

4775 Uppsatser om Teachers\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\' values - Sida 5 av 319

Lärares yrkesetiska normer och handlingsberedskap

Syftet med denna kvalitativa studie är att undersöka vilka etiska normer som finns i lärares resonemang om vardagens problemlösning och konflikthantering. Vidare syftar studien till att undersöka hur lärare resonerar om sin handlingsberedskap och sitt beslutsfattande samt vilka etiska normer de grundar sina beslut på. Vår datainsamling har skett genom ljudupptagning av halvstrukturerade intervjuer med fem lärare. Lärarna har dagen innan intervjutillfället fått ett fall med olika etiska dilemman som de ombetts att läsa och reflektera kring. Intervjuerna har utgått ifrån fallet, men lärarna har uppmuntrats att relatera till egna erfarenheter av etiskt svåra situationer i läraryrket.

Ledarskap i klassrummet : Demokratiskt eller auktoritärt

The aim is to examine how teachers view their leadership, how leadership is used and developed, and what kind of perceptions teachers have of leadership and how it is important to their students.My questions are: In what ways can the teachers develop their leadership?In what ways can the teachers make use of leadership in the classroom?What do the teachers in the study consider to be a good leadership?What do the teachers inte the study think of their leadership and its´ importance to students? The study uses a qualitative research method and consists of interviews with four teachers working in a school south of Stockholm. The results of the study shows that teachers´ leadership in the classroom has a significance for students´ learning and development. The teachers´style of leadership should not be static and should be adapted to students´development level. The results also shows that teachers´ leadership in the classroom is about various tasks.

Frihängande kylbaffel för Swegon : Freely suspended chilled beam for Swegon

This study aims to highlight and analyze eight secondary teachers' views and thoughts on mathematics. Hopefully this study will provide a deeper understanding of how teachers think and reason about their subject and how this affects their teaching. The study was conducted using a qualitative interview method, based on interviews with eight middle school teachers who teach in school mathematics for grades 6 - 9. The interviews were recorded and then transcribed and analyzed. After the interview analysis one can conclude that the teachers? thoughts concern three main themes: the importance of mathematics, children?s lack of basic knowledge and the teachers? lack of time.In discussion and analysis the teachers conceptions of the own subject is being analyzed, and that is the foundation of this study.

Planeringens sociala effekter : En studie av hur den fysiska miljön återspeglar de politiska visionerna i stadsplaneringen

This essay examines a presupposed correlation between the way one look upon values and the way one look upon the will of the people in a theoretical democratic context. The more specific purpose is to test the following hypothesis: There is a reversed connection between the way one look upon values and the way one look upon the will of the people in a theoretical democratic context, that is; a strong claim of values give reason to a limited conception of the will of the people and a weak claim of values gives reason for a more unlimited conception of the will of the people.In order to test the hypothesis I examine three different conceptions of democracy, these are: pluralist democracy, deliberative democracy and constitutional democracy. I analyze the way they look upon values, there view of the will of the people and finally if there is a connection between the way they look upon values and the will of the people. Values should be understood in a metaethical context. In other words it is not values in the ?common? meaning, instead its how val-ues in them selves should be understood, and even more relevant, what we mean when we ex-press values.My conclusions are, first and foremost, that there is a correlation between the will of the people and values, according to the formulation of the hypothesis.

Medveten lärare? : Om självreflektion i undervisning

In this paper I have examined how aware teachers are of their influence on pupils development. The method I´ve used are interviews with three teachers and one pupil each aboutMusicality - how do the teachers and pupils look at the concept musicality generally and personally?Influence I- do the teachers believe that their thinking about musicality influence the pupils self-confidence and development?Influence II- do the teachers think that other pedagogues have influenced them in their teaching and thinking?My main results show that both the teachers and the pupils have similar apprehensions as their teachers, which points towards that influence can exist. The basis is however too limited to make any extensive generalizations.The conclusion of the paper is that we have to be aware of how we influence our pupils. They carry this ?knowledge?, whether it is positive or negative, all their life..

Från reklamjippo till pedagogiskt verktyg : ett lärarperspektiv på datoriseringen av skolan

Today it is more and more common for schools to provide teachers as well as students with laptops. Projects like this are worldwide called "One-to-one", one laptop per child. This paper conveys thoughts and ideas from a number of teachers in a medium-sized Swedish municipality in which all high school students and teachers, since a couple of years, have their own laptops. The aim of this paper is to clarify how the teachers? situation has been affected by the implementations of the laptops.

Att arbeta med högläsning av skönlitteratur i skolans mellanår : En studie om lärares arbete med och inställning till högläsning

The aim of the study is to elucidate how teachers in middle school work with reading literature aloud and their attitudes to their working methods. The research questions concern how the teachers work before, during and after the reading aloud, and also the advantages the teachers find in their method and the obstacles they discover in the work of reading aloud. A qualitative method was used for the study, applying semi-structured interviews. The selection consists of two teachers who have worked in the profession for 23?24 years (Teachers Andersson and Bergström) and two who have worked as teachers for 3?4 years (Teachers Cederqvist and Davidsson).

