

1346 Uppsatser om Target classes - Sida 33 av 90

Vad anser barn att mobbning är? : En studie om var och hur mobbning yttrar sig

To accomplish my purpose about where bullying is emerging and how bullying utter it is self and if the educationist consideration disposes conform to the students, i chose two classes from two different schools. With the help of the students thought and speculations and with the educationalists answers, I come to a result. I want to add that my results agreed with the early scientists? research. The results also confirmed by literature and by theories that showed in my result.

Sociala medier - Ett framgångsrikt verktyg för offentliga verksamheter? : En kvalitativ studie av hur verksamheter som riktar sig till ungdomar och unga vuxna använder sig av sociala medier.

Social media is used widely around the world by millions of people every day. In this report an analysis has been made of how organisations that are directed towards marginalized adolescents and young adults, are using social media in their working processes. The data has been gathered through qualitative interviews and case studies of three organisations, which are in different stages in their use of social media. The results from the study indicates that every chosen organisation wants to use social media applications for the same purpose, which is to be available where their target audience is situated, but their progress is reduced by elements such as priority, lack of knowledge and time..

Keramisk List : produktutveckling för Askersunds Kakelmakeri

In this report presents a thesis by Frida Altskog performed in collaboration with Askersunds Kakelmakeri. The project?s goal has been to produce a ceramic ledge after the company?s specifications. The company?s desire and production facilities have been in focus.

Hur lärare arbetar med tystlåtna elever i muntliga moment : Ett arbete om hur lärare främjar och bedömer den kommunikativa förmågan i klassrummet

The purpose of this study is to examine how primary school teachers work with the oral communicative ability of students who are quiet or unwilling to communicate freely in the classroom. This study aims to answer the question: which methods and strategies are most beneficial for the quiet students and how do teachers discover and assess these students?A qualitative method using semi-structured interviews will be used as the primary means of answering this question. The purpose of these interviews is to document the teachers? experiences working with quiet students.It appears that the teachers interviewed have or have had quiet students in their classes.

Brott och straff under 1600-talets första del : En komparativ undersökning av Sjuhundra härad och Njurunda härad

The aim of the study was to investigate the crimes and punishments that were commonly occurring between the years 1601-1651, and how the distribution was between men and women represented in the court in district Sjuhundra and Njurunda district. To answer these questions, a quantitative examination of court records conducted in which the crimes and punishments have been categorized. The results that have emerged have been the basis for the conclusions issued in the essay. The results showed that the most common target types were various civil and propertycase and the most common punishments were sentenced to fines and settlements. It was predominantly men who were in the court, the proportion of women was between 13-22%.

Elevinflytande : En undersökning utifrån ett lärarperspektiv

This survey is a qualitative study about how teachers see on the concept student leverage and what they say about how they in practice work with it. We have chosen to examine the subject from a teacher?s perspective, because almost all investigations and literature, that we have found, discuss student influence from a student?s perspective. That?s why we are interested to examine what teachers think of the subject.

SuperBooky- modernt webbaserat bokföringsprogram för småföretag

The aim of this report is to give the reader insight into the development of theweb-based accounting application SuperBooky. Accounting is a complex task thatmany beginner entrepreneurs struggle with. The development of this application wastherefore focused on making accounting as convenient and as easy as possible. Theend product targets small enterprises and its functionality was designed with this inmind.To make sure that the application was designed in a user-friendly way, polls werecarried out among individuals with basic accounting knowledge. These polls werethen used as a basis when the application was under development, to ensure that itwas well-suited to the target audience.This project was carried out as a bachelor?s thesis for Chalmers University of Technologyand University of Gothenburg during Spring 2015.

Bokprat - en undersökning av två mellanstadieklassers upplevelser av bokprat

The purpose of this master thesis is to examine if booktalk is a good method for stimulating reading based on interviews and observations with two classes of pupils in the intermediate level of the Swedish nine-year compulsory school. Our aim is also to study the reading environment regarding of Aidan Chambers' factors about what is indispensable for a good environment for the children. The factors are: Time for reading, time for reading aloud, the stock of books and conversations about books. The study is based on interviews with 38 pupils, two booktalkers and two teachers in two different cities. It also contains two observations of booktalk.

