

12999 Uppsatser om Swedish media - Sida 50 av 867

Reklamens värde: En kompletterande syn på advertising- och brand equity.

At several occasions, an important question has been brought forward within the world of advertising and media. This is the question of whether or not ?good? advertising should be encouraged by the media. The question has an origin in a belief that such advertising can create values not only for the advertiser, but also for the medium. Although this question has arisen in business media, and although many managers work from the assumption that such relationship exists, there are none or little proof that it actually does.

Rättsenlighet och ansvarstagande i de ensamkommande flyktingbarnens asylprocess

Earlier this year the Swedish migration board gave a part of their responsibility for the separated children to those municipalities that have signed an agreement with them, so that the children can get the best handling of their matters and also to lift the heavy pressure of the Swedish migration board. Our aim in this paper is to see how this division is made and which areas of responsibility they have. We want to see how this process is being handled in relation to these children?s rights, the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Swedish law. To get the best information possible we used a qualitative method.

?Hela våran uppväxt har liksom blivit offentlig? : En kvalitativ studie kring hur en grupp gymnasieelever ser på sitt eget och andras identitetsskapande i förhållande till media.

Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur en grupp gymnasieelever ser på sitt eget och andras identitetsskapande i förhållande till media. Frågeställningar:?       Vilken inverkan anser deltagarna att media har på deras sociala kön och kroppsuppfattning??       Ser deltagarna någon skillnad på hur killar och tjejer förhåller sig till media i sitt identitetskapande??       Vad anser deltagarna att de normer och ideal som media förmedlar innebär för derasidentitetsskapande? Sammanfattning:Vår datainsamlingsmetod har bestått av två kvalitativa gruppintervjuer som genomförts på gymnasieskolor med deltagare som går sitt tredje år. Vid analysen av den insamlade empirin har vår teoretiska utgångspunkt varit Socialkonstruktionism och fenomenologin vår förståelsegrund.  Vid analysen har vi använt oss utav IPA ? metoden.

Det orientaliska i fokus : en studie kring vad tryckt svensk media förmedlar för bilder av islam och "muslimer"

 Uppsatsen behandlar och belyser vilka diskurser som präglar den allmänna debatten och rapporteringen kring religionen islam och dess utövare muslimer i "dagens" tryckta svenska nyhetsmedia. Huvuddelen av studien är koncentrerad till att fastställa hur de både begreppen islam och muslim framställs och definieras i empirin, men problematiken kring huruvida ett "vi" och "de andra" tänkande existerar berörs likväl. Vidare reflekteras över differenser i det empiriska materialet. Materialet påvisar att det finns skillnader mellan hur de både begreppen beskriv i olika genrer i de aktuella texterna.  .

Annonseringsmediet Spotify - Nya möjligheter för mindre företag

The use of streaming media such as Spotify has increased rapidly in recent years. Although the consumption side of Spotify is well established with over 10 million users, the medium might provide new unexploited opportunities as an advertising channel. The purpose of this thesis is to increase knowledge about advertising through streaming media and in particular via Spotify. To contribute to such knowledge we have conducted a case study to investigate how Spotify can be used and serve as an advertising medium for a smaller firm, Hasseludden Yasuragi, so that it may reach its target group. To examine the medial effect, a quantitative as well as a qualitative study was carried out using the ARF Model as a basic framework.

Synen på matematik i Sverige och i Finland : En jämförande studie av två länders läroplaner

There have been debates on the big differences in mathematics knowledge concerning pupils in Sweden and Finland. Especially, one common issue in the discussions of education is the Pisa test results, which take up in the media. In the Pisa research the Finnish pupils get through well year after year. Because of the discussions about the distinct school systems in Sweden and Finland, I found it interesting to investigate the divergence of the curriculums in these two countries. The main research questions asked were, what are the main differences and similarities in the Swedish and Finnish curriculums in primary school? Such as, is the assignment of primary school similar in Sweden and Finland?In my study I analyzed and compared by means of the curriculum especially mathe-matics teaching in primary schools in grade three in Sweden and in grade two Fin-land.

På spaning efter Cinelitteracitet : En granskning av filmämnet i de nyutgivna läroböckerna för Svenska Gy11

This thesis will explore how the medium of film is treated in the recently published Swedish textbooks and how these textbooks take into account the four different aspects of Cineliteracy.Cineliteracy is a theory which advocates the necessity of students' increased cinematic knowledge by presenting the four skill areas that should be included when it comes to teaching film in school. The theory implies students´ analytical skills, contextual knowledge and knowledge of the film canon as well as the development of students' skills to produce films. Cineliteracy theory finds support both within Swedish National Agency for Education and in recent Swedish research.This study includes investigation of eight new textbooks, adapted to the criteria for the new Swedish curriculum 2011. The analysis will be limited to textbooks for the course Swedish 1, since it is mandatory regardless of the orientation of the student?s education..

Instagram - En kvantitativ jämförelse mellan två kommunikationsstrategier, Mika Nordin & Flora Berglund

Social media today is a current topic, it has developed fast and continues to spread in a fast moving pace. Recent trends states that social media becomes more integrated into peoples personal lives. This essay deals with the subject area social media, focusing on the channel Instagram. The topic is chosen because of it´s popularity in today's digital communications landscape, and also keeping in mind that there is a great lack of previous studies on the subject. The purpose of this paper is to provide insights into how companies should handle images on the social media channel Instagram by testing two different strategies against each other.

