

1070 Uppsatser om Target figures - Sida 53 av 72

Medstops positionering : En fallstudie om ett nytt apoteks positionering utifrån konkurrenskraft

The aim of this thesis is, from a business perspective, to examine how the pharmacy chain Medstop is working with their positioning in order to achieve competitiveness in the re-regulated pharmacy market. This is studied through a theoretical framework that demonstrates five forces that affects the competitiveness in an industry, the five-force model by Michael Porter.The thesis is a qualitative case study where data collection was done through interviews, literature, articles, websites and internal information from Medstop. The data was then complied into the theoretical perspective the authors have chosen for this paper, the five-force model by Michael Porter. This model was chosen because it gives a broad description of the competition a company faces by describing five different forces that affect the competition within a branch. The fact was collected on the basis of the marketing strategy positioning, and the essay is written from a business perspective.Our cunclusions are that the pharmacy chain Medstop are in their initial positioning and has chosen to position itself on the basis of their core values; credibility, safety and security.

Utvärdering av Uppföljning av Handlingsprogram för miljömål i Hallands län

Sweden?s environmental work is to set out from 16 national environmental quality objectives. It aims to work for a sustainable society and to solve our current environmental problems today and not pass them on to future generations. The purpose of this study was to evaluate Uppföljning av handlingsprogram för miljömål (a follow up-study of a programme for environmental quality objectives) and to propose new methods to work with the revision of Handlingsprogram ? så genomför vi de regionala miljömålen i Hallands län (a programme to implement the regional environmental quality objectives in the County of Halland), a revision which will start in autumn 2010.

Introduktion till Socialkonsekvensbeskrivning - SKB, samt metod vilken kan användas inom SKB

Often, the green is handled as an opposite to the built, but if it could be seen as a part of the built and the society, the planning will be easier to handle. The thesis work wants to create a method that treats villages in an analytic way in a context; with green, blur, grey and all the other colors that together are the completeness.This master's thesis is made to be used as foundation in detail plannng in the municipality of Örkelljunga. Target audience is on one hand those who work with planning and green matters in Örkelljunga municipality, but also other planners who work with landscape.Literature in the field of green city planning has been studied and 30 methods for analysis have been valued. The method for analysis that has been used in this work is a merging of ten different methods and has included literature studies, sketches, interviews and work on spot. The ten methods are consciously chosen to together make one comprehensive and true image of the village, as far as it is possible.

Den ideella föreningens kommunikativa utmaningar på en glokal marknad : - En förstudie till en kommunikationsplan för kulturföreningen Humlan.

Non-profit organizations? communicational challenges in a glocal market? A pre-study to a communication plan for the non-profit organization Humlan.This study intends to examine and analyze the current strategic position of the non-profit organization Humlan, and how the organization can develop their communicational efforts to make themselves more competitive in the glocalized market in which they compete. This has been examined by qualitative interviews with the employees of the Humlan, and a quantitative survey of Humlans potential target group, students. The results of the interviews showed that the employees of Humlan experienced the competition in the market as fierce, and that they experienced a need to communicate their uniqueness as a non-profit organization. The employees also expressed a wish for the Humlan brand to become associated with quality. In turn, the student survey showed that the students had a low knowledge-level regarding Humlan, that they were interested in a wide array of cultural expressions, and that they mainly wanted to communicate with Humlan by taking part of information such as news.In summary, the study showed that Humlan could develop their communicational efforts by creating awareness about the organization and its uniqueness among students.

Varumärkesbyggande processer

Due to the globalization and the changes in the market, companies have now realized the importance of a strong brand. This has led to the phenomena outsourcing. The relation between the branding consultant and his or her client has changed. Earlier the consultants worked as a single unit and were given a task to independently accomplish the assignment. Today there has to be co-operation between the two parties.

Manlighet - skämt eller allvar? : humor som redskap i mäns förhandlingar om mansrollen

This in an essay concerning the use of humor in male communication. Primarily, I have focused on studying how jokes can be used as a sanction for the training of members in a (male) group. I have found great inspiration in Goffman?s thoughts on a social face and the use of humor to protect this perceived face.Initially I started to reflect on men?s reluctance to discuss masculinity and their thoughts about the meaning of being a man. Every time I tried to hold a serious conversation, my male friends made a joke out of it.

Tusen röda plastbåtar : En studie av framgångsrik gerillamarknadsföring

Background: Swedish consumers are daily bombarded with 1500 advertising messages. 22 percent of the Swedish people are avoiding all advertising in traditional media according to SIFO's research. To master this problem innovative methods are a necessity to reach consumers. Guerrilla marketing is such a method.Purpose: The purpose of this dissertation is to describe the components and the activities that asuccessful guerrilla campaign consists of. He purpose is also to examine the motives behind theseactivities, why they were chosen and what objectives they were supposed to accomplish.

Vill du prata?