En bra bok Några komvuxelevers synpunkter på böcker och läsning

This study is based on 26 essays about A Good Book, written by as many participants inSwedish classes in secondary education for adults. The object is to analyse the students'views on fiction and reading: What books they prefer, but also why and how they read.Objectivity and subjectivity in literary criticism is also discussed.Most favoured author both among men and women is Stephen King. The majority of thebooks mentioned are translated from English. The women also read historical and psychological novels while the men prefer fantasy. The question whether a book is goodor not is in the students' opinion only a matter of taste.

Ett socialt nätverk anpassat för äldre : En studie av det sociala nätverket Modernfamilies

In this paper we analyze a social network specifically designed for the elderly, people with Dementia and people with generally low computer experience. This is a relatively unexplored use for such software, and our goal is to find out whether the technique to be used is simple enough to use for the intended user group, and generally how the whole situation is experienced by the users. To achieve this we conducted an expert evaluation and interviewed a number of users at two separate occasions during their first weeks with Modernfamilies. We came to the conclusion that this software generally is simple enough to use for the intended target group. Some of the users we came in contact with experienced the software as a positive addition to their daily lives, while some could not see any reason for a further use.

Varför läser pojkar så lite skönlitteratur? : Vilka orsaker ger de själva?

I have in this thesis looked at the reasons for why boys, in upper school classes, read so little fiction. Several surveys show that boys in their teenage years stop reading fiction. If they read fiction it is only as a school assignment and not as leisure. There has been research done in boys attitude towards literature, but there hasn?t been any research done asking them about why they don?t read fictionI have interviewed a group of boys about their reasons, and attitude, for why they don?t choose to read fiction on their spare time after school.

Killar gör det grova, tjejer gör det andra: en studie om tjejers och killars syn på kön och genus

The purpose of this essay was to study how surroundings form young peoples gender and where gender patterns are maintained. This was done by interviewing 12 students from two advanced classes at a comprehensive school in a small town in the southern parts of Sweden. The students where divided into four groups. Two groups with three boys in each, and two groups with three girls in each. We used R.W.

"TILL SYVENDE OCH SIST ÄR DET VI SOM BESTÄMMER" En undersökning av folkbibliotekariers syn på användare på fyra filmavdelningar

The aim of this master´s thesis is to examine how librarian´s views of the users can vary for different types of materials in public libraries. We have seen that literature and reading are the central parts of the libraries in Sweden. All other types of media are traditionally seen as complements and in focus for the study is feature film as an example of these other medias. We examine policy documents to see the official view of the general target group of the libraries and compare it to the view of the users of feature films as expressed by the librarians. The study includes several different types of empirical materials such as interviews, observations and documents and the method used is case studies.

Bärbar - ett hållbart tygkassekoncept

Portable is a project with its starting point in plastic bags, how they negatively affect our planet and how people´s patterns of behavior and qualities of life are affected when people try to live more envi¬ronmentally friendly. Now we have reached the point when peoples way of living and consuming in the western world has to change. This is nothing new and we can now see that sustainability is start¬ing to get attention in every area.Today plastic bags are used on average for 12 minutes. Only one out of 200 is reused, and then only once . This is not sustainable at all.

Pedagogers tankar om tvåspråkiga klasser / Teacher?s thoughts about bilingual classes

Mitt syfte med denna uppsats är att få djupare kunskap i vad tvåspråkiga klasser innebär och vilken uppfattning pedagogerna som arbetar i en tvåspråkig klass har angående deras arbetsätt. Jag har tittat närmare på två mångkulturella skolor som arbetar tvåspråkigt. Jag har använt mig av kvalitativa intervjuer med pedagoger för att få en bredare kunskap om hur undervisningen genomförs och för att få en uppfattning om vad pedagogerna har för syn och erfarenheter kring tvåspråkiga klasser. Jag har intervjuat fyra pedagoger som har stor erfarenhet av att jobba med andraspråkselever då de har arbetat på mångkulturella skolor i flera år. Resultaten av mina intervjuer blev relativt lika då lärarna anser att modersmålet har stor betydelse för barnets andraspråksutveckling.

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