

12999 Uppsatser om Swedish media - Sida 27 av 867

Rösterna bakom rösterna - en beskrivande väljaranalys om Sverigedemokraternas framgång i valet 2006

AbstraktBegreppet främlingsfientlig använd's ofta i media om Sverigedemokraterna efter valframgångarna 2006. Indirekt ger detta väljarna samma stämpel. Är det främlingsfientlighet som får väljarna att rösta på partiet? Är det något annat väljarna vill ha sagt med sina röster? Vad tror Sverigedemokraterna's politiker är anledningen bakom framgången? Det vill jag ta reda på i denna uppsat's.För att uppnå syftet att få väljarna's uppfattning har jag genomfört ett femtiotal intervjuer där mer än hälften har varit Sverigedemokrater. Elva personer är dessutom ledande politiker inom partiet.

Hälsosamhället: En kvalitativ studie av medias påverkan på människors livsstil

Hälsa och sättet man valt att leva sitt liv på ligger i fokus i vårt samhälle idag. Detta väckte mitt intresse att studera vilken påverkan media har på vår livsstil. Media har en inflytelserik position när det gäller människors inställningar och kunskaper i området hälsa och livsstil. Mitt syfte är att få en förståelse för hur människor påverkas av medias rapporter om livsstil samt att ta reda på om media kan motivera till ändringar i människors livsstil. Frågeställningarna jag kommer att söka svar på är; Hur fungerar medias påverkan av människors livsstil? Vilken betydelse har media när det gäller val av livsstil? Det är en kvalitativ studie där jag valt att genomföra intervjuer vid insamlandet av min empiri.

"Man vill veta hur det går i skolan"

In the fall 2011 a new grading scale will be implemented in the Swedish school. A government bill suggests a change of the scale from a three- to a six-point scale. The students will also be graded from the sixth class instead of today?s eighth. From the first year of the compulsory school the pupil will get a written judgment.

"Alla känner alla" : En studie om musikbolags relation till media

The purpose of our study has been to analyze the character of the interaction between music labels and media and to examine to what extent the artist brand is being considered in music labels relationship with media. This has resulted in our research question:What characterizes the large music labels relationship with media?For this study we have used a qualitative approach to achieve a deeper understanding of our chosen topic. We have conducted seven interviews with representatives from both major record labels and media companies with great knowledge about our subject. Five of the interviews were conducted face-to-face and two were performed via e-mail.In the final chapter we answer our research question and thus present our conclusions.

Perspektiv på svensk skola - fem framgångsrika invandrarelevers erfarenheter och tankar

This is a qualitative analysis based on interviews with five students, aged 17-19, all with an immigrant background and with a history of being successful in their school work. The students were interviewed twice with an interval of 1 to 1.5 years. The main purpose of this essay is to learn more about these students? experiences and to understand their conceptions of being students in the Swedish school system. Another aim is to put focus on the chosen target group, since it is a category of students that seldom gets attention in media or research.

Vem är du? : En studie om företags granskande av Facebook profiler

Title: Who are you? A study on companies reviewing of Facebook profiles.  Social media has opened up new possibilities in recruitment situations in forms of background checks on social networks such as facebook. Even though there are many advantages, there are few recruitment workers who choose to embrace the possibilities with social networking..

Den tolfte spelaren : En kvalitativ studie av hejarklacksjournalistik i den svenska sportjournalistiken.

This study aims to gain greater knowledge about the phenomenon cheerleading journalism and its existence in the Swedish sports journalism. We did this by making an impact in the media debate, to thereby identify key aspects of cheerleading journalism. These elements are then used to reach a preliminary definition of the phenomenon. This was followed by qualitative interviews with six Swedish sports journalists from newspapers Aftonbladet and Dagens Nyheter, with the aim to find out how they behaved the phenomenon. The results of the earlier debate and the answers from the respondents show that cheerleading journalism is nationalistic, biased and seeks an inclusive effect on its audience.

Sant eller falskt? : hur skildrar de nätbaserade media SANA, BBC och CNN händelserna mellan 1.4. och 18.4.2012 i Syrien?

This essay will try to analyze how Syria?s official news agency, SANA, describes events taking place in Syria in the days between 1.4 and 18.4.2012. This will be contrasted with how BBC and CNN describe the events. These other two news agencies were chosen, because they represent media from democratic countries in Europe and the USA. This rebellion became a full scale civil war over time.

