

2157 Uppsatser om Teacher thinking - Sida 9 av 144

Problemlösning : - att välja strategi

AbstractBy finding out the pupils' choice of strategies for problem solving, we as teachers, can get a better understanding of their way of thinking, and thus also help them develop in their learning of mathematics. In a classroom environment where several different strategies could be found, the pupils' learning is facilitated as they, with the help of classmates, find positive and negative attributes of different kinds of strategies. The pupils are, in other words, each other's resources, rather than competitors. The main point is that the classroom environment, as well as the role of the teacher in the classroom, are both key elements for good mathematics learning.In order to increase the understanding of the pupils' choice of learning strategies, a survey was performed based on two school classes, one third grade and one six grade class at the same school. Both classes received the same mathematical problem to work with, and the strategies observed were analyzed and compared.

Faktorer som bidrar till att kursmålen nås för elever med matematiksvårigheter

During my practice as a teacher trainee at an upper secondary school it became clear to me that many pupils had difficulties with mathematics. I was surprised to find that many pupils seemed to get stuck on the level of attainment for the senior level of the nine-year compulsory school. As I have not studied anything about difficulties in Mathematics during my training to become a qualified teacher, I would like to get to know more about this.After studying research done on this subject I made the following approach to the problem:? What fields regarding Mathematics do the pupils themselves find most difficult?? What factors have been contributory causes to these problems?? What are the factors that have helped pupils with difficulties in Mathematics to reach the goals for the syllabuses in Mathematics?The answers to my questionnaire and interviews resulted in the following conclusions:? Pupils find theory of equation and conversion of units as most difficult at senior level of the nine-year compulsory school.? Teaching should be done in special instruction groups to give the pupil the opportunity to develop his/her skills on an individual level.? Pupils find it hard to deal with all moments in Mathematics during the time given for each course.? The pace for teaching Mathematics is too high according to the pupils.? Pupils wish for instructions on a lower level.? There is often a lack of contact between teacher and pupil.? The teacher should use more time to help the pupil receive good self-confidence and increase the motivation for instructions in Mathematics..

"I slutet av varje dag förstår alla elever matematiken" : En kvalitativ studie om matematiklärares syn på barn i behov av särskilt stöd i Kenya

The purpose of the study was to find out how teachers in a school in Kenya conducted the education of mathematics in standard 4-6. The focus was how the teachers worked with children in need of special support in mathematics.To find out the purpose a case study was made with two interviews and seven observations with four teachers on a rural school in Kenya. The following issues were: Which standards were there in the classrooms during lessons in mathematics in Kenya? How did the teachers express the view of children in need of special support? The main conclusion was that different teachers teaching in mathematics looked the same.The teacher was standing in front of the blackboard where the teaching occurred and the pupils were sitting lined up in their benches. The teaching of the pupils was about repetition and imitates the teacher and mostly filling the gap that the teacher made them say.

Matematik : Pedagogers syn på inlärning av matematik i en förskola

Many researches demonstrates that children who deal with matematics in a meaningful context early in their age, will manage a much wider context later in school. The purpose of this work is to highlight the importence of teacher´s view on matematics and how matematics can be visible for the children when they are in a preschool age. Im trying to promote the importance of mathematics wich characterizes much of our society. Highlighting todays nursay?s and the fact that there is plenty of good enviroments for the learning of mathematics.

Hur man fångar elevers intresse för ämnet biologi

From interviews with biology teachers and pupils, some important factors are presented that motivates and interests pupils in biology. Some of these are varied education, commitment of the teacher, narrative skill and individually reachable goals. Other important factors are practical application and connection to daily life, as well as actuality of the subject and pupils experience of the use of learning.Circumstance around teacher and pupils will influence which factors that has the most impact. It´s up to each teacher to make a decision which factors to be used based on his or her own qualities and depending on the group they will teach.Teachers and pupils agreed about factors that will cause an interesting lesson. The pupils emphasize that variation is the most important factor.

