

2157 Uppsatser om Teacher thinking - Sida 54 av 144

Utvecklingssamtal : om vikten av förberedelse

Fokus i vårt examensarbete ligger på utvecklingssamtal med föräldrar och elever med annat modersmål än svenska. Syftet med arbetet har varit att undersöka hur lärare förbereder utvecklingssamtal. För att ta reda på detta undersökte vi vissa förhållanden. Kallar läraren till möte eller inbjuder hon? Bestämmer läraren plats eller får föräldrarna vara med och bestämma? Hur får föräldrarna veta syftet med mötet? Verkar föräldern uppfattas som en jämlike/jämbördig till läraren? Vi delade ut enkäter på två skolor, en på skola A som ligger i en av Stockholms förorter och en på skola B som ligger i en större ort i Dalarna.

Bidrar processorientering av FM centrala ledning till effekttänkande?

Ämnesval är organisationsteori med utgångspunkt från processorientering av den centrala ledningen i Försvarsmaktens (FM) och om det bidrar till effekttänkande. Uppsatsen undersöker om processorienteringen av Försvarsmaktens Högkvarter (FM HKV) teoretiskt kan samspela med FM doktrinära utgångspunkt i effekttänkande.FM HKV har sedan tidigt 2000-tal arbetat med införande av processorientering i den centrala ledningen. Flertal utredningar, beslut samt hemställan till regeringen vittnar om detta. Parallellt har FM infört effekttänkande, främst baserat på andra länders krigserfarenheter.Dessa två förhållningssätt betraktas vanligtvis som två ytterligheter, där effekttänkandet har starkt fäste i insatsperspektivet och processorienteringen har starkt fäste i förvaltningsperspektiv. Vid en jämförelse påvisas flertal likheter mellan processorientering och effekttänkande, men det finns områden där likheter ej kunnat återfinnas.

Ingen kan allt, men alla kan något : Hur åtta elever ser på matematikundervisningen.

In this paper you can read about students? opinion of teaching in mathematics. The study is done with eight students that were interviewed. The study is based on 16 questions about mathematic teaching. The questions covered student participation, how teachers should be, if they think mathematics is important, which approach to take in lessons and how student best learn.

Agens : om konsten att se handling bortom det förväntade

The law which makes the purchase, or the attempt to purchase, temporary sexual services a criminal offence has been implemented in Sweden for more than six years. It appears as if very few, possibly no, sex-selling women have used the law to report men who have bought their services during these years. How can this be understood? With this thesis I suggest a new way of thinking on agency. A way which questions the traditional view on action whereby agency equals to act in certain, predefined ways.

Separatism vs. Demokrati. Den nya maskuliniteten eller jourrörelsens backlash? En studie kring kvinnojourer och deras (il)legitimitet i dagens samhälle.

Sammanfattning:Efter den omtalade dokumentären "Könskriget" rördes det om i jourrörelsen. Bidrag hotades och jourernas legitimitet ifrågasatten. Utifrån den feministiska backlash som tycks ha sköljt in över det svenska samhällets feministiska organisationer var mitt syfte att undersöka hur de aktiva inom föreningarna SKR och ROKS uppfattar det samhälleliga motståndet samt att utreda hur de ser på separatism, manligt samarbete och maligt ansvar. Som empiririskt underlag ligger kvalitativa intervjuer och ett frågeformulär och som teoretiskt bas har jag lagt Maud Eduards och Robert Connell. Uppsatsen har även som syfte att bredda förståelsen för jourrörelsens situation.

Teacher leaders potential som skolutvecklingsaktör. En studie av hur pedagogiskt ledarskap konstrueras, kommuniceras och utövas

Barn som närstående är en grupp som inte uppmärksammas tillräckligt i vården. Forskning visar att de inte synliggörs, informeras eller görs delaktiga i vården trots att lagtexten ändrades den 1 januari 2010 (SFS, 1982:763) och (SFS, 1998:531). Lagtexten klargör barns rättigheter till information, råd och stöd och att vårdpersonal har ett ansvar och en skyldighet att uppmärksamma barn som närstående, de skall även samverka med andra berörda organisationer och samhällsorgan när barn riskerar att fara illa (Socialstyrelsen, 2010). Syftet med studien är att beskriva distriktssköterskors erfarenhet av hur barn som närstående till anhörig med svår fysisk/psykisk sjukdom, skada eller avlider uppmärksammas i vården. Studien baseras på en kvalitativ studie där 6 stycken distriktssköterskor intervjuades.

Karriärväxlande officerares kompetens och anställningsbarhet på civil arbetsmarknad.

The downsizing of the Swedish armed forces during the late 20th century and early 21 th century has caused several thousand people to choose a different career. This undergraduate thesis investigates the self-observed employability and work-place competence of a number of Swedish armed forces officers who has made the transition to a civil career. The thesis seeks to answer questions about how the transition is comprehended, how military merits and competences are valued in civil work places and which differences in ability to use their competences the respondents experience. The study is made using qualitative interviews, which are analysed using a miexed method inspired by phenomenological method. The findings include that the essence of the respondents emplooyability is a shared work indentity as miltary officers and a common experienced problem in translating their merits.

