

1346 Uppsatser om Target classes - Sida 23 av 90

Vård & Omsorg - Mer än ett jobb? : En undersökning av hur väl vård- och omsorgsförvaltningens kampanj lyckats - enligt teori och empiri

Today?s society has become a society of information were communication has become more important to manage, both for companies and for the person as an individual. If you want your message to be successful you have to plan your communication and also evaluate the result. The administration of health and care in Karlstad had already planned and performed an information campaign, ?Vård & omsorg ? Mer än ett jobb? (translation ?Health & care ? More than a job?), and therefore we got the assignment to investigate the rate of success.The investigation is based on both theory and empiric.

En ungdomspark planeras : barns och ungas perspektiv på utemiljön i Simrishamn

Often places for children and youth are planned how adults think children and adolescents want them, but we are often wrong. As a result, we find empty playgrounds while our target groups are building dens in the bushes, hanging around shopping areas, and so on. This report is an attempt to create a place for young people based on the opinions of their needs and their environment to better understand how to design a place that suits them well. To gain knowledge about how it is to be young in Simrishamn, a small township in the southwest of Sweden, I interviewed children and young adolescents. The interviews were all carried out in groups, mostly in larger groups inside where the result differed a lot depending on the settings for the interview. Two walkabouts with groups of three children were also made. Most of the children were eager to participate and tell about their reality, but some preferred not to.

Gåpall : Ett produktkoncept

This master thesis has been a product realization process. Having BRIO:s walking cart as thestaring point the purpose was to further develop the principle of such products and at the sametime broaden their sector of use. The final result is to be regarded as a complete solutionmeant as a foundation for further development at the BRIO Company. The product aims tosatisfy the demands and needs of the target group called theon the go parent. Trends, qualityand purchase power are features that characterize this particular target group.The project resulted in a walking stool namedBRIO Circus after its source of inspiration.

Att tillgängliggöra kvalitetskontrollerade Internetresurser: en studie av två ämnesportaler och två samverkansprojekt

The purpose of this masters thesis is to study two subject gate-ways within the field of Swedish higher education and academic research, concerning structuring and selection of Internet resources to facilitate information retrieval for their target groups, and also to study two co-operation projects in the same field, one national and one European, to see how the co-operation is being carried through and how the gateways in the projects can serve from a wider perspective. The gateways, AGORA and NOVAGate, are being studied mainly by their Web sites and two e-mail interviews with persons responsible for the gateways. Facts about the national project are principally based on an interview with BIBSAM. The European Renardus is being studied out of articles and information on the Web site. From the results of the study it is being clear that the purpose of the gateways is to make a quality-selection of information accessible via the Internet and thereby facilitate for their target groups to find usable information.

Entreprenörskapsutbildning för framtiden

Increasing innovation and entrepreneurship has been identified as a key target for sustained growth and welfare, both in Sweden and abroad. Therefore, many countries have recognized the need to equip students with entrepreneurship education and to integrate skills associated with entrepreneurship into the various curricula.To shed light on entrepreneurship education within business curricula, a case study focusing on the first two years of the Bachelor program at the Stockholm School of Economics (SSE) was conducted. The study was based on interviews with students, alumni and scholars with a background of entrepreneurship. Insights from respondents were compared with leading research on entrepreneurship education, to evaluate the program's approach.Primary findings from the qualitative analysis showed an overall lack of entrepreneurship education in the early stages of the program. Entrepreneurial "know-how" knowledge was an insufficient component of the SSE program and a barrier for why more students did not pursue a career in entrepreneurship.

Att twittra sig till framgång : En kvalitativ studie om tre PR-byråers strategiska kommunikationsarbete med det sociala mediet twitter

This essay focus on the social media Twitter and how three Swedish PR practitioners view and use communication strategies for this social media. Twitter was created 2006 and is kind of a new channel in the digital world. The micro blog has over these few years attracted 175 million users across the world. In Sweden there is 91 000 registered users and according to a survey, 11 000 of them are active by tweeting once a day.Twitter is highly current and all kinds of people are using the social media, for example, artists, companies and individuals. Twitter is with its highly number of users building a new market for organizations to find their stakeholders.

För mig är mobbning rädsla, ensamhet men framför allt osäkerhet : flickor och pojkars syn på mobbning

AimThe aim of this study was to examine the views on bullying in the context of physical education among pupils studying at intermediate level through a gender perspective.The following questions where used in the examination.In what ways does the views on bullying differ between girls and boys?How is bullying manifested during classes in physical education?How do girls and boys experience cross-gender and same-gender bullying?MethodThe study is based upon a survey with questions of both quantitative and qualitative disposition. A total of 210 pupils from areas in and around Stockholm participated in the study, all studying at intermediate level. The participants consisted of 92 girls and 116 boys (two declined). The selection of participating schools where made out of convenience.

