

9011 Uppsatser om System maintenance - Sida 20 av 601

Arts and Culture : en fallstudie av konstcentret PJ Olivier i Stellenbosch, Sydafrika

The intention has been to look at the school system in South Africa and specifically at arts and culture in grade 10 to 12. I have visited a number of classes and interviewed the teachers working at the art centre PJ Olivier in Stellenbosch. By doing this I wanted to get to know the system and to understand the intentions that the curriculum describes.I have all through the study related the areas I?ve looked at to the curriculum to see how well the intentions are implemented. I have also compared everything with the Swedish school system.The curriculum has good intentions but the country has a lot to do before they reach the goals with a school system where everybody is included and where there is ?ubuntu? (Zulu word for humanity or I am what I am because of what we all are).

Utveckling av styrsystem för EMC-kammare

This thesis aims to develop a control system for measuring electromagnetic compability (EMC). This has meant that a controller designed around an ATmega8 microcontroller has been manufactured and programmed. It has also meant the development of a comprehensive control software in the program MATLAB. The control system has been tested with satisfactory results and can now, monitor and control measurements of the EMC-type..

Användbarhet ? En fallstudie av ett point-of-sale system

Problem: Our opinion is that it is important to consider about usability in system development. In this thesis we will focus on usability in point-of-sale systems. The point-of-sale system we base this thesis on is Extenda Retail. Our case study is performed on Ica Kvantum in Bromölla, which implemented Extenda Retail about two years ago. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to figure out what important factors there are to consider, in usability aspects, when developing point-of-sale systems, with focus on the cashier. We also wish to find out the cashiers opinions about the Extenda Retail system. Method: The information gathered for this thesis consists of literature and interviews.

Hot mot yrkesrollen eller vardagligt verktyg? En studie av lärares inställning till lärplattform

Today an increasing number of schools and organizations are investing in so called Learning Management Systems. Researchers disagree on the pedagogical value of these tools. Some mean that Learning Management Systems cement old-fashioned behaviouristic teaching practices; others mean that the systems provide good opportunities in supporting learning in a socio cultural perspective. The aim of this study is to reach better understanding and increased knowledge of how the introduction of a Learning Management System influences the role of the teacher and how the learning is organized. We have conducted two case studies.

Upphandling av vinterväghållning

AbstractThis report was undertaken at the request of the Management and maintenancedepartment of Swedish National Road Authority (Vägverket Region Sydöst) inJönköping.In 1992, the management and maintenance of Swedish roads were laid out onexternal contractors. When putting out a tender for the work, the foundation isfrom a national set of rules which are in constant change. This report is limited towinter road upkeep.The trend in the invitation for tenders is that it is moving from the moreconventional executional demands towards the less controlling demands. Thedownside of functional, less controlling demands is that it is difficult to articulatehow to measure them. The order authority therefore has to find ways to makesure to get what has been paid for.In connection to the invitation for tender of winter road upkeep for 2005, the newset of rules, ATB Vinter 2003 was deployed.The main purpose of this thesis is to see which the big changes in the set of rulesare and how these changes affect the organisation and activities of the contractor.It is also studied how the changes in execution is perceived by road users and howit affects the possibilities of the contractor to come as a newcomer to a new areaof administration.Interviews and examination of sets of rules has led to a list of a number ofchanges that the contractors feel affect their work in any sense.Views from road users that have come in to the order authority have beenscrutinized to see how they have experienced the change.

Anbudskalkylering : utveckling av ett Java EE-baserat system

Ett konsultföretag får in anbudsförfrågningar och måste därmed göra kalkyler för dessa förfrågningar. Med hjälp av ett webbaserat system där en anställd kan göra kalkyleringar kan företaget få ett gemensamt sätt att arbeta och uppföljningen underlättas. Systemet som har skapats ger användare möjlighet att göra anbudskalkyler genom en överskådlig och lättarbetad webbsida, där man kan se förhållandet mellan företagets kostnad gentemot kundpriset. All information lagras persistent i en databas för att möjliggöra uppföljning och synkronisering med andra system som används på företaget..

Utveckling av reglersystem till quadrokopter

The purpose of this project was to further develop and complete a quadcopter that had been built in an earlier course at KTH, so that it could be used for demonstration and education at the school. The quadcopter was at the beginning of the project completed when it came to hardware, and there was some software functionality implemented but no system for automatic stabilization. The main goal of the project was to implement such a system, and to combine it with the previous functionality to make the quadcopter operable and able to fly. To create a functioning and stable ground multiple basic software features has been implemented, and on top of that additional software to improve the safety, stability and functionality. The most important part is the control system that is responsible for converting sensor and control signals to suitable motor values.