Sverige, Eu och Jämställdheten : En studie av europeisering

This study is set out to examine if there is any kind of influence between the EU and Swedish gender policy. More specific the Swedish efforts within the gender policy area, especially in the area of social policy and employment, during the Swedish presidency in the Council of Ministers 2001. And also to examine the impact of Europeanization in Swedish gender policy. We have decided to delimit our study to care of elderly and children when it comes to the area of social policy. We are using a descriptive, examining qualitative method.

Den aktiva mannen, den passiva kvinnan: norrbottnisk medias gestaltning av kvinnor och män ur ett diskursanalytiskt perspektiv

Det övergripande målet för svensk jämställdhetspolitik är att kvinnor och män ska ha samma möjligheter, rättigheter och skyldigheter inom alla områden i livet och det råder politisk enighet om detta. Trots denna enighet är vårt samhälle fortfarande inte jämställt. Varför? Luleå Tekniska Universitet har genomfört en studie av norrbottnisk medias gestaltning av kvinnor och män, med ambitionen att skapa en grund för en bredare diskussion om hur kvinnor och män skildras i media. Studien visade att 72% av alla nyheter handlade om män och 18% handlade om kvinnor.

Schymans feminister : En kritisk diskursanalys i hur media framställer Feministiskt initiativ

Feministiskt initiativ är ett nytt parti som liksom mycket annat har skildrats av media. Syftet med den här kvalitativa studien är att studera vad media har berättat om Fi, utifrån en kritisk diskursanalys och socialkonstruktionistisk grund vill vi studera vilka diskurser som media, i vårt fall tidningsartiklar från de stora rikstidningarna, förmedlar om partiet Feministiskt initiativ. De tidningar som vi hämtat artiklar ifrån har varit Aftonbladet, Svenska Dagbladet, Dagens Nyheter, Metro och Expressen och utgjort grund för empirin. Igenom vår analys hittar vi olika mönster och teman, däribland tre framstående diskurser: kampdiskursen, ledardiskursen samt jämställdhetsdiskursen. Dessa går in och fogas på olika sätt för Fis framträdande i medias texter.

This is IT! : Lärares pedagogiska synsätt på användandet av IT-verktyg som medierande redskap i ett en-till-en klassrum

The use of laptops, interactive whiteboards and the Internet is step-by-step working it?s way into Swedish schools. The aim of this study is to investigate the attitudes of teachers towards using IT-related tools in their teaching. How are the tools given used as mediating tools, what new methods do the teachers find themselves discovering while using these, how do the teachers feel about digital teaching platforms and how do the IT-related tools affect students language progression? These are all questions that this study is meant to answer.

Flykten från landsbygden ? en kvantitativ innehållsanalys av mångfalden i det lokala nyhetsmaterialet i Arbetarbladet och Gefle Dagblad

Title: A Rural Pluralism Abandoned ? A quantitative analysis of the diversity in the local news content in Arbetarbladet and Gefle DagbladAuthors: Kalle Berg, Viktor Johansson och Francisco Ramirez Franzén.Subject: Undergraduate research paper in journalism studies, Dept. of journalism,media and communication (JMG) Gothenburg UniversityTerm: Autumn 2013Supervisor: Jonas Ohlsson, JMG, Gothenburg University.Pages: 47Purpose: The main purpose of this study is to examine how diversity in the news content changes when two competitive newspapers, in this case Gefle Dagblad and Arbetarbladet, is brought in to the same media company.Method: Quantitative content analysis.Procedure: 4 930 articles from a study period of three weeks during the years of 2001,2004, 2008 and 2012 has been coded into different variables and analysed from the perspective of diversity and media ownership concentration.Results: The main result is that since the two newspapers were incorporated in to the same media company there has been a change in the diversity of the news content. The aspect of which geographical regions, covered by the liberal newspaper Gefle Dagblad, show a tendency that Gefle Dagblad concentrate their news coverage to the main region, the municipal of Gävle..

Det avbrutna samtalet - reklamformatets betydelse i podcastmediet

Marketers are today confronted with new forms of media and tend to use different strategies to exploit these media. The podcast medium has emerged in a time of changes in terms of media planning. By using stimuli containing identical context with different forms of advertising, this thesis seeks to explore whether ads, sponsorships or product placements is more favourable for an advertiser to practice in the podcast medium. The purpose of this study is to investigate the differences in communication effects, such as attitude towards the brand and purchase intention, depending on the form of advertising. Testing if previous research, made on the same format but in different media, is applicable in the podcast medium carries out the study.

Luftvärnets verkanssystem i Utlandstjänst

This paper aims to analyze if ground based air defence of the Swedish Defence Forces is sufficiently equipped to protect units serving abroad. The Swedish ground based airdefece has its roots in the era of the cold war but the focus of Swedish Defence Forces has shifted from defending Swedish territory to peace keeping and peace enforcement in foreign countries. First I will take a look at the base factors for ground based air defence units serving in a peace keeping or enforcing mission and then use this to define what abilities you would like to have in a ground based air defence system. Finally I will compare these abilities whit the abilities of the ground based air defence systems that are in use whit the Swedish Defence Forces.My conclusion is that the question can´t be answered on a generel level but every mission has to be analyzed individualy.The author of this paper is Cadet Tobias Jönsson studying at the The Armed Forces Technical School to become an officer in the Swedish Defence Forces..

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