5376 Uppsatser om Svensson cost model - Sida 21 av 359
En grundläggande modell för att beskriva stadens ljudbild med utgångspunkt i dess rytm
The purpose of this essay is to state a fundamental model which can describe the sounds of the city, emphasizing on its rhythm. The essay is based on a theoretical study that deals with essential elements to describe a soundscape. The theories presented are founded on R. Murray Schafer's theses about soundscapes, Bert De Coensels theses about rhythmical sound patterns and Ambjörn Hugardts view on rhythm. The model that is presented stresses the importance of a multidisciplinary perspective when one attempts to understand and describe a soundscape.
En indirekt metod för adaptiv reglering av en helikopter
When a helicopter is flying, the dynamics vary depending on, for example, speed and position. Hence, a time-invariant linear model cannot describe its properties under all flight conditions. It is therefore desirable to update the linear helicopter model continuously during the flight. In this thesis, two different recursive estimation methods are presented, LMS (Least Mean Square) and adaptation with a Kalman filter. The main purpose of the system estimation is to get a model which can be used for feedback control.
Outsourcing - Ett alternativ att nå kostnadseffektiva lösningar
Background: outsourcing is one of the most obvious and continuous trends that has been able to study during the past ten years and also has had a strong development in the industry. What consequences will follow from an extended outsourcing? Purpose: the study?s overall purpose is to investigate what possibilities and risks that can be connected to an outsourcing decision and how the order of the service will handle the risks. The study will also investigate what management philosophy that will be used and regulate the outsourcing relation and how the company?s strategy will affect the decision and how the process of outsourcing will look like.
Lönsamheten vid nystart av slaktsvinsproduktion : en fallstudie
I have done a case-study about building a new stable for slaughter pigs at a farm close to Kalmar. The farm is able to supply the breeding with cereals and it has enough area to
spread the manure on. The most important factors to gain profit, is the cost for building
the stable, the price of the feeding-stuff and the growth of the pigs. The discount from
the slaughter-house was less important than I thought from the beginning, and it?s a
factor that is hard to influence.
With the new production of slaughter-pig and cattle that already exist on the farm, the
farm will get a well-functioned rotation of crops with lye and autumn rape as
HAVECA-modellen : En metod för att fortlöpande säkra ett internt nätverk mot tredjepart
This thesis will address a problem concerning availability of information systems at an enterprise within the financial sector and its external suppliers, so called trusted third party. The information system resides on the internal network of the enterprise and must be available to both employees of the enterprise and the trusted third party simultaneously. This contradicts the company policy which disallows third parties access to the internal network. The HAVECA-model introduced in this thesis provides a framework of methods, each solving a sub problem identified in the model. The identified methods are hardening, verification, control and assurance, together supplying a method for continuously securing the internal network against a trusted third party.
E-arkivering hos stadsarkiv : Mellanarkivslösning i sitt sammanhang
Digital preservation is a relatively new subject to Swedish archives. Alhough computers have been used for a long time, preservation has been made on paper and stored on shelves. These days a lot of cities in Sweden have investigated how to best secure the digital information for the future through electronic archiving, e-archives. One option is to hand in the information as soon as possible, but to let the producer keep the information ownership yet some time. The idea is to let the producers of the information answer questions and hand out material, since they are more competent on their field.
Kartläggning och effektivisering av ljuddämparflöde
In 2013 a new emission standard for heavy trucks was introduced and hence a number of new parts was brought in to Scania CV AB. This created a need for modifications in the silencers flow. The flow is highly complex involving several suppliers, call off methods and different models of silencers. The aim for this project was to improve the existing silencers flow. The flow, from supplier to assembling, has therefore been mapped.
Skönhet kommer från Photoshop - En studie om effekter av retuscherade modeller i reklam
There are widespread discussions about the use of retouched models in media, ranging from bloggers to legal decision-makers. Research shows that there are negative psychological effects on especially females being exposed to idealized, retouched model images. The purpose of this paper is to explore the effects of using retouched models in advertising from a marketing perspective, based on attitudes, perceived quality and purchase intentions.Based on theories about attractiveness, halo-effects and social comparison, an experimental study was done, investigating the different responses on above mentioned parameters to advertisements showing either retouched model images or non-retouched model images. Initially it was also tested if the retouched models were seen as more attractive than the non-retouched models. The results showed almost no differences between the reactions to the advertisements with retouched models compared to the advertisements with non-retouched models, when all respondent groups were analyzed together.
