

2157 Uppsatser om Teacher thinking - Sida 45 av 144

"Också en ful röst kan beröra" : En studie i elevers och lärares syn på relationen mellan sångteknik och interpretation.

Vocal technique and interpretation are the key elements of voice training. Thepurpose of this article is to investigate what vocal technique and interpretation meanto teachers and students and how they would describe the relationship between thetwo. The questions at issue, intended to be answered in this article, are the following:What is the relationship between vocal technique and interpretation? How should theteaching be structured for the students to experience progress on the musical plane?What role does the teacher have in the musical development of the student?This is a qualitative survey and the methods of investigation are semi-structuredinterviews and classroom observations. Presented in the article are a number ofresearchers and writers whose thoughts on the subjects have gained great importanceto vocal teachers and students, as well as leading the research on the voice and itsfunctions forward to higher grounds.

Den optimala grisningsboxen, finns den? :

The purpose of this essay was to try to find out if the optimal farrowing pen exists. By interviewing producers, veterinarians and salesmen and also through a literature study, I have tried to evaluate advantages and disadvantages regarding different types of pen formations and environmental details. The interviews with the producers showed that they all were satisfied with their particular farrowing pen. It also showed that one material can be functional in one farrowing pen but not in another. The determining factor for the outcome of the farrowing pen was the individual experience and the way of thinking of the producers. The veterinarians were of the opinion that there today were no existing farrowing pens that responded to the pigs needs. However, the results on the farms were generally good. The salesmen thought that the production costs could be lower if a sort of a standard pen was used.

För barnets bästa : En kvalitativ studie om pedagogers syn på sin anmälningsskyldighet

This study is aimed at finding out how nursery and pre-school teachers carry out their obligation to report suspected child abuse, and their views on the issue. The study was alsoa imed at highlighting any difficulties teachers might have when dealing with children who arem istreated. In addition, the study examines the impact on teachers and children when thet eachers decide to either report or not report abuse.The main issues addressed by this study are:  Are pre-school and nursery teachers aware of their duty to report suspected child abuse and what are their opinions regarding this duty?How do the teachers claim they behave if obliged to report and what difficulties dothey encounter?In order to find the answer to these questions, qualitative interviews were made with eight pre-school teachers. The empirical evidence has been put in relation to theories of action and communication as well as to previous research in the area that concerns children who are mistreated.

Kroppen är vårt ankare i världen

The purpose of this thesis is to study how preschool teachers can reach the goal of the swedish educational plan to prevent traditional gender roles for children ages 3-6 through drama in education.This is answered by four hypothesis based on Judith Butler's queer theory, George Herbert Mead's social psychological theory and Gavin Bolton and Dotothy Heathcotes drama pedagogical theories. The hypotheses are tested against four teachers' examples of their work.The hypotheses areHypothesis 1: By using the expert's mantle and active observation in teacher-in-role indrama educational exercises, we can see how the children internalize the heterosexualmatrix and the outline of the internalized other.Hypothesis 2: By using the "mistakes" that occur when children repeat performativeacts that do not fit with the heterosexual matrix, these other possible behaviors can bestrengthenedHypothesis 3: Through drama exercises that are not normative teachers can widen theheterosexual matrixHypothesis 4: Through drama pedagogical methods like teacher-in-role teachers canprovide possibilities of other performative acts and the creation of a more tolerantinternalized other.The analysis show that the respondents work within all these hypotheses in different ways and thathypotheses 2 is the one with the weakest support in the interwievs. The examples are also weakregarding the use of Boltons drama pedagogical methods, but that there are a number of othermethods in use.Some of the conclusions are that more theoretical knowledge in the preschool drama pedagogics tocounteract traditional gender roles and patterns, as well as the drama of educational theory need tobe linked to queer and social psychology research. There is also no monitoring of the long term effects of the work..

Den svettiga sanningen : Bedömning och betygssättning i ämnet idrott och hälsa

Aim and questionsThe purpose for this study was to investigate how marks and mark settings are formed in physical training at some compulsory schools. We also wanted to see how the criteria for marks are formed. These were the main questions during this study.? How do the students find the evaluation and the making in physical training?? Are there differences between different student groups when it comes to their experience around estimation and marking in physical training? (gender, marks, schools etc.)? How do the teachers motivate their marking in physical training?? Are there any differences between the criteria for marking between different schools?MethodThe study was carried out during the spring 2005 at eight schools in a municipality in the middle of Sweden. The study involved 339 students opinion polls and 12 teacher opinion polls.

Ledarskap i klassrummet : En kvalitativstudie om lärares syn på ledarskap och sin egen ledarstil

There is no further training in management in teacher education programs, which can create uncertainty among teachers in terms of management. According to the curriculum, the teacher should base it on a democratic approach, but how does it look in real life? The purpose has been to investigate how practicing teachers perceived management and their own leadership style, whether they made conscious choices and if so, whether they then had any purpose in their leadership style. Teachers' views of a good leader and how much influence students have on the teaching, enter into these issues.The survey is based on a qualitative research approach, based on interviews with four active teachers. Although observations were made they did not play any major role in this investigation.

