

389 Uppsatser om Surgical wound infection - Sida 16 av 26

Patienters upplevelser av bemötande vid postoperativ smärta - efter knä eller höftledsarthroplastikPatients experiences of nursing interaction in the context of postoperative pain - after knee or hiparthroplasty

Elective joint surgery increases for every year and the operations are associated with postoperative pain. Postoperative pain is a well known phenomenon and pain physiology and analgesics are well known by caregivers, but the significance of the interaction between patient and caregiver is not illuminated. There are still patients experiencing unnecessary postoperative pain. Among patients in elective surgery, 25% runs a risk for underestimated pain. The aim of the study was to describe patient?s experiences of nursing interaction in the context of postoperative pain during hospitalisation after going through knee- or hiparthropasty.

Refugia som metod för att minska utvecklingen av anthelmintikaresistens hos får

Anthelmintic resistance is a major problem in sheep husbandry all over the world. One way toslow down the development of anthelmintic resistance is to keep part of the parasitepopulation in refugia (unexposed to drugs) which will maintain the genes for susceptibilitywithin the population. Climate, type of parasite and drenching regimes effect the size of therefugia. Dilution of resistant with susceptible parasites, targeted treatment and targetedselective treatment are all management strategies that employ refugia. Dilution is possible butcomplicated.

Patienters upplevelser av bemötande vid postoperativ smärta - efter knä eller höftledsarthroplastik Patients experiences of nursing interaction in the context of postoperative pain - after knee or hiparthroplasty

Elective joint surgery increases for every year and the operations are associated with postoperative pain. Postoperative pain is a well known phenomenon and pain physiology and analgesics are well known by caregivers, but the significance of the interaction between patient and caregiver is not illuminated. There are still patients experiencing unnecessary postoperative pain. Among patients in elective surgery, 25% runs a risk for underestimated pain. The aim of the study was to describe patient?s experiences of nursing interaction in the context of postoperative pain during hospitalisation after going through knee- or hiparthropasty.

Varför sviktar elevers intresse för matematiki de högre åldrarna? : Vilka faktorer ger elever motivationoch lust att lära matematik?

Drinking water is produced from raw water and is either from groundwater or surface water. This thesis aims to find out if the cleaning process of raw water is sufficiently effective. This is important because consumers are otherwise at risk of waterborne infection caused by pathogens. There are three groups of pathogens; bacteria, virus and parasite. These have different characteristics which mean that they require different water treatment to be separated.

The potential of entomopathogenic fungal isolates as an environmentally friendly management option against Acanthoscelides obtectus

The bean bruchid, Acanthoscelides obtectus is a major threat to bean production. In Ethiopia, where this study was performed, the damage by bruchids on stored beans has been reported to reach up to 38%. To use the isolates Beauveria bassiana and Metarhizium anisopliae in the management of A. obtectus can be an environmentally safe alternative for controlling the pest. In the present work the aim was to examine if the four chosen fungal isolates, B.

Comparison between anesthesia with sufentanil-midazolam and sevoflurane in medetomidine premedicated rabbits undergoing ovariohysterectomy

Rabbits carry a high risk of anesthesia related death. This study was part of a project to develop a form of total intravenous anesthesia (TIVA) with minimal effects on cardiac, respiratory and metabolic parameters. In the study, TIVA with sufentanil and midazolam (group TIVA, n=9) was compared with inhalation anesthesia with sevoflurane (group SEVO, n=9) in female rabbits undergoing surgery (ovariehysterectomi). All rabbits were pre-medicated with medetomidin and carprofen before anesthesia induction. Anesthesia was induced with TIVA (2.3 ?g/ ml sufentanil, 0.45 mg/ ml midazolam) at a rate of 4 ml/ kg/ h and the mean induction dose was 0.4 ?g/ kg of sufentanil and 0.1mg/ kg of midazolam.

Prisskillnader i fastighetstransaktioner

In today?s technological society, there are increasingly less physical demands on the locomotor system. However, despite that notion strength and function in the hand?s complex biomechanical system are in fact both needed to cope with daily life. The grip function is a main function in the hand and is used in many examples of scientific research, for instance when assessing physical health and predicting the probabilities of premature mortality.

Sjuksköterskors attityder till handskar. En empirisk studie om att använda handskar i vården där det kan förekomma risk för blodsmitta.

Sjuksköterskor har flera arbetsuppgifter som innebär en möjlig kontakt med patienters blod och risk för en blodsmitta. Enligt föreskrifter från Arbetsstyrelsen ska handskar användas av vårdpersonal för att förebygga smitta. Trots dessa föreskrifter varierar användningen av handskar bland sjuksköterskor. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka sjuksköterskors attityder till att använda handskar i vården där risk för blodsmitta kan förekomma. En empirisk studie med kvalitativ ansats genomfördes.