Fra?n passivhus till NNE-hus : va?gen till ha?llbar utveckling

sustainable development by reducing the energy use by EU:s directive of energy efficiency and the UN Convention. The second purpose is to present the technical solutions regarding ventilation and heating system that is being used in passive houses. This was done using 8 passive houses, 4 germany and 4 swedish passive houses. Even the international and Swedish system requirements for passive houses have been addressed in this project. The goal was also to explain how and why the mechanical system in passive houses has developed to the technology used today.

Påverkan på energianvändning och termisk komfort vid reglerinstabilitet

The purpose of the study is to investigate the possible effects of an unstable ventilation system and its influence on energy use and thermal comfort. The report also explores how qualified personal working with HVAC view and handles system control.In order to meet the requirements in energy efficiency and a comfortable indoor climate control regulation is a prerequisite. With optimized increased complexity of the climate systems, it becomes more challenging to control the system and the risk of unstable control increases. No previous studies about what affect an unstable system can have on energy use and thermal comfort have been found.The report is based on several tests were the controlling variable has been increased until the system becomes unstable. Two different types of unstable systems have been investigated.

Aspect Analyzer: Ett verktyg för automatiserad exekveringstidsanalys av komponenter och aspekter

The increasing complexity in the development of a configurable real-time system has emerged new principles of software techniques, such as aspect-oriented software development and component-based software development. These techniques allow encapsulation of the system's crosscutting concerns and increase the modularity of the software. The properties of a component that influences the systems performance or semantics are specified separately in entities called aspects, while basic functionality of the property still remains in the component. When building a real-time system, different sets of configurations of aspects and components can be combined, resulting in different configurations of the system. The temporal behavior of the system changes and a way to ensure the predictability of the system is needed.

Användbarheten i säkerhetskritiska system: en fallstudie av SIGMA-systemet

I föreliggande studie undersöks hur användare upplever användbarheten i ett säkerhetskritiskt system ? Luftfartsverkets flygledningssystem SIGMA. Utifrån litteraturstudier definieras begreppen användbarhet och säkerhetskritiska system. Empirin utgörs av intervjuer med användare av SIGMA-systemet. Studien visade att användarna upplever att systemet i väsentliga delar har bra användbarhet, vilket utifrån litteraturstudier, intervjuer och efterföljande analys främst tycks bero på att systemet arbetats fram med stor användarmedverkan och att det var utarbetat specifikt för arbetsplatsen.

Hållbar design för gravplatser

A well-planned grave with a sustainable selection of plants facilitates easy maintenance for both staff and the holder of the right of burial. It also helps reduce the negative impact on the environment.As in many other areas, the environment is high on the agenda within the cemetery administration. One of the major concerns is the impact of the choice of plants for the grave. Within the industry there is a great motivation and willingness to adapt to a sustainable work mode and this has spawned a number of project works. In autumn 2009 the partnership project, ?Environmental aspects of planning and maintaining graves?, was started in Movium (at The Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences).

Automatiskt avvägningssystem för obemannad undervattensfarkost

This master thesis work was done at Saab Underwater Systems AB, a company at the cutting edge of underwater technology. Here torpedoes and other underwater vehicles are developed and manufactured. The major customers are navies of different countries, mostly the Swedish navy. The aim of this master thesis is to develop, construct and evaluate an automatic Trim System for Unmanned Underwater Vehicles. The task of the system is to change the position of the centre of mass and the vehicle?s total mass or volume.

Elevers vardagsuppfattningar om tekniska system

Elever ska enligt kursplanerna i teknik få förståelse för de tekniska system de möter i sitt dagliga liv. Genom att eleverna får kunskap om teknik i allmänhet och tekniska system i synnerhet får de möjlighet att påverka sina liv som medborgare i en demokrati. I litteraturen saknas idag studier om elevers uppfattningar om tekniska system. Syftet med detta examensarbete är därför att studera vilka vardagsuppfattningar elever har om de tekniska system de möter i vardagen. Studien utgår från systemteori vilken ger en möjlighet att utnyttja det gemensamma mönster som kännetecknar analys av system.

Prototyp av informationssystem för militärfordon

Computer based information systems play an important role in modern military combat vehicles. The crew needs to be able to quickly get information about both the vehicle and its outer surroundings in order to quickly make the correct decisions. In this report, we describe the development of a prototype new information system for the BvS10 vehicle, manufactured by BAE System Hägglunds AB in Örnsköldsvik.An important aspect of the system is the time it takes from the point that the information is generated by the vehicle sensors until it is presented to the user. The system must be able to ensure that it never displays information that is out of date. Thus, it is important to create a layer and component based architecture for the solution, making it possible to control, in detail, the information?s age as it moves through the system.

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