

10044 Uppsatser om System usability scale - Sida 1 av 670

En utvärdering av programmet Voddlers användbarhet

The purpose of this essey is through empirical methods investigate usability factors on Video On Demand applications for the Internet. More specificly we will focus on a application called Voddler. The purpose is to identify usability problems that exist in Voddler, and present the reader with suggestions on possible solutions. This could be used as guidelines to how to design for usability in this kind of system. We will use an online survey to investigate Voddler usability and use this data as a basis for our analysis.

En usabilityutvärdering av Umeå Universitetsbiblioteks OPAC

This is a heuristic evaluation of Umeå university library?s Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC). It makes use of four of Nielsen?s ten heuristics, flexibility and efficiency to use, match between the system and real world, visibility of system status, and aesthetic and minimalist design. The evaluation was done by having 3 evaluators inspect the interface individually, as per Nielsen?s (1990) recommendation of 3-5 evaluators.

Användbarhet ? En fallstudie av ett point-of-sale system

Problem: Our opinion is that it is important to consider about usability in system development. In this thesis we will focus on usability in point-of-sale systems. The point-of-sale system we base this thesis on is Extenda Retail. Our case study is performed on Ica Kvantum in Bromölla, which implemented Extenda Retail about two years ago. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to figure out what important factors there are to consider, in usability aspects, when developing point-of-sale systems, with focus on the cashier.

Användbarhet ? En fallstudie av ett point-of-sale system

Problem: Our opinion is that it is important to consider about usability in system development. In this thesis we will focus on usability in point-of-sale systems. The point-of-sale system we base this thesis on is Extenda Retail. Our case study is performed on Ica Kvantum in Bromölla, which implemented Extenda Retail about two years ago. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to figure out what important factors there are to consider, in usability aspects, when developing point-of-sale systems, with focus on the cashier. We also wish to find out the cashiers opinions about the Extenda Retail system. Method: The information gathered for this thesis consists of literature and interviews.

Användarcentrerad Systemdesign

This essay focuses on the term usability while conducting a user centred system design. Usabilitymeans to what extent a user can use a product to achieve effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction.Development using a user centered system design means that knowledge about the end-users andit?s opinions becomes a crucial part of the development process. The question of this essay is if usinguser centred system design will lead to good usability.We used methods from a user centered system design point of view while developing an applicationfor a Swedish bookstore company called Bokia AB. This included user and task analysis following by aclose relationship between the developers and end-users by using sketches and showing themprototypes of the system while collecting feedback.After concluding our case study we determined that using methods from user centered systemdesign could be used as a great tool to further improve the usability and to improve an applicationssuccess chances..

Leder icke användarcentrerad systemutveckling till låg användbarhet?

Within system development users have rarely been involved or received much attention during the development. Most of the times, the primary focus within system development lies on insuring functionality, rather than making the system usable. The literature specifies that a non user-centered approach can contribute to a product with low usability, which can lead to an ineffective and unsatisfactory experience for the end users.The purpose of this thesis is to begin an investigation to see if the use of non user-oriented system development methods is a possible cause of low usability in the final system.To achieve the purpose of this thesis, we have conducted a case study. Within the case study we examined the usability of a time reporting system. The case study included seven minor studies; an investigation concerning the development of the system, an expert evaluation of the system, interviews and observations of users, developed paper prototypes and executable prototypes, both which user testing was performed on.The result of this study shows that by working with user-entered methods, the usability in the time reporting system increased after the design had been revised.

Att utföra användarcentrerat arbete med små medel

Usability is a field within systems development which doesn?t get the attention it might deserve. Above all, it?s considered time consuming and expensive by many people in the industry. The current information regarding low-cost alternatives to achieve a more usable system seems to be almost non-existent.

Usability i relation till Likeability : Ett nedslag i en designprocess för en webbproduktion

This report examines the relationship between usability and subjective judgmentsabout aesthetic and emotional aspects of users of a web production. Through thedevelopment of two prototypes that reflects different aspects of usability and subjectiveassessments examined the consequences of a differentiation of the concepts andUsability and Likeability. Thereafter, an evaluation of the two prototypes are madethrough user testing. Finally, the results of the evaluation is presented and are relatedto the concepts of usability and likeability. .

