

9143 Uppsatser om Swedish conceptualisation - Sida 41 av 610

SAB-systemet och Yahoo! En jämförelse rörande traditionell och ny klassifikation

The aim of this Master thesis is to investigate the similarities and differences between a traditional and a new classification scheme. Two classification systems are compared, "The Swedish Library Classification System" the SAB-system - and Yahoo!. The SAB-system has been used in Swedish libraries since the beginning of the 20^th century, and Yahoo! has been online since 1994. Yahoo! has a Swedish version of its international original, which is used in this study to get a similar starting point with the SAB-system. The method used for this is a content analysis, which in this case is not a quantitative analysis.

Var går gränsen? : En argumentationsanalys om den regionala identitetens betydelse i den nya regionindelningen

The aim of the study is to examine different statements for and against regional identity in the research of the new organisation of the Swedish society. The aim is also to observe in what extend the Swedish committee of responsibility has had an awareness of the identity politics in its effort to improve the presumptions for the new, successful regional division.The questions are:1. In which ways do the opinions of the participant of the work of the committee of responsibility, coincide and differ when it comes to the importance of the regional identity in the case of a new regional division?2. How has the committee of responsibility worked on development of consciousness and mobilisation for the creation of the regional identity in its final report?A method called the argumentation analysis was used in this study.

Språkligt heterogena klasser : En studie av verksamma lärares arbete med andraspråkselever

The Swedish coastal defence took on a whole new meaning after the introduction of the coastal artillery in 1902. The establishment of the coastal artillery meant that the Swedish military had access to a whole new military branch, in addition to the Army and the Navy. Under the direction of one general, two regiments were established. One in Vaxholm and the second in the naval city of Karlskrona. The aim of this essay is to investigate how the Costal Artillery were established, by analyzing the parliamentary of the year 1901.

Ingen är utanför alla är inne : en studie om hur skolungdomar i ett segregerat område kan uppleva villkoren för sin utveckling av en självbild.

This study aims to describe the conditions, of which some youths who live in a segregated area in Sweden, see as important for their development of an identity. The study have been conducted in a manner where we put the youths own words in focus. The youths are in charge of deciding what they regard as important for their own development of their own identity. In this study we assume certain contexts, of which we base the study. These contexts include the society, the urban districts, the school, the family, and the language.

Ett klassrum för nästan alla : Segregering av elever med svenska som andraspråk

Swedish as a second language and special education are two topics that have a lot in common. I have chosen to in my study look at something that is covered by the two subjects: Swedish as a second language education that is taking place in a group segregated from the class. I have interviewed students in preschool, grade one and grade two to learn details of their experience of the segregation. Finding out that it is mostly bad planning and trouble getting the schedule together that?s affecting the pupils in a negative way.

Ledföljdsvariation i svenska : Verb, semantik och syntax i samband med lång objektsflytt

The term ?Object Shift? means that a weak object pronoun has been raised to a position to the left of a sentence adverbial. Primarily, there are two positions to which a weak object pronoun can be raised; one of them is called Long Object Shift.In this paper, I primarily deal with finite verb frequencies in sentences with Long Object Shift in Swedish. Also, in order to further define the verbs in these sentences I discuss verb semantic and syntactic valence in relation to the shifted object. Furthermore, I discuss the search methods which have generated sentences with Long Object Shift in written sources in Swedish; an equivalent study has never been done before.

Om remedier i upphandlingsrätten : särskilt om skadestånd

An investigation of the remedies in the Swedish Public Procurement Law. The result of this investigation shows that the remedies are not satisfactory in upkeeping the Procurement Law. The swedish legislator has not fulfilled the demands of the European Councils Regulations in this area. This results in ineffective use of public funding as well as discriminating actions against private suppliers. I have found that some changes must take place in the legislation and that an electronic procurement procedure makes the legislation easier for both the public and the private parties to understand..

Genrebaserad undervisning : att stötta flerspråkiga elever i deras språkutveckling

The purpose of this study was to examine how the genrebased instruction applied in multicultural classrooms. My observations were carried out in three different classrooms, whit the educators constantly working on language development off the students. Two observations were carried out in Swedish, with a teacher of Swedish as a second language and the Swedish-teacher working with students together. In these two lessons in Swedish, I took away from Pauline Gibbons model, while the third lesson in civics I assumed from Eija Kuyumcu genre model. Both models are based on the Australian research around the genrebased teaching.

