

12999 Uppsatser om Swedish media - Sida 26 av 867

Sociala medier och skolbibliotek ? En användarundersökning av efterfrågan av sociala medier på ett skolbibliotek

The purpose of this study is to examine the role social media canplay in a school library context, based on a theoretical model,called ?A new model for the public library in a knowledge andexperienced society? by Henrik Jochumsen, Dorte Skot-Hansenand Casper Hvegaard Rasmussen.The bachelor thesis aim to answer three research questions, theyare as follow: Which request of social media is there by teachersand pupils at a high school library? Which social media is the mostrequested by teachers and pupils at a high school library? Andshould the library services for teachers and students be improved ifsocial media were used at a high school library?The methodology used for this study was an inquiry investigation.My findings are presented in a context of previous, relatedresearch and the study shows that teachers and pupils are wellinformed of what social media is and they use social media whenthey are at school.The thesis also shows that the unit I study, a vocational trainingunit, is more or less interested in what the school library can do forthem with social media.They seldom are at the school library and they seldom use theteach platform were they can find library services.This result can open up for the school library to meet the users at anew arena with for example social media..

Medias gestaltning av Uppsala Reggaefestival : ett problemfyllt evenemang?

Purpose/Aim: This essay seeks to describe in what way different newspapers framed Uppsala Reggaefestival, which is a music festival in Uppsala, Sweden. Not only the local press, but also the framing by national press will be analyzed. Furthermore, it seeks to discuss what causes different frames.Material/Method: The material consist of 96 articles from 4 different newspapers which are being analyzed through a quantitative content analysis method inspired by Melin and Lange, and their ideas of identifying the main message of a text. The media framing of Uppsala Reggaefestival are compared to another similar music festival in Sweden, Arvikafestivalen. By using theories about media framing and media logic the results can, if not explained, at least be discussed.Main results: The study shows that Uppsala Reggaefestival is framed in a way that is focused on the problems within the festival, for example drug abuse.

Demokrati och Media Ukraina och Vitryssland - Fiender av det fria ordet?

I dagens samhälle spelar media en stor roll och i många avseenden styr den människors liv och åsikter. Vikten av att kunna kontrollera media och därigenom bilden av sig själv blir allt viktigare i en värld som blir allt mer globaliserad. De länder som studeras i denna uppsats, Ukraina och Vitryssland, är två länder med liknande historia och utveckling efter Sovjetunionens fall. Dock finns en signifikant skillnad i och med den orangea revolutionen som ägde rum i Ukraina och som ledde till att landet gick i en mer demokratisk riktning. Vi har här försökt visa att staters hantering av media har en stor betydelse när det gäller att kategorisera länder som demokratiska eller auktoritära.

Det moderna biblioteket inätverkssamhället : En studie över kulturpolitikers och bibliotekariers åsikter om bibliotekens användande av sociala medier

?The modern library in the network society?A study of cultural politicians and librarians opinions about libraries' use of social mediaSocial media is becoming more and more interacted in our daily lives and Carlsson (2013) argues that today's libraries have undergone major challenges in the digital information technology's entry in the library arena. The new technology has led to sum up in one question: how a library should relate to the digital information technology, the issue has applied in particular the social communications media, such as Facebook, Twitter and more. The purpose of this paper is to examine the culture of politicians and librarians 'perceptions of public libraries' use of social media linked to the libraries and their democracy promotion efforts. This is analyzed from Castells theories about the network society and the digital divide.In summary, the study concluded that the majority of the culture politicians and librarians believe that social media is a part of the future of the library.

Förorten brinner! : En studie av alternativa medier i Stockholms förorter

In this study we examine five selected media organisations with different forms of productionplatforms that all appear in Stockholm's southern and western suburbs, which are part of themillion-construction project. Their stated ambition is to present an alternative image of thesuburbs than that found in mainstream media. They want to portray themselves instead ofconstantly being described by others.The purpose of the study is to gain a better understanding of the reason for the emergenceof these media, their visions according to the media producers themselves, and how theyrelate to mainstream media. The study is based on a theoretical framework that focuses ondiverse approaches of alternative media and the journalists' role in a democratic society.The wide data analysis from qualitative informant interviews, with small observations as acomplement, showed results indicating criticism against the misrepresentation of Stockholmsuburbs in mainstream media. Furthermore the results show that the overall dissatisfaction ofthis misrepresentation is one of the main reasons why the different media, which are bothrepresented by citizens and journalists, were founded.

Unesco, Malraux och ombildningens museum : Estetik och kosmopolitik i efterkrigstid

An inquiry into the post-war European aesthetic and political landscape should take the international organization Unesco?s colour reproductions and travelling exhibitions of paintings into consideration. In these, the organization implements André Malraux? idea of the ?imaginary museum? as a framework for a future cosmopolitical, aesthetic (and utopian) community. During the late 1940?s, the Swedish government also discusses the need for raising an ?aesthetic awareness? amongst their citizens as a consequence to a poor knowledge in the fine arts.