Genusperspektiv vid högläsning : Fyra pedagogers erfarenheter

This study is conducted from qualitative research with interviews as a basis, where I have interviewed four teachers from elementary school?s early ages (year 1-3). The aim is to highlight the teacher?s perspectives and experiences of reading aloud, and how they connect the activity to gender.The questions at issue that have been answered in this paper are how the teacher?s reflect to gender and reading aloud in a school environment; do the teacher?s reflect over the gender perspective when choosing reading aloud literature? When reading aloud, which attributes are important to highlight for girls and boys according to the teachers? Which books do the teachers consider "good" gender literature?The paper is based on the theoretical grounds of social constructivism, gender as construction, gender conscious pedagogy and reading aloud. In previous research the focal point has been Kåreland?s study on gender in literature in pre-school, and on how children are being portrayed in children?s literature today, from a gender perspective.The teacher?s that have been interviewed in this study all agreed on the fact that reading aloud is a very important part of education and are used by most teachers on a daily basis.

Gymnasieelevers informationssökning : En undersökning av Carol C. Kuhlthaus modell

The aim of this Masters thesis is to, through user studies, analyse whether Carol C. Kuhlthaus information search model is applicable in a Swedish school. Furthermore, the guidance that the students may receive from the teacher and/or school librarian is analysed. Answers are sought to the following questions: · How do the students perceive their information seeking? · How do the librarian and/or teacher support the students during their information seeking process? The study is based on a qualitative method of approach, through interviews with four informants: a librarian, a teacher and two pupils.

Yrkeslärares erfarenheter - styrkor och svagheter : En studie om identitetsskapande inom tre olika arenor

The focus of this study is to identify important factors affect, how teachers' professional identity and role are shaped and changed during and after teacher training. Study's focus is to identify important factors bearing on how teachers' professional identity and role are shaped and changed during and after a teacher training. Respondents included in study are all teachers in vocational subject in upper secondary school. They also have experience from at practical profession before they began to work as teachers and started the teacher training. Method used in this study is the life stories of narrative nature.

Människan och lärarprofessionen : En livsberättelse

The aim of this essay is to get a deeper understanding of a teachers' profession and to get knowledge of how earlier experiences can influence you as a teacher. I have interviewed a female teacher, Pia to get this understanding. As a tool to get the teacher's whole story I used the life story method. In her profession she is influenced by her own importance of security as a child.Her own needs of security has given her an deeper understanding for pupils like herself during the childhood; insecure and afraid. Her understanding for all kinds of behavior among the children has increased by her own experiences.The story shows that Pia is frustrated by the fact that she can't control her own working time.

Tradition i skolan - skolans tradition? : Hur arbetar musiklärare i klass med traditioner?

How does music teacher work in class with traditions in the school's world?I sent out 53 questionnaires to music teacher that works with music in class, in order to find out what the school learn the students about our traditions. When I put together the questionnaires and the background material, I come among other thing until that three fourth dividing off the examined the music teachers do not appear to leave off some folded contained Lucia- and the Christmas tradition. Those music teachers who replied on the questionnaire seem not to notice the immigrant?s traditions.In this exam work has I also overall and put together background materials, as among other things points on the value of traditions.

"Bråk pågår" Om konflikthantering i en årskurs fem

Abstract The goal of the study was to conduct an in-depth investigation of how conflicts are resolved in schools, from a pupil- and a teacher perspective. Our intention was to view and compare pupils and teachers different opinions in the school environment. A major focus was put on different ways teacher handle conflicts and how they try to prevent them. The material was acquired by interviews with both teachers and pupils. The study is based on Jean Piagets and Lev Vygotskijs visions about the cognitive developmental stage for children. The result of the study shows the teachers need to be attentive and also that the pupils generally do not notice when the teacher works to prevent conflicts.

