1057 Uppsatser om Surgical Safety Checklist - Sida 13 av 71
Operationspersonalens val av hårskydd ? en enkätstudie
Bakgrund: Hårskyddet är ett viktigt element för att kunna upprätthålla en aseptisk miljö vid en operation. Men dess betydelse verkar inte uppmärksammas tillräcklig noga och inga undersökningar gällande hårskyddet som barriärskydd, har författaren inte kunna få fram. Syftet: Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka operationspersonalens motiv till val av hårskydd vid olika typer av operationer. Metod: En empirisk studie med kvantitativ ansats, strukturerade frågeformulär och deduktiva analysmetoder användes vid denna studie. Resultat: Studien visar att det som mest har påverkat deltagarna vid val av hårskydd, är komforten och närheten till operationssåret.
Belåning av aktier : har riskerna underskattats?
Investors? use borrowing as a way to profit from leverage advantages in their portfolios.When investors borrow with their securities as safety for the loan and the value of thesecurities decrease the investor can get a portfolio with more credit than what is covered bythe value of the securities and risk huge losses. To what extent an investor is allowed toborrow with his portfolio as safety depends on the bank or broker and varies between theproviders. By studying available material and in addition to that making an empirical study Iattempt to find out the reason for the varying degrees of leverage possibilities between thebrokers and how the degree of maximum borrowing on the securities are decided. Thefindings show that decision of leverage degree on a security is made after first making aquantitative analysis of the stocks volatility and liquidity and thereafter make a qualitativeanalysis of the company.
Sjuksköterskors upplevelse av stress i arbetsmiljön
Studies have shown that stress is common in the nursing profession.Purpose: The aim was to investigate nurses' experience of stress in the work environment at the University Hospital in Uppsala and how nurses deal with this stress and whether the perceived stress experienced affect patient safety and in what way. Method: The study had a descriptive, qualitative design based on nine interviews. The selection criteria for the study was that participants were nurses and that they had worked at least one year within the profession and that they had experienced stress in their work environment. Data from the interviews was analyzed using the qualitative content analysis method by Graneheim and Lundman. Results: The analysis resulted in three categories: "Stress in the workplace?, "stress management" and "patient safety? and showed that all participants had experienced stress repeatedly in their workplaces.
Vilka faktorer påverkar att en avvikelse rapporteras eller ej? : - en intervjustudie med sjuksköterskor
What affect if an incident is reported?- an interview study with nursesABSTRACTEveryday in health care, there are incidents which can harm patients. However, reporting these incidents is not always a positive experience. The number of incident reports which are documented are a lot fewer than the number of incidents that actually occur. The purpose of the present study was to describe factors that affect nurses? decisions on whether to report an incident or not.
Operatörernas attityder till säkerhet på finlandsfärjorna
Passagerarna behöver mera tid än säkerhetsinformation eftersom passagerarna har så bråttom att komma ombord, boka bord och handla tax-free. Därmed missar passagerarna viktig säkerhetsinformation som alltid ges vid avgång via fartygets högtalarsystem. Det finns klar och tydlig säkerhetsinformation ombord. Det viktiga är sättet att ge information än att ge mera information. Idag informeras passagerarna via videoskärmar, utrymningskartor på hyttdörrar, via högtalarsystemet ombord, säkerhetsbroschyrer i hytter och information, välutbildad besättning och det är väl skyltat ombord.
Analys av skillnader mellan internationell och svensk rapportering av inträffade händelser på kärnkraftverk
Report of diploma work conducted at the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority (SSM) as part of the bachelors program in Nuclear Engineering at Uppsala University.All nuclear power plants in Sweden are obliged to report any deficiency in their barriers or the defense in depth in obedience to SSM?s regulations concerning safety in nuclear facilities. In addition, there is an international system for reporting such events. The purpose of this thesis is to study the Swedish report system and to analyze the differences between Swedish and international event reporting.In the Swedish system, SSM?s regulations are effectuated by means of event reports classified as category 1-3, designed individually at each Swedish facility.
Vilka faktorer påverkar att en avvikelse rapporteras eller ej? : - en intervjustudie med sjuksköterskor
What affect if an incident is reported?- an interview study with nursesABSTRACTEveryday in health care, there are incidents which can harm patients. However, reporting these incidents is not always a positive experience. The number of incident reports which are documented are a lot fewer than the number of incidents that actually occur. The purpose of the present study was to describe factors that affect nurses? decisions on whether to report an incident or not.
Att träna tillsammans i grupp vid hjärt- och kärlsjukdom: patienternas upplevelser utifrån ICF:s komponenter
Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the Western world. For persons who have had a myocardial infarction the following rehabilitation and the group training, which is a part of this, are very important. The cardiac rehabilitation is designed to limit the physiological and psychological effects of cardiovascular disease. Purpose: This study aimed to examine how patients with cardiovascular disease experienced group training in relation to the International Classification of Function, Disability and Health, ICF. Method: A qualitative interview study was performed according to Malterud, inspired by the Grounded Theory method.
