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Empirisk studie av Indiens tjänstesektor - Vad händer med jobben?
The fast growing economy of India has experienced fundamental structural changes in recentyears. The share of the service sectors output has more than doubled since 1950 and is todayestimated to make up almost 60 percent of India?s total output. In terms of total employmentwe have not yet seen a similar transformation. The observed discrepancy between sectorialshares of employment and output in the service sector raises questions about sustainability.This report aims to investigate the capacity of the Indian service sector in terms ofemployment creation in order to answer the question whether the recent GDP growth withinthe service sector can be considered as ?jobless? or not.
Sociala Fastigheter : En studie om hur fastighetsdistributörer kan stärka sitt varumärke via Facebook
Aim: The aim of our study is to analyze and evaluate from a marketing perspective how estate agents can use facebook to strengthen their brand. Method: We have used an inductive study form where we?ve used a quality and a quantity data gathering method. The data has been gathered from an interview with Botkyrkabyggens marketing coordinator and from an internet survey based on a convience selection and a snow ball selection.Theory: SWOT, Brand Equity, Word of Mouth, Customer Relationship ManagementConclusion: Facebook can create and measure "word of mouth" effects, and also create better information management and flow of information compared to traditional marketing for an estate agent. The risks of facebook is the difficulty in educating the staff about the site and the fact that facebook dominates the policies and rules which suddenly can change.
Närsalter och bottenlevande organismer i Mönsteråsviken
The focus of this study was to examine the nutrients and benthic organisms of the bay ?Mönsteråsviken?, which is influenced by eutrophication. The purpose was also to look at an interesting gradient forming in the bay, namely the distance from the river outflow of Lillån. At 18 sampling sites in the bay samples of water, sediments and benthic organisms were collected in late April of 2011. The water was analyzed for nitrate, phosphate and chlorophyll.
Datering av röta i hålekar :
I have chosen in this work to examine which factors are affecting the artificially creation of a tree cavity containing decomposed wood. The purpose of the work is to find out which factors are affecting the most when a tree cavity is created, and to apply these results when you artificially try to create a tree cavity. The need to create tree cavities comes from the situation where many tree cavity living beetles finds themselves today. When existing trees are to pass out there will be no suitable inheritors yet. The work was initially to focus on cavities created from cut branches.
Fånggrödor i Norra Östersjöns vattendistrikt
70 % of the lakes and waters in the water district of northern Baltic Sea do not reach the
requirements for good ecological status. This is mostly due to eutrophication caused by a too
high deliverance of nutrients from agricultural land or effluents. Losses of particulate
phosphorus through water erosion contribute to a great extent to this eutrophication. In the
action plan for the water district cover crops are mentioned as a measure for reducing losses
of phosphorus from arable land. This paper reviews the possible effect of cover crops in the
water district and discusses what crop that would be most suitable.
Equine metabolic syndrome
Obese horses with insulin resistance are often also afflicted with laminitis. Horses with these symptoms are given the diagnosis equine metabolic syndrome (EMS). Signs of insulin resistance are excessive accumulation of adipose tissue on the neck, around the withers and on the dorsal area of the hindquarters. Insulin resistance means that the function of insulin is defective and does not stimulate glucose uptake by the cells in the body in the correct way. This will result in an increased insulin release.
Nya tillämpningar för utandningstest kopplade till Kibions diagnostikinstrument IRIS ®
The focus of this study was to examine the nutrients and benthic organisms of the bay ?Mönsteråsviken?, which is influenced by eutrophication. The purpose was also to look at an interesting gradient forming in the bay, namely the distance from the river outflow of Lillån. At 18 sampling sites in the bay samples of water, sediments and benthic organisms were collected in late April of 2011. The water was analyzed for nitrate, phosphate and chlorophyll.
Jämförelse mellan två tandvårdskliniker avseende progression och behandling av approximala kariesskador ? en journalstudie
Preventive measurements as well as clinical caries diagnostics are vital to retain a good dental health in the population. In order for optimal caries diagnostics radiographs are used. There is a great intra- and intervariation regarding cariesprogression. A large number of tools for cariesprevention at home or in the clinic are today used. The aim of this journal study was to compare the progression of carieslesions in the approximal area, diagnosed on radiographs, and preventive measures used to reduce cariesprogression between two examine dates on two dental clinics.