På andra sidan tröskeln : En kvantitativ innehållsanalys av fem svenska tidningars gestaltning av Sverigedemokraterna före och efter valet 2010

The Swedish right-wing party the Sweden Democrats gathered much attention during the Swedish general election of 2010. The party?s immigration policy clashed with other major Swedish parties perceptions and the Sweden Democrats got major coverage in Swedish media even before the election had taken place. Despite controvercies surrounding the party, they eventually succeeded in getting into the parliament.This study explores how the coverage of the Sweden Democrats in five large Swedish newspapers has changed between 2009 and 2013. This was done by studying two periods, each period taking place a year before the next general election.

Smarta Textilier : kvinnor, teknik och regional utveckling i Borås

This thesis focuses on the mass media cover of ?Smart textiles?. The Swedish?smart? textiles are developed in Borås and are a mix of ordinary textile and new technology.  I analyse the article with a text analysis method, looking at themes and the language?s propositions in focus. Context and the actors in the articles are also important in the analysis.Many women occur as developers of the new smart technical product, a field often knowed as a typical male subject.

"Man vill ju se bra ut" : En kvalitativ studie om ungdomars syn på sociala medier

This thesis examines young people's thoughts about their presence on social media. With asocial constructive approach the study focused on how young people think and act on socialmedia in relation to constructions of gender and normality. The analysis is based on fourgroup interviews with 13-year old boys and girls. The theoretical approach is based partly onsocial constructionism where discourses and ideas of normality are identified and analyzed.Erving Goffman's theory of social interaction was central to illustrate how young peoplepresents themselves based on the prevailing discourses. It is clear that they adjust theirrepresentations of themselves depending on the context.

Aftonbladets/Sportbladets bevakning av det svenska herrlandslaget i fotboll : En jämförelse av EM 1992, EM 2004 och EM 2008

The aim of this master´s thesis is to investigate how Aftonbladet/Sportbladet is describing the Swedish national men team in football during the European Championship years 1992, 2004 and 2008. Reading over 200 articles gave me an excellent overview of the differences and similarities between the three chosen periods. The theoretical framework has three key terms which circulates around the paper. The terms are discourse, stereotype and national identity. Several results are presented and discussed; some are included in this abstract.

"Alla ska få se ut som de vill och bli älskade ändå" : en kvantitativ studie om tjejer, deras upplevelse av påverkan samt kroppsideal

The aim of this bachelor thesis has been to investigate what affected the body ideals of teenage girls attending the Swedish upper secondary school and thus, the questions for the investigation were: Who/what ?gives? teenage girls their body ideals today and what is considered as an influence of these young teenage girls today with regard to their perception of their own body? The theoretical perspective on the thesis were symbolic interactionism, Gidden's theory on "late"-modernity as well as Ziehe's theory on reflexivity. A quantitative survey were conducted where questionnaires were the starting point. For convenience and simplicity , the author chose to perform the survey on a number of high schools in her vicinity. The headmasters in these schools were contacted and she got the contact infomation for the concerned teachers or the school social pedagogue.

Upprepas historien nu? : En kritisk diskursanalys av DN:s och SvD:s rapportering kring Skånepolisens registrering av romer september 2013

This thesis aims to examine and critically revise the language in two of Sweden ?s major newspapers Dagens Nyheter (DN) and Svenska Dagbladet (SvD), regarding the reporting of the police department of Skånes registration of the Swedish Romani minority. The research method used is qualitative text analysis based on Teun Van Dijks model for critical discourse analysis of news discourse. The material examined contains of four articles published the last week of September 2013. This thesis has a critical perspective based on the notion that the media influence the public?s opinion about certain themes, and strives to contribute to the field of research about how the Romani minority is being portrayed in the Swedish press.Previous research of the representation of ethnic minorities in the media has shown that ethnic minorities usually are represented in contexts of criminality or social problems.

Undervisning i media : med fokus på elever med läs- och skrivsvårigheter

This paper is based on observations made in the classroom, interviews and studies ofliterature.The observations that I made during my practical training period made me believethat pupils with writing and reading problems succeeded more often with the methodsof teaching used in media education than with more traditional teaching methods.Through this study I hope to specify and define the factors that were the reasons for this. In doing so I wanted to show that you could adapt the teaching methods to reach more pupils with different kinds of learning styles.I have come to the conclusion that the following factors made the pupils with writing and reading problems succeed more often in subjects related to media education:Variety, time spent, the pupils? interests and the equipment used..

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