

2157 Uppsatser om Teacher thinking - Sida 5 av 144

Den interaktiva tavlan : som ett medierande redskap för lärande

The interactive whiteboard (IWB) is to be found in many classrooms in Sweden, and its number is growing rapidly. There is a lack of research of the use of the IWB in Sweden. The Swedish National Agency for Education refers to English research where the investment in the IWB in school is huge. In this study I will investigate how the IWB can be used as a mediating tool in the learning process. My study examines how interaction pattern appears when the teacher teaches with the IWB as a tool.

Barns språksvårigheter : Hur man som pedagog bemöter barn med språksvårigheter

The main purpose with this study was to get an insight in how to best be able to help children with language difficulties, and learn to see those who are in need of extra help and attention.The study is the result of three separate interviews with a speech therapist, a preschool teacher, and a teacher for children with special needs. The other information that my study is built on comes from books.The answers that I got from the interviews questions, have I built my discussions from.Since I only have done three interviews, can´t I do any general conclusions, from my findings.The answers that I got shows that it`s not always the same answers from the speech therapist, preschool teacher and the teacher for children with special needs, are the same. But most of the answers had a similar conclusion. The most important finding in my study, which also the literature agrees with, is that. It´s always important to read out loud to the children.Keywords: language difficulties, exertion, learning to speech and communication..

Aktievärdering : En kvantitativ studie i värdering med Dividend Discount Model och Residual Income Model i förhållande till P/B-tal som referensvärde

My essay is concerned with intercultural leadership and practical knowledge. The essay is about ethical dilemmas and the diversity of issues we face constantly at the preschool. In my story I examine the different views of knowledge and the opportunities to lead people in an intercultural way, and how they relate to each other. I start by looking at the ethical ideas that form the basis for our actions and our view of knowledge. Then, I examine how the practical wisdom guides the ethical dilemmas that arise at the preschool.

Elevers relation till matematik : En jämförelse mellan mellanstadielärare och högstadielärares syn på elevers relation till och lärande i matematik

ABSTRACTThe purpose of this essay is first to get a general idea about a group of working teachers thoughts of mathematics and the teaching in mathematics. I also would like to find out what they think affect pupils relationship to the subject. The surveys main purpose is to compare teachers in grade 4-6 and teachers in grade 7-9 view of what you as a teacher can do to further the learning in mathematics. I have done eight interviews. Four of them are with teachers in grade 4-6 and the other four interviews are with teachers in grade 7-9.Concerning the result of my examination it is difficult to come to a general conclusion.

Hemma i det främmande : En studie av migranters upplevelser av livet i en främmande kultur

The main purpose of this essay is to study how classroom interaction can take place in a class for Second Language Learners (SLL).1 I have applied a case study methodology on a linguistic method used by a Teacher in Swedish as Second Language working on a primary school situated in the Southern suburbs of Stockholm. The learning method is based on extensive reading of books which comprehend several learning techniques organized into a process that support the development of linguistic skills such as discussing in a group, writing, reading and thinking in a second language. The methodology applied is based on observations, on an interview with a Teacher in Swedish as Second Language and on a questionnaire answered by 11 students that participated on ?Boksamtal?.Based on a theoretical framework about socio cultural theories on learning and scaffolding,2 I attempt to integrate theory and practice to investigate how the Teacher succeed on applying effective methods for second language learning. Through the analyses of the data is also my intention to emphasize the advantages and disadvantages of such a method.

Kunskap är som ballonger - den måste förankras om den inte ska försvinna bort : en studie av vad som påverkar en lärares val av undervisning

The purpose of this essay has been to identify a couple of different factors that matter when a teacher chooses method and raw material for teaching his students. The person interviewed is a man, whose lesson I also observed. The result shows that there are several factors of great importance for his choice. My conclusion of this is that this teacher?s choice depends on the school as institution with all the people that operate there, the composition of the students and the school?s curriculum, but this teacher?s pedagogical basic view also has a great importance for his teaching..

Lärarens ledarroll i klassrummet och vilka faktorer som påverkar : En studie i två högstadieskolor, årskurs 7, 8 och 9

This exam work project strives to investigate different roles a teacher can adapt to in classroom situations. The focus is on three different types, gained from a dissertation made by Evelyn Säll where she has investigated teacher students? opinions about the teacher?s role. These types are:the Dramatist, the Director and the Illuminator, and five teachers are defined accordingly. Questionnaires and observations are used as a tool in order to come to a conclusion.

Information till mjölkföretaget : vilken information behövs och hur bör den utformas när gården ska ta investeringsbeslut?

The fast developments in information and data technology during the recent years have accentuated the need for the business manager to interpret and act on information from the surrounding environment. Today we know little about what information is really used in the unique decision-making. Further, little is known about how information should be designed to fit people with a more intuitive approach to interpreting information. This study is therefore about the difference between peoples approach to interpreting information and how information should be designed to fit those with a more intuitive approach to interpreting information. The application is made to dairy farms in Sweden. The literature review describes the strategic leadership, the decision-making process and the intuitive and the analytic thinking.