Att mäta användbarhet på webbplatser : En fall studie där två metoder för användbarhet jämförs

The aim with this thesis is to investigate two different methods used to test usability on web-sites to determine the advantages and disadvantages of two methods and compare the results. The two selected methods are the think aloud method and asynchronous remote method. Re-mote usability testing has existed for more than ten years but the possibilities with this meth-od needs to be explored more.To achieve the purpose of this thesis a case study was conducted on an e-commerce site and for the online remote usability testing software was used.The results of this study show that think aloud usability testing encounter more issues with the website than the remote usability testing..

Användbarhet för barn : En kvalitativ studie av SVT Play med fokus på användbarhet för barn i åldern 10-12 år

This thesis investigates in which way principles and theories of usability is revelant when evaluating interactive systems for children aged 10-12. It also investigates whether there are specific factors that you should keep in mind while developing interactive products for the targeted group.The results of the qualitative study shows that priciples and theories of usability is relevant when evaluating interactive systems for the targeted group. However there is one concept that is more significant than the others. Our study shows that our targeted group is sensitive to time-consuming activities such as loading times etc. which has to do with the efficiency of the system.

Mobilt övervakningssystem : System för internetkommunikation mellan sensorer, webbsida, server och databas

This thesis has been carried out in cooperation with a company which develops mobile sensor platforms. The sensors measure different types of data such as temperature, pressure etc.. They will communicate through the internet with a server that stores data in a database. This system will be controlled and monitored through a web page. The project's aim has been to develop this system and to implement a server, a database, a website and a client application that simulates sensor signals.

?Nej, men jag söker väl tills jag hittar?: En studie av discoveryverktyget Summon utifrån ett användarperspektiv.

The purpose of this bachelor?s thesis is to examine how students at Högskolan i Borås experience the web-scale discovery service Summon, based on the theoretical model of ?The Five Dimensions of Usability?, defined by Whitney Quesenbery. The study aims to answer the following research questions: How do the students execute search assignments in the Summon interface? How intuitive and easy to navigate is the system from a user perspective? What are the students? opinions about Summon, regarding usability?Five students with varying information seeking skills are asked to perform search assignments during controlled observation, followed by semi-structured interviews. Our findings are presented in the context of previous research and show correspondence with the results of related studies.

Att designa för usability i mobila GIS

Användningen av mobila system ökar idag. I takt med att användningen ökar ställshögre krav på god usability. Nästan 50 % av defekterna i programvaror kan härröras tillusability?problem. Denna uppsats behandlar unika begränsningar och möjligheter hosmobila geografiska informationssystem, GIS, utifrån ett usability?perspektiv.

Användbarheten hos WNV: granskning av ett nytt icke-verbalt intelligenstest för barn

This paper investigates the usability of the intelligence test Wechsler Nonverbal Scale of Ability (WNV). Twenty four children in two different age-groups were tested with WNV, 10 children between ages 5 - 6, and 14 children between ages 9 - 10. The WNV turned out to be a useful test when some verbal communication was used in the test situation. This was especially apparent among the younger children, who needed extra verbal instructions and verbal support through the different subtests. The test also contained standardized verbal instructions for all ages.

Usability för svenska folkbibliotek : En undersökning av svenska folkbiblioteks datorsystem med hänsyn till användarvänlighet.

The aim of this essay is to examine three separate Swedish public libraries and their respective websites on the grounds of the usability sciences. I firstly had to summarize the main properties of the usability-field in order to gain an extended knowledge of its purposes and possible usage for today?s library systems. I was then able to apply the extended knowledge in the examination of the three library websites and the purpose of determining whether or not they were designed according to the standards set by the usability-sciences.Usability is a rather new science that deals with the dissection and examination of computer-based systems, in order to find the key components that make systems user-friendlier. With user needs being the main focus of its research, usability tries to meet all the different needs of the modern user and construct systems that are less system-centered and more user-centered.

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