Realoptioners förklaringsvärde och praktiska tillämpbarhet: En tillämpning på den svenska onlinespelmarknaden
Real options analysis is a method for assigning value to flexibility in decisions, coming from uncertainty in future outcomes. This thesis ascertains to what degree this method is superior to traditional net present value analysis, with regards to ease of implementation in relation to the benefits from being able to measure the total value. Real options analysis is evaluated with a case study of the Swedish online gambling market, and conducted with the binomial framework of Copeland and Antikarov (2003). The authors find the sensible use of real options dependant on the specific situation to which it is applied, i.e. a certain degree of future uncertainty and managerial flexibility is necessary for justification of the increased workload.
Experimentell jämförelse av Cassandra, MongoDB och MySQL
Context. Performance and resource usage is often an important factor for
database driven services. Depending on the purpose of the application, choosing
the wrong type of database may require
unnecessary hardware upgrades or replacements.
Objectives. This study investigates the differences in performance and resource
usage between
different SQL- and NoSQL-databases. The study is a comparison that focuses on
how the databases
perform in different applications.
Att bli behandlad som luft : En empirisk studie om elevers uppfattningar av kränkning i skolan
Denna studies syfte är att få ökad förståelse och kunskap om elevers varierade uppfattningar av fenomenet kränkning i skolan. Studien är kvalitativ, vi vill veta hur elever utifrån sina erfarenheter uppfattar fenomenet kränkning och lyfta fram variationer i uppfattningarna. Studien bygger på semi-strukturerade intervjuer med elever i år sju, åtta och nio. Vi har gjort en fenomenografisk analys av intervjumaterialet, vilket har resulterat i beskrivningskategorier. Vi har funnit tre kategorier i elevers uppfattningar av kränkning, dessa är kränkning som intrång, kränkning som nedvärdering och kränkning som uteslutning.
Nycklar till frihet : Hur idrott, jazzmusik och dans påverkade ett afro-amerikanskt identitetsskapande och rasrelationer i USA under åren 1925-1939.
The aim of the study is to show how children and adults are described in three picture books, examining how children and adults are portrayed in text-and-picture narrative and how this has changed over time. We have analysed how the characters in the books are presented and how the representation of children and adults has changed in our own times.The material for the study consists of three picture books from different periods, with the focus on how children and adults are described as the common point of departure. The analysed picture books are: Tomtebobarnen (Beskow 1919), Aja baja, Alfons Åberg! (Bergström 1972) and Snäll (Dahle 2008).We have arrived at the conclusion that a text-and-picture narrative is in very large measure a reflection of the outlook on children, childhood and child rearing at the time when the book was published. The result shows that the greatest change that has happened is that parents? and adults? dominance in the books has declined over the years, and that children have been given a more prominent role.
Nyckeltalet - en studie av effektivitetsmätning i insamlingsorganisationer
The study examines how efficiency and effectiveness are measured in charity organizations in Sweden. The rules of Svensk Insamlingskontroll, Årsredovisningslagen and Bokföringslagen make up the accounting framework upon which efficiency and effectiveness are measured in charity organizations. The study is based upon interviews with the sector's main actors: Svensk Insamlingskontroll, Frivilligorganisationernas insamlingsråd, auditors and the charity organizations themselves. The interviews are supplemented by studies of the guidelines issued by Svensk Insamlingskontroll. Today's measure of efficiency is the percentage of a charity organization's income that benefits their goals, called nyckeltalet.
Effekt på östralcykeln hos ston tillförda GnRH-analogen deslorelin (Ovuplant) :
This article starts with a review of the literature regarding the normal reproductive physiology of the mare, prolonged luteal phase and medical drugs used within reproduction of the horse, with emphasis on Ovuplant®. The purpose of this article was to measure the progesterone level in blood, of mares implanted with deslorelin acetate (Ovuplant®). The study was performed at the Department of Clinical Sciences, SLU, in Uppsala. There were seven mares included in the study. They were divided into two groups, one experimental group (four mares) and one control group (three mares).
handel med utsläppsrätter : en del av lösningen på koldioxidproblematiken?
In Rio De Janeiro, 1992, was the first document signed that meant a responsibility for industrial countries to decrease their emissions, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Thirteen years later was the first legal binding document signed, the Kyoto protocol, and for the first time industrial countries all over the world was bound to decrease their emissions on greenhouse gases. Within the framework of this commitment, three flexible mechanisms (Clean Development mechanism, Joint Implementation and Emission trading) were introduced with the function to reduce the economical costs of the commitment. The flexible mechanisms Emission Trading (ET) is what this report is about.The report starts with a description of carbon dioxide and it?s effect on the environment, thereafter comes a background review of the national agreements who lies as a ground to the implementation of emission trading as a management control measure in Sweden and the rest of the world.Keywords: United Framework Convention on Climate Change, Kyoto protocol, Flexible mechanisms, Emission trading, carbon dioxide .