

1346 Uppsatser om Target classes - Sida 7 av 90

Tjej & gay bland tidningsställ (Girl & gay among magazine racks)

The purpose of this essay is to examine the relationship between visual communication and female homosexuality within the field of magazine design. As the creative part of the project I have chosen to make a redesign of Lotus magazine, the very first Swedish magazine with lesbian and bisexual girls as the target audience. The questions of which the project is based on are: Which stereotypes, differences and similarities can be found in visual communication addressed to a heterosexual versus a homosexual target audience? What kind of design attracts non-heterosexual girls and how can I create a design for Lotus magazine that is appealing to lesbian and bisexual girls and yet still makes it possible to compete with traditional girls? magazines? In order to examine my research questions I have done literature studies within the field of gender and sexual identity in relation to visual communication. Additionally, I have analysed the design of competing magazines on the market and conducted a survey among representatives of the target audience of Lotus magazine..

Hur begriplig är den lättlästa samhällsinformationen? : En studie av fyra texter från fyra myndigheter

The purpose of this thesis is to increase the knowledge about the comprehensibility of the easy-to-read civic information. In the study I present my analysis of the content of four easy-to-read texts from four government authorities. The analysis constitutes the starting point for interviews with the target group ? people with a minor mental retardation ?, but it also reveals some possible difficulties for the intended readers. In the empirical study ten persons from the target group were asked to read a text and the comprehension was tested by oral questions about facts in the text.

Ta parti! : Gymnasieelevers uppfattade påverkan inför riksdagsvalet 2010

In this examination project I look into what ways upper secondary school students conceive themselves as politically influenced before they voted for the general election of 2010. The purpose is to examine which influences the upper secondary school surroundings and the classes of civic education are contributing with to students before they voted. As a method, I have used personal, semi-structural interviews on eight upper secondary school students who all voted for a party represented in the parliament. I have asked questions about how they believe their parents, the surroundings of their school and the classes of civic education have influenced them. To separate which influences primarily the upper secondary school and the classes of civic educations have had on the students, I have selected two comparison groups of four students in each.

Hållfasthetssortering av plankor med hjälp av röntgendata

The aim of this thesis is to find a statistical model that sort logs according to a predicted modulus of elasticity on the sawn boards. The input parameters for the model are X-ray variables from an X-ray scanner. For some of the log classes sawn at the sawmill it is desirable to have a narrow distribution of modulus of elasticity on the sawn boards. 250 pine logs from five different diameter classes were numbered and followed through the sawmill process. Log data were collected from X-ray and 3-D scanners in the log intake.

Vän eller fiende ? hur konsumenten uppfattar modeannonser

In advertising, the target has traditionally been aimed towards the product?s advantages.Today the trend is that the advertisers want to create a restless and unsatisfied consumer. Theconsumer on her part is not trying to achieve a goal with her consumption, but experiences theconsumption itself as a goal. Because of this the consumer demands a fast and variedselection.In order to sell their products the companies must create a non-existent need amongst theconsumers. Therefore it is very common in advertising today to use emotions instead ofinformation to attract the customers.

Produktionsskillnader och virkesskador med olika typer av matarvalsar :

Earlier investigations showed that damages on timber from feeding rolls could be within the lower classes of damage according to VMRs classes. Knowledge about differences in productivity between kind types and aggressive types of feeding rolls is necessary because it should influence the question about damages on timber caused by different feeding rolls. In this study the production and timber damage in a harvesting head were evaluated at three levels of pressure (8, 10 and 14 MPa) on the feeding rolls, and with three different types of rolls. One type, the rubber cushioned steel plate roller had 10 mm studs and rubber damping, one ?middle? type made of solid steel with 14 mm studs, and one aggressive type, also made of solid steel with 18 mm studs.

Ungdomlig ålderdom - hur modeföretag marknadsför sig bättre hos äldre kvinnor

When the competition is getting stronger and companies must work harder to find new markets, new products and create new needs to reach growth, it appears strange that they overlook an obvious target segment right in front of their eyes. For some years ago, marketers of fashion brands feared that older women would wear their clothes, because it gave bad promotion for the young economically viable target group. Today, older women have difficulties finding clothes with right fit, style and personal taste. They would gratefully accept a brand, they felt were aimed for them. The purpose of this study is to give new ideas to companies in the fashion industry, how to reach this target group, but also be a contributing reason for older women to see the market opening for them.

