte att utveckla sin egen praktik. Aktionen bestod av fyra faser på en grundskola. Hela aktionen pågick i ett och ett halvt år. Fas 4, studien, pågick under ett läsår.
Filmens pedagogiska möjligheter i svenskundervisningen
Vårt syfte med denna uppsats är att fördjupa oss i och undersöka vilka pedagogiska möjligheter spelfilmen har i svenskundervisningen på gymnasiet bland annat genom att intervjua filmkunskapslärare. Vi har jobbat utifrån olika frågeställningar där den viktigaste lyder: Varför är det viktigt att låta det vidgade textbegreppet få större utrymme i svenskundervisningen? Studien genomfördes med åtta kvalitativa intervjuer med svensk- och filmkunskapslärare på fyra olika skolor. En kvalitativ enkätundersökning kompletterade intervjuerna. Huvudresultatet från detta arbete är att filmanvändandet skiljer sig åt på en mängd olika punkter i filmkunskap och svenskundervisningen samt att idag finns i stort sett alla tekniska förutsättningar för film i undervisningen..
Lärarna och de nationella kursplanerna : Hur förhåller sig lärarna till dem?
My purpose with this study was partly to examine how some Swedish science teachers teach and their knowledge of the science curriculum, and how this affects their teaching. I also aimed to compare the Swedish and Irish science curriculum. The method I undertook to achieve this study was to carry out six interviews with science teachers in Sweden. I also completed a text analyse of both the Swedish & Irish science curriculum. The results of the interviews showed that the teachers think the curriculum is important but they do not always keep to it.
Frågan är - flera sanningar, en lögn? : en kartläggning av hur religion framställs i läromedel grundade på ett massmedialt flöde under 2000-talets första decennium
The purpose of this study is to examine how different religious traditions are portrayed in teaching materials based on news reports. The main question concerns the way in which religious practices and holidays are described and in which contexts religion is presented. The method includes a both quantitative and qualitative content analysis. The study concludes that certain religious practices are presented in a way that describes the practitioners as more faithful and homogenous than others. This was especially prominent among Muslims and to a certain extent Hindus.
Att leta efter kännskap : Hur lärare ser på utemiljön som en miljö för lärande
In outdoor education the empirical outdoor experience is an important basis for a learning process ? the teacher can affect learning with the choice of location. In order to develop the model in school, we need to build on teachers' perception of how their every day schoolwork looks like. This paper takes as its starting point at three teachers' perception of their learning environment and outdoor environments as well as a theoretical model of the site's importance in the learning process. The paper addresses both the importance of a structured and a unstructured meeting with outdoor sites.
"Du pratar som dom i Sommarpratarna" : Om gymnasieelevers respons på argumenterande tal och attityder till respons
The aim of this study is to investigate oral peer review on argumentative speech and to study the attitudes towards this peer review. The investigation was performed in an up-per secondary school class, and it focused on the different types of oral responses students give each other. In addition, the study investigated in what way the students experience this type of peer review. The results show that students reflect on form and performance as well as content, but they place more emphasis on form and performance than content. Students are positive about peer review and its importance for their progress.
Modersmålsundervisning i praktiken : Teaching native languages - how teachers of native languages and their students feel
Syftet med detta examensarbete var att belysa hur modersmålslärare och elever upplever modersmålsundervisningen i den stad där vi valt att göra vår undersökning. Metoden som användes var intervjuer med tio elever och två lärare inom modersmålsundervisningen. Definieringen av modersmål var enligt lärarna språket man talar hemma. Modersmålslärarna upplevde sin arbetssituation som positiv. Modersmålslärarna och deras elever var överens om att det inte fanns några nackdelar med modersmålsundervisningen.