Patienters upplevelse av utskrivning till hemmet från en dagkirurgisk enhet : En intervjustudie

Syfte: Att beskriva dagkirurgiska patienters upplevelse av att bli utskrivna hem samma dag efter operation utförd i generell anestesi. Metod: Kvalitativ intervjustudie med induktiv ansats. Elva patienter som har opererats via en handkirurgisk mottagning i mellersta Sverige har intervjuats utifrån en semistrukturerad intervjuguide. Sju kvinnor och fyra män i åldrarna mellan 28-71 år har deltagit i studien. Innehållsanalys användes för analys av materialet.

Alternativa metoder för avhorning av kalv : teknik och behandlingseffekt, samt utvärdering av postoperativ smärta med användning av NSAID

In this study, cortisol in saliva and pain related behaviours in calves were used as markers of distress when comparing two different dehorning methods; scoop or cautery. We also investigated the effect of a non steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID), meloxikam, on postoperative distress after dehorning with either dehorning scoop or cautery iron. Twenty calves were dehorned on one randomly chosen side by scoop method and on the other side by cautery. Five months later, the effect on horn growth was investigated. Horn production was observed in seven of the calves.

Förekomst av Giardia i symtomfria valpkullar :

The flagellate Giardia intestinalis has been known to cause diarrhea in both man and dog. Results from epidemiological studies have indicated that transmission of the parasite from dog to man is plausible even though that route of infection has yet to be shown. Several international studies have shown that the parasite frequently occurs in asymptomatic dogs. In Sweden the prevalence of Giardia in healthy dogs is not known though. In this study, faecal samples were collected at two separate occasions from 21 litters and 21 bitches showing no symptoms from the gastrointestinal tract. The samples from each litter were pooled but the samples from the bitches were analyzed individually.

Analys av dricksvattenrening med metoderna Mikrobiologisk riskanalys (MRA) och God desinfeksjonspraksis (GDP)

Drinking water is produced from raw water and is either from groundwater or surface water. This thesis aims to find out if the cleaning process of raw water is sufficiently effective. This is important because consumers are otherwise at risk of waterborne infection caused by pathogens. There are three groups of pathogens; bacteria, virus and parasite. These have different characteristics which mean that they require different water treatment to be separated.

Följsamhet till riktlinjer för handhygien hos hälso och sjukvårdspersonal : en litteraturstudie

Introduction: Good hand hygiene practice is the single most important measure to reduce the spread of bacteria and viruses in healthcare. For nurses, this has become more important as the spread of multidrug-resistant bacteria in hospitals is increasingObjective: To identify factors that are important for adherence to hand hygiene among health care workers with patient contact.Method: Systematic literature review. Original articles were searched in PubMed and Cinahl.Results: Factors of importance for compliance was profession, lack of time, knowledge/education, physical work environment, attitudes toward hand hygiene, and dry hands.Conclusion: More education, less workload and more visible placement of hand disinfectant containers are examples of actions that could lead to the improvement of staff hand hygiene and reduce the incidence of healthcare associated infections. Due to the fact that health care workers around the world have different training and approaches, the result of this study may be difficult to use. To increase adherence to hand hygiene, a similar study limited to a specific country, such as Sweden, would therefore be interesting to carry through.Keywords: hand hygiene, Infection Control, Compliance..

Antibiotikaresistens - djursjukskötarens roll i att förhindra spridningen

There are several different kinds of bacteria that has developed resistance against the antibiotic agents used in todays medicine. Most of them has evolved from the human health care but several of them has gone over to also cause problems in the animal health care. They often occur as nosocomial infections and the greatest risk of exposure to them is during health care. Since infections with a resistant bacterium can be difficult to treat, it is desirable to prevent this spread, especially since an animal treated in a hospital often is more susceptible to infection, due to their primary condition. In Sweden the current resistance situation is good and is yearly monitored by the Swedish Veterinary Antimicrobial Resistance Monitoring (SVARM) programme.

Samarbetet på operationssalen : personalens uppfattning om främjande och hindrande faktorer

Bakgrund: Inom hälso-och sjukvården har samarbete vuxit fram som en organisationsform. Kunskap om hur vårdpersonal uppfattar samarbete är värdefullt för en fortsatt utveckling av organisationen och för att säkra god vård. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka undersköterskans, anestesisjuksköterskans och operationssjuksköterskans uppfattning av samarbetet på operationssalen samt vilka främjande och hindrande faktorer som påverkade samarbetet. Metod: Som metod valdes en deskriptiv design med kvantitativa data. Ett frågeformulär har använts för att uppnå syftet med studien.

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