"Om man inte gör det på Facebook" : Ungdomars uppfattning om sociala medier som demokratiagent

The purpose of this essay is to explore how social media affect the political orientation and commitment of youths. Three scientific questions highlight the purpose from different angles. The didactic perspective is discussed in the initial and closing discussion, and is analyzed in the corresponding chapter. Two methods are involved in the study; one survey and one interview with a focus group. The survey had a total of 98 respondents from four different classes, all in the first grade of upper secondary school.

Marknadsföring via bibliotekets webbplats

The aim of this study is to investigate the public libraries use of their websites in their marketing. Our study is based on the websites of 60 public libraries. The libraries are chosen because of their geographical location in three different provinces? Skåne in the south, Östergötland in the middle and Norrbotten in the north. These three choices enable us to cover densely as well as thinly populated areas, the agricultural district, the woodland and cities of various sizes.

Sätta sitt avtryck : - en belysande studie i kreativitet

The purpose of this thesis is to illustrate the conception of creativity. Observation and interview illustrate teachers´ views of the concept, as well as the use there of. Classes in ensemble and aestethics have been observed. The reason for choosing these two classes is to give the investigator the oppurtunity to observe several students at the same time and it also makes possible for the investigator to observe several instrumentalists´ use of their instruments. Interviews have been conducted with teachers in the observed classes.

Problemlösning : - att välja strategi

AbstractBy finding out the pupils' choice of strategies for problem solving, we as teachers, can get a better understanding of their way of thinking, and thus also help them develop in their learning of mathematics. In a classroom environment where several different strategies could be found, the pupils' learning is facilitated as they, with the help of classmates, find positive and negative attributes of different kinds of strategies. The pupils are, in other words, each other's resources, rather than competitors. The main point is that the classroom environment, as well as the role of the teacher in the classroom, are both key elements for good mathematics learning.In order to increase the understanding of the pupils' choice of learning strategies, a survey was performed based on two school classes, one third grade and one six grade class at the same school. Both classes received the same mathematical problem to work with, and the strategies observed were analyzed and compared.

Bildbaserade instruktioner i Scanias Servicehandbok : - För effektiv informationsinhämtning

Technical products are becoming more and more complex, this means that the drivers, mechanics and service personnel?s need for assistance such as the service literature is increasing. In this degree project the focus is on the technical manuals of Scania?s Workshop Manual. Today, the information in the Workshop Manual consists of collaboration between text and illustrations.

Betydelsen av ett fritidsintresse : Fotboll som prevention och identitetsskapande för unga

This essay deals with the subject of communication through Facebook. In this survey we studied 100 youths from Karlstad and their communication habits and behavior patterns on Facebook. The social network site Facebook has since its start in 2004 made a mark in modern communication. Today in 2010 the site has more than 500 million users. This paper wants to study what happens to other types of communication.

Elevinflytande i engelskundervisningen på gymnasiet : En jämförande studie mellan årskurs 1 och 2

The aim of this study is to investigate the notion of pupil influence in English teaching at level 1 and 2 at High-School level. The study focuses on how the students and teachers experience the possibility of influence in their English classes. Empirical data has been collected through questionnaires from two classes at year 1 and two classes at year 2 in English. The study also includes interviews from four teachers and four students. The study is both qualitative and quantitative.

Habitus - ett arbete om klass

 Why is it that we still live in a society where an individual's social background plays such a big part in their chances of reaching a higher education? Despite the numerous educational policy reforms, especially in Sweden, it still seems that an individual's career choices are pretty much related to what kind of social class they grew up in. Sociologist Pierre Bourdieu claimed that social class is reproduced in the school system, and that students from the lower classes are much less likely to reach a further education than students from the middle or upper classes due to injustice in the school system. One thing that plays a big part in this "Catch-22" situation is the concept that Bourdieu calls habitus. Habitus could be explained as an individual's taste, knowledge, ability to master the spoken language, etc. Your habitus is manifested in the choices you make, the music you listen to, how you dress and the way you speak, and it determines your relation to the education system and life in general. As part of my essay, I wanted to interview students from lower or working class at my school, Konstfack, to see if they have had any negative or positive experiences from their encounter with a higher education. And if so, could they be linked directly to their social background? As a reaction to my own and my interviewees? experiences and frustration, I use the concept of habitus in my practical work.

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