

12999 Uppsatser om Swedish media - Sida 62 av 867

Bilden av ledaren i media - en studie i hur kvinnliga respektive manliga ledare framställs i media

Uppsatsen undersöker tre fiktiva medietexter, två serier och en film, samt 82 ledarporträtt i tidningen Veckans Affärer. Genom en hermeneutisk ansats tolkar vi medietexterna för att se om det finns en skillnad i hur män och kvinnor i ledarposition framställs. Vi analyserar såväl det som framställs i bilder som det sagda och skrivna i dessa medietexter. Uppsatsens teoretiska bas utgörs av relevanta teorier i ämnena företagsekonomi, medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap samt genusvetenskap. Vi använder oss av teorier för medieanalys i kombination med teorier kring ledarskap och genus för att skapa en så heltäckande teoretisk bas som vi anser krävs för att uppfylla vårt syfte.

Vuxen i lagens mening : bakomliggande teorier, idéer och resonemang

At the turn of the century 18/1900 Swedish law looked upon young people as being adults at about the age of 15. At 15, the young person had left school, had his first employment and provided for himself and also had been confirmed to full membership of the Swedish State Church. Thus he was to be considered an adult and responsible for his actions. Parents, society/school and Church had done what was expected of them and now it was up to the 15-years old to live according to the laws and to be punished if the laws were broken. Over the following hundred years, at the time of the millennium, Swedish society changed a lot.

Dubbelt utan röst? : Dilemman och strategier när unga under 18 år ska få komma till tals i nyhetsmedier

Uppsatsen undersöker dilemman och strategier när minderåriga barn och unga ska få komma till tals i svenska nyhetsmedier, och på vilket sätt myndighetsgränsen ingår som en parameter när mediers ansvarighet (media accountability) ska tolkas på detta område. Frågorna diskuteras ur ett barnrättighetsperspektiv, och utgår från barndomssociologins tankar om barndom som en social konstruktion. En analys av de medieetiska kontrollinstansernas friande och fällande av anmälda publiceringar visar att ett flertal etiska övertramp begås i samband med att unga omtalas som brottsoffer eller anhöriga, medan etiska övertramp i samband med intervjuer är betydligt färre, och då framför allt när barn får personifiera sociala problem. Av en kvalitativ intervjustudie med utgivare inom olika typer av nyhetsmedia, varav flera branschdominerande, framgår att utgivare i stort sett helt vill undvika negativa reaktioner från vårdnadshavare. Försiktighetsprinciper och målgruppstänkande dominerar över mångfaldsprinciper.

"Cronulla riot" - En kritisk diskursanalys om representationer, makt och rasism utifrån tidningsartiklar publicerade om Cronulla riot i The Sydney Morning Herald, The Daily Telegraph samt The Sunday Telegraph.

This research paper aims to show how racism, power, social representations and identity are created and reproduced through the media. The research paper will analyse newspaper articles presented about Cronulla riot in The Sydney Morning Herald, The Daily Telegraph and The Sunday Telegraph using Fairclough?s critical discourse analysis, CDA, as a theory and method. The research paper aims to demonstrate how inequality in the Australian society is reproduced by the media through the use stereotypes and certain social representations and how knowledge and awareness about this is relevant to social work of today..

Är ni ett vanligt parti idag? : En studie om Sverigedemokraternas gestaltning i Aftonbladet och Expressen 2010 och 2012

The aim of this study was to determine to what degree the framing of the political party the Sweden Democrats had changed in Swedish media, from 2010 in contrast to 2012. Particular interest was directed towards the framing of the party as a problem.This was done by studying the news articles during 12 weeks in 2010, and 12 weeks in 2012, in the newspapers Aftonbladet and Expressen. These particular newspapers were especially interesting to study since they have been outspokenly critical of the party. Both of the newspapers can be said to be among the most clearly critical towards the Sweden Democrats.I studied 256 published articles retrieved through the news database Newsline. Quantitative content analysis was used to determine patterns and tendencies.

Varumärkesstrategier : Användningen av EMV för att skapa kundlojalitet i den svenska dagligvaruhandeln

The Swedish retail business has been characterized by a small number of ruling distributors. These distributors have been affected negatively by the internationalization which has made it possible for international distributors to establish their stores in the Swedish market. These international distributors are focused on low price stores. Their establishment on the Swedish market has led to a decrease in market shares for the Swedish distributors, which has damaged their profitability. Another change that has affected the Swedish distributors is that the behavior and needs of the customers has changed.

Försvarsmakten idag, Redo för förändring?

The Swedish armed forces are facing a change, a change in both organization and profession. From a conscript military service system, the Swedish Armed Forces has changed to having full-time contracted soldiers. Conscript military service has a history of over a hundred years; it was introduced in 1901 and has survived two world wars and the Cold War.The Swedish armed forces have changed to have contracted soldiers. My reflection is whether the armed forces really have had time for this changes that the new professionalization has meant. Today the Swedish armed forces consists of contracted soldiers, soldiers who are employed full time and costs the armed forces a lot of money.

