

1346 Uppsatser om Target classes - Sida 1 av 90

Har musik betydelse för studieresultat

The purpose of my study is to examine if the total study results differ between music classes and regular classes. Are there higher grades in music classes? If so, what are the causes for this? I chose to make an inquiry at two schools in different town districts, with music classes. At those schools I also collected data of pupils grades, and was informed by the principals and the music teachers about the activities. The number of respondents were ninety.The inquiry showed that the grades were markedly better in music classes, and that you can see great differences in well-being, parental engagement and ambition level, compared to regular classes.

?Leka matematik och få roliga läxor!? : En undersökning av några pedagogers ambitioner för matematiklärande i förskoleklassen

This work deals with mathematics teaching in preschool classes. The purpose of my study is to investigate the preschool classes? teachers' aspirations for the children learning mathematics in two different preschools. To achieve my goal, I formulated the following questions to be explored and answered through interviews with five teachers.  Does mathematics in preschool classes have a prominent role in educators' planning? What perception do the educators in the field have about the learning and teaching of mathematics in the preschool classes? How do the teachers understand their own work with mathematics in preschool classes in relation to multilingual students?                                A qualitative interview method was applied.

Studie av målgruppen män 25-40 med fokus på deras sociala medievanor. : - via halvstrukturerade kvalitativa informantintervjuer.

The subject of this essay is the target audience consisting of males in the ages of 25-40 living inStockholm with academic background. The main subject is to describe the target audience in awider perspective and to look at their social media habits and see if there are any differencesbetween the younger and older half of the target audience and to compare the results with theoryabout generation x and y. The split of the target group is made in the middle of the target age rangeso the two subgroups consists of informants in the age of 25-32 and 33-40. The study will beconducted through semistructured qualitative interviews. The aim of the study is to see if there areany differences in social media habits and some basic values between the two subgroups..

Marknadskommunikation : en studie hos Skara Näringslivsoffensiv

The purpose of this thesis is through a case study and a survey; to examine the most appropriate communication channels between a sender and a receiver. It also aims to make this relationship more effective.The following questions are to be answered:1. Which communication channels ought to be used to optimize the message from Skara Näringslivsoffensiv to its target group?2. Which communication channels is Skara Näringslivsoffensiv planning to use?3.

Konvertering från UDK till SAB

The main purpose of this thesis is to examine what problems may arise when converting class symbols from one classification scheme to another. In order to fulfill this purpose, a conversion table between parts of the Swedish online-version of the UDC and the Swedish classification system SAB was constructed. For main classes 0 and 3 every class number from this abridged version of the UDC was converted, whereas for the rest of the main classes only class numbers with fewer than four figures were converted. The conversion table was constructed using the alphabetical index of SAB and different UDC-indexed library catalogues. Various aspects of the conversion table were then analysed using methods mainly devised by the authors themselves, but inspired by lexicography and multilingual thesaurus construction.

Target Costing - kan det tillämpas i små tjänsteföretag?: en fallstudie av Reguljair AB

Kostnaderna i ett företag har blivit allt viktigare på grund av att marknaden ständigt förändras. Target Costing är en av de kostnadsreduceringstekniker som därför tillkomit. Den hjälper företag att sänka sina kostnader i utvecklandet av nya och även befintliga produkter. Fokuseringen ligger främst på produktens idé-, planerings- och designfas. Target Costing används idag främst av tillverkande företag medan tjänsteföretag inte uppmärksammat denna teknik på samma sätt.

Användningen av Target Costing -En kvantitativ studie

Titel: Användningen av Target Costing - En kvantitativ studie om vad som påverkar användningen av Target Costing.Bakgrund och problem: Ekonomistyrningslitteratur publicerar frekvent studier om adoption av styrverktyg och vad som påverkar adoptionen. Dock är betydligt mindre känt om användningen av styrverktyg och forskare menar att det därför vore intressant att studera vad som påverkar användningen av styrverktyget Target Costing.Syfte: Studiens syfte är att förklara vad som påverkar användningen av Target Costing. Detta ämnar vi göra genom att undersöka sju variablers påverkan på användningen av Target Costing.Metod: Studien har ett kvantitativt angreppssätt med en deduktiv ansats. Datainsamlingen har skett med hjälp av en webbaserad enkätundersökning, vilken besvarades av 19 företag. Det empiriska materialet har sedan analyserats utifrån studiens hypotesformulering och teoretiska referensram om vad som påverkar användningen av Target Costing.Resultat och slutsatser: Kundernas sofistikeringsgrad och leverantörsbaseringsgrad påverkar svagt användningen av Target Costing.

