886 Uppsatser om Tape measure - Sida 10 av 60
?Out of sight, out of mind? : En studie av svenska bokbloggares inställningar till e-boken
There are experiential products that through a digital transformation wholly or partially have taken new place in our everyday lives. Just a few years ago, we had music on CDs, movies on tape and books in bookshelves. In Sweden, we are now facing a transformation when the e-book begins to take place alongside the printed book.This paper focuses on what values play a role in the attitude towards ebooks among a selected group of Swedish book bloggers. A qualitative content analysis was performed on blog posts concerning the ebook from twelve different Swedish book blogs. The posts were then coded into categories and values.
Automatisk bedömning av reglerkretsarsprestanda
In this thesis, a computer program that in a simple way can calculate the performance of control loops at the refinery Preemraff Lysekil has been created. The computer program has been adapted to the environment at Preemraff Lysekil. Theories for evaluation has been studied in aspect of reliability and of automatic implementation. The evaluation has been carried out from data collected directly from control loops at the refinery and from simulated control loops with implemented errors. Among the studied methods are Harris index and Stattin´s oscillation index.
Konstbiennalens Marknadskommunikation -Hur tre nordiska samtidskonstevenemang kommunicerar med sina viktigaste målgrupper
Introduction: Mental illness is a public health issue which 20-40 per cent of the inhabitantsin Sweden suffer from. Many factors can lead to mental illness and because of that it isimportant that different organisations and professions collaborate in prevention and healthpromotion work. To develop the collaborative process by noticing difficulties and successes,documenting, follow-up and evaluation is of great importance. Aim: The aim of this literaturereview is to investigate which methods are used for evaluation of health promoting anddisease preventive collaborative projects, which focuses on mental health directly orindirectly, and find out what results these projects has revealed. Method: Literature reviewwith descriptive design.
Optimism & Känsla av Sammanhang : En Jämförelse Mellan Tjänstemän och Kollektivanställda
We set out to compare two different categories of workers: the, so called, white- and blue collar workers. The studies aim was to measure if there were any observable differences between the two in means of optimism and sense of coherence. There are two tools created for measuring optimism and sense of coherence, the Life Orientation Test ? Revised (LOT-R) measures an individual?s level of optimism and Aaron Antonovsky devised a test for measuring an individual?s level of sense of coherence (SOC). Optimism is best explained like a way to measure anticipation, how an individual expect future events to fall out.
Gymnasieelever och bråkräkning
For many years, I have tried to understand why students end up in difficulties in mathematics. As a future teacher, it is extremely important to have knowledge of the various factors that leads to difficulties in mathematics. As a teacher it is obvious to meet the students who find mathematics a difficult subject, and, therefore it is necessary to have a broader knowledge of how to respond and support these students. According to Ahlberg, number of students with mathematics difficulties is increasing every year, therefore, it is important to help students and organize a supporting school environment that promotes and encourages learning (Ahlberg 2001, p. 104-105).
Thymidinkinas 1 som tumörmarkör vid juvertumörer hos tik :
Determination of serum thymidine kinase 1 (TK-1) activity is used as a tumour
marker in both human and veterinary medicine. TK-1 is an intracellular enzyme
involved in a salvage pathway of DNA synthesis. The expression of TK-1 is cell
cycle dependent and the activity increases markedly after the G1 to S transition in
the cell cycle and then declines rapidly in G2. The pronounced proliferative
activity in tumour cells result in a higher TK-1 enzyme activity within the cell.
The fact that the increased TK-1 activity can be measured in serum makes TK-1 a
useful marker in diagnostics of neoplastic diseases and it provides information
regarding prognosis and treatment effectiveness. In human medicine a radioactive
based test is used to determine the TK-1 serum activity.
Livet efter stroke : -förändringar av det dagliga livet
Abstract Background: Stroke, caused by a blood clot or a bleeding in the brain, is one of the large endemic diseases in Sweden. The symptoms are very individual and depend on where the stroke is located. The nurse is a key person due to the importance to individualize the rehabilitation of the patient. The consequences after a stroke are not only visible functions reductions but also cognitive and practical problems. Stroke often leads to extensive changes in life, and individuals who get a stroke have to adjust their daily life. Aim: The aim of the study was to describe individuals? experiences of changes in daily life, one year or more after a stroke. Method: An inductive, qualitative approach was used.
Miljömålsindikatorer för kommunala planbestämmelser En studie av indikatorsystem för uppföljning av delmål 2 inom miljömålet God bebyggd miljö
The purpose of this study is to propose and formulate quantitative indicators to help measure an aspect of the Environmental Objectives in Swedish legislation: ?A Good Built Environment, Interim Target 2.? The governmental bill 2004/05:150 suggests changes to Interim Target 2: By 2010 built environments of cultural heritage value will be identified and placed under long-term sustainable management. Following the revised formulation regarding sustainable management, indicators should be formulated to measure the fulfilment of sustainable management of built environments of cultural heritage value. An important part of management takes place at the municipal level of planning, where detailed development plans include regulations to protect built environments of substantial cultural heritage value. As a result, this study is focusing upon the regulatory function of the Swedish Planning and Building Act in respect to the built environments of cultural heritage value.