Today's consumers are demanding more and more from companies and are no longer as easy to im-press as they used to be. It is now the consumers that hold an increasing amount of power over com-panies and not the other way around. This change in consumer behaviour has caused an identity crisis for traditional advertising, and companies are now searching for new ways of reaching their target audience. The purpose of this combined qualitative and quantitative case study is to examine possible risks and possibilities that a retailing company face when communicating through Facebook. Data has been collected through in-depth interviews with company representatives combined with a quantitative study of the company's Facebook followers in order to answer the questions of (1) which possibilities and risks a retailing company face through the use of a Facebook fanpage and (2) if there is a differ-ence in the attitude and behaviour of active respectively passive followers that may have been caused by a retailing company's marketing communication on Facebook.

Effektiv ekonomistyrning inom den offentliga sjukvården : en studie av Habiliterings- och rehabiliteringskliniken på Blekingesjukhuset

The purpose with our study is to investigate in which way a public field of action has succeeded to make the economic management more effective and also find out which factors/activities that have contributed to get the result of the budget in balance. We also want to find out in which degree the balanced scorecard (BSC) has contributed to the positive result of the budget. Method: We had started out from the qualitative method theory which is based on the hermeneutic theory, because we will interpret and understand. With this starting point we have chosen to use a case study with semi-standardised interviews supplemented with information from different documents, and to get the theoretic connection we have studied literature in the subject field. The analyse and even the theoretic connection have then started from, for this study, a special analyse model.

Bibliotekariers uppfattningar av sjuksköterskor som användargrupp: en fenomenografisk studie

The purpose of this thesis has been to investigate how librarians perceive nurses as a user group and libraries? function for nurses. In order to achieve the study?s purpose six qualitative interviews with librarians working at medical libraries were conducted. The study has been performed with a phenomenographical methodological approach.

Stadsdelsförnyelse på Öster i Gävle : En analys av fysiska faktorer för en bättre boendemiljö

Nearly 50 years after the building of the first million programme neighbourhoods many Swedish municipalities faces an extensive restoration work in these neighbourhoods which during their relatively short lifetime have acted as a target for a large amount of criticism. Öster in Gävle is a million programme neighbourhood that has gone through an extensive restoration between 2001-2009 with the aim of improving the living environment. Improvements have been made in the outdoor environment, to the facades of the houses and the entrances? of each building. The purpose of this study has been to investigate the effects of the renewal in the physical outdoor environment for those who live in the neighbourhood.

Recidivmönster hos glioblastom

Syfte: Identifiera recidivmönster hos glioblastom samt studera betydelsen av erhållen stråldos beträffande uppkomsten av recidiv.Metod: 50 patienter som strålbehandlats för glioblastom valdes ut till studien och deras magnetkamerabilder från uppföljningen jämfördes med behandlingsplanen frånstrålbehandlingen. Lokala, marginella eller distala recidiv identifierades baserat på om recidivet låg innanför, tangerade eller låg helt utanför PTV (planning target volume). De marginella delades in i två grupper, de som hade en fysisk koppling, connex, till GTV (gross tumor volume) och de som inte hade det. Vidare lästes erhållen stråldos i recidivet ut från strålbehandlingsplanen.Resultat: 35 stycken patienter hade fått recidiv på 42 unika lokaler. Av dess 42 recidiv var 66,7 % (28 stycken) lokala, 9,5 % (4 stycken) marginella med connex till GTV, 19 % (8 stycken) marginella utan connex till GTV och slutligen 4,8 % (2 stycken) distala.

En utredning av tekniken "mobile mapping" i kommunal verksamhet

This thesis work is intended to analyze whether the municipalities has a need for the new technology of mobile mapping.Mobile mapping consists of the technologies of laser scanning, photographing and positioning of streets and roads in city environment and in the countryside. When these technologies are operating together a georeferenced three-dimensional image model is created, which has specific coordinates that states its position on the surface of the earth. Thanks to the laser scanning process even measuring can be performed in this model.The municipal sector consists of many different departments which use visual spatial information. These departments are an interesting target group for this system. Specific departments within the municipal sector, which we considered were the most suitable, have been selected.

Det energiproducerande huset

We are heading towards a huge switch of how energy is produced with fossil fuels being replaced by renewable energy sources. It is not difficult to replace the energy you use in the house and there is no need for futuristic technology. There are already many established products on the market such as high efficiency vacuum solar collectors, heat pumps & small wind power stations that can supply the energy being used in a house. The company Sol & Energiteknik SE AB in Huskvarna has many different products which can reduce the need for an outside energy distributor. An average house in Sweden uses 15 000 kWh for heating, 5000 kWh for tap water and 5000 kWh for electricity.

En studie kring välfärdsindikatorer i mjölkproduktionen : förslag till hur Sigill Kvalitetssystem AB kan arbeta för en god djurvälfärd på certifierade gårdar

In this final thesis a study about welfare indicators in the Swedish milk production has been carried out. The system Swedish Animal Welfare Monitoring Scheme developed by the Swedish Dairy Association has been used as a base and the EU project WELFARE QUALITY® has also been used as a source of information. Focus groups have been used as a qualitative investigating method. This included four focus groups, two with farm auditors from the two different dairies and two with dairy farmers. This method was chosen because in this way one can study how a conversation about a given subject takes form in a respectable way.

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