

1672 Uppsatser om Teaching assistant - Sida 6 av 112

Grammatiken i praktiken : Om gymnasieelevers förmåga att tillämpa grammatiska kunskaper i muntlig kommunikation

This paper sets out to examine to what extent French grammar teaching contributes to the students? practical, oral skills. Are the students familiar with the grammatical system without knowing how to apply it orally in practice? The paper contains a theoretical background and an empirical survey. One quantitative and one qualitative method have been applied in the survey.

Motivations- och prestationshöjande undervisning för elever med autismspektrumdiagnos : användning av digitala verktyg i elevgrupper med autism och utvecklingsstörning

This is a study about how different digital instruments can be used in education for pupils with autism and intellectual disability. The questions formulated to research this chosen area was: ?What does teachers think about digital instruments and interactive teaching materials when it comes to benefits and disadvantages in the classroom?, ?In what ways is digital instruments used as teaching materials in the specific school context? and ?From a perspective of teaching and learning, what kind of problems and opportunities can be gained from using digital instruments and teaching materials?. To gather this information interviews was done with three specialist pedagogues working with the chosen group of pupils at three different schools. The material shows that the specialist pedagogues have positive attitudes towards working with digital instruments in this specific group of students..

Geometri : Varierad undervisning i kreativ anda

The purpose of this study is to observe which method that is used when it comes to teaching geometry. The study aims to take a closer look at four different ways of teaching: illustrations, using practical objects, brainstorming and verbal communication. The method used to get the results is observation. With the result, we can deduce primarily that the educators make use of the four didactic methods to varying degrees. There are similarities between most of the teachers but also differences between them.

Kan ett konkret arbetssätt påverka lusten till matematik?

The purpose behind this work was to investigate whether I could from a practical approach to create desire for mathematics among students in primary schools. I wanted also to find out how students feel about their current mathematics teaching. By introducing an equation game, and interviewing students to find out their perception of their mathematics teaching, I was able to answer my questions. What I came to was that through a practical and laboratory work, I could create an enjoyable educational opportunity in mathematics. Then during the interviews I also learned that students had not a pre-determined negative attitude towards mathematics.

Lärande genom estetiska lärprocesser : Konstnärlighet som metod i Waldorfskolan - en etnografisk fältstudie

In this essay we study the practice of teaching and learning through aesthetic learning processes in a Waldorf School. Through an ethnographic field study three Waldorf teachers have been interviewed about their views regarding in what ways aesthetic learning processes are present in their teaching and how learning through these processes is being carried out practically. For the study a specific class has been observed during three days in a Waldorf School in Stockholm to examine how the aesthetic learning processes are being performed in practice.Through the study we have reached the conclusion that in this particular Waldorf School teaching is being performed artistically and through aesthetic approaches and perspectives. This way of teaching is being carried out not only in the aesthetic subjects but also in the theoretic. The results of the study show that aesthetic learning processes are present in almost all of the subjects in this Waldorf School..

Ingen fara på taket : skolpersonal om anmälningsskyldighet

This is a study about how different digital instruments can be used in education for pupils with autism and intellectual disability. The questions formulated to research this chosen area was: ?What does teachers think about digital instruments and interactive teaching materials when it comes to benefits and disadvantages in the classroom?, ?In what ways is digital instruments used as teaching materials in the specific school context? and ?From a perspective of teaching and learning, what kind of problems and opportunities can be gained from using digital instruments and teaching materials?. To gather this information interviews was done with three specialist pedagogues working with the chosen group of pupils at three different schools. The material shows that the specialist pedagogues have positive attitudes towards working with digital instruments in this specific group of students..

Skönlitteraturens roll i svenskundervisningen : Litteratursynen som speglas i läroplanen och motiveringar till litteraturundervisning

The aim of this study is to investigate the view of literature that shines through in the Swedish curriculum for secondary school, Läroplan, examensmål och gymnasiegemensamma ämnen för gymnasieskola 2011. The idea is that this view of literature becomes visible when analyzing the curriculum?s ways of legitimating the teaching of literature and its relation to the use of a literary canon. The analysis compares the phrases from the curriculum regarding the teaching of literature and compares these phrases with the various literary visions that earlier scholars advocate. Based on these comparisons, discussions are raised about the pros and cons of the curriculum's ways of legitimating the teaching of literature and its relation to the use of a literary canon.

Det obligatoriska skolväsendets pedagogiska strategier i arbetet med elever som har AD/HD. : Pedagoger i en integrerad respektive segregerad undervisningsform berättar och beskriver

The survey aims to highlight and describe how the schools' teaching strategies look like in the work of pupils from the neuropsychiatric disability AD/HD (Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder). The pedagogical strategies have been investigated in an integrated and segregated teaching method. The study is qualitative in nature where the interviews conducted, first with a student who has been diagnosed AD/HD but also with teachers from each school who is well versed in student teaching and work. The results of the study show that knowledge and commitment about AD/HD is crucial to students' role and function in school. If knowledge and commitment is sufficient for the student teaching tailored to student needs and the risk of misunderstandings occur decreases. Security is a key factor for students who have been diagnosed AD/HD and learning form in itself is no guarantee that students will feel safe. Students have in the two teaching methods stressed that they feel safe at school and with their education and therefore has no teaching method preferred.