Bibliotekariens val av informationsresurs. En studie av nio folkbibliotekariers arbete med tio referensfrågor
The aim of this thesis was to study librarians approach upon reference questions and available resources and also to find out if there is any connection between the nature of the reference question and the choice of resource. The purpose was also to give a deeper understanding of the reference work. Nine librarians were given ten reference questions and their reference work was tape recorded. The study was completed with seven interviews sent by email. Some of the reflections were translated under the headlines of form, subject, time, language and availability.
Is Home State Taxation a step forward for SMEs? An SME?s ability for growth and integration in the EU after the HST tax reform
Small and Medium sized Enterprises (SMEs) within the European Union are currently facing many challenges one being access to financing due to high risk and probability of default, another being cross-border taxation issues with double taxation and information asymmetry. Since the aim within the EU is to be the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy in the world with sustainable economic growth and social cohesion it is essential that the EU operates as a single market. Despite this need, harmonization continues to be far from achieved in the area of direct taxation which also affects the integration and growth opportunities for SMEs. In the Agenda for Entrepreneurship, the Home State Taxation regime, which is based on formula apportionment, has been proposed by the Commission as one option in order to mutually recognize the different Member States? taxation systems to facilitate cross-border activities and reduce ?red-tape?.
Radiella vikter i Rn och lokala dimensioner
Kapaciteter kan vara till stor nytta, bland annat då partiella differentialekvationer ska lösas. Kapaciteter är dock i många fall väldigt svåra att beräkna exakt, speciellt i viktade rum. Vad som istället kan göras är att försöka uppskatta kapaciteterna, vilket för ringar runt en fix punkt kan utföras med hjälp av fyra olika exponentmängder, underline{Q}_0, underline{S}_0, overline{S}_0 och overline{Q}_0, som beskriver hur vikten beter sig i närheten av denna punkt och i viss mån ger rummets lokala dimension.För att kunna dra nytta av exponentmängderna är det bra att veta vilka kombinationer av dessa som kan förekomma. För att få fram nya kombinationer använder vi olika sätt att mäta volym av klot med varierande radier. Dessa mått är definierade genom olika vikter.Det har tidigare funnits ett fåtal exempel på hur olika kombinationer av exponentmängderna kan se ut.
Vuxna dyslektikers informationsbeteende en undersökning av hur sex personer med dyslexi hanterar informationsproblem
The aim of this Masters thesis is to describe the information behaviour of six adults with dyslexia with focus on how they handle information problems. The data consists of literature and interviews with six persons with dyslexia. The theoretical framework used in this study is Anders Hektors theory about human information behaviour as well as concepts and theories from the library and information science field. Ten information activities are used to describe the informants information behaviour. Answers are sought to the following questions: · How do the informants describe their backgrounds and their reading- and writing disabilities? · What problems do the informants meet in the context of information in their everyday lives with reference to ten particular information activities? · How do the informants solve these problems? The study showed that the main problems for the informants appeared to be difficulties with reading and spelling, problems with the appearance of the information, lack of time and stress while reading and writing as well as problems with lack of awareness about dyslexia.
Faktorer som påverkar kvaliteten i omvårdnadsarbetet : ett sjuksköterskeperspektiv
Background: Earlier studies show that nurses work environment is a factor that may affect the quality in nursing care negatively. Other factors are: number of employees, working hours, work structure and planning and working relationships between colleagues. Work relationships are particularly important for nurses as they can affect patient safety. Nurses are prone to stressrelated illnesses and high stress levels prove to have a negative affect on the quality of nursing care. To develop and assure the quality demands effort from every employee.
Sjuksköterskors hanterande av kvinnor inom psykiatrisk vård som utsatts för våld i nära relationer
AbstractAims: To explore whether and in that case how nurses question women in the psychiatric care about violence in close relationships and how nurses respond to women who have been exposed to domestic violence.Method: A qualitative descriptive interview study with twelve nurses from four psychiatric wards was carried out in Uppsala. Informants were chosen from a convenient selection. The interviews with semi-structured interview questions were recorded on tape, transcribed and analyzed with content analysis.Results: There is no routine to ask all female patients if they are victims of violence. It happens only in cases where the suspicion arises or is confirmed. It is individually whether and how the nurse asks the woman if she is subjected to violence in a close relationship, depending on patient and nurse.
Utlandsadopterade i behov av särskilt stöd?
The purpose of this study is to find whether there is any truth in the thesis that adopted children from abroad is in greater need of special support, in particular regarding factors that might inhibit the language development that may cause language problems.To achieve knowledge for this study, the methods have been to seek and analyze literature that discusses theories about language development and language socialization. To understand if theory and reality is cohesive, two interviews was conducted with special teachers that have had experiences teaching adopted children, analyzes of the results contra literature has been somewhat important and necessary. To ensure the reliability the interviews was recorded on tape and later transcribed.The results from literature studies indicates that adopted children are more likely to be in need of special support in school due to factors concerning, among other things, adaptation difficulties, language progress and identity. Overall, language progress is depended on children?s total progress that includes physical, emotional and psychological condition.