Projektstyrningurettaffärsekosystemperspektiv En fallstudie om projektstyrning inom bankgemensamma projekt

Based on last years events that have taken place, events on the school Lundbergs and the police values of work, has the meaning of having a set of values been questioned. This study aimed to investigate and answer the fundamental values based on the common value basis for the government employees within an organization and how it perceived by employees. The new institutional theory was the framework for this qualitative study conducted with semi-structured interviews. Respondents were employees within the organization. Ethnographic qualitative methodology was the basis for our methodology and we used a thematic model of theme interpretation, communication and knowledge in our analysis.

?Det går inte att tänka jämställdhet under mattelektionerna? : - Lärares tankar kring jämställdhet samt hur och varför det ska främjas i skolan

The aim with this thesis is to investigate teachers view on gender equality and what this may be due to. Teachers are supposed to follow the curriculum where it is written that gender equality should be encouraged. After interviewing teachers it has come to light that depending of the teacher?s personal interest and the school?s management of the question, there is a difference between how teachers are working with gender equality. That is why we want to know why gender equality should be encouraged and how teachers should reach the aim from the curriculum about gender equality.

Livskunskap : En inre kompass i skolan

Through qualitative interviews with five teachers from three schools, two public schools within the same school management and a Waldorf school, the purpose of this study is to find out teachers' views on the phenomenon of life skills in the lower classes in school. What is the subject, how do teachers work with life skills, and should it be seen as a separate subject or integrated in all school subjects?The results show that the definition of life skills is a term with many interpretations. Two concepts that can be seen as the common denominators in the educators' views on the subject, however is, social and emotional skills. This is something that educators believe develop self-awareness and empathy in children and sees that as important as learning other subjects.

Barn och sociala medier : Hur sociala medier påverkar elever och skolans arbete mot kränkande behandling

This work is about the rights of children, how students use social media and how effective teachers are using social media in their work against abusive treatment. The purpose of this work is to examine what students have rights in school, what and how students use social media and how schools and teachers are working to prevent the abuse that takes place over the internet and via mobile phones. The method used to investigate this is partly a survey of students in grades five and six at four different schools and interviews with four practicing teachers, working as a teacher in each class who made survey. My conclusion is that children have a variety of rights in school, and all schools and teachers are working on this through rules, values ??clarification and collaborative exercises. More and more younger children use out of social media, the survey shows that many of the students in grades five and six uses much social media.

Att legitimera litteraturläsning i skolan

This essay will treat questions regarding why we should read literature, more specifically fiction, in schools. My issues regards how the curriculums of the swedish school subject legitimizes reading of literature, and my main focus is on the curriculums themselves. As a complement, I have completed three interviews with professional teachers to see how they legitimize reading for the pupils and for themselves. I have also discussed the potential democratic values of teaching and reading literature in schools, and I discuss my results in relation to the "values" of the swedish schools. My study is based on a study of the old curriculums, completed by Magnus Persson in 2007.

Lärare om bedömning och betygssättning : Hur ser bedömningen och betygssättningen ut på olika skolor och hur likvärdig är den?

This essay examines how high school teachers in physical education and health thinks about assessment and grading. The essay show how teachers assess pupils during lessons and how teachers grade their students. The survey was based on interviews, in which six different teachers answered questions on the topic of assessment and grading. The issues surrounding assessment was linked to the theoretical concepts of formative and summative assessment, to see if the assessment methods teachers use. The issues surrounding grading was related to the theoretical concepts of validity and reliability in order to see how similar the grading is.The essay provides a picture of how the assessment and rate again looks different teachers.

Barns lärande i leken : Studie utifrån pedagogers perspektiv

The purpose of this study is to investigate what teachers in preschool thinks of play and how they use play to create learning. In my study I have proceeded from three questions which are: How do the teachers describe how the children learn through play? How do the teachers describe their participation in the children´s play? How do the teachers describe what they do to involve learning in play? To examine my purpose and the questions at issue, qualitative interviews were done with three different teachers. The interviews were transcribed and analyzed and the result showed that teachers´opinion and experiences of learning through play. The result shows that teachers belive that playing is very important and that it should be fun and joyful.

Åtta högstadielärares uppfattningar om matematik

This study aims to highlight and analyze eight secondary teachers' views and thoughts on mathematics. Hopefully this study will provide a deeper understanding of how teachers think and reason about their subject and how this affects their teaching. The study was conducted using a qualitative interview method, based on interviews with eight middle school teachers who teach in school mathematics for grades 6 - 9. The interviews were recorded and then transcribed and analyzed. After the interview analysis one can conclude that the teachers? thoughts concern three main themes: the importance of mathematics, children?s lack of basic knowledge and the teachers? lack of time.In discussion and analysis the teachers conceptions of the own subject is being analyzed, and that is the foundation of this study.

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