Interaktiv skrivtavla i undervisning : En multimodal fallstudie av en lärares användning av interaktiv skrivtavla i läs- och skrivundervisning

The aim of the study is to investigate how a teacher uses multimodal resources with an interactive whiteboard while teaching reading and writing. The aim is also to investigate what view the teacher has on using an interactive whiteboard while teaching reading and writing. Video-recorded observations and audio-recorded interviews are the methods used to collect data. The analysis was performed from a multimodal perspective and is also inspired by interaction analysis. The result of the analysis showed that the teacher uses several multimodal sign systems in combination with those found on the interactive whiteboard.

Bygg smartare, inte fortare! : En fallstudie av Lean Thinking inom prefabricerat byggande

Kostnaden för nyproduktion av hus i Sverige har ökat markant under de senaste åren. Byggföretag har svårt att hålla både projektens löptid och kostnader nere, vilket resulterat i ett ökat marknadspris och ett växande missnöje bland slutkunder. De ökade kostnaderna beror enligt forskning på vanligt förekommande slöseri i form av såväl material som arbetskraft. I försöken att eliminera slöseri har många företag anpassat sin verksamhet efter Lean Thinking, ett system som härstammar från den japanska bilindustrin, bestående av verktyg och metoder med huvudsyfte att identifiera och eliminera slöseri. Ur detta har även nya former av byggnation fångat marknadens intresse.

Relational Theory of Contract och företagsförsäkringsavtal

Forming teacher teams is currently the standard way of organizing teachers in Swedish Compulsory Schools. This is the result of a process that started in the 1970s.Traditionally the culture of teaching has been one of isolation. Once the door to the classroom is shut, what happens behind the door is up to the teacher to decide. Over the past thirty years a lot of time has been dedicated to making fundamental changes in the way teachers interact with their colleagues. Today the idea of teachers forming teams is generally accepted but still the core of a Swedish teacher?s job is that of a lone worker.

Individanpassat arbetssätt

Meeting the pupils at work it is important to endeavor an adjustment of the education with the purpose of developing the individual person. To make this possible it requires, except for the intentions of teaching with an individual adjustment, the teacher to make oneself acquainted with the schools work and liability. This is especially important in the work with students with difficulties. for this group of students perhaps an alternative form of education would be to prefer.As method of investigation I used a qualitative case study with a teacher who uses, what I would call, an alternative way of teaching. as a teacher you should pay attention to, and be aware of, how you effect your pupils and with this as a starting point conduct oneself.

Läraren som ledare : en intervjustudie av sex lärares syn på sin ledarroll i klassrummet

In my essay I have examined how teachers look upon their role as leader in the classroom. I have interviewed six teachers, senior level ones and teachers from the upper secondary school, about how they look upon tasks that involve planning, control, motivation, groups, and individuals. Based on their answers, I have analyzed if there is anything that can be related to a common leader competence within their profession and, in that case, how it will appear.The result that I have found has been that it exists a common leadership style that teachers are more or less conscious of. The teachers decide on what level the classes or the pupils are andafter that decision they plan their education. The leadership in the classroom can be of different kinds depending on the situation.

Justifying high price with Total Cost of Ownership awerness - possible or not on the Asian market?

Purpose: The aim with the report is to investigate if the South East Asian customer on the food processing market base their investments on Total Cost of Ownership and if so, which are the cost drivers considered most vital. Moreover, do these cost-drivers diverge from the perception FP Ltd has, and if so, can a Total Cost of Ownership-model help to achieve a mutual understanding? Methodology: First a descriptive approach will be taken, identifying FP Ltd?s employers? perception on how to meet the customer. This will later be compared to our empirical findings of the actual customer behaviour in Thailand and Vietnam. Thorough analyse of the gap between the two parts will give us the outcome whether or not FP Ltd will have any use of presenting a quantitative model justifying their higher price.

Vilken kompetens bör lärare ha? : Enligt specialpedagogen

This essay is an investigation that aims to increase the understanding regarding the opinions of what skills a teacher who works with pupils that are in need of special support ought to have. I have also tried to answer the question: How to be a good teacher?The investigation is carried out as a qualitative interview survey, where three women from three different municipalities have explained, how they want pedagogues to work with pupils that are in need of special support.The investigation shows that an accurate personality within the pedagogue plays an important part when accomplishing a positive development. Knowledge of various subjects combined with a specialized pedagogical education is very important, as well as an ability of understanding when it comes to different kinds of functional disorders.Other positive qualities a teacher should have could be the following: to be structured, calm, be able to stand stress, have patience, be a good listener, be emphatic and have a good sense of humour.The investigation also shows that teachers who are confident with themselves have a lot to gain in their profession. The final quality worth mentioning is, when you as a professional dare to be without prestige.

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