

126 Uppsatser om Targeted killings - Sida 3 av 9

?Det här är ett fritt land för mig.? : En studie om synen på hedersrelaterat förtryck bland utsatta kvinnor och professionella socialarbetare.

AbstractWith the murder of Fadime in 2002 honor killings and honour related oppression became a subject of wide public debate. The question was raised whether the Swedish social services had the knowledge and the resources necessary to face the issue with honor related oppression.This study is about the views on honor related oppression among oppressed women and professional social workers and aims to explore the relationship between social worker and client in an honor related context. Does the risk of culture clashes pose a problem in dealing with the Swedish authorities and do Swedish social workers have the necessary tools to help the, often young, oppressed women that seek their aid? This is a qualitative study based on five individual interviews: Two former victims of honour related oppression, two professional social workers and one relative of a young girl who was the victim of an honor killing.Observations:The social workers found that they had adequate resources at hand but that awareness among employees in the social services needed to be improved.The clients felt that the help they?ve received from the social services was helpful but that more information to the public about available resources was necessary along with a better understanding of the differences between their own culture and that of the Swedish society. The clients expressed that the realization that they were being oppressed didn?t come overnight.

En studie om studenters användning av vänlistor på Facebook

Friend lists allow Facebook users to group their friends and may be used to share certain information only with those in a specific list. This function has been around for several years, but has never gained any particular popularity among users, most of whom probably did not know it even existed a couple of years ago. In the fall of 2011, however, the function was updated and made more visible on the site.There are several possible uses of friend lists, such as privacy control, filtering of the news feed, self-presentation and targeted information sharing. This paper aims to investigate the extent to which friend lists are used by students today, as well as why students actually use their lists, i.e. for what purposes.Judging from the results of this study in comparison with earlier research, there seems to have been a somewhat recent increase in the awareness of the fact that friend lists actually do exist, but still most users tend not to utilize them.

Finding Course Literature: Exposing Overlooked Alternatives and Streamlining Targeted Information Retrieval

Na?r en student idag utbildar sig vid ett svenskt la?rosa?te beho?ver denne info?rskaffa sig kurslitteratur som ett komplement till undervisningen. Det finns inget sja?lvklart tillva?gaga?ngssa?tt fo?r hur studenten info?rskaffar sig sin kurslitteratur och information om litteraturen presenteras inkonsekvent o?ver olika ka?llor . Vi utvecklar da?rfo?r ett sto?dsystem fo?r so?kning av kurslitteratur, med syfte att effektivisera so?kprocessen samt att exponera studenten fo?r eventuellt tidigare fo?rbisedda ka?llor till kurslitteratur. Systemet utva?rderas i fo?rha?llande etablerade so?kstrategier hos 22 studenter. Resultaten visar att anva?ndandet av detta sto?dsystem inte bara minskar antalet steg markant utan a?ven minskar antalet tja?nster studenten anva?nder fo?r att info?rskaffa sin kurslitteratur ja?mfo?rt med studenters egna so?kstrategi idag..

Bankfonder : En jämförande studie av Sveriges fyra storbanker

The main purpose of the study is to investigate Sweden's four large banks, concerningrisk and return, to see if there are any differences between them. The paper will alsoinvestigate the following sub sections: are there any differences in how the banks havesucceeded in managing geographically targeted funds and if there are any differencesin how funds are performing according to the fund size.The study is based on a quantitative method and has a deductive approach. Theselection consists of all of the four banks Swedish and Nordic funds (according tomorningstar.se 's categories "Sverige" and "Norden"). The study is based on secondarydata gathered from sources such as Morningstar, Affärsvärlden, Dagens Industri andthe Swedish National Banks websites.Swedbank Robur has performed the highest results in the case of Swedish funds.Handelsbanken has performed the highest results in the case of Nordic funds and thetotal of all funds that are in the study. Based on the results of the study it was possibleto distinguish a link between fund size and the annual return. .

Portföljoptimering som alternativ till indexfonder : Hur skulle en fond konstruerad enligt portföljoptimeringsmodeller utvecklas i jämförelse med index?

