

9143 Uppsatser om Swedish conceptualisation - Sida 29 av 610

?Den frivillige soldaten.? : Manlighetsideal och legitimitet bland svenska frivilliga soldater samt det omgivande samhället under finska inbördeskriget 1918

This paper examines how the ideal of manhood is portrayed and constructed and how the participation of Swedish soldier volunteers are motivated and legitimatized. The purpose of this examination is to gain understanding and knowledge about the Swedish soldiers in the Swedish brigade, how they legitimatize and motivate their participation and how the ideal of manhood is portrayed and constructed. The study is based on material from the war archive in Stockholm. The empirical material is composed by letters and propaganda material. In the analysis of the empirical study, there have been two theories used which are Eric Hobsbawms historical method and theory about invented traditions and Peter Aronssons historical method and theory about ?historiebruk? and legitimacy.

Musikbranschens syn på folkbiblioteken. En aktör att räkna med?

This thesis explores the opinion of different participants in the music business regarding music being made available at the public libraries. The aim of the thesis is to answer the following questions; which are the most important issues concerning the distribution of music? How do the informants perceive the public libraries mission and activity in regard to make recorded music available? Which are the benefits/disadvantages with music being made available at public libraries? Seven qualitative, semi-structured interviews were conducted with representatives from the following organisations; SKAP (The Swedish Society of Popular Music Composers), FST (Society of Swedish Composers), SAMI (Swedish Artists and Musicians Interest Organisation) SMF (The Swedish Society of Musicians), SOM (Swedish Independent Musicproducers), IFPI (International Federation of the Phonographic Industry) and EMI Music Sweden. A study of literature and articles generated nine themes, which constitutes the frame of reference for the thesis. The result shows that several of the informants have not reflected upon the public library as an important actor when it comes to the distribution of music.

Man ville vara modern : En analys av modernistiska strömningar i svenska stumfilmsaffischer

Purpose of this essay is to conduct a style analysis of Swedish silent film posters with visual storytelling and cultural memory as a theoretical basis. Concepts such as design, color and technique are studied to highlight the historical context of Swedish silent film posters..

Svenska företag och den kinesiska byggboomen : En analys av strategier och skillnader i affärskultur

A positive aspect of globalization, from a western viewpoint, is the growing demand of advanced products in China and other developing countries. The construction industry is thriving in China and Swedish companies have taken part in various projects. However the situation have been difficult for some of the companies. The aim of this study is therefore to investigate how strategic and cultural factors affect the potential for Swedish companies to operate on the Chinese construction market. The theoretical framework of the study consists of Porter?s and Kotler?s theories about strategy, and Hofstede?s, Bjerke?s, and Daun?s research about different cultures.

Det svenska vetenskapliga biblioteksväsendet under 1950-talet

After W.W. II the Social democratic government wanted to modernize and rationalize the Swedish society. The university system was reformed[INS: :INS] to support growth of industry and science. But the reform did not reach Swedish academic library system and it was not well organized. The aim of this thesis is to analyze the reaction of the Swedish academic libraries to the new era in the framework of ideological criticism.

Vi får hoppas på det bästa : En studie om integration i skolan

The essay is about how immigrant pupils are integrated into the Swedish school and society. I have studied how teachers work with integrating these pupils and if there is a plan of act used in their work. The essay is also about how social relations can be used as a pedagogical resource by the teachers when the institutional framework and support is failing..

Medical and dental tourism : en studie om sjuk- och tandvårdsturismens drivkrafter bland svenskar

This essay concerns medical- and dental tourism. The main purpose with the essay was to study which factors that affects Swedish choices to seek medical- and dental care abroad and therefore reach an understanding for Swedish medical- and dental tourism to other countries. The aim has also been to try to reach an insight in how Swedish medical- and dental tourism might develop the future. The study is based on qualitative interviews with five officials who were well-grounded in the field. The theoretical framework concerned the need of travel, push- and pull factors, Maslow?s hierarchy of needs and the thinking about needs within business activities.

Dags att förändra den svenska utnämningspolitiken! En idéanalys

This paper discuss the possibilities to improve the Swedish political nomination system. It brings up some of the values and norms that can be used to change the existing system. Values as openness, the demand of responsibility and also if there is values from the American spoils system that can be used in the Swedish system. A minor purpose is to discuss the part of the parliament within the nomination process. To investigate this I have some theoretical starting points and a self constructed analysis tool.

