

9143 Uppsatser om Swedish conceptualisation - Sida 38 av 610

"Låtom oss enligt gammal bömisk sed kasta ut dem genom fönstret!" : Historieläroböcker ur ett berättelseperspektiv

This thesis deals with the question of how and to what degree Swedish history books for schools changed between the early 20th century and the 1960s. The theoretical foundation for this study is a perspective which treats historical accounts as narratives, bringing meaning and orientation to the present. According to this perspective, historical accounts may be divided into four different types of narratives, traditional, exemplary, critical and genetical. The basis for this division is how the narratives use the past to make the present understandable.The following conclusions are reached:That Swedish history books for schools have changed less, and in a moore gradual way than those dealing with general history. There is a growing use of genetical narratives at the expense of mainly exemplary ones.

Den semidispositiva arbetstidsregleringen : att avvika från Arbetstidslagen genom centrala avtal

The Working Hours Act regulates the working time conditions and together with the Working Time Directive of EU both acts aim to protect the workers. However, with The Swedish Model it is possible to diverge from the law-regulations by collective agreement by the parts of the Swedish labor market. The purpose of this thesis is to examine the national and international law regulations and further on study a few selected Swedish central collective agreements to discover in which extension deviation from the law occur. The sections of the Working Hours Act?s that has been investigated is ordinary working time, daily rest, weekly rest periods, breaks and maximum weekly working time.

Sverige i fredens tjänst : En textanalys av svenska incitament till fredsfrämjande insatser utifrån perspektiven realism och liberalism

Participating in peace support operations has been and remains a significant part of the Swedish defense and security politics. Since the end of the Cold War, the Swedish national defence has been more and more dismantled, in favor of international peace support operations which have become an increasingly important task for the Swedish defence. Why then, is Sweden so engaged in conflicts so far from home? Using two classic theories of international politics, realism and liberalism, this study aims to shed light on arguments from the Swedish parliament on why it is important for Sweden to participate in international peace support operations. After analyzing arguments of the Social Democrat Party, the Moderate Party, the Green Party and the Liberal Party concerning three different peace support operations which Sweden has participated in, the result shows that although both realism and liberalism are influencing the parties? argumentation, liberalism is the theory which is used more often.

För pengarna eller framtiden? : En kvalitativ studie av hur elever förhåller sig till studiemedel

This paper investigates how Swedish upper secondary school students relate to the financial support available from the Swedish state of education. It also looks at the attitudes of such students to the new CSN[1]truancy rules as they apply to school politics.Is there a difference in students? attitude to these truancy rules and does that difference depend on the students? socio-economic standard, whether they come from a wealthy background or a marginalised society or whether they are ethnic Swedish? Does this in any way affect the attitudes of the students?This financial support is only paid to those students who do not skip school. If they lose their right to this contribution because of truancy, their parents will also forfeit the right to the financial subsidies to which they may be entitled. Naturally, this may affect students in different ways, depending on what kind of financial situation their family is in.Do some students go to school out of their own financial interest or out of that of their parents? Through focus-group interviews, students have expressed their opinions, told about their experiences and stated their attitudes with regards to these matters.

Släktnamn i Sollefteå : En studie av tillnamnsbruket i Sollefteå församling 1700-1820.

This study aims to investigate and describe the direction of the ideological development of the Swedish gymnastics association Gymniska Förbundet. Between 1928 and 1932, this organization transformed from a purely gymnastic and cultural association into an influential platform for the production of Swedish nationalist ideology. Based on theories of National Socialism?s formation within modern society, the analysis focus on the conditions regulating Gymniska Förbundets relation to modernity. Thus the study examines the association?s ideas in relationship to the concept of modernity.

Interdependens för Sverige: Hur svenska politiker påverkats av ökad internationell interdependens

This is an examination of how interdependence affects the behaviour of politicians and their ability to govern the way they want to. I analyze the memoirs of two Swedish prime ministers, Tage Erlander and Ingvar Carlsson to explore their experiences. I focus on how the increasing interdependence affects the politicians with regards to security, welfare, and financial policies. Sweden had a special position between Soviet and NATO during the cold war. This meant Sweden gave priority to it's neutrality policy during the cold war, compared to increased trade cooperation.

Nationellt varumärkesbyggande : En studie om hur Botswana kan använda sig av nationellt varumärkesbyggande i landets utvecklingsprocess

In this paper I study how the repeal of the Swedish wealth tax (1 of January 2007) has affected people´s labour supply behaviour. This particular issue is relevant because it may help us understand some of the effects of the earnings tax changes that have taken place in Sweden. Accoring to standard economic theory a repealed wealth tax is similar to an income effect for the persons who previously paid the tax. That means that they theoretically will want to consume more leisure, that is decrease their labour supply. The method I am using to test this hypothesis is a difference-in-difference approach where the treatment group consists of persons who previously paid the tax and the control group of comparable persons who did not pay the tax.