Människa ? Teknik ? Organisation ur ett utredningsperspektiv : En intervjustudie av medarbetare vid Statens haverikommission
Human - Technology - Organization (HTO) is a well-established, general unifying concept in the Swedish Accident Investigation Authority (SHK) that represents an approach, knowledge and use of various tools regarding interactions between people, technology and organizational factors. The HTO-perspective is well described in literature but there are few studies on how SHKs staff experiences working according to this method in their investigations. The aim of this study was therefore to describe their HTO-perspective, examine how it is used in the investigations at SHK and describe the investigators experience of working with the HTO-perspective as well as the method's usefulness compared to old methods in accident investigations. A literature study has been conducted in the areas of HTO, Theory of planned behavior (TPB) and safety culture. TPB and safety culture are described in this paper since they highlight the different aspects of a HTO-perspective.
Användande av enkla eller dubbla handskar inom operationssjukvård
Bakgrund: I litteraturen finns evidens att använda dubbla lager av operationshandskar vid all kirurgi för att förebygga smittspridning mellan patient och personal samt för att förebygga vårdrelaterade infektioner. Operationshandskar kan ha olika tjocklek och taktil känsla beroende på latex eller latexfritt material. Trots att evidens finns att använda dubbla lager operationshandskar förekommer variation i användandet.Syfte: Syftet med studien var att undersöka om operationssjuksköterskor och kirurger väljer enkla eller dubbla handskar vid operationer, samt hur de motiverar sitt val.Metod: Operationssjuksköterskor och kirurger från två operationsavdelningar i Mellansverige undersöktes i en tvärsnittsdesign med intervjustödda enkäter. Flera deltagare intervjuades flera gånger.Resultat: Totalt inkluderades 66 deltagare i studien och 137 intervjuer genomfördes. Nästan hälften av deltagarna motiverade sitt val av handskar med rutin eller vana.
Kvalitativ innehållsanalys av Nationell patientenkät på kirurgidivisionen på ett sjukhus i Mellansverige, 2012.
Aim: On the basis of the Swedish 2012 National Patient Survey and its open answers, study how patients experienced the quality of care during hospitalization in a surgical divisionMethod: In this study, 306 patients' responses was compiled and analyzed by qualitative content analysis and reported descriptively in running text.Results: The way patients were treated by staff was experienced by respondents mainly as positive. The staffs? courteous and sympathetic attitudes were appreciated. The food that was served was described as substandard, distasteful and dull. The cleanliness of the hospital departments were reported to be inadequate, particularly in washrooms.
Framtagning av typgodkända formkonstruktioner : Med inriktning mot traditionell väggform
This diploma work was conducted in collaboration with the Swedish civil engineeringconstruction company Skanska Construction in Stockholm. Their interest is todevelop a number of type approved form constructions which can be used during theconstruction of concrete walls. Skanska focuses on improving safety on their projectsand both supervisors and workers have a need for approved form constructions inthe current situation.The study is focused on safety and the purpose is to facilitate the preparation beforethe form work can begin. By studying the literature of the subject and conductinterviews with employees at Skanska Construction, the understanding of the issueand knowledge will be increased.Literature studies, interviews together with production and design have been thebasis for a successful study. The work has resulted in three types of approved formconstructions to Skanska Construction and the drawings can be used of employees atthe company.
Äga eller leasa lagret i ett mindre handelsföretag?
Small companies have fewer resources which often result in an tendency to disregard administrative tasks. A factor that influences the company?s revenues is the control of its inventories. The purpose of the current study was to analyze which of the two options, leasing or owning your inventory, that could be justified from an economical perspective. Furthermore, the purpose was to describe the optimal inventory level for each option. To meet these objectives representatives for the company was interviewed and a thorough investigation process was undertaken, during which methodological problems were solved. It was found that leasing the inventory was the most expensive option for the company. Analysis demonstrated that optimal turnover inventory according to EOQ (Economic Order Quantity) would amount to 65,0 thousand Swedish Krona if the company leases their inventory in comparison to 56,0 thousand Swedish Krona if the company owned their inventory.
Systemtid eller vårdtid? : En arbetsplatsstudie i vårdens digitala arbetsmiljö
Swedish healthcare systems have endured harsh criticism from healthcare professionals because of their inability to understand healthcare processes. These systems have been identified as significant time consumers, and Swedish healthcare is therefore facing a major challenge to assure patient safety. The following paper is based on a workplace study, which aims to examine healthcare systems? impact on physicians? practices. Our findings show that physicians spend substantial amounts of time chasing information, rather than managing information and pursuing healthcare.
På grund av dålig arbetsmiljö?
The purpose of this report was to investigate what characterizes a good psychosocialwork environment, and whether it may have impact on a vessel's safe voyage. Thisreport is proposed to increase the understanding of what creates a good psychosocialwork environment and its potential effect on safety at sea. In order to find out thesuccess factors for a good work environment group interviews were conducted in socalledunstructured focus groups. During these conversations, the participants discussedfreely by the question "what is a good psychosocial work environment for you?? Thesuccess factors were thereafter applied on selected accident reports, to investigate theextent to which they were represented and taken into account.The results of the study show three categories of factors: colleagues, communicationand competence, where colleagues are the main contribution to a good psychosocialwork environment.