

2157 Uppsatser om Teacher thinking - Sida 40 av 144

Utsatta barn i förskolan : Pedagogers erfarenheter av och kunskaper om att hjälpa barn i missbrukande familjer till en god självkänsla

AbstractThe purpose of my study is to examine the experiences and opportunities to support teachers in preschool to help children in vulnerable environments, a good self-esteem. Hindberg (1999) writes that of all children today are growing up in Sweden, so ten percent live in families where there is abuse. According Pousette (2011) as the National Public Health Institute has a new appreciation for families where there is hazardous and this means that drinking or abused so much that it can become an addiction. They appreciate the investigation that twenty percent of all children in Sweden are growing up in these conditions.The results show that teachers' work is about building a sense of security in the children, both the teacher and the environment. It also shows that teachers believe that it is important to work with the self-esteem of all children, but especially children living in abusive families.

Elevers identitetsskapande : En studie om elevers olika identiteter/roller i skolan

AbstractThe purpose of my study is to examine the experiences and opportunities to support teachers in preschool to help children in vulnerable environments, a good self-esteem. Hindberg (1999) writes that of all children today are growing up in Sweden, so ten percent live in families where there is abuse. According Pousette (2011) as the National Public Health Institute has a new appreciation for families where there is hazardous and this means that drinking or abused so much that it can become an addiction. They appreciate the investigation that twenty percent of all children in Sweden are growing up in these conditions.The results show that teachers' work is about building a sense of security in the children, both the teacher and the environment. It also shows that teachers believe that it is important to work with the self-esteem of all children, but especially children living in abusive families.

Diskurser inom kommunal och privat pianoundervisning

Vilka diskurser ger elever och lärare uttryck för i pianoundervisning? Syftet med min uppsats är att undersöka hur pianoelever och pianolärare på kulturskolan och inom ett studieförbund genom språket ger uttryck för en mängd förhållningssätt och attityder. Vad sägs i samtalen kring deras undervisning och vilka diskurser och tankekollektiv bildar dessa åsikter tillsammans? Jag har använt mig av fyra djupgående intervjuer och två videodokumentationer för att dels studera elevernas och lärarnas uttryckta upplevelser men också för att ta del av det som verkligen sker under lektionstid. Teoretiska utgångspunkter har utgjorts av kritisk diskursanalys, institutionsbegreppet och interaktionsteori.

Gruppen som pedagogiskt redskap : En studie om gruppstorlekens pedagogiska betydelse i undervisningen.

The focus of this thesis is the group as a pedagogical tool. It investigates whether and how what is known of group size can help further schools in fulfilling knowledge and democracy goals and moreover how such knowledge can influence the principals? management. The mission of school education is to provide the basis for each pupil?s individual development and in the end it is pupils? individual performances which are graded.

Datorbaserad examination: En studie om användarhinder och systemacceptans bland lärare

The aim of this thesis is to examine how teachers use computer based assessment in their work and what user barriers they experience while working with computer based assessments. The result of the thesis is meant to provide an understanding of which factors affect the use of computer based assessments and how a company who provide computer based assessments applications can increase the rate of use amongst teachers.To investigate this, the author examined a company in Sweden who provide a computer based assessment application for both universities and high schools. The study was carried out at two different schools, a university and a high school, both located in Stockholm. In total nine teachers were interviewed. The author also conducted observations at the company whose computer based assessment application was examined.The author?s findings suggest that a lack of functions within the application and lack of costumer support from the company all negatively impacted the teacher?s use of the application.

Social kompetens : -inte bara att varatrevlig och snäll

AbstractMy study is based on that I think there is a problem at the Handicraft program for hairdressers where I currently work as a hairdresser teacher. I believe that there are clear objectives and a wide range of courses focusing in craft knowledge, but the social competence goals are unclear and there are no courses on the subject. Since I have 13 years hairdressing experience and know roughly what it requires, I wonder where and how the teaching of social skills is performed at the Handicraft program for hairdressersThe purpose of this study is therefore to find out how some of my colleagues perceive the teaching of social skills. The issues I have focused on are what these teachers believe that social skills are, how they perceive their teaching of it and when they believe that teaching really should be. There is not much literature on this subject because it is a relatively unexplored area. I have therefore concentrated on literature dealing with social skills in general, and theses and essays dealing with the quality of hairdressing education. I have chosen to make a qualitative interview study. The objectives related to social skills can be incorporated in the teaching of many subjects; I chose to interview two core-subject teachers and four vocational teachers. The interviews have been based on respondents' own interpretations of social skills. They have been individual interviews of about 30 minutes. My results show that most teachers believe that social competence is about a good meeting between people and to coping with different situations in a good way.

Rocksmak i rockutbildningen - populärkultur, smak och repertoar inom en utbildningsinstitution

Titel: Rockmusic preferences in the rock programme. Popular culture, music preferences and repertoire inside a teaching institution. This paper raises some questions about the popular music that exists outside as well as inside institutions. From the example of popular music and rockmusic the students of a music teacher education programme based on rock music are asked for their taste for music in a brief questionnaire. The answers are compared to those concerning the music they used to like before they entered the education as well as the music played on the ensemble lessons at the programme.

Efter Energiutmaningen : Vad hände med undervisningen i fysik?