Varför värdegrund? : En studie av skolans moraliska fundament

School and education are topics that are frequent in Swedish media. The intention of this essay has therefore been to investigate the image of teachers and their profession in Swedish daily press. The overall aim has been to analyze how teachers are portrayed in the debate that followed the TV-show Klass 9A, and by that find how the debate defines the concept of a good teacher. The representation that was found was then compared to earlier studies. The series was shown on Swedish television between January and March 2011.26 articles were chosen and the ambition was to have various perspectives represented, such as different voices and also papers from different areas of the country.

Automatiserad mätning av kroppstemperaturen hos kalvar

The aim of the project was to investigate if Swedish rodents, brown rat (Rattus norvegicus), house mouse (Mus musculus), wood mouse (Apodemus spp) and water vole (Arvicola terrestris) captured in pig herds and in urban areas, constitute a reservoir for pathogenic Leptospira spp. Under Swedish conditions leptospirosis gives rise to reproductive disorders in pigs and symptoms of flu in humans. It has long been established that rodents are chronic carriers of pathogenic leptospires in their kidneys, and can spread the bacteria with urine. The old nomenclature of serovoars is still in use, but a new system of genetic classification has developed and today the genus Leptospira contains 17 species. There are several diagnostic test developed for leptospirosis.

iPad som pedagogiskt verktyg i grundsärskolan : Några lärares beskrivningar av hur de arbetar med iPad i ämnet svenska

The aim of this study is investigating how some Elementary School teachers of special classes describe how they use iPad as an educational tool when teaching Swedish. To find out I have carried out an interview investigation. I have analyzed results using theoretical concepts from the sociocultural perspective, scaffolding and artefacts.The cummulative result shows that teachers describe that they practice linguistic consciousness and that pupils are trained in writing Swedish in this subject. Another result shows how all teachers describe that they work face-to-face with pupils using iPads in Swedish lessons. Further results show how teachers present possibilities of using iPad as an educational tool when teaching Swedish.

ÄTA-arbeten på Trafikverket

?ÄTA-work? (Changes, Supplementary and Retiring works) is more or less common in all construction projects whether it is about houses, roads or railways, in the planning stage, or in the construction stage. For the Swedish Transport Administration, which is the largest purchaser of infrastructure in Sweden, ÄTA-work is a hotter topic than ever.Economists and managers want to draw conclusions on the projects share ÄTA-work, while the project manager is concerned about whether it is possible to draw any conclusions at all as each project is unique in itself and has its own merits. There is a big variation in the amount of ÄTA-work in different geographic districts in the Swedish Transport Administration.This study shows that the Swedish Transport Administration does not have a unanimous approach regarding the management of ?ÄTA-work?.

Z Excursion : Spel-bidrag till Swedish Game Awards

This report describes my degree project. For my degree project I made a demo for a game idea that I've developed, and implemented for use with Xbox 360. The idea was about converting the feeling and gameplay of old 2D side-scrolling platform games into 3D, viewed from a first-person perspective. The Xbox 360 version of the demo was also submitted for the game competition Swedish Game Awards. In the report, I explain this idea more extensive, what software I used to implement it, and how I implemented it. Finally, at the end I clarify the results and discuss fulfilled tasks and future improvements.

Att styra eller leda - En studie av rollfördelningen mellan styrelse och VD i strategiutvecklingen i svenska börsnoterade företag

Who has the ownership of a company´s long-term strategy, and who should have it? Is it the board of directors or the senior management? Swedish law and regulations seemingly point in one direction, whereas the findings of studying the relationship between CEO and chairman of the board in eleven Swedish listed large- and mid-cap companies, point the other way. In a majority of the companies the senior management have the ownership of the long term strategy whilst the board of directors merely hold a control function. The possible effects on the companies managed as well as the rules and regulations they are managed according to, are analyzed..

100 % svenskt foder till mjölkkor :

As for today, a large quantity of protein feeds is imported from other countries to be used in the Swedish dairy production. The main import is soya from Brazil. The soya-production in Brazil results in negative consequences for the natural environment in the area, and the long transport of the feeds requires a lot of energy. The organic dairy production in Sweden is, with the highest probability going to be forced to use 100 % organic feed to the cows in the year 2005, due to new EU-rules. These are some of the causes why there are reasons to look closer at the possibilities to feed Swedish cows with only Swedish feeds. In this study, I have looked at the KRAV-rules for organic feeding, where the goal is feeding with only KRAV-approved feeds.

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