

1728 Uppsatser om Teaching supervision - Sida 50 av 116

En trädgård, en boksamling och det väl valda ordet : genrepedagogik för skriftspråksutveckling hos framgångsrika respektive mindre framgångsrika skriftspråkare i gymnasiet

This is a qualitative analysis that, based on systemic functional linguistics, or SFL, and genre theory, has aimed to study the genre pedagogical implications on written language as they occur in narrative stories and expositions whilst the model is introduced. Systemic functional linguistics is a linguistic theory that views the organisation of language as functional options for meaning; language is a set of resources to channel meaning through realisation. Genre theory elucidates the pragmatic and educational uses of SFL in the categorizing of language in configurations of meanings as they are set and understood in different cultures.  The purpose of the survey is to do so with focus on successful and less successful writers by attempting to answer two primal issues:How is development of written language in reference to the introduction of the genre pedagogical model visible in the studied texts?How does genre pedagogical teaching influence successful and less successful writers as visible in their writing with a certain purpose?To answer these issues the survey is based on narratives and expositions written by high school students who have been divided into two groups according to the purpose of the survey. One text in each genre has been written by the students before and after lessons based on the genre pedagogical learning wheel explaining the relevant genres.

På riktigt : Fyra lärares erfarenheter av blogg i undervisningen

The purpose of this thesis was to find out what experiences teachers have from using a class blog in teaching. What are the advantages and disadvantages by the use of blogs in education?I have used qualitative interviews with four teachers in grades 1 to 6 who have worked with a class blog in teaching between one and three years.The study has shown that teachers' experience is that the blog serves as motivation and promotes learning for many different pupils and that, together with other digital tools is more equal. The main benefits that teacher mention is the expanded concept of text that offers multiple forms of expression and the authentic reader, which makes it more real, important and meaningful. Other benefits that come up are that it helps students to see their learning and learn from and with each other.

Från allians till aktiv autonomi : En kvalitativ studie av förändringar i handledarstilen

Bakgrund: Trotts att handledningen anses vara en vital del av psykoterapeutisk utbildning, är inte utbildning av handledare en självklarhet, och mera forskning behövs kring vad som utgör en bra handledarutbildning.Syfte: Den här undersökningen hade för huvudsyfte att analysera eventuella förändringar i handledarstil hos en handledarkandidat under S:t Lukas utbildningsinstitutets handledarutbildning 2008-2009.Metod: Materialet bestod av transkriberingar av handledarens tre handledningstimmar med den handledde terapeuten från början av handledarutbildningen, och tre från slutet. Med hjälp av grundad teori togs fram kategorier som beskrev handledarstilen ur fyra aspekter: styrning, allians, inlärningsstil, och fokus.Resultat: Jämförelse mellan handledarstilen i början och vid slutet av utbildningen visade på en ökad aktivitet hos handledaren, fr.a. i undersökning och hållandet av fokus på viktiga teman. Tydliggörande minskade. Mot slutet av utbildningen ökade också handledarens tillit på alliansen, som tålde mer brott.

Hur arbetar lärare med laborativ matematik? : En kvalitativ studie om hur fyra lärare arbetar främstmed avseende på laborativa inslag i undervisningen igrundskolan

The objective of this research is to unveil how respective teacher consider about the laboratory working methods in mathematics. The research even includes answers to questions such as, what approaches and attitudes the teachers have and the methods they use when instructing their students when teaching mathematics, what the materials used by the teachers are and how important working creatively is to help the students develop their logical thinking. I also looked into issues that can help understand how and why teachers use laboratory mathematics for students in young ages. As a conclusion the research showed that the teachers aim to the goal that includes helping the students understand mathematics, strengthen their logical thinking and creativity.In the method section qualitative data was used, which contained four interviews with different pedagogues that daily interact with students in elementary school. The reasons for using the method of qualitative data was to help me deeper understand and answer the specific questions I had to the pedagogues and to even compare how different pedagogues differ in their approaches and methods.

Inkluderande undervisning

Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka vilka likheter och skillnader i undervisningen som finns mellan en grundsärskoleklass och en grundskoleklass. Undersökningens metod är strukturerade observationer genomförda av två observatörer i en grundskoleklass och i en särskoleklass på samma skola. Olika aspekter av undervisningen observerades, av vilka några kan anses utgöra förutsättningar för en inkluderande undervisning. Dessa är: samarbete mellan pedagoger i undervisningen, ledarskapsmodeller, cooperativt lärande (samarbetsinlärning), dynamisk pedagogik samt samarbete mellan pedagoger i problemlösande undervisning. Resultatet visar på likhet mellan de båda skolformerna beträffande användandet av en organismisk modell med ett demokratiskt ledarskap, där grundsärskolans pedagoger endast använder det aningen mer frekvent än grundskolans pedagoger.

Mänskliga rättigheter i samhällskunskapen: Utifrån ett lärarperspektiv

Human rights have been added to the new curriculum which came into force the 1st of July 2011 in the Swedish Upper Secondary school. The purpose with this master thesis is to compare the old and the new curriculum as part of an examination of what way they affect the Social Science education. Further the analysis focus on what is affecting discourses in the Social Science about human rights, as well as its communication and incorporation in its education. The empirical material consists of the schools steering documents and interviews with Social Science teachers. The theoretical framework is based on human rights education (HRE) and curriculum theory.