Dragkampen mellan svenska och kinesiska hitech-företag : En studie av två internationella mästarföretag inom telekombranschen
The aim of the study is on basis of Peters and Waterman?s factor of success, to examine the successful companies, Ericsson and Huawei, and to analyze the R&D and positioning strategies of the companies.To accomplish the study we have used a case study using interviews and annual reports to collect data. Three persons have been interviewed, two from Ericsson and one from Huawei. All annual reports from the year 2004 until 2011 have been reviewed.Our finding is that Ericsson and Huawei do not, according to Peters and Waterman?s model, fulfill all factors of success and their R&D strategy varies depending on the situation and which knowledge the company already possesses and needs.
Starta lärprocesser genom : En möjlighet för finansiärer att lära av utvecklingsprojekt
ABSTRACTThis paper aims to shed light to what extent a financier have learnt about sustainableorganizational change, through development projects taking part in the Swedish knowledgeFoundations program, ICT in Teacher?s training. Some questions asked were: Has theSwedish Knowledge Foundation learnt by researchers? and self evaluation?s ?stirring up? ofongoing projects? What type of learning process has been going on? Has new, mutual,knowledge been constructed or has already existing knowledge been transferred?The study consists of one participating observation and three interviews. They showhow the financed projects have been ?stirred up? so that a developmental learning process hasstarted within their organization.
Aktieindexobligationer : Småspararens Livbåt på Vägen mot Djupt Vatten?
The main purpose of the essay was to evaluate whether investments in index-linked bonds were suitable investments for smaller investors on the international finance market. To determine whether the index-linked bonds are good investments, the variables yield, cost and risk were used to measure the index-linked bonds against investments in stocks and funds. The reason for the interest in this subject is that investments in index-linked bonds have grown furiously the last few years. With the growth of the investments the criticism of index-linked bonds has also grown stronger. The critics? main point is the cost of the product, and they imply that investors can create their own index-linked bond and thereby avoid the bank fees.This study used a quantitative approach, because all the data of yield, cost and risk consist of numbers.
Vilket ursprung har nyheten som du läser i din lokaltidning? : - En fallstudie i lokaltidningsjournalistikens informationskällor och informationskanaler
AbstractTitle: Where does the news that you read in your localpaper come from? (Vilket ursprung har nyheten som du läser i din lokaltidning?)Number of pages: 45 (57 including enclosures)Author: Elin RantakokkoTutor: Göran SvenssonCourse: Media and Communication Studies 30 hpPeriod: Fall of 2007 University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala University Purpose/Aim: This paper has the aim to make a systematic survey of the information source and channels that local newspapers use. How much space they get in the paper and how the newspaper works with these sources and channels. The front pages of the newspaper are going to be compared with the insides of the newspaper. The reports roles in the making of news are also examined.Material/method: To be able to answer my questions I?m going to use three different methods.
Verksamhetsstyrning: Utrikesdepartementets personalbostäder
The purpose of this thesis is to find means of control that secure cost efficiency regarding the accommodation for the employees on missions abroad of the Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs. Today the ministry?s cost for the employees? rented housing is 100 million SEK and there is a need of improvement in the control of these costs. A work method for organizational development will be used in order to reach the findings presented in the thesis. First we study the strengths and weaknesses in today?s control system.
Användaracceptans vid systemimplementering.
Användaracceptans är en viktig del i alla systemutvecklingsprojekt och är också en väldigt lättpåverkad variabel för en lyckad implementering. Därför är det viktigt att ha översikt på sådana faktorer som kan påverka användaracceptansen negativt, en sådan faktor är försening. Denna uppsats belyser sammanhanget mellan hur en försening påverkar användaracceptansen. Genom att låta en undersökningsgrupp genomgå en enkät utformad efter Technology Acceptance Model har jag samlat upp en generaliserad åsikt. Resultaten visar att försening som variabel inte påverkar användaracceptansen för fallstudien..
Undersökning av avfallshantering i Stockholms innerstad
According to the European Union waste hierarchy, waste should first of all be minimized. Reuse and material and energy recycling come next. Lastly the waste should be thrown at the refuse tip. In the inner city of Stockholm waste handling can be done in various types of ways. The solutions vary as a result of the type of architecture of the building and its condition.