Personalledning genom det skrivna ordet

The main issue of the essay were to create a picture of how the Swedish Armed Forces is and are supposed to be controlled with documents within the field of personnel management. The documents that are at hand in the essay´s field of problem, ?personnel idea? and ?personnel policy?, does not show a unitary or apparent picture of how control are meant to be executed; for which reason an explorative examination turned out to be important. Data was collected with interviews as a method. The persons interviewed have had different roles in the essay´s field of problem.

Analys av lärarsajten lektion.se

The main purpose of this study is to get an increased knowledge of the content on the Swedish website lektion.se. The study wants to find out if the content can relate to the syllabus for Swedish and the sociocultural view of learning. The questions it aims to answer are how the content of lessons in Swedish in grade 1-5 is related to the syllabus for Swedish and the sociocultural view of learning. This has been a study of text from lessons taken from the website. The study has been made with support from qualitative and quantitative analysis of text.

"Hej, jag heter..." -en diskursiv studie om svenska för invandrare (sfi) i integrationsprocessen

The aim of this paper is to make an investigation of how authoritative conceptual framework about immigrants as a group is being constituted in the discourse regarding Swedish language for immigrants. I will also examine what connections there are to the overarching integration discourse. While doing this I try to establish the contrasting relationship between the ?Swedishness? and ?the Other?. My theoretical framework consists of discussions regarding groups and the relation to homogeneity or heterogeneity in various ways and how We tend to construct the discourse in relation to the Other.

En förunderlig fara - statens syn på zigenare i det svenska samhället under 1930-40-talen

The purpose of my essay is to analyse the antiziganism imparted by the Swedish Governement during the 1930´s and 1940´s. The starting points are the text in the first published chapter of the Governement´s White Paper and other political texts refered to concerning surveys of the gypsies. My sources will be these texts important for the time period of my essay. The White Paper recites in chronological order for the repeatedly made surveys and registrations of the gypsies made by the authorities during the 1900´s. My analysis will apply the theories of Michel Foucault being about biopower/biopolitics and the method for ideological analysis by Sven-Eric Liedman.

Biblioteksservice för vuxna döva

The aim of this two years master thesis is to explore the relationship between public libraries and deaf adults. I want to know if deaf adults are a prioritized group in Swedish public libraries. Deaf adults use Swedish sign language witch is a visual language and differs from Swedish. I discuss the difference in Swedish Sign Language and Swedish and the importance of Sign Language literature. I also explore what methods can be used for mak-ing the library service towards the deaf group more customer centered and service oriented.The lack of sign language knowledge among the library personnel can lead to communication barriers.

Fornisländsk litteratur : Dess utrymme och roll som litterärt kulturarv i svenska gymnasieskolan

With this essay we would like to examine to what extent the ancient Icelandic literature could count as a part of Sweden?s literal cultural heritage in schools today, if it through seeking information is possible to say whether this literature have any connections to Sweden. Our questions of issue are:1. What kind of connection is there between ancient Icelandic literature and Swedish literary cultural heritage and what are the ancient Icelandic literature premises? in the Swedish upper secondary school?2.

Äldres delaktighet : Om delaktighetens betydelse för individer i socialtjänstens handläggningsprocess

In Peter Weiss debut Fra?n o? till o? (1947) the ?I? travels from island to island as a castaway. The island here can signify, or work as a synecdoche for exile and the feeling of isolation that exile often induces. But the movement from island to island also implies a restless state: Peter Weiss shifting from painting to writing to filmmaking and theatre, from German to Swedish and then back to German. The years during exile and the years that followed the exile until his breakthrough in Germany with Schatten des ko?rpers des Ku?tchens (1960), Abschied von den Eltern (1961) and Fluchtpunkt (1962), were the formative years of Peter Weiss authorship.

Solar energy on Swedish pig farms : a sunny story?

In Sweden there is a large interest in renewable energy but the market for solar power is still small compared to other countries such as Germany. Here many farmers produce their own electricity. The Federation of Swedish farmers have acknowledged the potential for Swedish farmer to produce electricity and there is an interest among the farmers. The agricultural branches in Sweden most suitable for solar power are pig production and poultry due to the even electricity need throughout a year. Swedish pig farmers are going through a period of unsteady profitability which makes it interesting to see whether producing their own electricity can affect the economic situation.

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