Nivågruppering i grundskolans tidigare år : Hur och varför används den i matematikundervisningen

The aim of this essay is to examine why and how three teachers who work in elementary classes choose to use ability grouping during math lessons and what they think of ability grouping as a method to individualize the activities according to the pupil?s needs.I chose one main question for this study that is the following:What is the teacher?s point of view and experience of ability grouping in teaching mathematics?And three sub-questions:What are the motives behind the choice of ability grouping?What are the advantages of ability grouping?What are the disadvantages of ability grouping?In order to be able to answer my questions, I used the qualitative method. I interviewed three teachers who work in the elementary classes (First to fifth grade) to find out what they think about ability grouping and how it is experienced in mathematic teaching.The result shows that the common thing between these three teachers is that they don?t use ability grouping as the only teaching method. They all agree that the whole class teaching has many benefits for the pupils.

Språkutvecklande arbetssätt : En kvalitativ studie om hur lärare arbetar med halvspråkiga elever

The purpose of this study was to examine how teachers conduct their teaching to be language developing, and how they in a practical way work with semi-speaking students who have language deficits in the Swedish language and / or their native language. To carry out this study, I used qualitative interviews as a method and I have interviewed six teachers working at a high school.The school that these teachers work at execute a language developing teaching throughout all the courses in the school. All teachers have a similar idea of what language developing work is, however, how they go about and what is emphasized most in the teaching differs. The reason for this is because these teachers have different experiences with the language developing teaching. These professionals agree that this approach is very important and that all teachers, regardless of subject, should work in a language developing way, in parallel with the rest of their subjects.

Handens och tankens samverkan - om textila läroprocesser i vardagspraktiken

The purpose of my study was to explore how preschool educators in Kenya look at children's influence on teaching. Researchers have argued that the formal educational system in Kenya today is a remnant of its days as a colony when people were expected to blindly follow rules without questioning them. I have used qualitative interviews as a method in order get the most concrete understanding of educators? views on the influence from children. The educators I interviewed were based at a school I visited in Kenya.

Lärares val : En studie om undervisningsformer ur lärarperspektiv

The background to this study is an interest for teacher?s thoughts about choices and teachingmethods and motives for these choices. A question is about the meaning of professional experience and the importance of choices in teachingmethods according to the teachers. The purpose of the study is thru a qualitative study examine teacher?s thoughts and statements about choices of teachingmethods to shed a light on different teachingmethods in early years in school.

Möjligheter och begränsningar med läroboksbaserad och laborativ matematikundervisning

Mathematics is a central topic in today's education debate, including discussion of its educational quality and various teaching methods. Today basically two different teaching methods are used; one is the textbook based method, with the book in focus and the other one the laboratory method by which teaching is performed through practical applications. The purpose of this study was to examine four primary school teachers' view of these two teaching methods by means of four relevant inquiries. By interviewing the four teachers, advantages and disadvantages were highlighted and the purpose was achieved. In order to support the analysis, two theories applied; the socio-cultural perspective and the cognitive perspective.

Demokratiundervisning i skolan : En jämförande studie mellan den sydafrikanska och svenska skolan

The purpose of this study is to highlight how Swedish primary school teachers teach of and about democracy and based on this then compare with how the primary school teachers in South Africa teaches of and about democracy. This comparison will then highlight what can be developed in the teaching of and about democracy in Swedish schools. The method used in this study is mind maps because it gives a greater depth in the way teachers look at teaching democracy. The result of this comparison is that South Africa's history pervades the entire democracy education in school but both Sweden and South Africa use methods as dialogue and discussion in teaching of and about democracy. Furthermore, the community, curriculum, teacher and cooperation with other teachers also have an influence on how democracy's teaching looks like in schools.

Vad skola vi göra med litteraturen? : En studie av de nya styrdokumenten samt ett urval av läromedel och deras föreställningar om och legitimeringar av skönlitteratur i det svenska skolsystemet.

In this thesis I set out to study how the reading of fictional literature is viewed, legitimatized and operationalized in two educational domains: the recently revised steering documents that all Swedish teachers must relate to, as well as a selection of teaching materials designed for education in the Swedish language for upper secondary school. The teaching material I have studied has been recently updated in order to correspond with the new steering documents. I relate my analysis to previous research about the use of fiction in education, and I also combine my analysis of the two educational domains to see whether the underlying intentions of the steering documents have influenced the revision of the teaching material. The outcome indicates that the steering documents? previous focus on culture has diminished although a certain insecurity as to how to use the concept and deal with the issue of whose culture should be taught can be identified.

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