

68 Uppsatser om Sveaskog - Sida 1 av 5

Skötselförslag på utvalda nyckelbiotoper i Kalmar och Kronobergs län.

The objective of this study was to contribute with suggestions of nature preservation managements of selected forest objects of high nature values managed by the Swedish state-owned forest company Sveaskog. Many forests with high natural potential are relatively rare today due to modern forestry, where wood production is the main purpose. Sveaskog?s policy is to consider and to priority nature conservation on valuable objects. This assessment includes objects that in the future may develop into nature reserves.

Analys av mjuka faktorer som påverkar grotuttaget från hygge till avlägg inom Sveaskogs organisation

Biofuels are getting more important as EU plans to replace fossil fuels with renewable energy sources. Because of that Sveaskog has chosen to invest in developing the handling process of logging residue. The company has a joined organisation for handling both round wood and logging residue. They are also working at integrating the forwarding of the logging residue with the rest of the harvesting team. Sveaskog is currently extracting 44 % of the available amount of logging residue.

Trädslagsjämförelser på Omberg :

Det här examensarbetet är skrivet på C-nivå, inom ämnet skogshushållning på institutionen för Sydsvensk skogsvetenskap. Omfattningen är 10 poäng (15 hp), vilket motsvarar 10 veckors heltidsstudier. Handledare för arbetet har varit Ulf Johansson och Per Magnus Ekö, examinator var Eric Agestam. Studien handlar om skogliga försöksytor på Omberg i Östergötland. Bakgrunden till att jag valde att skriva det här arbetet är att skogarna på Omberg sedan låg tid tillbaka har varit föremål för skoglig forskning och försöksverksamhet. Redan i början av 1900-talet anlade dåvarande Statens Skogsförsöksanstalt de första skogliga försöksytorna där.

Kommunikation av hållbarhetsfrågor : Jämförande analys av hållbarhetsredovisningar från SCA och Sveaskog

The aim of this study is to find out if there is any difference between how a state-owned company and a publicly listed private company communicate its sustainability performance in its sustainability report. It also aims to find out if the communication regarding sustainability has changed over time. The poll was conducted in two Swedish companies, Sveaskog AB and AB SCA, operating in the forestry industry and through a quantitative content analysis, the companies' sustainability reports from 2005 and 2010 were examined. To get a result, the reports has been examined by the GRI framework (Global Reporting Initiative) and an assessment of the communication was made based on a scale of 0-3. The results has been evaluated based on stakeholder theory, legitimacy theory and the growing interest in CSR. The analyses found evidence that there is a link between the form of ownership of the company and how it communicates regarding sustainability.

Affärsupplägg biobränsle Västerbotten : en undersökning av större biobränsleanvändares syn på biobränslemarknaden i Västerbotten

The use of bio energy in Sweden has increased during the last few years and with every passing year, bio energy produces 3-4 TWh´s more energy than the previous year. The increase in the use of bio energy makes it an interesting prospect for forest companies to produce bio energy from the forest. Sveaskog has a fairly extensive bio energy programme, mainly in southern and middle Sweden. Their activity regarding bio energy in northern Sweden has been very restrictive or even non-existent. Because of this, during the winter of 2003-2004, Sveaskog initiated a number of degree projects with the purpose of looking at the use of bio energy in northern Sweden.

Skuggvävens effekt på fryslagrade täckrotsplantor av tall (Pinus sylvestris) i upptiningsstadiet :

This project was an assignment by Sveaskog and Svenska Skogsplantor. The purpose was to study the effect of protective fabric on the thawing stage of frozen pine seedlings. The function of the protective fabric is that it should protect the seedlings against strong sunlight and create an even temperature inside the boxes containing the seedlings. The result has shown that there was no statistically significant difference when the protective fabric was used or when it was not used, although this was probably due to the weather conditions. The study was carried out under cold and cloudy weather conditions and probably would have given other results if there had been more sunny days with a higher ambient temperature.

Sveaskogs möjligheter att utveckla trädbränsleverksamheten i Västerbotten och södra Norrland :

This final thesis is initiated by the wood fuel department at the Swedish forest company Sveaskog as part of a project which also involves two other final thesises. The overall goal of the project is to investigate Sveaskog´s possibilities to produce and sell different wood fuel assortments in Västerbotten and the southern parts of Norrland. The aim of this thesis is to investigate how much wood fuel Sveaskog can produce in the area during the next five years and what that would cost. Furthermore the thesis will investigate the total possible supply of wood fuel from all other possible producers in the area. Treated assortments are forest residues from final fellings, whole trees from direct wood fuel thinnings, non industrial wood and industrial by-products from sawmills. The main effort to investigate Sveaskog´s production possibilities has been made to calculate the possible annual amount of forest residues and fuel from wood fuel thinnings that can be produced.

