

1728 Uppsatser om Teaching supervision - Sida 60 av 116

Gå utbildning är en sak, men vad händer sedan i den praktiska yrkesvardagen?

I den aktuella kommun där studien genomförts har stora satsningar gjorts på att fortbilda vårdpersonal i demensvård under många år. Trots detta har det visat sig att det finns svårigheter för vårdarna att omsätta kunskaperna i det vardagliga arbetet. Under 2005-2008 pågår Kompetensstegen, en stor nationell satsning för att förbättra vården och omsorgens inre kvalitet i äldreomsorgen. Jag ville därför med mitt examensarbete undersöka effekterna av en så stor utbildningssatsning. Syftet var att undersöka vårdpersonalens uppfattningar av lärandet och de nya kunskaper som de fått genom Kompetensstegens demensutbildningar och vilka möjligheter eller hinder som finns för ett fortsatt lärande efter utbildningen.

Specialiserad eller allmänkunskap? : en experimentell studie av benhantverk under Mesolitikum

The aim of this thesis is to study the possibility of the existence of a specialist in bone tools manufacturing during the Mesolithic. The thesis describes the climate during the Mesolithic, argues for an experimental approach, and describes social organization in hunter-gatherer-groups and the processes behind cultural transmission. It also gives some examples of excavation sites in Scandinavia. An experiment simulating a teaching situation is made, in addition to the theoretical information, with the intent to explore how advanced the crafting of bone really is. The physical result is then studied and documented.

Inkludering och språkutveckling i klassrummet för andraspråkselever ? utifrån ett lärarperspektiv

The purpose of this study is to investigate what five primary teachers in five different schools with many second language students have for an idea about inclusion, language development, practices and environment of the multilingual classrooms. In my study I discusses teachers 'views on the multilingual classroom, inclusion, development of language in a language developing classroom environment and the importance of language skills has for multilingual pupils' language development and learning of the Swedish language. The method used was unstructured interviews using a digital recording device. The results showed that for these five teachers, meeting second language learners was in there everyday teaching, while it is a challenge to motivate and support them on their level. The teachers work diligently to find a balance and a working classroom environment for the multilingual classroom where all students, regardless of conditions, background, experience, knowledge and language could be offered an equal opportunity to education. .

Idrottslärares tankar kring hälsa : Hur uppfattar lärare i idrott och hälsa begreppet hälsa?

The goal with this study have been to investigate how teachers in physical education perceive health as a concept, and how they choose to work with in the classes they teach. Health as a concept can be somewhat diffuse and as the Swedish curriculum doesn?t define the concept the teacher are given a freedom in interpreting what health is and how it will be taught to the students. This makes it interesting to study if teachers perceive health differently and if that affect what they are teaching their students.I used interviews as a method to answer my questions and the results show that there wasn?t much difference between the teachers in how they perceive health and how, and what, they teach their students.

Naturen som pedagogisk resurs : Fritidspedagogers syn på utemiljön

The purpose with my project is to evaluate how Recreational Leaders use the outdoor environment, how much they use it and why. My method was to assemble the surveys which were answered nationally by Recreational Leaders. During my project I have investigated Recreational Leaders view on the outdoor environment by reviewing a survey. Those who answered the survey find that the desire to use the outdoor environment exists; they think that the benefits of moving the teaching process outside are plenty. The children receive fresh air, they get to practise manual ability and gross motor functions, stay healthy and are able to use their imagination and creativity.

Planering av undervisningsämnet engelska : En intervjustudie med sex lärare för skolår 4-6

Sedan mitten av 1990-talet har Sverige internationellt sätt legat i topp på grund av grundskolelevers goda resultat i engelsk språkkunskap. Den svenska grundskolan är fortfarande internationellt sätt i topp men på nationell nivån har det skett en förändring. Sedan mitten av 1990-talet har grundskolelevernas resultat stagnerat och i vissa språkmoment även försämrats. Vad som orsakat denna negativa förändring finns det många spekulationer om t.ex. den ökade invandringen och elevers attityd till ämnet.

Fiskevård och delning av fiske vid lantmäteriförrättningar : Studie av FBL 3 kap 8 §

AbstractThis bachelor thesis was performed at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm on behalf of the Land Survey Authority. The thesis is about fish conservation and division of fishing water at official duty. It is the Land Survey Authority that examines division of fisheries, but before a case can be implemented, certain requirements must be achieved such as FBL 3:8, which prevent divisions that are deleterious for fish conservation. The purpose of this thesis is: to obtain a clearer view how FBL 3:8 should be applied in practice, how the application differs between the offices in central Sweden, and how fish care is regulated at both international and national levels.At an international level, in EU the commercial fishery is regulated through the common fisheries policy (CFP). The fisheries policy consists of a reform that will last for 10 years.

Elevaktiva arbetssätt och delaktighet i skolan : En studie om hur elevernas delaktighet kommer till uttryckt i skolan och om elevernas egna åsikter om sin delaktighet i två olika ITiS-projekt

This studie is an investigation about pupilassets workningforms and participation at school. The basis of the studie are two ITiS-projects, whose workningforms investegates with qualitative methods in form of observations and interviews whit pupils and teachers. This investigation will accomplish to find out how the pupils see their participation at school, and also to investigate what pupilassets workningforms mean to teachers and pupils. Conclusions from the investigation are that a more pupilassets workningforms doesn´t exist continuous in the teaching and that the pupils see their increased participation in the work with the ITiS-project as something temporarliy. Some suggestions to further investigation into this area are to be found in the end of the paper..

