

1945 Uppsatser om Teaching profile - Sida 55 av 130

Lärares motiv att bedriva utomhuspedagogik

The purpose of this study was to gain a deeper understanding of teacher´s motives to engage in outdoor education in their teaching. A qualitative approach through interviews was used and a total of eight teachers were interviewed. The result showed that there were several motives to engage in outdoor education. These motives were divided into three main categories which were: to engage in outdoor education from teacher`s interest, to engage in outdoor education based on teacher`s perceptions of children's needs and to engage in outdoor education based on external factors..

Kartläggning av hörselnedsättningar, öronsjukdomar samt diagnostiseringsmöjligheter hos 1 ? 5 åriga barn

Ear disease and hearing loss in preschool children can be difficult to discover and diagnose. This paper investigates ear disease in 20 children controls from 1 to 5 years of age. The aim of the study was to map prevalence and incidence for ear disease, and prevalence of hearing loss in a group of children.Twenty children wide aged 1, 1½, 3 and 5 were included and investigated according to a set protocol with psychoacoustic tests, tympanometry, ear microscopy and a parental questionnaire. The majority of the children could be evaluated by age adequate psychoacoustic tests and otoscopy. Tympanometry was the investigation method that was most difficult to perform.

Det särpräglade reseföretaget i en föränderlig värld : En fallstudie av Rosa Bussarna

The purpose for this study is to look at the Pink Caravans, which is a Swedish travel company that started in the beginning of the seventies. The company today has a unique profile within the travel industry which made us curious about how they have managed to keep their distinctiveness over such a long period of time. We have chosen to focus on how they work with the market in this ever changing world, including aspects regarding for example the customer being more demanding today than before. We have also looked at a potential future for the company considering new trends popping up like the environmental issues. The study is based on a qualitative approach and a case study research regarding the Pink Caravans.

Mobil Bastu

This thesis is an addition to pictures and animation that has been developed using CATIA V5. The animation and the images are a market basis to test whether the product is of interest in the Nordic market. The thesis is structured with elements of the Fredy Olsson method. In this thesis there is also a short presentation of the company Tylö AB, which been chosen to market test the product. A product definition with the sub-headings; ?Description and use of product?, ?Environmentand users?, ?Economy? and ?Product inquiry?, are the basis for the product.

The effect of rapeseed oil and palm oil supplement and milking frequency on milk yield and milk fat quality

Milk fat is an important feature in many different milk products and other foodstuffs and it is often crucial for the dairy plants that the milk fat is stable for different manufacturing processes. Lipolysis is the enzymatic degradation of fat and is the one of the causes for an elevated amount of free fatty acids (FFA) in milk. Further, the change in fatty acid (FA) composition in milk can affect the stability of the product and also the manufacturing process. Both internal and external factors, at farm level or at the dairy plants can affect both FA composition and content of FFA. Milking frequency (MF=number of milkings per cow and day) and the composition of feed are two examples of factors generally performed at farm level. The objective of the present study was to evaluate how FA composition of milk and amount of FFA are influenced by two different ingredients supplemented to concentrate.

Tron är aldrig allena ? en undersökning av Kristusföreningsmotivet i den finska Lutherforskningen, med en följande diskussion utifrån deras kritik av modern protestantisk teologi

In this essay I present an outline and examination of the Finnish Luther research, withan aim to learn more about some different aspects of Luther?s teaching on justificationas sanctification, and sanctification as the growth of the new man. I will also draw myattention to the formal language of metaphysics, as it is continuously employed by Luther to depict the issues and the content of his reformation theology. Apart from the program of research in Helsinki, I have turned to the writings of Luther himself; and I have as well tried to engage in a broader survey of Luther-scholars, some of which seem to, or in fact, support the Finnish interpretation, others which raise a critical stance towards it. The later portion of the essay picks up on the Finnish critique of dominant 19th and 20th century German Lutheran theologians, such as Albrecht Ritschl and Gerhard Ebeling.

Fem pedagogers tankar kring matematikundervisningens utveckling i relation till styrdokumenten

Syftet var att studera matematikundervisningens utveckling genom att beskriva styrdokumentens, läroplanernas och kursplanernas påverkan på undervisningen. Bakgrunden till detta examensarbete är det faktum att många elever uppfattar skolmatematiken som komplicerad och ointressant och att de inte når de uppsatta målen. Metoden som användes var en litteraturgenomgång där matematikundervisningens utveckling studerades. Genom att även utföra en kvalitativ intervjuundersökning kunde fem yrkeserfarna pedagoger beskriva hur de uppfattar denna utveckling och hur det visar sig i deras matematikundervisning. Studien visar att i takt med att samhället utvecklas och förändras utvecklas också styrdokumenten.

Efterfrågan på musik har aldrig varit större : Hur nya förutsättningar har påverkat svenska musikförlag

We have been able to draw some conclusions based on our research. First we haveconsidered that the publisher is dependent on a large network and to work closelywith their customers. We can see that the competition in the music industry hasgenerally increased, the technological progress has created new opportunities, and asa result of this, new players have joined the music industry. We have been able todraw conclusions in the fact that more companies and songwriters start up their ownpublishing company, resulting in an increased competition for the individualpublisher.We can also see as a final result that music is used in lots of different contexts andthat the publishers thereby are offered a wide range of business opportunities, but thatthe solvency of the customers has become lower. With this knowledge, we canconclude that the publisher?s power and revenues will increase, and that the publisheras an actor has been given a more important role in the industry.

