1057 Uppsatser om Surgical Safety Checklist - Sida 3 av 71
Ren hud : En litteraturstudie om hur omvårdnadsåtgärden hudförberedelse har betydelse för postoperativa sårinfektioner
Postoperative site infections are the second most common health care associated infection in Sweden. Surgical procedures can lead to postoperative site infection causing great suffer for the patient and an extended care time with an increased cost as a result. In preparation for surgery, it is important that the skin is well prepared with antiseptics to decrease the risk of postoperative site infection. The purpose with this study was to shed light upon the skin preparation before surgery and its significance to postoperative site infection. Ten scientific articles have been scrutinized and compiled and two themes have been identified ? the preoperative and the intraoperative skin preparation.
Om man bygger dörren för liten kommer ingen in: En kvalitativ studie av tillgängligheten på folkbibliotekens webbplatser
The Internet has played an important role for libraries giving them a means of fulfilling their democratic mission of giving equal access to everyone, including people with disabilities. In order to achieve this it is of the utmost importance that they ensure that their web sites are accessible. In this masters thesis we have examined to what extent the web sites are accessible. The thesis is based on theories of human-computer interaction, information architecture, pedagogy and a checklist. The checklist is derived from established international guidelines from W3C, which has been adapted to, and is used by Swedish public authorities to achieve the mission of a ?24-hour authority?.
Förekomsten av systematiskt säkerhetsarbete och riskhantering i skolan : En studie av respektive utbildningsplaner för lärare och rektorer
AbstractThe Swedish school is the biggest place of work in the country. Statistics about the Swedish school shows that both students and teachers work in an environment who has elements of violations, threats and violence, and study environments where many students do not feel they have a study environment during class. The purpose with this study has been to investigate if teachers and principals is given the right conditions in their respective educations to pursue their professional profession to achieve the objectives of the goals with the systematic safety and work environment of the school's safety concerns. The study has been designed as an investigation about respective educations syllabus and has been examined by the presence about systematic safety and knowledge about work environment law in respective courses. The examination about respective educations syllabus has been done by a qualitative content analysis.
Psykosocial arbetsmiljö och säkerhetsklimat: en explorativ studie på mindre flygplatser i Sverige
The aim of this paper is to examine the psychosocial work environment and safety culture in minor Swedish airports. The purpose is also to investigate the relationships between these two. The paper deals with theories regarding psychosocial work environment, organizational culture and safety as well as safety culture and safety climate. The participants are air traffic controllers working in minor airports in Sweden. The psychosocial work environment was measured with Copenhagen psychosocial questionnaire (COPSOQ) and the safety culture with the safety culture assessment questionnaire (SCAQ).
Barnsäkerhet på förskolan : en kvalitativ jämförelsestudie
The purpose of the present study has been to investigate the attitudes of personell involved in the preschoolorganisation in a Swedish commune regarding injury risks for children in pre-school. Sixrespondents were interviewed in a qualitative interview study.Two different pre-school units were investigated, and it was found that they had surprisingly largedifferences in how they were working with children safety. However, in summary it can be said that therespondents perceived that child safety should encompass a safe and secure environment, however withthe important caveat that accidents can never be completely excluded, due to the natural anddevelopmentally important play of children.The investigated commune and pre-school units improved children safety mainly by using yearlyplanning meetings (Sw. "barnskyddsrond") where the physical environment in the school wasinvestigated together with external specialists. However, there are important differences in how the unitsworked within this framework, some units actively encouraging and others discouraging children andparent participation in the work..
Total hälseneruptur: Resultat efter operativ respektive konservativ behandling.
ABSTRACTBackground: On behalf of the Orthopedic clinic, Västerås, a study has been conducted with focus on comparing the results after conservative and surgical treatment due to complete achillestendon rupture.Aim: To compare results when testing the active and passive range of motion, calf muscle endurance, estimation of pain related to the achillestendon and self-efficacy to be physically active for individuals who have undergone conservative or surgical treatment after complete achillestendon rupture.Method: 14 individuals afflicted by complete achillestendon rupture in 2010 were recruited as a purposive sample. Examination were conducted of: Ankle range of motion with a goniometer, calf muscle endurance through a toe-raise test, estimation of pain intensity related to the achillestendon by VAS and self-efficacy to be physically active through ?Exercise self-efficacy scale?. P-value and the median were calculated.Result: The results of ankle range of motion and calf muscle endurance were based on the difference between the injured and the healthy side. When testing active plantarflexion the conservative group had a median of 4 ? and the surgical group had a median of 10 ?.
Framtagning av prototyp för att läsa och dokumentera kundspecifikationer
To increase the quality in their products ABB is working towards a cleared order concept. That means that all customer specified options are to be known before they start with order calculations and construction. As it is today they use paper checklists to achieve this. One order may have several reactors, and for a reactor there can be several different alternatives. For each alternative a new checklist must be filled out.As of today all reading of the customer specification and checklist fill in with is done by hand by different persons, and sometimes the same data is read more than one time.
