

964 Uppsatser om Surface temperature - Sida 4 av 65

Glidytor och ytjämnhet med avseende på friktion och tätning

Gliding and sealing functions in Öhlins shock absorbing systems sets great demands onthe contacting surfaces. In this particular case, the bushings and the sealings on acylinder piston. The surface wanted is a surface with both low frictional forces and smallleakage. This study was done with the goals of investigating and determining existingsurfaces due to the frictional force and leakage. How can we in an easy mannerdescribe these?A number of ten front forks were part of a main study.

BIM vid installationsprojektering

Planet rendering plays an important role in universe visualization and geographic visualization. The recent tools and methods allow better data acquisition, usually with very high resolution. However in computer graphics, there is always the limitation on the resolution of geometry and texture due to numerical imprecision. Not many applications can handle high resolution data effectively.This thesis introduces, Implicit Surface Scene, a level of detail scene management inspired by dynamic coordinate system and SCALEGRAPH? which change over time depending on the current camera position relative to the planet surface.

Finngruvan - Uppföljning av vattenkvalitet, analys avavrinning och recipienter i området efter gruvdrift

This thesis raises the problem with acid mine drainage around the closed mine Finngruvan.The purpose of the investigation was to compare metal content in surface water in the areaand its catchments between year 2010 and 2003, also to make calculation of specific runoffand metal load, furthermore determine the recipients in the area. Surface water samplingwhere preformed at the same place as 2003 and also at a few other places of interest. Adigital elevation file were used in GIS to calculate the area of the watersheds in the region,observations in the field where also made. The collected data were used to make comparisons,calculations and conclusions. The result showed that the surface water 2010 had somewhatlower metal concentrations.

Närsaltsdosering till luftad damm : en åtgärd för ökad TOC-reduktion hos Skoghalls Bruk luftade damm

In the process of making carton boards into Skoghall Mill, are great quantities of water being contaminated. This water has to be treated before it is possible to release into the recipient, Kattfjorden. One of the contaminations that is important to extract from the wastewater, is organic carbon (measured as TOC-total organic carbon) because microbiological breakdown can lead to the bottom becomig free of oxygen.The wastewater treatment at Skoghall Mill is done through an external wastewater treatment that is located at the factory. The biological treatment (aerated lagoon) is a 140 000 m3 water pool with surface aerator, which is give oxygen to the water. In the lagoon live microorganisms who performs the biggest part of the TOC-reduction.One problem with the lagoon is that the treatment of TOC is considerably worse during wintertime than during summertime.

Studie av nötnings- och friktionsegenskaper vid höga temperaturer i Kanthal APMT

During this master thesis, wear and friction properties for the high-temperature alloy Kanthal APMT were studied. The results were also compared to 253MA. The initial tests showed, among other things, that the surface fineness of the muffle tubes matters in real applications like conveyor belts. A 253MA-sample wear-tested against a 253MA-tube showed lowest wear at 900°C while a pre-oxidized APMT-sample wear-tested against a APMT-tube had the lowest mean value of the friction force at 1100°C, compared to all other tests..

Småskalig säsongslagring av solenergi för uppvärmning av bostäder : Simulering av lagerutformning och konsekvensen av adderade uppvärmningsbehov motsvarande en pool och ett atrium

The sun is a huge energy source with great potential of providing energy to the heating of homes and other buildings in an environmentally sustainable manner. In order to provide buildings with energy from the sun it is necessary to transfer the energy supply over time to when the demand arises. By storing the heat in a seasonal storage, solar energy from the summer can be used in the winter when the demand for heating is greatest.Today's existing plants are mainly in Europe and particularly in Germany. These facilities are designed to supply heat demands greater than 400 MWh and covers about 40-50 % of this need which consists of energy for space heating and domestic hot water. How much of the heat demand that is covered, the solar fraction, is partly due to losses from the storage which in turn is connected to the surface area of the storage.

Ångsterilisering av morötter. Infekterade med Lactobacillus plantarum.

The purpose of the project was to exam steams ability to sterilize carrots infected withLactobacillus plantarum. The project was a cowork with Brämhults Juice AB. They hadobserved an increase of Lactobacillus in the production of carrot juice during the summer. Tokeep the flavour of fresh fruits, the juice is treated carefully with heat. This means that thejuice only stays fresh for a few days, around two weeks for an unopened package and threedays for an opened package.In an attempt to remove the remaining Lactobacillus of the carrots, steam is tested as an extrastep in the production of juice.


SAPA´s resource of waste heat is the basis for this thesis to investigate the possibility of energy assets in their cooling water and possible uses for it. The energy in the waste water is greater than the current need which has three uses which are (1) heating the factory, (2) converting liquid propane to propane gas and (3) local domestic heating. The average energy load that is available is 1, 7 MW and the average temperature in the cooling water is 41°C. The total energy load at dimensioning out side temperature is approximately 1,6 MW for the three current uses. The temperature is currently too low to be used directly in the existing systems so an upgrade is needed.