Vad kännetecknar en bra respektive mindre bra lärare? : En studie om gymnasieelevers syn på ledarskapskompetens i klassrummet.

The purpose of this project is to examine students' pespectives on quality in teaching. The characteristics that are described to denote a 'good' and 'less good' teachers are linked to ideas about types of corresponding leadership styles in the classroom. The report is based on surveys of students in Upplands-Bro high school outside Stockholm. In order to get better insight and further knowledge of the subject, the student accounts have been related to current discussions in the literature about good leadership and teaching quality.Following the methodology of grounded theory a pilot study was constructed to design the research instruments. In the pilot study I collected students' perceptions on quality-related categories in teaching and leadership which then formed a bases for a survey which was distributed to a larger student sample. The survey includes questions that relate to the middle order, which is based on three criteria that make up the characteristics of a 'good'/ 'less good' teacher and the leadership style that suits students descriptions of good teacher characteristics.The results of the study show that a good teacher should have subject knowledge, be good at writing and illustrating the curriculum on the whiteboard and explain and clarify their instruction through good communication.

Är medieelevens datorkunskaper likvärdiga medielärarens? : En självskattning från lärarens och elevens perspektiv

The aim of this essay is to get knowledge and to evaluate if the media student has equal or evenbetter knowledge of information technology (IT) than his/her teacher. Today the student of IToften has knowledge of hard ware and soft ware sometimes even unknown to the teacher. Themain reason for this might be that IT hitherto has played no prominent part at the institutes ofteacher education. Continuing further education of IT for teachers is also eligible as IT still is arather new subject on the time table.To adopt an empiric approach to the problem I have used trough interviewing and questions bothteachers and students at two upper secondary schools in the province of Värmland. The schoolsare called ?A? and ?B? in my investigation.Does the teacher have enough knowledge to give the student relevant knowledge concerninghard ware as well as soft ware to handle the computer and to utilize its possibilities? How can theteacher act to comply with the students? claims and demands?IT-knowledge can be expressed in a complicated way but I have limited my investigation to therole of the teacher and how he/she manages to teach and instruct concerning a selected numberof soft ware and how the students evaluate their own knowledge compared to that of the teacher.My investigation shows that the teachers consider their knowledge relevant for their task asinstructors and teachers.

Grammatik och språkorientering på grundskolan

AbstractThe debate on grammar has been on the agenda for thousands of years. Several different arguments and theories have been used in order to explain the importance of grammar in school. Some newer arguments have been added, while others have stayed, either in their original version, or in a modernised one.This essay aims to clarify the role grammar play in school. In order to do that we have looked into its history, the curriculum, modern research and interviews made with active teachers.The results of the literary studies, the studies of the curriculum and the field studies show that the very presence of grammar in school is disputed. The curriculum of today speaks of an orientation in language, with grammar as a part of it, based on the students? own language.

Att bemöta främlingsfientlighet i gymnasieskolan : En kvalitativ studie om hur fyra samhällskunskapslärare bemöter främlingsfientlighet

The purpose of this paper is to examine how four teachers treats and teaches aboutxenophobia and right-wing extremism. A further aim of this study is to investigate whetherthere are any differences in how a teacher at a vocational high school treat and teachabout xenophobia and right-wing extremism against the teacher at a preparatory school, theydo. To achieve my purpose I have used qualitative interviews of semi-structuredform.These interviews were done with two social studies teacher at a vocational high schooland two social studies teacher at a preparatory school.My results show that teachers all too often respond to xenophobic views directly into theclassroom by reasoning and discussions with students. In my resault is also evident thatthere is a big difference between the teachers at the schools how much time you devoteto xenophobia and right-wing extremism in teaching.The conclusions show that these differences largely depend on which group of students thatteachers have.The conclusions will also be that there are great similarities between the way teachers reasonabout how to deal with xenophobia and the means to do, they also are relatively similar..

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