Vaccinering mot galtlukt ? ett alternativ till obedövad kirurgisk kastrering av smågris
In 2012, about 1.3 million boars were surgically castrated, most of them without anaesthesia. Castration is performed to avoid the occurrence of boar taint and aggressive and sexual behaviour. There is a growing concern about the welfare of the piglets and the Swedish Board of Agriculture is working to find efficient and functional alternatives to castration without anaesthesia. The aim of this study was to obtain an overall picture of the latest research about the alternatives to castration without anaesthesia, with focus on vaccination against boar taint, and how they affect the welfare of the pigs.
The alternative methods that are available today are surgical castration with anaesthesia and/or analgesia, rearing entire males and vaccination against boar taint.
Patientsäkerhet ur ett vårdvetenskapligt perspektiv - en begreppsanalys
Bakgrund: Nästan var tionde patient i den svenska somatiska sjukhusvården drabbas av envårdskada (1). Ungefär 50% av dessa sker i samband med kirurgiskt ingrepp (2). När patientergenomgår ett kirurgiskt ingrepp förväntar de sig att få en säker vård. Men vad innebäregentligen begreppet patientsäkerhet?Syfte: Syftet med arbetet var att göra en analys av begreppet patientsäkerhet ur ettvårdvetenskapligt perspektiv och i samband med kirurgiskt ingrepp.Metod: I arbetet har en begreppsanalys gjorts av begreppet, enligt Walker och Avants modell.
Seeking Safety som behandling vid PTSD : En single case studie i psykiatrisk öppenvård
Denna single case studie, med multipel baslinjemätning över beteenden, utvärderade huruvida frekvensen traumarelaterade undvikandebeteenden minskade vid 12 sessioners behandling under 6 veckor med Seeking Safety (en behandlingsmanual med copingstrategier för PTSD och samtidigt missbruk), hos patienter med PTSD som inte bedömts lämpliga/redo att direkt börja traumafokuserad KBT. Därutöver utvärderades huruvida behandling med Seeking Safety, kunde öka villigheten att genomgå traumafokuserad KBT. 4 patienter deltog i studien varav 3 fullföljde behandlingen. Resultaten visade en svag tendens i riktning med hypoteserna, men studiens resultat i sin helhet ger ej stöd för behandlingens effekt hos patientgruppen. Av denna studie går ej att utläsa huruvida behandling med Seeking Safety kan leda till minskning av traumarelaterade undvikande-beteenden..
Postoperativ smärta efter kirurgisk abort
Pain is common among women undergoing first trimester surgical abortions. At the postoperative unit, department of gynaecology, University Hospital, Uppsala, the goal is that 80 % of the women should rate pain as £ 3 on a numeric rating scale (NRS), when leaving the unit.The aim of the study was to investigate how rating was performed at the unit and to investigate patient?s perceptions of pain after having undergone first trimester surgical abortion.20 patients (74%) participated in the study. Ninety percent of the patients rated their pain as NRS £ 3 when leaving the unit. Seven patients (35 %) rated their pain as NRS > 3 directly after operation, and 2 (10 %) patients NRS > 3 when leaving the unit.
Ständig förbättring av en säkerhetskultur inom stålindustrin : En kvalitativ studie utav bruksmentalitet, säkerhet och kulturella betingelser
This master thesis concerns the occupational safetyenvironment at Outokompu Stainless, Avesta Work.The study is of a sociotechnical approach wherehumans are involved and interconnected in the samesystem with technology and organisation. In order toreach the corporation?s goal of zero accidents with losttime injury, the work of improving and maintainoccupational safety and health has to regard behaviourand cultural aspects. The aim of this study is todescribe the safety culture at a specific production unitand research what work which has to be done in orderto change and improve the safety culture at AvestaWork.There are several opportunities for improvementpointed out in this paper and here are some mainresults presented. First and foremost, the concern ofsafety among blue-collar is often secondary due toproduction.
HACCP-Implementering och tillsyn
The food-safety legislation in Sweden were changed and updated in 1996, much because of demands from the European Union for a common legislation regarding the food-safety issues in the EU. This report discusses how the Swedish authorities are dealing with the new legislation in Sweden. Further on the report presents how the food safety officers in the municipalities in Sweden are implementing this new legislation in their daily work, especially the requirements regarding the HACCP, Hazard Analysis Control and Checkpoints. The report shows that the implementation is quite slow and that many foodsafety-officers don?t implement the legislation in the same way all over the country.
Utvärdering av kirurgisk behandling vid organiska stämbandsförändringar hos barn
In Sweden surgical treatment of vocal fold lesions in children is fairly uncommon. At Falun hospital they have adapted a more generous attitude towards phonosurgery of children?s vocal folds. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate surgical treatment of organic vocal fold lesions in children and to assess the phonosurgical patient utility. The study was carried out at the Ear-, Nose- and Throat clinic, Falun hospital, Sweden.
Att förmedla trygghet : En studie om distriktssköterskor och derasrelation till patienter
Background One of the main demands on Swedish and global health care in general is to meet the patient?s need for safety. By general health care law this also comprises district nurses? field of responsibility. Although there are numerous studies describing the concept of safety and its different shapes, no research could be found exploring how safety is, or supposed to be, mediated by district nurses? in a Swedish context.