Elevinflytande som hot eller möjlighet : En kvalitativ intervjustudie av lärares idéer om elevinflytande över undervisningen

This report describes an interview study of Swedish elementary school teacher?s view on stu-dent influence. The objective is to find out about teachers' approach to student influence, what do they think happens with students that are allowed to influence and what are the negotiables and non-negotiables when it comes to student influence in elementary education? And do the teachers really want their students to have influence?According to the official policy documents for the Swedish school system the Swedish school shall work towards a democratic school. Not only should the students be educated about de-mocracy but they should also learn to use democratic values and processes.

Översättning av Western Aphasia Battery ? Revised till svenska och utprovning av översättningen på en normalspråkig population

The purpose of the present study was to translate Western AphasiaBattery ? Revised (WAB-R) to Swedish and test the translation on a group of nonlanguage-impaired individuals. The purpose was also to establish equivalencebetween WAB-R and its Swedish translation and to examine a possible correlationbetween test results and the background factors sex, age, educational length andfirst language. 67 subjects participated in the study. The results showed that femalesex, long education (?12 yrs) and being a native speaker of Swedish had significantpositive association to a higher test result.

Cigaretten : en resa genom tid och samhällsförändringar

My essay explores the public view on smoking in Sweden over the last few decades. I've studied how changes in social structures through media, laws, studies and education has brought about a change in the opinions about smoking. I found that even though there have always been different opinions on smoking it seems to have become less accepted in the Swedish society, particularly in the past twenty years. I discuss the different reason as to why (and how) the view on smoking might have changed the last decades amongst the Swedish people. To be able to do this I have done interviews on which I have applied narrative analysis..

Etnisk mångfald inom innebandyn ? ledarnas syn : En kvalitativ studie om hur ledare inom svensk innebandy uppfattar arbetet med etnisk mångfald

Floorball is currently the second largest sport in Sweden, yet there is a low ethnic diversity. This study aims to describe, explain and understand how the leaders in Swedish floorball perceive the work with ethnic diversity from the Swedish Floorball Federation and within the associations they seem. The questions of the study are: How do leaders perceive that the Swedish Floorball Federation works to promote ethical diversity in the within the federation? How do the leaders describe their own efforts to promote ethnic diversity within their team / association? How do the leaders perceive their role in increasing ethnic diversity? How do the leaders perceive the sport as an integration arena? The study was based on a qualitative method with semi-structured interviews. The respondents were eight leaders from four different associations, two leaders from each association.

Religionsfriheten i Sverige 1809 ? 1951 : Från samvetsfri kristen tro till fritt val av religiös tillhörighet i svensk lagstiftning

In 1809 the citizens of Sweden where given the freedom to practice their Christian faith through the Swedish constitution of 1809, 16 §. This proclaimed that there should be religious freedom in Sweden, albeit restricted to Evangelical-Lutheran faith. Although after the law regarding dissenters was passed in 1860 by choosing another church than the Evangelical-Lutheran church you lost some civic rights, for example you could not become a public official. The freedom to choose religious affiliation was given through the Law of Religious Freedom in 1951. The purpose of this study is to evaluate in what way the concept of religious freedom has developed in Swedish law between 1809 and 1951.In the background I treat two historical events and one era, with focus upon religious freedom, which have in my opinion influenced the view of religious freedom in Sweden during the chosen period of 1809?1951.

Barn i fokus: En komparativ studie av arbetet med barnverksamhet på folkbibliotek i Sverige och Italien.

The purpose for this Master?s thesis is to describe the similarities and the differences of the work at the public libraries? children?s sections, between Sweden and Italy. In order to do that we examine the cultural political presumptions that Swedish and Italian libraries have, such as policies concerning public libraries and children, on a national as well as an international level. We also look at existing attitudes regarding the work at the public libraries? children?s sections, among authors of research literature in our subject.

De internationella musikbolagens redovisning av immateriella tillga?ngar : Vad kan de svenska bolagen tilla?mpa i jakten pa? ra?ttvisande bild?

Purpose:The purpose of this study is to describe and explain the international music company reports of its intangible assets to examine whether similar methods can be applied to the Swedish market.Method:The study was based on a qualitative and abductive research approach. Collected data is mainly from secondary sources in the form of auditor approved consolidated financial statements.Conclusion:The Swedish music companies activate their intangible assets only partially or not at all, despite the fact that assets in the form of music catalogs, rights, contracts and advances are those that generate revenue for the companies. The study has resulted in a description of how the companies are doing on an international level with the IASB and FASB's regulation. With this report, we have found flaws in the way the Swedish companies prepare their accounts according to the current regulations. In the analysis, these shortcomings are highlighted and to what extent these international standards can be applied in the Swedish companies to take a step towards a more accurate picture and a harmonized and comparable accounting..

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