The purpose of this thesis is to try to find out what effect subject oriented projects like Energiutmaningen has on the teachers, with a focus on teachers? physics education. What was the experience for the teachers who participated and what effects did the project have on them. Four teachers were interviewed through qualitative interviews. From the result it showed that the most experienced teachers, who have been teaching physics for many years, gained a new perspective of their teaching, through their participation a development showed in their education.

Tillfälligt fungerande konsensus : En interaktionistisk analys av samtal för att bedöma lärarstudenters kunnande under den verksamhetsförlagda utbildningen

Henriksson, Kristina (2009). Assessing student teachers through conversation - an interactional analysis of student-teaching conferencesThe aim of this study is to identify the characteristics of student-teaching conferences. During a school-based education for student teachers, teacher educators from the university visit the student teachers. They also have conversations, so-called student-teaching conferences, with the students school mentors to assess the student teachers knowledge. These conversations aim at assessing the student teachers professional knowledge at the end of a shool-based education.

En "go' " musiklärare med "goa' " elever som spelar så det svänger. En kvalitativ dokumentation och analys av en dansk musiklärares ensembleundervisning på grundskolenivå, årskurs 2-9.

This is a study of the work of a Danish music teacher at a free school (grade 1 9) in Copenhagen. The teaching is based explicitly on playing in ensemble and the pupils play at a high artistic level compared to a normal school. Data collection was made during three days with the help of observation, video recording and qualitative interviews. The report contains video clips where the pupils and the teacher play together. The great differences between this model of teaching and the normal, lie in the teacher participation in the music making, the central role of the rhythms, the early start (grade two), the form of songs and arrangements and the lack of notation in favor of music making by ear.

Historielärares uppfattningar om en ny läroplan : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om fyra gymnasielärares uppfattningar av införandet av den senaste läroplanen Lgy11 och hur deras undervisning har påverkats av denna förändring.

In 2011, the Swedish National Agency of Education introduced a new national curriculum including the compulsory school and upper secondary school. The new curriculum has been widely discussed by media and in the schools. This essay aims towards investigating how four History teachers in two upper secondary schools have experienced the introduction to the new curriculum, and whether they believe that the new curriculum has affected their teaching practice. The investigation conducted in this essay is based on four semi-structured interviews with four History teachers who work at two upper secondary schools situated in different towns of Sweden. The results of the investigation indicate that the interviewed teachers have experienced the transitional period between different curricula to have worked well even if it has been time demanding and also has increased their work effort.

Skolan i universum - att förklara det ofattbara : Astronomiundervisningen i skolan på 1900-talet

This is a study in how astronomy has been taught and is being taught in Swedish schools from 1905 to this date with an emphasis on the latest 30 years. It concerns the regulations and methodical recommendations/curricula for Swedish junior high school/Swedish Comprehensive school for the years 1905, 1933, 1955, 1958, 1962, 1969, 1980 and 1994. The matter of integrating astronomy with other subjects and different methodical approaches is also considered. The problem with textbooks written only for one subject when the teacher tries to integrate subjects is emphasised.Physics textbook analysis shows that astronomy teaching has over the years developed, from being based on observations, to become more and more theoretical. It also shows that the amount of practical exercises has been fairly constant in physics textbooks during the seventies end eighties but now in the nineties varies a lot from textbook to textbook. The amount of liberty the textbook gives the pupil in finding knowledge and answers himself in the practical parts of astronomy was at its lowest during the seventies.

Den psykiska hälsan hos barn och ungdomar placerade i familjehem : En kvantitativ studie på 38 familjehemsplacerade barn och ungdomar

Denna studie undersöker och beskriver den psykiska hälsan hos en grupp barn och ungdomar placerade i familjehem i en större stad i södra Sverige. 42 barn och ungdomar i åldrarna 11 till 20 år valdes ut från en kohort bestående av 52 som vid något tillfälle under 2005 befann sig placerade i familjehem. Till barnen administrerades Youth Self Report (YSR), till en av familjehemsföräldrarna Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) och till barnens lärare Teacher´s Report Form (TRF). Data från barnens socialakter samlades också in. Totala problemskalorna för CBCL och TRF visade att andelen barn på klinisk nivå uppgick till 23 % medan motsvarande siffra för YSR var 9 %.

Ecclesia viva Ecclesia communitatis aut antiquary = En levande kyrka : Församlingens kyrka eller antikvariens?

There are about 3 500 churches protected under the Heritage Conservation Act in Sweden today. These churches still belong to living congregations that want to be able to adapt them to the needs of today, just like people have done throughout history. But since the churches are protected, the congregations have to apply for a permit and that is not always given. This can lead to frustration, and you can sometimes hear representatives of the church express the view that antiquarian authorities are enemies that oppose the church. On the other hand we have the antiquarian authorities that, in a way, have to act as advocates for generations to come and make sure that there is a cultural heritage preserved for them when they grow up.

Det ännu icke sedda : ett undervisningsexempel från äldreomsorg

With examples from a single classroom situation, several educational moments show what goes on between the teacher and the student. The teacher?s responsibility in the learning process is, with a gesture frozen in the air of the moment, to lead and follow the student in her tentative efforts at seeking knowledge. Initially, it is an attempt to shed light upon the "not yet seen" with a certainty that the student herself possesses the capacity and the aptitude to reach greater insight and clarity in her understanding. The Validation/Feil Method presented in this instructional situation illustrates how best to communicate with elderly people suffering from Alzheimer?s dementia.

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