Sveaskogs försäljning av skogsmark i Vilhelmina och Dorotea : målsättning och utfall ur ett glesbygdsperspektiv

Sveaskog AB har av sin ägare svenska staten fått i uppdrag att sälja 10 % av det markinnehav man hade 2002 i syfte att stärka enskilt jord- och skogsbruk. Detta för att det förväntas bli lättare för enskilda privatpersoner att få en utkomst i glesbygden. Syftet med studien var att granska försäljningsprocessen och vilka fastigheter som sålts. Köparna, deras motiv till köpet och hur det påverkat dem och omgivningen har också studerats. Nyckelpersoner inom Sveaskog intervjuades för att förstå försäljningsprocessen och vilka kriterier man hade för att välja områden till försäljning.

Vad tycker skogsägare om virkesinköpare och inköpsorganisationer? : utveckling av ett skogsbolags tjänster och köpverksamhet till privata skogsägare

The private forest owners play a key role in the supply of round wood to the Swedish forest industry. Today it is a keen competition between forest companies about the wood from private forest owners. In order to get access to the wood from the private forestry you need to be an attractive collaboration partner, who can offer long-term collaboration, service at top-level, and acting for good prices to the forest owners. This work aims at analysing the situation on the market today. It gives Sveaskog purchase department a good view of the forest owners? opinion in general about the existing purchase activities. Forestry service level and timber prices are determining factors for a successful relationship between forest company and forest owner.

Kapsprickor och avverkningsaggregat

This study was made for the Swedish forest company Sveaskog because the sawmills they delivered timber to had noticed a high frequency of bucking splits in their products. Coworker Jim Edström at Sveaskog also wanted to know if there was a big difference between different felling heads. The purpose with this study has been to find out the amount of bucking splits and if there is any felling head brand that did a bigger damage that the others. The study was made in two steps, where the first part was a literary review to find out results and conclusions in earlier studies. The best measuring method to check bucking splits was the known ?trissmetoden?.

Prognostisering av sortimentsutfall från stående skog med hjälp av befintliga data : anpassat till Sveaskog Norrbottens planeringsprocess

This study in the subject of forest planning is made for Sveaskog and its aim is to develop tools that prognosticate outcome in terms of volumes per sort from not yet cut forest stands. The degree of detail is just to get reliable results for at least one months volumes, for Sveaskogs own forestland in the market region of Norrbotten that is about 100 000 m3fub. The course of action to accomplish this is regression analysis and the data consists of cut tracts on own forestland in Norrbotten during the years 2006, 2007 and 2008. That is a little more than 4 million m3fub. Two tools were made.

Betalningsplaner vid virkesköp : förutsättningar, möjligheter och risker

För att den svenska skogsindustrin även fortsättningsvis skall kunna bidra positivt till den svenska ekonomin så är virkesförsörjning till industrierna kritisk. Den svenska skogen ägs till 50 procent av privata skogsägare (Skogsstyrelsen, 2012). Detta ger dessa en viktig roll i den svenska virkesförsörjningen då privata skogsägare utgör en stor del av marknadens virkesutbud. En skogsägares beslut om avverkning kan styras av olika mål, några av dessa är (Bertholdsson et. al., 2012): ? Rekreation och jakt ? Känslan av att äga skog ? God långsiktig avkastning ? God kortsiktig avkastning En skogsägare som styrs av känslan av att äga skog kan vara motvillig till att avverka då detta kan förändra just den känslan som skogsägare har.

Rätt från skogsbruket: En fallstudie enligt DMAIC vid Sveaskog

Människan står inför en rad olika miljöproblem och skogen spelar en central roll som ett hållbart alternativ. Detta ställer i sin tur krav på skogsindustrin att leverera produkter till konkurrenskraftiga priser. För att göra skogsindustrins produkter attraktiva krävs ett starkt skogsbruk som kan tillgodose industrin med de råvaror den behöver i form av timmer och massaved. Sågverken är idag utsatta av hård global konkurrens och har därigenom behövt anpassa och effektivisera sin produktion vilket således ställt nya krav på skogsbruket. Skogsbruket klarar i dagsläget inte av att fullt nå sågverkens längdkrav på grund av en alltför stor längdvariation på kapade stockar.

Askgödsling och dess lämplighet i torvmarksskogar tillhörande Sveaskog Förvaltnings AB : en litteraturstudie

During whole-tree harvesting, there is a risk that the soil will become impoverished of nutrients. To prevent this, nutrients are returned to the harvested site as wood ash. This action also reduces the risk of soil acidification. Nevertheless, the ash does not result in any increase of tree growth if it is added on mineral soils, which is where the measure is most commonly used in Sweden. Due to the lack of growth response, the interest from landowners is small, which is why ash amendment today is not done enough to compensate for the need.

Besökarstudie i Kilsbergens rekreationsområden : en metod för att utveckla rekreationsmöjligheter på Sveaskogs marker

In this Master thesis an effective method is presented to find out what is requested in a forest or outdoor recreation. The aim with the study is to find out how Sveaskog can increase the general interest for experiences in nature and improve the access for recreation. Some questions that have been used to answer this purpose are: Who is visiting/not visiting the recreation area? How is it possible to increase the number of visits? The study is carried out in Kilsbergen and mainly centered around Ånnaboda, which is the natural place for people to meet at and undertake recreational activities. The method that is used is a mail-survey that was sent to visitors and people living in Örebro. People living in Örebro represent potential visitors who live close to the recreation area.

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