Riktar sig nationella proven till alla elever? : En kvalitativ studie av några lärares upplevelser av arbetet med de nationella proven med elever som inte har svenska som modersmål

The purpose of this study is to illustrate how some teachers in multicultural school environments reflecton and experience the educational work with national tests in the third grade for students who do not have Swedish as their native language. The research questions I have chosen to work with are:How do teachers experience working with national tests in groups of students where there are children with Swedish as a second language?How do the teachers reflect on the students linguistic preconditions relating to the national tests in these groups of students?What strategies in their teaching on national tests do the teachers use when it comes to students with Swedish as a second language?In this study I have chosen to use a qualitative interview method. Since the purpose of the study is to understand how teachers reflect on students with Swedish as a second language the obvious choice was to interview teachers who work in a multicultural school. In my thesis I have chosen to use sociocultural theory, Cummins four quadrant model and context for theoretical approach.

Integrering av Bild och Svenska : Att skapa sammanhang i undervisningen

The purpose of my essay is to see how teachers are working to integrate the two subjects Art and Swedish in their teaching, and to see how this integration is made. What do teachers think about subject-integration? What are the positive effects of it? Are there any difficulties involved? Do the teachers prioritize cooperation with other subjects?To answer my questions I have interviewed eight teachers, four of them in upper secondary school and four in lower secondary school. I have also studied literature about subject-integration and children?s learning, curriculum?s and syllabi in the subjects of Art and Swedish.The results of my study show that the interviewed teachers are positive when it comes to integrating Art and Swedish and other subjects.

Innehållsmarknadsföring på sociala medier : En studie om Generation Y:s mottaglighet i sociala mediekanaler

By reading earlier research on Generation Y, content marketing and on social media during the working process the problem has gradually changed, in accordance with an abductive research approach. The study focus has developed from examine marketing methods on marketing towards Generation Y to include on what social media platform Generation Y is most susceptible for content marketing.The purpose of this study is to help companies whose target market is Generation Y to aim their content marketing through the right distribution channels, to save time and money. To meet this objective and to answer the main question of this study, empirical data was collected through a web based, quantitative survey which was completed by a total of 301 respondents, all of them belonging to Generation Y. The collected quantitative data was contrasted with existing theory and was analysed.The study concluded that Facebook is the social media channel where Generation Y feel most susceptible for content marketing, followed by YouTube. .

Spelar det någon roll om du heter Linnéa eller Amina? : Om namnets betydelse i rekryteringsprocessen.

The purpose of this study was to examine how students of the Human Resources and Labour Relations Programme evaluates work applications from Swedish and Somali women. 55 students participated in the study. The respondents were supposed to read a fictitious work and from that, judge four applications from four women where two had Swedish names and two had Somali names. The independent variables were the participants' gender, grade and university (between subject variables) as well as the applicant's name (Swedish vs. Somali) as the within-subject variable.

Deltagardemokrati i de svenska kommunerna

The overall purpose of this essay is to study in which degree the democratic model that is called participant democracy works in the Swedish municipalities. To achieve what I set out to do I will focus on a central political area in which the Swedish municipalities has sovereignty versus the state, in other words in an area where they rule themselves. That political area will then represent how well the participant democracy works in the Swedish municipalities. The research questions then becomes:Does the participant democracy at Swedish Municipality level work in a satisfying way?Does the participant democracy in a large Swedish Municipality in a central political area work?Does the participant democracy in a small Swedish Municipality in a central political area work?Are there similarities and differences between the municipalities?If so, how can that be explained?To answer these questions I will study documents regarding the planning and building area.

Försvenskningen av Skåne, 1658-1720 : I danska och svenska populärhistoriska framställningar från 1920 - tal till 2010 - tal. Historiesyn, nationalism och vetenskap

The title of this study is: The Swedish assimilation of Scania during the period 1658-1720 - In descriptions of Danish and Swedish popular historians` during 20th century to current view. View of history, nationalism and science .                                                                                                                                              The study concerns the Swedish, after the conquest of Scania 1658, attempts to induce feelings of Swedish nationality to the people in former Danish province of Scania 1658-1720. The goal of this study was to analyze 20th century and present Swedish and Danish historians? descriptions of the Swedish and Danish treatment of the native Scania population. The aim was further to describe this historians` view of native rebellious group called ?snapphanar? and which measures were taken to assimilate the Scanian population to Swedish realm.

Sprida virus : - Implementering & faktorer inom Viral marknadsföring

Viral marketing is a marketing tool that is becoming more common in the marketing industry. As people spend more time on the internet via their smartphones, tablets and computers marketers try to find new ways to reach out and connect with consumers. Succeeding with a viral spread is not easy; it's several factors that are important. Viral marketing encourages consumers to recommend and talk about product-related information with each other. So, what should a viral campaign or message contain in order to create this interest among us consumers? There are few empirical studies done in this subject which makes this kind of uncharted territory.

Problemrepresentationer vid tillkomsten av änkepensionen 1920-1948

During the 1960s and 1970s an increased interest in Native Americans can be seen in Sweden, e.g. through the establishment of organizations such as the Indian Club of Sweden. The aim of this thesis is to study the portrayal of Native Americans and its role through Albin Widén, a Swedish author, ethnologist and member of the Indian Club, and his non-fictional works on the Swedish migration to America, Swedish-America and Swedish contacts with Native Americans. The study is divided into four parts. The first part looks at the portrayal of the Native Americans in Widén?s writings, in comparison with Euro-Americans? and Europeans? traditional stereotypic images of a good and a bad Indian.

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