

1201 Uppsatser om Supply Chain - Sida 63 av 81

Torg som offentlig mötesplats : en studie av Sundstorget i Helsingborg

The purpose with this thesis is to understand the relationship between a square?s design and its function as a public meeting place, were Sundstorget in the city of Helsingborg is used as a study object. The architect Jan Gehl developed a theory of people?s outdoor activities in his book Livet mellem husene (1996). He divides the activities in three categories; 1) necessary activities, 2) optional activities and 3) social activities, which are differently affected by the place?s design.

Utveckling av ett skogsbolags kontaktstrategi : en kvalitativ intervjustudie bland större privata virkesleverantörer

The supply of raw materials has always been an important issue in the Swedish Forest industry. Buying timber from local suppliers is important. To ensure raw materials to their industries the forest company must offer good prices and good business deals to their suppliers. The aims with this work are to find out how the contact between private suppliers of raw materials and how the forest company can be developed. To be able to do a complete study of the problems connecting with this subject a quality interview study has been done.

Bioenergy from the forest ? a source of conflict between forestry and nature conservation? : an analysis of key actor?s positions in Sweden

Bioenergy from the forest has been heavily debated in Sweden for several decades due to the interest of society to decrease dependence upon fossil fuels and limit the effects of climate change. The actual use of bioenergy from the forest has shifted over the years but increased during the last decades. Private actors within forest and nature conservation sectors play an important role for the development of bioenergy from the forest as well as for the debate and the implementation of political goals. Forestry in Sweden is characterised by ?freedom under responsibility? for private actors and the perspective of governance is valuable for studying actors and discourses.

Musikfestivaler som turistiskt dragplåster : en fallstudie på Sweden Rock Festival

Lately, more and more music festivals have emerged in Sweden. People?s desire and need to visit these events only seems to increase. Cultural tourism and music tourism has developed into a significant and important part of the experience industry and it employs more and more people within the tourism industry. The purpose of this paper is to investigate which effects this can have on the local community.

En studie över förekomsten av genuttryck för enzym i biosyntesen av malarialäkemedlet artemisinin hos Artemisia vulgaris och Artemisia absinthium

Malaria är en farlig tropiksjukdom orsakad av parasiten Plasmodium som vållar många dödsfall varje år. Sedan några år tillbaka rekommenderar Världshälsoorganisationen (WHO) användandet av artemisinin och dess derivat för behandlandet av malaria. Artemisinin syntetiseras normalt i växten Artemisia annua i lågt utbyte. På grund av det låga utbytet är läkemedlet väldigt dyrt. Då parasiten blivit resistent mot de flesta malarialäkemedel är artemisinin ett viktigt preparat i kampen mot malaria.

En naken forntid? - om textilforskningens roll i den övergripande arkeologiska diskussionen

The aim of this essay is to make clear, whether or not, textile research is visualised in a wider archaeological discussion today. The aim is then to discuss what the archaeological and textile technological research situation in Scandinavia looks like today, and how that relate to what has happened in these two research fields during the years. This essay also has a purpose to find out if there is a need of visualising textile research more in future archaeology, how that shall be done, and what that can possibly supply to our general picture of the prehistory.The head questions are discussed in the light of three investigations. The first is a study of literature used in archaeological education at five Swedish universities. The other two consists of a study which is aimed to find out how textile research results are published, and one in which archaeologists and textile researchers have answered questions about how they experience the relation between archaeology and textile research.There has also been done a comparison between interpretations of the archaeological material from the site of Löddeköpinge in west Scania.

Torrefaction of biomass : a comparative and kinetic study of thermal decomposition for Norway spruce stump, poplar and fuel tree chips

Stump biomass is energy rich and stump harvesting for use as fuel become more and more interesting in Sweden. Swedish Forest Agency (2009) has estimated that stump harvesting in Sweden would respond to an annual energy supply of 57 TWh/year. However, stump has not been recognized as a bioenergy resource in Sweden. Suitable methods for pre-treatment of stump are probably of great importance to make it accepted as fuel. It is therefore rewarding to carry out an investigation in this area for stump. This report represents results from a diploma project, which was aimed to develop a fixed bed reactor for experimental study of biomass torrefaction, followed by TG analysis and kinetic modelling employing Ozawa method and different kinetic models including one-step and three-pseudo-component models.

Grön logistik : En uppsats om oöverensstämmelser på transportmarknaden

Bakgrund: Den svenska transportmarknaden domineras idag av stora och internationella aktörer. Marknaden är mogen vilket innebär att transportbolagen måste erbjuda andra värden utöver själva transporten. Begrepp som miljö ligger långt ifrån transportsektorns grundtanke och blir därmed inget naturligt konkurrensmedel. Internationella undersökningar visar att transportbolagen lägger stor vikt vid miljöfrågor när det kommer till framtida strategier. Svenskar har en tradition och en image att vara miljövänliga men detta intresse har ännu inte besvarats av transportmarknaden.Problem: Vilka faktorer är viktiga för att svenska transportföretag ska kunna uppnå långsiktig överlevnad med en miljöprofilering?Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att analysera och utvärdera oöverensstämmelser (misfits) mellan transportköparen och transportleverantören med avseende på miljö.Metod: En kvalitativ ansats har använts för att samla empiri.

