1945 Uppsatser om Teaching profile - Sida 48 av 130
Inte bara ord : Klassrumskommunikation om subtraktion i årskurs 2
Title: Not just words, classroom communication about subtraction in year 2Language: Swedish with summary in English.Keywords: Communication, mathematics, subtraction, teaching The purpose of this study is to analyze the mathematical communication in a classroom during a lesson in the field subtraction, and to find out how students describe their perception of mathematics that is communicated in the classroom.The study consists of the observations through the videotaping of two lessons in primary school grades 2 and student and teacher interviews related to these lecture occasions.Research indicates that Swedish pupils' mathematical skill continuously deteriorates in a national and international perspective, and that student experiences of mathematics in general are negative. The literature emphasizes the importance of communicating mathematics in various forms to deepen and develop understanding of concepts and mathematical operations. Communication must be generated between teachers and students but also between student and student to have a beneficial impact for the student.Our result demonstrate the different types of communication in the classroom but that communication does not always have a clear mathematical content in spite of teachers' mathematical intentions with teaching. The result also indicates that the mathematical communication that takes place, in essence, is a one-way communication where the teacher has a great opportunity to speak. The teachers perceived as oblivious to their own ways of communicating, but stressed in the interviews with an understanding of the importance of communication learning.
Att minnas det förflutna : Historieskrivning i strävan efter ett gemensamt Sydafrika
This thesis is intended to respond to the extent to which South African textbooks on the subject of history is linked to the governmental policy documents and whether they are producing and reproducing national identity. The two textbooks are aimed at students in grade 10. Both books were produced in 2008 but published by different publishers.The essay is based on Norman Faircloughs critical discourse theory which has been supplemented by Michael Billings theory Banal Nationalism, which assumes that it is the national words that remind us daily of our homeland that is producing and reproducing national identity. The survey shows that both textbooks are closely tied to the government policy document for the teaching of history. The textbooks refer to the policy, both explicitly and implicitly. The two textbooks reproduce a common national identity in South Africa based on the discussions taking place in society.
Kvantfysikens grunder i Gy2011 : En tolkning av kursplaner för fysik 1 och 2
AbstractThe beginning of the 20th century gave birth to quantum physics. Within years it revolutionized material science and converted the theoretical foundations of modern chemistry, and to some extent even biology, to physics? new branch, molecular physics. Merger of relativistic and quantum physics soon led to the development of quantum field theory and a deeper understanding of the elementary constituents of matter. Part of this development found its way into high school textbooks as early as in the 1950s.
"Det som står i Internet kan också stå i en bok, så då måste det ju vara sant": En undersökning av Komvuxelevers informationskompetens
The information flow of today is endless and the advances in information technology astounding. In today's information society it is of utmost importance not only to be able to find the right information but also to evaluate the information. The expression ?information literacy? is not a new one but it has never been as pertinent and essential as today. Information literacy is however not something which is easily and swiftly achieved.Swedish youth education is based on problem based learning in which the students are expected to research for material, evaluate their finds and use their skills to produce a good written or oral presentation.
Mattemusik på schemat : En studie av hur musiklärare och specialpedagog i matematik samarbetar för att integrera musik och matematik i sin undervisning i årskurs 1-3.
Bakgrunden till min studie kommer ursprungligen från mitt eget intresse att diskutera ämnesintegrerad undervisnings betydelse i skola och samhälle.Syftet med föreliggande studie är att utifrån ett multimodalt perspektiv ta reda på hur en musiklärare och en specialpedagog i matematik samarbetar för att integrera matematik och musik i sin undervisning i årskurs 1-3. Jag har använt mig av observationer och samtal för att ta reda på hur de arbetar, vilka redskap de använder sig av samt varför de arbetar som de gör. Den undervisning jag har observerat kallas mattemusik och är en utarbetad metod för ämnesintegrerat lärande. I resultatet visas att det är läroplanens mål och kunskapskrav i matematik och musik som styr undervisningen och att de två lärarna anser att det sätt som undervisningen bedrivs på även uppfyller många sociala mål som till exempel samarbetsförmåga, hänsynstagande och turtagning. Lektionerna i mattemusik utgick från ett tema och sedan arbetade lärarna tillsammans med eleverna mot den nya kunskapen ifrån många olika håll och med flera sinnen involverade. Undervisningen var i många avseenden multimodal då även momenten under lektionerna i sig själva var det. Det jag tar upp i diskussionen är bland annat avsaknaden av det taktila sinnet som inte fanns representerat i lika stor utsträckning som de visuella, auditiva och kinestetiska sinnena..
Pekplattan leksak eller didaktiskt verktyg?
The information technique is developing at a fast pace and almost all new technique is being welcomed with opened arms. The newest on the market is the tablet device, it´s a device used for surfing the web, sending email, watching movies and playing games. It is now also being used in some schools for educational purposes. My research goal has been to find out how the teachers feel about using the tablet device for educational purposes. I have conducted interviews to find the answers to my questions.
Idrott och hälsa ? ett livsviktigt ämne : en kvalitativ studie om vad som utmärker gymnasieelever som deltar i ämneskursen idrott och hälsa 1
AimThe overall aim of this study has been to gain knowledge about what characterize upper secondary school students participating in the subject course physical education and health (PEH). To investigate this, the following questions are formulated:What motivates the students to attend PEH?How do the students experience teaching?What influences the students' opinions of the subject?MethodWe conducted a qualitative study using interview as method. Six students, from year 2; three girls and three boys, from different studying programs at an upper secondary school in the region of Mälardalen were interviewed. The students had been recommended and asked to participate by their teachers in PEH.