Ergonomisk och användarvänlig släplift anpassad för skidanläggningarnas och fjällturismens utveckling. : Rapport, examensarbete 2012

Surface lift adapted for today?s user Today?s T-bar lift looks almost the same as when it was launched in 1938, even though a lot has happened in the ski and mountain industries. New equipment has developed without any major adjustment to the lift. Snowboard, sit ski and downhill biking are just some examples of the evolution that demands new seating positions. It?s also very common for families to spend their holidays in the mountains nowadays.

Hur en ökad marktemperatur påverkar fotosyntes och markrespiration i en boreal skog

During the year of 2008, a powerful earthquake hit the southern part of Iceland, which changed the geothermal conditions in the area around the city of Hveragerdi. Elevated soil temperatures in a nearby forest plantation have contributed to a unique opportunity for researchers to study how an increased soil temperature affects the boreal forest ecosystem, something that partly can be connected to the climate changes which are happening today. The boreal forest is representing a carbon sink and a buffert for the emissions that occurs. Changes in this ecosystem will for that reason contribute to major impact for the global carbon cycle. To study the impact of how elevated soil temperatures affects different processes in a plantation of Sitka spruce, studies were made on the photosynthesis of the trees and the respiration from the soil.

Klinisk termografi som diagnostiskt hjälpmedel vid rörelsestörning hos häst :

Thermography is the assesment of the Surface temperature of the horses body and it falls into the categori of physiological imaging. Thermography allows us to portray inflammation and changes in sympathetic tone in a graphical manner. The purpose of this study was to review thermography in equine medicine and to evaluate thermography as an aid in the diagnosis of lamness in horses. Thermography has been helpful to identyfy sprains, stress fractures, shin splints and soft tissue, tendon, ligamentous and nerv injuries and to monitor healing processes during rehabilitation. Routine thermography may reveal inflammatory responses prior to clinical signs. In present study thermograpy gave especially valuabel information in two cases. In one horse reduced blood flow in a. saphena due to a thrombosis were visualised and in the other horse bilateral thoracolumbal radiculopati was diagnosed.

Betydelsen av kolkälla och mikrobiell fysiologisk status för temperaturresponsen (Q10) vid nedbrytning av organiskt material :

The increasing threat of climate change has led to a increased need for models to predict future climat. In these models the changes in the soil carbon pools due to changes in microbiel degradation of the organic matter can lead to both positive and negative feedback-effects. There is however a lack of consensues on the temperature respons on degradation soil organic matter. This paper aim to give a better understanding on the factors controlling the temperature respons. The factors studied were the carbon substrate qualitity and the physiological status of the microorganisms.

Perkolationsfilter : En undersökning av reningseffekt med avseende på järn och mangan

This master thesis has been done in cooperation with Sweco Viak AB in Sundsvall. The aimwith the project is to investigate the purifying effect of percolation filter due to iron andmanganese. The overall goal was to investigate how the parameters surface load,sandfractions, and burden time affect the purifying effect. The expectation is to optimize thedesign and find a demouldning of the filter that gives sufficient purifying with a highersurface load. As an attempt to accelerate the curing of the filter, experiments with a layer ofsand which surface has been covered with manganese ore (MnO2) on top of the filter havebeen done.As test filters 10 L bars were used and the experimental work was performed at thewaterworks in Hassela and Munkbysjön.In Hassela different sandfractions were tested.

Studie av Karlskogas fjärrvärmenät för att sänka returtemperaturen

A district heating plant has the advantage that it can take advantage of the waste heat from industries and use of cheap fuels to produce heat. But for the long term is competitive requires that energy is also saved in district heating plants. One way to save energy in a district heating system is to increasing cooling to the return temperature. This leads to less power needed to drive the distribution pumps,  and that more energy could be extracted from the same amount of fuel by an improved flue gas condensation.In Karlskoga the return temperature into the district heating plant is high. They would therefore reduce the return temperature in order to extract more energy from the flue gases.

Adaptiv temperaturreglering av bostadshus

The control of indoor temperature must be able to handle large time constants and both measureable disturbances like outdoor temperature, and non-measurable disturbances, like waste heat from appliances. Due to cheaper microcontrollers (small computers with designated tasks) with better performance, more advanced and computation-demanding methods for control can be used.In this thesis, Generalized Predictive Control (GPC) has been implemented and tested on a theoretically derived model of a house. GPC states that a model of the system is estimated in every sample, and the control is carried out simultaneously, based on predictions of the model. Disturbances like solar radiation can be estimated and used in the control as well. The control signals are determined by quadratic programming, which makes it possible to consider conditions, for example limitations on the control signals.GPC requires a number of parameters to be defined, like model order and control signal penalty, but is relatively robust for variations in them.

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