Mobbning i grundskolan

I have conducted a study and examined the significance and extent of bullying. I will also examine whether any students in grade eight have been victims of bullying during the past year and where bullying was carried out in school X. The second objective is to explore what students think about the concept of "taunting". I have used various theories of researchers to get an understanding of what bullying is, where it occurs, causes, and suggestions for measures. To get an answer on the purpose and issue a quantitative method was used in the form of a survey. Target group for the survey consisted of students from grade eight schools in X which is located in a suburb of Stockholm. Two classes of grade eight in School X carried out the survey during the same day.Results showed that bullying occurs at X school, but that the proportion of boys has been more subjected to bullying than girls. The majority of the students in the both classes believed that most cases of bullying occur in school hallways, playground and cafeteria. It may be one reason why school X does not have guards or other members of staff. The majority of students also considered in the survey that the concept of "taunting" is to call each other by words of ?genitalia". I think that the use of foul language has become common in today's schools.  .

Mobbning : Fyra pedagogers förebyggande arbete mot mobbning

Bullying is a big problem in schools and many children are afraid of go to school. There are many methods and measures to prevent bullying, but bullying is still remains. This study is about the differences and similarities between methods to prevent bullying at two classes. The purpose of my essay is to research measure that uses by four teachers to prevent bullying and to get description of their work against bullying.My question is: How is the prevention of bullying in the two classes where informants working?This study is focuses on prevent bullying at two classes on two multicultural schools in Stockholm.

Informationshantering kring nationella prov i matematik på gymnasiet

This work studied the information flow and information handling among different parties. The study focused on how educational materials on national tests from The Swedish National Agency for Education is managed by school principals and teachers and how the information is passed on to students. The data material was based on observations and interviews at two different high schools. Six teachers and their classes and principals participated in the study. The Agency was also interviewed.

Simbase: ?Simulator Base Package?

The purpose of this work is to providing a general set of base classes for building simulators, for example a robot system. Instead of every time building a new simulator from the beginning, you get the already completed components from a library. The library should in that way act as a springboard for development.To do this work, there?s a lot of knowledge required in how a general robot system could look like. Therefore it was necessary to gather some information about robotics.

"En skola för alla" med specialklasser? : En intervjustudie bland lärare angående deras uppfattning om specialklasser

This study is about different teacher?s ´conception of remedial classes and its function in Today´s School. ?A school for everyone? the utopia that all schools and teachers aspire for. All pupils, regardless of ethnic background, class, and religious affiliation should be able to go to school without being segregated and are seen as different.

Kostundervisning : En studie av läroplanernas inverkan på lärarnas arbetssätt och ämneskunskaper inom kost.

This study is about different teacher?s ´conception of remedial classes and its function in Today´s School. ?A school for everyone? the utopia that all schools and teachers aspire for. All pupils, regardless of ethnic background, class, and religious affiliation should be able to go to school without being segregated and are seen as different.

Att ljuga för konsten skull : Självframställningen i Jan Myrdals Samtida bekännelser av en europeisk intellektuell och Karl Ove Knausgårds Min kamp. Første bok.

This study is about different teacher?s ´conception of remedial classes and its function in Today´s School. ?A school for everyone? the utopia that all schools and teachers aspire for. All pupils, regardless of ethnic background, class, and religious affiliation should be able to go to school without being segregated and are seen as different.

Torsby kommun kommunicerar för en yngre befolkning : En kvalitativ undersökning av en av kommunens målgrupper

AbstractThe purpose and vision for the municipality of Torsby are to connect with a younger population in the municipality by the year of 2012.This study is a qualitative survey of the target group ?the young ones? within the municipality of Torsby, which is the population between 17?35 years old.Because of the size and the different intrests between the individuals in this group it has been divided into three smaller groups.? High school students, 17-19 years old.? Returning seasonal workers, 20-26 years old.? People who has moved to Torsby and are now living in the municipality, 27-35 years old.The results of the study show that all the respondents believes that with the right communication channels a positive and strong communication between the municipality and the target groups can be reached. The message and the significance of the message are as important as the communication channels and all the target groups together would like to see a wider range of leisure pursuits that will suit the respective target group.The analysis and the results also show that the communication with the target groups should come about in different ways to be successful, both when it comes to fundemental reasons and choices of communication channels.The two youngest target groups has an adjacent and a similar need of well-founded and entertaining communication and information to rach a long-term result.The older group needs communication that will give them opportunity to reflect and concider the message, which means that the municipality of Torsby needs to adjust both the message and the communication channel for a quicker respons. This target group is also in need of further studies so the municipality of Torsby succesfully can plan a more detailed communication, this because the target group is a less homogeneous group than the two other target groups..

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