ALBA : Ett regionalt integrationsprojekt med goda förutsättningar?

AbstractEssay in Political Science, autumn 2010. ?ALBA ? A regional integration project with good conditions?? Autor: Anna Sjögren. Course: Political Science, C-level, Tutor: Sten Berglund An essential part of the political science research on regional integration has been about why states join economic unions and what forces drive the process of integration. This essay is a case study on the Latin American regional integration project called ALBA.

Teknisk undersökning : Rötgaskammare för småskalig biogasproduktion

Biogas mainly consists of methane and carbon dioxide, where methane is theenergy-rich gas, and is naturally created when organic matter breaks down in absenceof oxygen, also known as anaerobic digestion. A biogas plant re-creates the anaerobicconditions inside a digester where the organic substrate is fed into and digests toproduce biogas. The gas is then used to produce energy by combustion and can beseen as a completely renewable fuel.Today, energy from biogas is used primarily by major stakeholders such asmunicipalities and thus the plants become very large with high investment- andconstruction costs. There are currently few small plants in Sweden, even though thepotential for agriculture and medium-sized to smaller farms to become self-sufficientin terms of electricity and heat is great. Farms have a natural stock of digestibleorganic material in form of manure or crops for example, which are constantlyavailable.

Mortalitet av bok i Biskopstorp och Frodeparken naturreservat, Halland :

The aim with this study was to investigate mortality in older respectively younger beech stands (Fagus sylvatica), the different types of dead wood in the forest and the availability of coarse woody debris (CWD). The research was carried out in previously managed and seminatural stands in Biskopstorp and Frodeparken, located north of Halinstad in Halland,Sweden. Data were collected from 22 stands with at least 50 % beech and with a minimum age of 5 1 years, ranging in size from 0,67 to 19,9 ha. A transect was placed in each stand, in which the diaineter on both dead and living trees with a minimum diameter of 50 mm was recorded. On seven to 13 dead trees, depending on the size of each stand, decomposition stage, primary and secondary cause of death, amount of fungi and the type of the dead wood was noted.

Utveckling av processparametrar inom en hårdmetallindustri

This report analyzes and examines a hypothesis for finding a method to optimize thelength of the delubrication process time based on a total charge weight. The work hasfocused on the holding time for delubrication and the total charge weight.An important step in the manufacturing chain of cutting tools is when the greenbodies undergo the sintering process. Today, the delubrication step has the sameprocess time independent of the total charge weight. An implementation of a methodto adjust the delubrication process time would give more consistent quality of thecutting tool´s internal characteristics but also reduce the time course of the sinteringprocess. In the present project two methods for this goal were tested, thedevelopment of an algorithm and a weight interval subdivision with associateddelubrication process times.During delubrication a pressure increase is observed due to the decomposition of thePEG in the powder mixture.

Sjuksköterskans preventiva arbete med patienter som har hjärt-kärlsjukdom

Bakgrund: Promotion av hälsa och prevention av ohälsa är en av många viktiga uppgifter för hälso- och sjukvården. Sekundärprevention efter akut kranskärlssjukdom innebär åtgärder för att både på kort och lång sikt minska död, återinsjuknade och fortsatt sjukdomsprocess. Förändringar i levnadsvanor påverkar oftast flera riskfaktorer samtidigt. För personer med känd livsstilsrelaterad sjukdom betonar Socialstyrelsen i ?Nationella riktlinjer för sjukdomsförebyggande metoder? att sjukvården ska erbjuda rådgivande samtal kring ohälsosamma levnadsvanor och att det är en betydelsefull uppgift för hela vårdkedjan.

Lekens och inomhusmiljöns betydelse för barns lärande i förskolan : Förskollärares tankar och uppfattningar om lek, lärande och inomhusmiljö

ABSTRACT Poverty, and in particular child poverty, is a serious social problem. Statistics show that the number of children living in poverty has increased over the last ten years. Earlier research shows that there are huge gaps in our knowledge of how the actors in civil society handle child poverty. With this study we hope to help fill this gap. The aim of our study is to look at how four different organisations working in the civil society in Uppsala perceive and handle child poverty.

Indirekta effekter på marklavars abundans och diversitet vid ökad kvävehalt i marken : en jämförelse mellan opåverkad och lågintensivt brukad mark

Lichens are adapted to bright and sparse forests on oligotrophic ground. Due to a slow growth rate and high light demand lichens will suffer from competition in eutrophic environments. Therefore, lichens have disappeared from managed forests where the forest industry has increased the productivity. A reduced abundance of lichens will affect both biodiversity of the forest and the reindeer winter graze lands. It is important to understand how and for how long fertilization affects the abundance and diversity of lichens in order to protect lichen rich ecosystems. We have registered the biomass and number of lichen species in eight plots (four nitrogen rich and four nitrogen deficient) and compared fertilized Sami settlements with their oligotrophic surroundings in the nature reserves of Tjeggelvas.

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