Knowledge management på en dagstidning

The purpose of this study was to describe how journalists do research for their articles and whether there is a need to create a knowledge bank of the material that journalists use for writing these articles. I also looked at how knowledge management could be used at a daily newspaper to add value to the information used by the journalists. The thesis is based on four interviews with journalists, a literature review and a practical project. I helped a journalist with his information seeking and later tried to organize the material. This project gave me an understanding of how varying the material that journalists use is and how difficult it would be to try to organize it in order to create an organizational knowledge resource of the material.

Granskning av kvalitetssäkringsarbetet vid en ICC-profilbaserad trycksaksproduktion

To make your company change from a conventional workflow to an ICC-based workflow you need tomake investments in time and money. On the other hand you get your reward in terms of a stable andquality safe production. To choose this way of adjusting your company to new routines requires accuracyas well as a great deal of commitment. It is not only about having the right equipment. There area lot of factors that affect the quality of production.Our ambition with this report is to bring out the importance of general thinking when it comes toICC-profiling and to discuss on which basis printing profiles should be created.

Språkstöd i distanslaboratoriet på BTH

To study and laborate at distance, its necessary that the coursematerial is accessible via internet. Teaching at more languages than swedish bocomes more common, why the information of courses needs to exist at several languages. As teacher, you need a way to publish and edit material of a course. It also has to be easy for the students to find the information. The distance laboratory have developed an administrative websystem that handles programme, courses and students, but misses the possibility for teachers to change content at the webpages and publish new coursematerial on a way..

Tro i vardagen : En studie av en undervisningsmodells effekter gällande elevers förståelse och engagemang i religionskunskap

Study: Degree project in teacher education, Advanced level, 15 hpUniversity of SkövdeTitle: Religious belief in everyday life ? a study of the effects of a teachingmodel focusing on religious belief in everyday lifeNumber of pages:42Author: Johanna ClaessonTutor: Kennert OrleniusDate: Jan 2009 Keywords: Religious study, students´ understanding, students´ commitment,Buddhism  This paper presents the execution and the result of a project examining how a tutorial model (called the model of everyday religious practice) focusing on how Buddhism is expressed in the daily life of Buddhists believers, affects students understanding of and commitment in religious studies. In the project, Thai students have partaken by producing sex posters and a picture-show with the help of their own photographs and short texts. However, the picture-show was mainly produced by the author of this paper. These posters and the picture-show were brought to Sweden to figure as teaching material during a lesson in religious studies for students in year eight in a Swedish school.

4 organisationer och 825 chefer : En studie om chefslösa organisationer

This Bachelor?s thesis is about bossless organizations. We have observed that the hierarchical structure that the majority of organizations is structured by today is a remnant of a time long gone, and can be an obstacle for independent thinking and responsibility inside organizations. We want to question the accepted perception that an organization is best structured in a hierarchic form.The purpose of the thesis is to provide an understanding of how a bossless organization works and to give a concrete explanation of the consequences of this kind of organizational structure.The thesis is of a qualitative nature and is designed with an inductive approach at an organizational level. We conducted a case study on a bossless company and supplemented this with secondary sources from three other bossless organizations.It concludes that the bossless approach can work and that there are a number of advantages to benefit from it.

?Den är för tjejer och den för killar? ? en studie av åtta 12-åriga pojkars och flickors serieläsning

The aim of this study is to examine the opinions of eight 12-year old boys and girls about two comics; Sabrina ? tonårshäxan (Sabrina ? teenage witch) and Spiderman. Do children see gender differences in the two comics? Do boys and girls identify with the heroes in the comics and does this affect the children's own gender socialisation. We interviewed four boys and four girls from different parts of Sweden.

Tvåspråkiga pedagoger i flerspråkig miljö : En- och tvåspråkiga perspektiv på tvåspråkiga pedagogers roll i den mångkulturella förskolan

The purpose of the study is to investigate into professional knowledge of the bilingual teachers, compared to monolingual, and what benefits they give to pre-school. Qualitative method was used to get an understanding of informant´s perspective on bilingual teachers. The informants believe that bilingual teachers are able to understand all the children. A bilingual teacher can make the children feel secure. If one has a positive attitude toward bilingualism, the bilingual children also show a positive attitude that in turn contributes to learning and development of the language..

Att leva i två världar : En studie om professionella inom socialt arbete och deras syn på barn i åldern 0-3 som lever i ett växelvis boende.

The purpose of the study, "Living in Two Worlds" is to try to find out how the professionals in social work reasoning and thinking about children 0-3 years living alternate residence and how children 0-3 years are affected by form of housing . Questions are how they professional reasons and think about the type of housing, what advantages and disadvantages they consider are and the conditions under the professional must be satisfied that the child will not get hurt. Study is a qualitative study using semi-structured interviews. The theory that the study is based on the attachment theory explaining the relational processes that occurs between the child and its care person.      The results of this study show that if the parents are in great conflict with each other is important for the child cope with the alternating form of housing well or not.

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