Dömd eller bedömd? : en studie om bedömning av de nationella proven ur ett lärarperspektiv

The aim of this study was to analyze the assessment of the national tests seen from the teacher?s perspective. The national tests are performed in the Swedish school, classes 3, 5, 9, and the upper secondary school (gymnasiet). There has been an ongoing discussion regarding assessment and grading for a long time and it is of high interest now more than ever. The last control assessment done in 2009 by the department of school inspections on the order of the Swedish government, showed big differences between the assessments done by the teachers, and the assessments completed by the department of school inspections.

Hallmöbel för förskolor

I have together with Frimeko AB developed new hallway furniture for preschools. The background to the project is the fact that all the existing hallway furniture?s on the market today have a similar design and same features. None of the furniture stands out immediately. Companies who work with school furniture in general have been inspired by each other, and therefore is the collections monotonous.

Snowboard - En idrott för alla? : En studie av Svenska skidförbundets satsning på ungdomar med invandrarbakgrund

AbstractAimThe aim of this study has been to survey the background of the youths in the selection group which participated in the Dream action day, to evaluate if the project succeeded and support the Swedish Ski Association with their recruiting process. The questions of issue have been: Which ethnical, demographical and economical backgrounds do the youths of the selection group have that participated in the Dream action day? Is there any common denominator among those who was drawn to continue? Do the youths want to contribute to expand the sport? Is Dream action Day a good way to reach out to the target group?MethodThrough a strategic selection made by the Swedish Ski Association 44 youths participated in a day during which they tried snowboard. They have been a part of our quantitative data collection and we have chosen six to interview. The interviews have been executed in form of semi structured interviews.ResultsThe results clearly show that few of the participants had any connection to the sport, neither from home nor from friends.

Elevers värderingar av föräldramedverkan i grundskolan. : En enkätundersökning

AbstractParental participation is something that is included in school either we like it or not. Several studies have been done about this phenomena but not many of them have examined the pupils estimation about parental participation. Therefore did we get interested about the pupils situation because why haven?t almost anyone asked the pupils about this phenomena when it?s constructed fore them? To learn more about the pupils estimation did we a questionnaire in twelve different classes with children in the ages between 10-16 years. The results we got from the questionnaire concerning the pupils estimation about parental participation were both expected and unexpected.Keywords: Parental participationQuestionnairePupil estimation.

Risken för spridning av röta vid förröjning i granskog i södra Sverige :

Root rot causes large economical losses for Swedish forestry. The spread of root rot can partly be prevented by treating the spruce stumps in thinnings. Late pre-commercial thinning (PCT) is one of the forestry measures where stump treatment is not used. Late PCT can be defined as: The act of cleaning the stand with the aim of improving accessibility and sight within the stand, and so to increase the mean stem´s volume during the first conventional thinning. The aim of this study was to examine how late PCT is performed, its spatial extent and if it aids the spreading of root rot. The study was limited to encompass late PCT before first conventional thinnings in spruce stands in southern Sweden. Samples of spruce stumps were taken from four stands where late PTC had been carried out.

Västra Götalands kommunala kriskommunikation. Ett intersektionellt perspektiv på krisberedskap

This thesis examines the municipalities of Västra Götaland and the way they are prepared for crisis communication towards people with a foreign background. Over the past years there have been several studies that have examined the issue of crisis communications towards minorities but these are often focused on the target group. In this study, I focus on the authorities' actions. The theoretical approach is primarily an intersectional one and in this way the thesis is centred on the creation of different categories, the relationship between these categories and the possibilities working with these at the municipalities.On behalf of Region Västra Götaland, this investigation began with a survey that went out to the communications officers in charge of the crisis communication in each municipality. The ambition was to clarify the preparedness of each one and show how they relate to one another.

Health added-value food : the Swedish retail market

Diet and lifestyle are closely interrelated and believed to have a significant influence on four major public diseases - cardiovascular disease, cancer, hypertension and obesity, but also affects functional deficiencies like gluten- and lactose intolerance. Health added-value foods are thought to reduce health-related risks or delay the onset of these major diseases. Therefore, interest among scientists, researchers and the public in general has been growing remarkably over the last decade regarding these special foods. The Swedish market seems to be a good target for health added-values food. However, as there are many risks and cost factors involved for companies to enter the market or invest in R&D, it is important to take a step back and analyze the current market situation.

MoPho -enkla lösningar för SMS och MMS

Our project is divided into two parts, one production and written report. The main focus was the production part, were we used PHP to create simple solution for handling SMS and MMS with direct communication with the mobile operator server. We communicate with sockets and can handle CIMD2 and MM7 protocol. To get our components easy to use we have created two classes to handle SMS and MMS. To demonstrate our technical platform we created a website were you can create an account.

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