This paper investigates the possibilities to construct automatized portfolios based on optimizations strategies that could outperform comparable indexes. The study is based on time-series of Swedish stocks dating from 1986 to 2006. In the research four different portfolio optimization techniques were studied. These were: the Classical Markowitz Approach, Mean-Absolute-Deviation, Minimum-Regret and Conditional Value-at-Risk of which the three latter are based on generated scenarios. The behaviour of these models was studied for different choices of parameters such as backward time-horizon and targeted average return.

Suveränitet eller mänskliga rättigheter? : En idéanalys om USA:s rättfärdigande av Operation Iraqi Freedom

AbstractAs human beings, we are all governed by our innate instinct that to kill another human being, or to just inflict pain on another, is to go against what makes us human. Still, it happens every day, far and near. Some of these killings happens in war-like situations, where atrocities against humanity occur. The international community has since the founding of UN in 1945, a duty to intervene where crimes against the human rights occur. This is a difficult task, because, in order to intervene and help those in need, the situation might postulate states violating states sovereignty.

Fitta mot fitta, kan STI smitta! : En queerteoretisk granskning av STI- information i Kalmar och Växjö.

Background:Several studies have shown there has been significant lack of knowledge about women who have sex with women cross infect each other with STIs. It has been less likely that women who have sex with women visit health care than heterosexuals, they often felt badly treated, invisible and did not always know where to turn in case of an STI. Objective: The objective was to examine if STI information from Kalmar and Växjö county websites and GCK-summit, targeted women who have sex with women. Method: With a queer theoretical perspective a critical discourse analysis was made by STI information on the internet. Results: Women who have sex with women have been excluded in the STI information currently available through Kalmar and Växjö county websites.

Skapa och leverera kundvärde i ett teknikkonsultföretag /

The increased specialisation and complexity in products and services has created the need for Swedish companies to focus more on their core businesses. This has resulted in them opting to buy services and products that lie outside of their core business from consultancy businesses or other types of suppliers. When companies describe their offers in internal and external marketing it is done often in terms of company or service attributes that are not based on customer value or offered value for the customer. The reason for this is that companies have not adapted their services to the different needs of their customers. As a result of this, they run the risk of offering the same services as their competitors and communicate values that the customers either do not understand or experience as value adding.

Den stressade småbarnsföräldern : en utvärdering av marknadsföringskampanjen "Småbarnsföräldern" på ett folkbibliotek

This bachelor thesis is a study and an evaluation of the planning and implementation of the targeted marketing campaign "Småbarnsföräldern" at a public library. The analysis is based on the following questions:? What goals does the library have with the marketing campaign "Småbarnsföräldern"?? How has the library chosen to plan and implement the marketing campaign "Småbarnsföräldern" and what role have the users had in this process?? What is the internal result of the library?s marketing campaign ? how did the staff experience the marketing campaign "Småbarnsföräldern"?? What is the external result ? how did the target group, the parents of young children, experience the marketing campaign "Småbarnsföräldern"?The method is based on a case study of a single library with a series of interviews and document analysis. The study reveals that it´s difficult to plan a marketing campaign against a target group. The target group, the parents of young children, didn?t observe the marketing campaign, two informants had noticed the poster but didn?t pay much attention to it.

Datainsamling av privatpersoners internetbeteende : En studie av medvetenheten hos privatpersoner

Internetövervakning har under senaste tiden blivit ett aktuellt ämne i media. Det rapporteras bland annat om att företag som samlar in information om privatpersoner. Datan som samlas in kan innehålla information om användares beteende på internet såsom besökta sidor, sökhistorik, aktivitet på sociala medier med mera. Men hur mycket av detta vet en vanlig användare om? Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka hur medvetna privatpersoner är om internetövervakning som bedrivs av företag och den datainsamling som den bygger på.

Kampen mot kedjorna : En kvalitativ studie om hur en enskild, nischad klädesbutik utmärker sig genom sin marknadskommunikation

The purpose of this study has been to create a communication plan to use at the launch of an independent fashion store and give a current storeowner an overall picture concerning which communication aspects to use during his ongoing business. To fulfill our purpose we have targeted one important question, which is:   Which communication fields are the most important to use, when you are about to launch an independent fashion store.  For this study we have used a qualitative approach in which we have conducted eleven personal interviews with people who has a strong understanding in communication regarding to this type of business. Most of our respondents are currently working actively with communication because they are active in retailing.The remaining respondent has a strong experience in the field of communication. In the final chapter we present our conclusions of the study. We have found the main factors in a communication plan, which is most important for a storeowner. Which are the most important communication parts for the owner to focus on before he launches the store? The basic need of knowledge in social mediaDevelop a unique concept to differentiate yourselfUnderstand the nature of networks and relationshipsThe relevance of store layout and sensory marketing which is an important tool when you need renewal and develop your concept.

