

195 Uppsatser om Surprise attack - Sida 11 av 13

Den svenska generalstaben som lärande organisation : kunskapsutvecklingen avseende strid om befästa ställningar under första världskriget

The intention of this essay is to study the Swedish General Staff as a learning organisation during the period of 1914-1918 based on the theoretical work developed by the philosopher Bertil Rolf. Previous international research on the Prussian/German General Staff has shown that it is considered to be the first learning organisation in history. The Swedish General Staff was based on the German General Staff model and the focus of this study is to compare the development the tactics in Germany and Sweden regarding defence and attack in trench warfare. The questions are: How were the possibilities for gathering and analysing informa-tion affected by the war? Which conclusions were made for trench warfare in Swedish conditions? What experiences from the war and exercises in Swedish army were implemented in manuals and training?The conclusion of the study is that the Swedish General Staff was functioning as a learning organisation during the WWI through the ability to follow the international development, mainly in the Central Powers, and by modifying the experiences to the prevailing Swedish strategic and tactical conditions.

Kvinnors upplevelse av sin kroppsbild och sexualitet efter mastektomi : en litteraturstudie

Bakgrund: Bröstcancer är den främst förekommande cancerformen som drabbar kvinnor i Sverige. Den primära behandlingsmetoden vid sjukdomen utgörs av kirurgi, varav i vissa fall hela bröstkörteln måste opereras bort via så kallad mastektomi. Tidigare forskning har åskådliggjort att förlusten av ett bröst kan påverka kvinnors kroppsbild och sexualitet. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att beskriva hur kvinnor med bröstcancer upplever kroppsbild och sexualitet efter att ha genomgått mastektomi. Metod: Studien är en allmän litteraturstudie baserad på 10 kvalitativa artiklar och en kvantitativ.

Publika trådlösa nätverk : Man-in-the middle attacker och skydd

Åtkomst till internet via trådlösa nätverk ses som en självklarhet för användare med tillgång till mobil, dator eller annat typ av utrustning som kan skicka eller mottaga datatrafik. Det har gjort att utvecklingen samt tillgängligheten av trådlösa nätverk har blivit mer utbredd. Antingen via privatpersonens egna hem, via sin arbetsplats eller skola samt företag som bedriver tillfälliga boende som hotell, café eller andra platser som erbjuder internet via sitt privata nätverk. Med den ökade tillgängligheten ökar även säkerhetsrisken för användaren antingen från yttre hot där användare vill få tillgång till andra användares data eller direkt attack från ägaren av nätverket. Användare kan känna sig säkra med de skydd som finns tillgängliga som exempel antivirus och brandvägg men i och med att ansluta till ett publika nätverk kan en rad nya säkerhetshot uppstå i former av man-in-the middle attacker mot användaren.

Kejsarens fula sköld : Kamikaze, kristendom och hotet mot hemlandet i Hayashi Ichiz?s efterlämnade skrifter

The purpose of this thesis is to analyze the writings of Hayashi Ichiz?, a Christian from southern Japan who on the 30th of May 1945 died while carrying out a kamikaze attack against Allied ships outside Okinawa. Hayashi?s writings, most notably his diary and some of the letters he sent to his mother, have been published posthumously by his sister in a volume called Hi nari tate nari. In this thesis, I conduct an in-depth analysis of these writings in an attempt to understand for what Hayashi died.In the two parts of the thesis, divided by two major themes in Hayashi?s writings ? faith/family and nation/emperor, I discuss his thoughts around these issues.

Karolinsk Stridstaktik : artilleriets och pikens roll 1700-1712 samt bataljonens stridsformering

From a new perspective, this paper will examine the artillery and the pike role in the period 1700-1712 and the battalion´s battle formation in the Caroline combat tactics. Carolinian battle tactics were practiced during the period 1700-1721. The results from my study will be compared to existing research opinion regarding the selected subject areas, if the result confirms the thesis or question the existing research opinion. The source material used consists of eyewitness accounts from the period consisting of diaries, memoir, biography, general muster rolls and historical literature covering the subject. The analysis shows that the Caroline artillery took part in 12 battles during the period of 1700-1712.

Smart plombering och märkning

The background for this degree thesis is a need to replace the existing seal used to protect equipment containing secret or sensitive equipment used by Swedish Defence. The target design should satisfy both the need for tamper evidence and reduce Life Cycle Cost. In developing a new design for a seal, additional benefits such as improved logistics support and indication of attack methods such as heat and solvents have been considered.The lack of guiding principles for end users of seals became evident during the interviews. Major concerns for the future are education of users, information about actions if a seal is broken and user liability.The design work was divided into several phases. A feasibility study was performed including investigation of theory of labels, materials and possible technologies.

Upplevelser av hjärtinfarkt hos kvinnor i det akuta skedet: En litteraturstudie

Sjukdomar i hjärtats kranskärl och dess komplikationer förorsakar 23% av alla dödsfall hos kvinnor i Sverige där akut hjärtinfarkt ensam står för 6% av fallen. Atypiska och diffusa symtom är en av orsakerna till att kvinnor med hjärtinfarkt inte alltid kommer till sjukhus i tid. Syftet med denna litteraturstudie är att belysa kvinnors upplevelser av hjärtinfarkt i det akuta skedet. Vi vill även få klarhet i varför kvinnor ofta väntar med att söka vård och dessutom riskerar att inte bli tagna på allvar. Vi har valt metod i form av en litteraturstudie där vi analyserar kvalitativ forskning som bygger på nio vårdvetenskapliga artiklar.