Lärares uppfattning omutomhuspedagogikens påverkan på barn med koncentrationssvårigheter : ? i den traditionella undervisningen

The objective for this study was to acquire a greater insight if children with concentration difficulties are assisted by outdoor education in the traditional teaching. With the use of a qualitative methodology four teachers were interviewed. The outcome gave evidence for that the teachers thought that outdoor education has a positive outcome for children with concentrations difficulties. The findings were divided into three key categories: the teacher?s reflections about outdoor education, outdoor education for children with difficulties in concentration and if there was any difference in how the children behaved indoors after having educations outdoors..

Rasism i skolan : Hur lärare arbetar för att motverka rasism

The purpose of this paper is to show how practicing teachers work to prevent racism. Based on four interviews with teachers at low-, middle- and high schools, where these schools differ in numbers of immigrants and geographical location. Conclusion: None of the four teachers feel that racism is a problem at their school; however, they are confident that some racism is present at their school. The teaching techniques are comparable in all four schools which targets the students? values, confidence, attitudes and behavior by work how students should treat one and other..

Vårdpersonals upplevelser av att vårda personer med demens som uppvisar BPSD-symtom.

Dementia is a concept that describes different conditions when memory and cognitive abilities degenerate. Approximately 140 000 persons in Sweden suffers from some kind of dementia. Many are stricken with behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia, BPSD. The aim of this study was to illuminate nursing staff?s experiences of caring for persons suffering from dementia and BPSD within municipal and institutional care.

Varför stavar vi inte som norrmännen? En jämförande studie av attityder till alternativ stavning.

I uppsatsen tittar jag på hur tre språk (svenska, tyska, engelska) har hanterat stavningsreformer, eller planer på en sådan. Jag är intresserad av hur de olika sidorna i en stavningsreform positionerar sig, och om det är samma typ av argument oavsett vilket språk det gäller. Ja det är det. Båda sidor tar till brösttoner..

Ett elevperspektiv på sex- och samlevnadsundervisning i grundskolan : En retrospektiv enkätstudie bland gymnasielever

Public health is a concern of many important areas of society and it is therefore of great importance to examine and expand the goals of public health work within different sectors, e.g., school. Sexually transmitted diseases, sexual violence and mental health problems related to sexual orientation are some of the public health problems in society today. Throughout childhood and teenage years, norms and attitudes regarding sexuality and coexistence are formed, which means that school is an important arena when it comes to creating proficient conditions for    coexistence and sexual health. The quality of sex and coexistence education in Swedish schools differs in quality; for content and magnitude vary greatly among schools. It is, therefore, of interest to study how students experience sex and coexistence education, like prioritizations and desires.

J K Rowling och fantasygenren : En genreteoretisk studie av Harry Potter

This paper attempts to display how five teachers of social studies use and relate to the policy documents and their instructions on gender. To penetrate the subject, five teachers were intreviewed. Each interview focused on how the curriculum attempts to guide teachers regarding gender, sex differences and equality of opportunity. The collected information was processed, analyzed and discussed using gender studies and discourse theory.The results show that the interpretation and usage of the curriculum is very subjective and varies greatly between all the interviewed teachers. Their personal interpretation proves to be crucial when it comes to making reality of the stated goals in the curriculum, concerning actively working towards equality of opportunity between sexes.

Jobbkontroll, stress och prestationsbaserad lön inom callcenterbranschen

The application of performance-based pay system among enterprises is becoming more frequent. Performance-based pay systems is used by organizations in hope of increasing productivity and have become more flexible. Employees may perceive the performance-based salary as a motivator or a threat depending on lifesituation and personality. At a perceived threat, the employee may become stressed. Work-related stress has become a serious social problem that can have consequences for both companies and individuals.

Recept för en "god" konsument : En läromedelsanalys i hem- och konsumentkunskap med utgångspunkt i kursplan 2000.

SammanfattningAnalysen undersöker meningserbjudandet gällande konsumentfrågor i tre läroböcker inom hem- och konsumentkunskap, med utgångspunkt i kursplan 2000 (Skolverket, 2000a). Först definierades och avgränsades konsumentfrågorna med hjälp av konsumtionsprocessen (Bjurström, 2004, McGregor, 2011a). Det andra steget i analysen var att kategorisera det befintliga konsumentinnehållet utifrån tre undervisningsstrategier: fakta-, normerande- och pluralistisk undervisningsstrategi (Skolverket, 2002, Kronlid & Öhman, 2010). Som ett tredje steg genomfördes en analys även av kursplan 2000, med hjälp av de tre undervisningsstrategierna. Detta tredje steg utgick ifrån antagandet att läroböckernas legitimitet och relevans styrs av kursplanen (Sellander, 1988, Lundgren, 1989, Englund, 2011).

Läsningens kris och samtalets potential

This study is about what teachers in primary schools say that they are doing to create a school for all.The purpose of this study is to find out what teachers in primary schools say that they do on their mission to create a school for everyone and how they organize teaching to achieve this. The study was conducted as an interview of five teachers from elementary school of different gender and with a qualitative method because it provides a great opportunity to problematize, interpret and understand the responses of the interviewees.The results show that all the teachers think that their mission is to teach so that they can give each student what they need to achieve the goals. This may not be every day but over time, they hope that all students feel that they get so much of the teacher's time that they need..

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