Barn på väg till utbrändhet : Hur pedagogerna i fritidshem kan hjälpa drabbade barn

Thiswork is about the parents ' perception of their children's schooling and schoolsituation. It also addresses the important and fundamental conditions when itcomes to parenting and caring of children, which is an essential andcontributory basis for children's school situation. The work also deals withthe importance of good cooperation between school and home for the children tocome to the school grounds and with the desire to learn and develop. The aim ofthis work is that through a survey get a picture of how parents feel abouttheir child's school situation. But also look at how important interplaybetween school, parents and children to the school situation to be good.

Underskatta inte din betydelse som pedagog! : En kvalitativ studie om barns språkutveckling i förskolan

Objective: The aim of this work is to find out how a number of educators work when giving children support and opportunities for language development.Questions:What have preschool for policy to monitor/assess the children?s language development?What experiences do teachers have of children who need support in language development?How do educator?s regard support from specialised educator?s? Do these efforts support the children to enhance language development?Methods: Qualitative methodology, Interviews with six teachers and two specialised educators from three kindergartens in the municipality.Summary of conclusions: The municipality in which the survey was conducted has a document that provides guide lines on how to work with children?s language development in school and preschool. Pedagogical documentation is a tool that teachers use in nursery school which educators and parents can follow, which shows children?s learning processes and learn strategies. Research shows that through play, music, creative activities, photos, etc.

Starka varumärken : strategiska konkurrensmedel och utvidgning?

The purpose with this essay was to examine and bring a deeper comprehension about brands as a phenomenon. We also wanted to study if strong brands could develop in to strategic competition means and by that expand their market range. To do this we used a qualitative method. We started by gathering a theoretical basis. This gave us a platform, which helped us learn more about the subject, brands.

Läsutveckling : En studie av elever i år 4

Syftet med vår studie var att undersöka, analysera och diskutera lärarens, elevers och föräldrars medvetenhet och engagemang om elevernas progression inom läsinlärningen. Analys och slutsatser byggde vi på våra resultat och modern forskning om barns språkinlärning. Detta gjorde vi med hjälp av en klass bestående av 1 lärare, 19 elever och deras föräldrar. Vi använde oss av kartläggningsmetoderna God Läsutveckling och Ordkedjor, enkäter och intervju. Resultatet av vår studie visade att kartläggningsmetoden var betydelsefull, men metodvalet inte var det avgörande för läsutvecklingen hos eleverna.

Algebra och ekvationer ? att underlätta lärande : Lärandet börjar byggas vid första kunskapsmötet

Abstract This study aims with a pragmatic approach to investigate the learning about how to solve simple equations, and what the teacher can do to help the student. Four questions asked are: (i) How and why will learning take place? (ii) What will complicate learning? (iii) How to support and facilitate learning? (iv) Is it possible to identify an influence between identity and learning? To answer these questions a qualitative study in elementary school is done. The results of the investigation are compared with previous research, and an interview with the teacher is presented. The recorded lessons are analyzed with PEA (practical epistemology analysis), and letters from the students with the Ecological Systems Theory of Bronfenbrenner.

"Den svage bland oss"

The purpose of the thesis is to examine the thoughts and opinions of a selected group of people regarding the terrorist attack that occurred in Stockholm 12/11-2010. This study has been conducted through the method of focus group interview. The study was methodologically and theoretically inspired by Grounded Theory, which simply means that the participants' opinions have formed the theory of the study. As a result of the study, we can see that the main focus of the discussion held by the participants was through a we and them thinking-perspective. Furthermore, the study reveals that the participants tried to include who we (muslims) are, and to exclude who they (non muslims) are, while arguing in the discussion. Another definition is the one of here and there, where the participants defined terrorism and what causes it. Finally, media's role was discussed in relation to the creation of the medie-muslim. To explain the participants' perceptive, part of Appadurai?s Fear of small numbers and part of Brune?s Dark magic in the white media was used..

Företagsrekonstruktionens misslyckanden : Har rekonstruktören en roll i det?

The majority of the Swedish population were self-provided within agriculture a hundred years ago. Times do change and today the situation is the other way around - most of us live within city boundaries and only few work with farming and related agricultural businesses. One thing that has not changed though, is the need of supplies from Swedish agriculture.What do we think of those products? Are we even aware of the connection between us and agriculture? The Federation of Swedish Farmers, LRF (Lantbrukarnas riksförbund), started their project to strengthen the link between consumers and producers in 2008.This paper is part of the project and its aim is to investigate consumers' views and values upon the effects and products from Swedish agriculture.Opinions and values have been studied through interviews influenced by phenomenology. The results show that the informants in general had a positive approach and thinking concerning the products and effects from Swedish agriculture.

Pojkars inställning till dans : En studie i Sverige och Sydafrika

This work has been to find out what attitude the boys have towards dancing. To gather material conducted interviews with four boys from Sweden and four boys from South Africa to examine the boy?s attitude towards dancing. I wanted answers if the gender, culture or generation has an effect on the boys' attitude to dance. Two interviews were made with a teacher in Sweden and one in South Africa, which had responsibility for dance lessons at the school.

Bedömning av teori och praktik : En jämförelse mellan teoretiska prov och nationella kursmål i ämnet idrott och hälsa A

A significant amount of a teacher?s work consists of evaluation and marking of the students, which involves a great responsibility. This essay put the teacher?s evaluation of the students in focus. Today?s course Idrott och hälsa A, at the upper secondary school level, consists of 100 points and all students take this course apart from students attending apprentice programs.

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