Integrationsprocesser bland 6 invandrade japanska personer i Sverige

This research outlines studies about the relationship between social integration process of Japanese immigrants in Sweden and how social media assists in this process. The purpose of this research includes: To find out the reasons of migration to Sweden for six Japanese immigrants, any difficulties that they faced at the beginning of their immigration process and/or any positive qualities that they found in living in Sweden, whether they have accessed social media since they have moved in, if they do so, how the social media has been used and also, whether the social media has had a role to play in contributing to help their social integration process. In addition, it has been considered whether the participants have plans to return to Japan. In Sweden, there is relatively small Japanese migrant population. This social science research paper is the first in Sweden which explores the immigration process of Japanese migrants into Sweden.

"Vi har våldet i blodet" - En kritisk diskursanalys av Landskrona Posten 2006

On the 11th of march 2006, the journal Landskrona Posten began an article series with the ambition to review the juvenile gangs in the city of Landskrona. The articles received heavy response from the readers. About six months later Landskrona was the centre of attention in the Swedish media. 22,3 percent of the city's population had voted for the nationalist party ?Sverigedemokraterna? in the municipal election.

?på digital drift i okända vatten? : ? En diskursanalys av debatten om e-boken ochfolkbiblioteket i svensk media 2011-2012

The question of the provision of electronic books in Swedish public libraries has lately evolved into a lively debate in Swedish media, where the public library?s identity and itsexpected role as a democratic institution is an underlying topic. The aim of this bachelorthesis is to examine the idea of the public library?s identity as expressed in newspaperand journal articles by writers connected to the library sector. The aim is achieved byexamining the language-use and identifying discourses in the debate.

?Konstnärlig frihet är väl inte bara att provocera ? : ? en kvalitativ studie av begreppet konstnärlig frihet

In Sweden, discussions about artistic freedom are common both in a political and media context. At the same time, the role of contemporary art in Sweden?s society continues to grow and contemporary art has become more visible to the public. In the present work, we analyze the ?artistic freedom? concept by examining what it stands for and how it is being used.

Sociala medier som strategisk kommunikationsresurs för varumärkesbyggande inom hotell- och turismbranschen

The social media arena is rapidly growing and more and moreorganisations take part in the daily ongoing conversations indifferent social media channels. Conversations are being heldacross borders on every available topic and ratings and reviews ofconsumer products and services is one of them. This focus onglobalisation is also the reality of the hospitality- and tourismindustry. Their customers travel across borders and are eager,given the opportunity, to share their experiences with each other.As organisations within the hospitality- and tourism industry meetthese demands in terms of providing technological infrastructurefor information sharing and involve themselves in theseconversations there are some issues that need to be addressed.What does the logic of social media look like? How iscommunicating in social media any different from traditionalmarket communication? And how can hospitality- and tourismorganisations adapt their communication to fit into the logic ofsocial media?To conclude how organisations within the hospitality- and tourismindustry can benefit from the use of social media, I haveinterviewed representatives from a number of organisations andstudied their communication.

Sociala medier - Ett framgångsrikt verktyg för offentliga verksamheter? : En kvalitativ studie av hur verksamheter som riktar sig till ungdomar och unga vuxna använder sig av sociala medier.

Social media is used widely around the world by millions of people every day. In this report an analysis has been made of how organisations that are directed towards marginalized adolescents and young adults, are using social media in their working processes. The data has been gathered through qualitative interviews and case studies of three organisations, which are in different stages in their use of social media. The results from the study indicates that every chosen organisation wants to use social media applications for the same purpose, which is to be available where their target audience is situated, but their progress is reduced by elements such as priority, lack of knowledge and time..

Profilering i offentliga sektorn : En studie i varför statliga förvaltningsmyndigheter bedriver profileringsarbeten

Title: Branding the public sectorAuthor: Rasmus Bergmark and David BackmanTutor: Magnus FredrikssonPurpose: The purpose of this thesis was to examine branding in the public sector. The frame extends to government agencies and authorities in the Swedish public sphere, and aims to identify ulterior motives for their work with branding.Method/Material: The material used in this thesis consists 102 graphic manuals for government agencies in the Swedish public sector. The examination was based on an inductive survey where we extracted prominent motives among the graphic manuals.Main results: The main results of this survey shows which ulterior motives are more prominent than others, why they are more prominent and correlations between different motives.Number of pages: 53Course: Media and Communications studies CUniversity: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information sience, Uppsala universityPeriod: Fall 2013Keywords: Corporate branding, public sector, motives, market communication.

En studie om Varumärken i media - Hur ska GävleTidningar förhålla sig till Arbetarbladet och GefleDagblad?

Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka varumärkesproblematiken i denna dubbla konkurrens- och samarbetssituation..

Den relativa arbetsförmågan : En undersökning av begreppet arbetsförmåga i sjuk-,arbetslöshets- och arbetsskadeförsäkringen

This paper is based on a quantitative survey. The study aims to answer the questionwhich media young people rather use to take part of the news. The results showthat young people today in Kalmar preferably and often read newspapers on theInternet and mobile phone.The questions asked was about which media they usually use, the level ofconfidence they had in various media, how interest was in different newscategories, willingness to pay for online news and background issues relatedsubjects. The survey was aimed at high school students in Kalmar and weredistributed and collected on-site at the schools. What was remarkable among theresponses was that young people largely had access to a morning newspaper athome and said that they would consider subscribing to one in the future.

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