Utvecklingen av grammatikinstruktioner och övningar i svenska läromedel för spanska : En läromedelsanalys om explicit instruktion, input, produktion och interaktivitet i undervisningsmaterial för främmandespråk

This study investigates if and how grammar instructions and exercises in Spanish textbooks have evolved during the last thirty years. More specifically it focuses on how the grammar is presented (explicit instruction) and on the nature of the exercises (input, production and interaction). The method for investigating these things is firstly an analysis of the explicit instruction, and secondly a quantitative study of the exercises. The number of textbooks analyzed in this study is four and only the chapters that focus on teaching the preterite are included in the analysis. The result shows a tendency towards direct explicit instruction and controlled production practice.

IT och flerspråkighet i gymnasieskolan

The purpose of the study is to examine the multilingual student?s use of IT in school.The study also highlights the teacher?s view of development and how they use IT in their own teaching.A qualitative approach study was conducted to acquire a deeper understanding of students' language learning by using IT. In the study, it was assumed socio-cultural perspective in which learning takes place through interaction with others.The result shows that multilingual students have difficulty understanding information available on the internet and they are either waiting to meet a teacher to get a clearer picture of what to do or doing tasks even though in some cases misunderstand the task. Language teachers also confirm student?s impression and at the same time express the concern that students are reading less.This study shows that there may be correlation between students' learning motivation and an understanding of instructions online.

KVINNOR ÄR SÄLLAN ?BARA? KVINNOR : en kvinnofokuserad intersektionell studie av två läroböcker i ämnena historia och engelska

In this study we have analysed from an intersectional perspective two textbooks Historia 1b and Progress Gold A which are purposed to be used as teaching material in Swedish schools in the subjects of History and English. Our question and reason for doing the analysis is to emphasise and make the variety of women in the books visible in order to compare that variety to the one that is demanded by the Swedish curriculum. The analysis is made from an ideology critical perspective and contains quantitative elements. Our conclusion is that the material contains both excluding and including features. Some intersectional categories are well represented while others, like functionality and religion, are not.

Arbetsplanens användande och dess inflytande på pedagogers undervisning : En uppföljning av Arbetsplan för studie- och yrkesvägledningsverksamheten i Enköpings kommun 2008-2010

The aim of this study is to investigate the effects ofWork plan for study- and vocational guidance in Enköpings municipality 2008-2010 to see how it has affected the educators in the municipal primary schools. Questionnaires to teachers and interviews with principals have been made and it came out that the teachers are not very familiar with the plan. Of the few teachers who considered themselves to be familiar with the plan, the majority replied that they had benefited from the plan.The study´s analysis indicates that one of explanation for why so few educators are aware of and working according to the plan is partly in implementation efforts. Weaknesses are shown according to the equivalence of the implementation, but also the importance of the existence of an engaging and driven person, located at the primary schools, that continuously inspires and motivates the teachers to work with this plan. Educators also indicate that they already use study-and vocational guidance in their teaching..

Teaching with fiction in Swedish as a second language

I detta arbete har jag valt att undersöka hur tre pedagoger använder sig av skönlitteratur i undervisningen i Svenska som Andraspråk och vilken betydelse de menar att skönlitteraturen har för dessa elever men också hur pedagogerna väljer de skönlitterära texter de använder i klassrummet. Med hjälp av olika teoretiska utgångspunkter och tre kvlitativa intervjuundersökningar har jag försökt besvara min frågeställning. Min undersökning har inte gett mig någon generell bild av hur pedagoger i allmänhet arbetar med skönlitteratur i andraspråksundervisningen, men jag har insett att det inte finns ett sätt som är bättre eller sämre än det andra. Man måste jobba utifrån sig själv och sina förutsättningar. Pedagogerna menar att genom skönlitteraturen får eleverna det innehåll som de behöver kognitivt, men på ett mindre komplext språk än i traditionella läromedel. Pedagogernas huvudmål med allt arbete de gör med skönlitteratur är förståelse..

Om kroppen i knoppen : En undersökning om pedagogers synsätt på undervisning om människokroppen i förskolan

AbstractThe aim is to find out the teachers´ different point of views regarding what and why it´s important to teach children about the human body and in what way educationists can teach this knowledge. Seven teachers are asked, through qualitative interviews, about their point of views on teaching the human body in pre-school.The teachers don`t seem to reflect upon the subject, which shows that a development of knowledge needs within the area.Fist of all the children´s spontaneous questions direct what the educationists talk about with the children. The most frequently mentioned questions are about the circulation of the blood and the digestion organs. The teachers think it´s important that the children get knowledge about the human body in order to get a better opinion of their own bodies and themselves. It´s also important because this is the basis of other kind of knowledge, for instance the knowledge about animals..

Dyslexi och Likvärdighet : Finns det en genväg till en likvärdig utbildning?

The purpose of this paper is to find out if technology within pedagogy can help pupils with dyslexiaperform on the same level as their peers without using compensatory aid. Is it possible to replacethe compensatory aids with the technology in question? Can the same technology also be used tosupport other pupils as well and in turn removing the stigma of needing compensatory aid?To learn the answers to these questions I have done a qualitative text analysis. This analysis focuson technology in the form of podcasts and Web 2.0 based teaching platforms. The analysis alsofocus on pupils with dyslexia and what kind of help compensatory aids can be.

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