"En människa är det". En queerdidaktisk analys av Jessica Schiefauers "Pojkarna" och dess möjligheter för arbete med likabehandling i skolan
This text aims to examine how teaching in literature can contribute to the schools work with creating an antidiscriminating environment. When it comes to the Swedish schools antidiscrimination plans, this essay focuses especially on those sections that concerns pupils and student right to their own gender identity and expression.The main theories in this examination are Judith Butler?s theory on gender and performativity, queer theory defined by Fanny Ambjörnsson and theories concerning adolescent psychology with focus on the adolescent identity and it?s forming. Together with Mikhail Bakhtin?s carnival theory the text examines how Jessica Schiefauer?s novel Pojkarna (The Boys; 2012) describes a young adolescent girl?s journey to finding and forming her own gender and sexual identity.
Bokbussens värde och funktion. En kvalitativ intervjuundersökning med bokbussanvändare och bibliotekspersonal
The purpose of this master thesis is to investigate if the mobile library has a similar role as the public library. To study this further we intend to examine the value and function of the mobile library. Answers are sought to the following questions: Can the mobile library be seen as a public library in a smaller scale? How do the users experience the value and function of the mobile library? What does the library staff think of the value and function of the mobile library for the users? What would the consequences be if the service of the mobile libraries would not exist? The method used was qualitative interviews. The groups of respondents are mobile library users and library staff.
Kromförångning i fastoxidbränsleceller
This report discusses the development of lessons based on laborations for middle and high school.The purpose of the project was to research the possibility to affect students' attitude towards physicsthrough well-planned stimulating lessons. The lessons were based on the Light and Lasers OutreachKit, a teaching package made by the organisation Laser Classroom, and have been adapted for physicsin middle and high school. The lessons were developed on a pedagogical and didactical ground andwere improved with surveys and peer and self assessment. The lessons were based on laser light and itsproperties. One lesson covered the topic of single-slit diffraction, while the other treated geometricaloptics.
Ställtidsreduktion på förpackningslina
This report discusses the development of lessons based on laborations for middle and high school.The purpose of the project was to research the possibility to affect students' attitude towards physicsthrough well-planned stimulating lessons. The lessons were based on the Light and Lasers OutreachKit, a teaching package made by the organisation Laser Classroom, and have been adapted for physicsin middle and high school. The lessons were developed on a pedagogical and didactical ground andwere improved with surveys and peer and self assessment. The lessons were based on laser light and itsproperties. One lesson covered the topic of single-slit diffraction, while the other treated geometricaloptics.
?Man vill ju inte slå på stora trumman? : -en kvalitativ intervjustudie om svenska klädföretags CSR-kommunikation
Abstract The purpose of this study is to identify how Swedish clothing companies strategically communicate CSR ? the issue being that CSR communication is frequently scrutinized and criticized. This is examined using semi-structured interviews with six company representatives. The result is presented thematically, dealing with (1) conditions for CSR and CSR communication, (2) how to manage the issue with criticism and (3) which communication strategies companies use. Following conclusions are drawn: the companies can be divided into Mirvis and Googins phases integrated or engaged/innovative, with conditions characterizing these phases.
Marknadsinriktad miljökommunikation på Internet : försäkringsbolaget Folksam
Many companies are presently investing in different types of environmental strategies, and it is varying to what level they channel their resources to environmental efforts. It is also diverging to what extent organizations effort to profile themselves as environmentally conscious. This can be due to difficulties in reaching out to customers and to finding the most efficient method of green marketing communication.
The aim of this study is to analyse how an insurance company more actively can communicate environmental matters foremost in their contact with customers. One can in different mediums daily follow debates and discussions concerning the environment. Many insurance companies have also identified their role in performing green work.
Lika möjligheter till ett livslångt lärande?: en studie av svensklärares förhållningssätt till användningen av skönlitteratur och skolbibliotek
The purpose of this study is to examine the view of Swedish language teachers on the role of fiction and of school libraries within the compulsory school?s teaching of Swedish of form 6-9. The questions to be answered are:? What part do Swedish language teachers (hereafter called teachers) think fiction is playing regarding the pupils inclination to read and reading promotion?? What is the attitude of teachers regarding the function of fiction in the Swedish subject?? What do teachers consider being the role of the school library in education, and can this be related to the local school library resources?To answer the questions a questionnaire was sent out to thirty-five teachers. Four qualitative interviews were also carried out among the fourteen teachers that answered the questionnaire.
Om arbetslaget och lärares lärande : En fallstudie av arbetslagets betydelse för pedagogers lärande om undervisning och lärande
The aim of this essay is to study the importance of team organisation of teachers? learning of teaching and learning and to find out different obstacles and possibilities.I carried out the study at a schooldistrict in a community in the south of Sweden. Data was collected by group interviews and document studies. To get all kinds of teachers, from pre-school to year six, in the groups the sample was made by the headmaster of the schooldistrict. Since it is a case study the findings can not be considered as general, but they can hopefully contribute the pedagogical discussion and future research.The findings show that there exists a difference between the expectations on policy level on the one hand and on the team level on the other hand.