"Säg aldrig till ditt barn att matematik är svårt" : Sex pedagogers tankar och resonemang kring sitt arbetssätt i matematikundervisning för elever i år F-6

There has been a lot of debate in media about mathematics teaching in grade school in Sweden. Many students experience that mathematics in grade school is abstract, which leads to decreased interest of mathematics in early years. An international study indicates that Swedish students in class 4 do not fulfill the mean for mathematics according to EU/OECD countries. The study also shows that Sweden practice a textbook driven education, compared to other countries. The aim for this study was to find out how a few pedagogues for class F-6 teach mathematics, and why they have chosen to educate the way they do.

"Man måste erövra begreppen" : En studie av undervisande gymnasielärares attityder gentemot språkets roll i historieundervisningen

This study is about how teachers of history at different upper secondary schools in Uppsala think and talk about the role language plays in the classroom and in education in general. In order to find this out, interviews were carried out with five teachers of history at four different upper secondary schools in Uppsala. This study has an analysis of the statements by and interviews with the teachers in a wide context by using a previous study carried out in Uppsala, which categorizes the upper secondary schools of Uppsala into a social field based upon what assets their students have. These assets are estimated by using Bourdieu?s theory of symbolic, social and cultural capital.

Myndigheter i samverkan inom e-förvaltning.

Human rights have been added to the new curriculum which came into force the 1st of July 2011 in the Swedish Upper Secondary school. The purpose with this master thesis is to compare the old and the new curriculum as part of an examination of what way they affect the Social Science education. Further the analysis focus on what is affecting discourses in the Social Science about human rights, as well as its communication and incorporation in its education. The empirical material consists of the schools steering documents and interviews with Social Science teachers. The theoretical framework is based on human rights education (HRE) and curriculum theory.

?De vill kunna, men inte lära sig det? : Metoder och motivation i engelskundervisning

Syftet med detta arbete är att undersöka hur engelskundervisning kan bedrivas i år 4, 5 och 6. Vi är intresserade av att se hur olika lärare i olika skolor arbetar och vilka undervisningsmetoder de använder sig av samt hur förutsättningarna i elevgruppen inverkar på valet av metod. Vi vill också undersöka hur valet av undervisningsmetod påverkar elevernas intresse och motivation i ämnet. Frågeställningarna är följande:? Vilka metoder använder engelsklärare i sin undervisning och hur kan detta se ut i praktiken?? Hur tar engelsklärarna hänsyn till elevgruppen och varje elevs individuella behov när det gäller val av undervisningsmetod?? Vilken påverkan har valet av undervisningsmetod på eleverna vad gäller deras intresse och motivation i engelskämnet? Skiljer sig lärarnas uppfattningar om elevernas inställning från elevernas egna?För att kunna genomföra studien har vi valt att intervjua fem engelsklärare i år 4-6 i en och samma kommun i Sverige.

Två-Och flerspråkighet som "språkpolicy" i förskolan

The purpose of the essay was to investigate the way four different educators, at a pre-school with a bilingual profile, work towards strengthening the children?s bilingualism as well as their identity. The research questions concern which guidelines are being used, the educators perceptions concerning children?s bi- and multilingualism and in what way they believe that their pre-school distinguishes itself from others.Qualitative individual interviews and observations were conducted and the empirical data was analyzed using a theoretical framework, constructed of theories concerning language development, ethnicity and identity.The result presented in the study shows that the pre-school not only follows the national curriculum but also their own guideline. The guideline states that there should be both Spanish- and Swedish speaking personnel and that they are ?responsible? for the education in their own language.

Lean om lean : en värdeflodesanalys av en lean-ledarutbildning

Detta arbete beskriver en elektrisk pulsgenerator, dess konstruktion och ingående komponenter.Särskild uppmärksamhet ägnas åt det triggade gnistgapet och triggpulsgeneratorn. Gnistgapetskonstruktion beskrivs. En SPICE-modell utvecklas för gnistgapets urladdningskanal.Urladdningskanalens egenskaper simuleras. Simulerad och fotograferad kanalradie jämförs.Några genomförda försök beskrivs kort, däribland det katastrofala och avslutande försöket. Detavslutande försöket analyseras.

"Ja jag tänker nog på ett helt annat sätt" : En kvalitativ studie av socialhandläggares syn på sin yrkeskunskap i arbetet med hedersrelaterade ärenden.

In the aftermath of three high-profile honor killings the social service administrators became strongly criticized for their lack of skills and knowledge when it comes to dealing with honorrelated cases. In order to fix this lack of knowledge and to respond to the criticism from the society, the Swedish government allocated resources to train administrators in social services to improve their knowledge of honor-related violence and know how to handle clients who are victims of honor-related crimes.The aim of this study is to examine how social service administrators perceive their professional knowledge regarding to their work in honor-related cases. How they perceive their competence and discretion in relation to the work of honor-related problems and their perception of what resources the organization has to provide training and skill development in this area. The study shows that the social service administrators experience that there has been a development of knowledge in some areas regarding their work with honor-related cases but that there still exists an uneven distribution in terms of knowledge between small and large communities in Sweden..

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