Balansgången ?mellan ?kommersiell? framgång? och? exklusiv? image : ? ?Att? lyckas ?med ?varumärkesutvidgning ?nedåt ?av ?lyxvarumärken

Many? luxury? companies? within? the? fashion? industry? today? choose? to? extend? their? brands downwards? in? order? to? reach? new? customer? segments? and? hence? increase? their? profitability.? A? brand? extension? strategy? that? leverages? the? core? values? of? the? luxury? brand? is? a ?new ?possibility ?for ?luxury ?brands ?to ?position ?themselves ?towards ?a ?broader ?customer ?base.?? Meanwhile? there? is? a? risk? that? the? extension? dilutes? the? image? of? the? luxury? brand? and? has? a? negative? effect? on? the? company? in? the? long? term.? Thus? a? tradeoff? exists? between? becoming? more? accessible? and? maintaining? the? exclusivity? of? the? luxury? brand.? The? objective? of? this? thesis ?is ?to ?investigate ?how ?luxury ?brands ?that ?perform? downward ?brand ?extensions ?to? reach? new? markets? can? succeed? with? this? strategy? without? diluting? the? brand? image.? This? is? achieved? by? studying? the? perceptions? of? the? new? target? segment? towards? the? extension? of? luxury? brands.? The? results? of? the? study? show? that? the? risk? of? brand? dilution? is? minimized when? the? core? values? of? the? luxury? brand? are? transferred? to? the? brand? extension? while? the extension ?at ?the ?same ?time ?is ?successfully ?targeted ?towards ?the ?specific ?customer? segment..

Virtuellt ledarskap i näringslivet: Hur affärssimulering kan skapa kompetens, samsyn, och ökad ekonomisk förståelse i en organisation

The purpose of this thesis has been to explore the topic of business simulation from a theoretical foundation in social constructivism and theories concerning leadership as the management of meaning. The most important findings are that business simulation can be used for strategical leadership by management to create a common vision in the organisation members, which affects their perception of the business and the decisions and actions they make, which in turn can lead to a more efficient organisation that becomes better at meeting set goals. This can be viewed in different ways from different theoretical viewpoints: as inducing targeted changes in mental models to create changes in decision making and actions; as a secondary socialization process where the vision of management is externalized as a business simulation that is in turn internalized by the organisation members that participate in the business simulation, or as a way to frame and define the reality of the organisational members which creates a shared reference point against which a feeling of organisation and direction can emerge. In the future, business simulations may become increasingly used by organizations to create a common vision or to communicate a new decision to the organization members..

Småpratets betydelse för ledarskapet

Title: The significance of small talk on leadershipDate of seminar: 13 October 2010Course: Bachelor paper in Business, in Organization, 15 ECTSInstitution: Swedish Business School at Orebro UniversityAuthors: Linda Andersson & Ebba HallbergAdvisor: Gabriella WennblomPurpose: The purpose of this paper is to identify and describe how leadership is affected by the small talk, with these three managers. This with the manager?s perspective as a starting point, within the three services we examined.Research methodology: This paper is based on a qualitative method. Targeted open interviews were carried out with three respondents. Literature in the organizational field has been searched through to give a base for the study.Theoretical framework: This paper uses the theory of communication, the theory of leadership and the theory of small talk.Conclusion: The conclusion we make is that the small talk makes it easier for the modern leadership, this is because the small talk, among other things, allows the manager to spread information and to avoid misinterpretation, and that the manager become more involved in the company.Keywords: Communication, small talk, leadership.

Våldets olika ansikten: En gärningsanalys av våldsbrott utifrån gärningsmannens relation till offret

Violent crime can traditionally be classified as a reactive or an instrumental aggression. A reactive aggression is often characterized by some sort of provocation by the victim and the act is impulsive and the offender reacts by harming the victim. The provocation can be a threat, an insult or an attack and the act can be said to be a reaction induced by emotions. An instrumental act of violence however, often described as planned, targeted and emotional cold. The goal of the act can be to acquire money or power to maintain their status.

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