Att skapa en motkultur : En religionspsykologisk undersökning av Livets Ord som religiös minoritet i en sekulär kulturell kontext

In this textual analysis I have examined the book Att följa Jesus by Ulf Ekman and information from Word of Life's official website. The aim of this study is to see how a religious leader is shaping the identity of the groups members after a certain pattern that differs from the surrounding, secular society. The research focus  of this essay includes several aspects:  how a culture is formed in a religious minority in contrast to the prevailing cultural context; how the material can be explained by Paul Pruyser?s theory on the psychological worlds; how what Ulf Ekman writes about distinguishing themselves from the environment differs from how other religious minority groups distinguish their identity;  and,  how the psychological world, expected behavior, and context of Word of Life can be structured by Valerie DeMarinis? model of assessment. I have placed Word of Life in a realistic illusionistic world developed from Paul Pruyser?s theory of psychological worlds.

Pilotmodeller till flygmekanisk simulator för JAS 39 Gripen

AbstractSAAB has for a long time used user controlled pilot models in ARES. ARES is a simulation tool used in the desktop environment for simulations and calculations of the JAS 39 Gripen fighter and other aircraft. ARES stands for ?Aircraft Rigid body Engineering Simulation?. To work with these pilot models has been both time-consuming and inefficient.

Ubåtar på piratjakt : Är ubåt typ Gotland en potent plattform i en internationell kontext med asymmetriska hot?

Världen är i ständig förändring, så även de krig och konflikter som utkämpas. Aktörerna utgörs inte längre enbart av nationer utan innefattas även ickestatliga aktörer. År 2000 utsattes amerikanska fartyget USS Cole för en asymmetrisk attack, där en ickestatlig aktör, genom asymmetrisk krigföring, åsamkade stor skada med relativt ringa medel. Denna typ av krigföring och hot är någonting relativt nytt inom den marina arenan. Uppsatsen syftar till att undersöka om ubåt typ Gotland är en potent plattform att nyttja vid en internationell insats med asymmetrisk hotbild.

Nyttjande av JAS 39 inom ramen för RMA-konceptet : JAS 39 en kvarleva från kalla kriget - eller ett språng in i framtiden

Diskussionerna om att ersätta flygplan 37 ?Viggen? startade 1980, mitt under det kalla kriget. Det nya flygplanssystemet skulle ha förmåga att kunna verka i de tre rollerna, jakt, attack och spaning. Efter utvärderingar och studier beslutade man 1982 att ?Viggen? systemet skulle ersättas med ett svenskt JAS 39 system.

Gräfsnäs dolda skatter

This paper examines how to use different kinds of source material for building surveys. The studyexamines how to use legends, construction archaeological surveys and Ground Penetrating Radar(GPR) as source material, and use them against each other to ensure the reliability they have.As a starting point I used Gräfsnäs castle ruin in Alingsås, Sweden, as an example. Gräfsnäs castlewas probably built in the Middle Ages and was rebuilt through the ages until it became a ruin in thelate 1800s. The castle ruin is today Alingsås most visited attraction.The investigation has focused on three areas which are located in the very ruin; rescue tunnels, thecellar vault and the treasure.There are legends that describe how the castle lord of Gräfsnäs fled an attack of the Danes in 1612 ina rescue tunnel which ended at the beach. At the construction archaeological surveys carried out in1935-36 they found a sewer in the courtyard that was once served as rescue tunnel and ended in themoat.

Järnåldersgården som försvann : En studie av produktion, tafonomi och brända ben från möddingen vid gården Långåker från romersk järnålder

This bachelor-level thesis in historical osteology deals with several aspects of the life-cycle of an RomanIron Age farm in southern Scania. Excavated in the 1980's by Lars Larsson, the farm was located near aplace called Långåker in the Dybäck area, on a cape which stretched out into a minor bog. Our work concerns why the Iron Age people settled the area, how well fragmented bone survives in a bog, what they produced at the farm and how life on the farm finally ended. From the roughly 10 % of the total number of fragments we where able to identify we can conclude, that he species that are present of the farm areusual Iron Age species (dog, sheep/goat, cattle and swine). We also have a relitivly large number of wildanimals in our material (2%).

Kastanjemalen Cameraria ohridella : livscykel och utbredning i Sverige 2006

Cameraria ohridella, the chest-nut leaf miner, is a new pest in Sweden. These moths make leaf mines on chest-nut trees, preferably on Aesculus hippocastanum, which results in brown blotches on the foliage and early loss of leaves. Since the first observation in Macedonia in 1985 it has spread rapidly through Europe. The moth arrived in Sweden in 2003 when it was observed in Malmö and surrounding areas. In this paper a literature study describes the morphology and life cycle of the chest-nut leaf miner. Further more a test with pheromone traps examining the number of generations in Sweden is shown.

Kvinnors upplevelser efter hjärtinfarkt

Background: Myocardial infarction is the most frequent cause of death in Sweden. Previous research has indicated large gender differences as regards the type of care received by the patient. Aim: The aim of the literature review was to describe women?s experiences after myocardial infarction. Methods: A literature review based on eleven qualitative articles was performed.

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