

1201 Uppsatser om Supply Chain - Sida 62 av 81

Information Overload - ett problem inom akutsjukvården?

Information overload förekommer på alla arbetsplatser där informationsbearbetning är viktigt för arbetsprocesserna. I vissa fall kan information overload medföra allvarliga konsekvenser både för den enskilda medarbetaren och för verksamheten i stort. På akutmottagningen på Centrallasarettet i Växjö har sjuksköterskorna en viktig roll som samordnare av den information som används i patientarbetet. Syftet med denna undersökning är att undersöka vilka faktorer som främst orsakar information overload hos sjuksköterskorna på akutmottagningen CLV, samt att undersöka hur fenomenet IO påverkar vårdkvaliteten.Under mars och april 2007 genomfördes intervjuer med sju sjuksköterskor på den aktuella akutmottagningen utifrån en frågemall som utformats med hjälp av aktuell forskning på information overload. Resultatanalysen skedde utifrån en specifik orsakstabell som tagits från en litteratursammanställning av Eppler och Mengis (2004).

Nöjescentrum : en fallstudie av upplevelsekonsumtion!

The society today, reflects a high welfare, where the human being has a better financial position than before. This has generate that more money is spend on pleasure and events. A result of that can be the development of a new line of business; The industry of experience.This kind of branch is fast growing in the Swedish labour market. The characteristics of this branch are, depending of trends, continuous variations and integrated education.A new phenomenon within this branch is ?Centre of experience?.

Modellerade och uppmätta kväveflöden i energiskog som bevattnas med avloppsvatten

The aim of this essay was to study the nitrogen flow in two willowplantations, at different locations in the south of Sweden, that wereirrigated with sewage. The study was also performed to compare thedifferences in nitrogen flows between two years, 1998 and 1999. The studywas made in three parts. First, the denitrification activity was measuredusing the acetylen inhibition method. Second the nitrogen flow, as well asthe water- and heat flows, were modeled through the SOIL-SOILN-modelThird; the nitrogen flow was calculated to compare with the results fromthe model.The results from the measurements were then compared with the resultsfrom the SOILN-simulations to detect differences in the denitrificationrate.

E-boken och folkbiblioteken ? samtalen mellan Svensk Biblioteksförening och Svenska Förläggareföreningen om ny ersättningsmodell för e-böcker

This paper investigates the ongoing talks between the Swedish libraryassociation (Svensk Biblioteksförening) and the Swedish Publishers?Association (Svenska Förläggareföreningen) regarding a new payment modelfor e-book loans in Swedish public libraries. The current model allows an ebookto be lent an infinite number of times and for each loan the library paystwenty Swedish kronor to the supplier, Elib, which in turn passes half of thatsum on to the publicers.The reason for the talks is that both libraries and publishers have reason to bedispleased with the current model. For the libraries it has proven to be aneconomic challenge, for the already strained library economies, sincepayment is made directly by the individual library from the media budget.The publishers also have reasons to want a change of model since thecompensation they receive from the libraries is not enough for them tocontinue publishing e-books and making a profit. They argue that to protectthe commercial e-book market the principle of free loans has to be replacedby a model that introduces ?friction? in the form of limitations on how manytimes a title can be loaned.This study is based on interviews with representatives from both sidesinvolved in the talks, along with a representative from Elib and a librarian.An analytical tool has been constructed by the author to aid in the process ofuncovering arguments and standpoints in the interviews.

Going Green - Why and How Thule Should Make Environmental Issues a Part of Their Business

Problem: When opening a newspaper today there is a good chance that the headlines have something to do with recent developments in the global climate debate. This development is forcing companies to take action. The problem for many companies, including Thule, is that they are unaware of the environmental work conducted throughout their value chain and also what they need to do to become green. Thule, a company with a strong focus on profitability and growth, will not make environmental issues a part of their core strategy unless it can be shown that economic incentives exist. With this thesis we will try to build a case that will help Thule, and also other companies, see the possibilities a green venture brings with it.

Därför onlinevideo : En engagerande historia

The financial crisis in 2008, effected companies around the globe and forced them to change their operational strategies, in order to survive. Companies with international links needed to consider external effects and due to that adapt their strategies on a global level. Demands for goods and service were decreasing and companies could only manage the cost during a recession to not face bankruptcy. Organisations need to reconsider their optimal strategy as this will determine their future outcome when managing a crisis as the one in 2008. British Airways - Air Cargo is a global company with an international network which serves about 80 countries, with about 200 destinations.

Liv i den övergivna trädgården? : Tro och sekularisering i Sverige, speglad mot dominerande teorier om sekulariseringsprocesser

This master thesis summarizes contemporary theories on secularization processes in the Western world, and compares these with the example of Sweden, which by many scholars is considered to be the most secularized country in the Western world.I do this by dividing the most influential theorists in five different groups. In each group I explain how the theorists formulate and motivate their positions. These groups are:1) The secularization paradigm, where secularization always accompanies modernization. (Therorists: Steve Bruce and Peter Berger (in the 1960s)2) The paradigm basically accepted, but revised to depend on existential security, rather than modernisation as such. (Pippa Norris and Ronald Inglehart)3) Religion returned in the public sphere.

Påverkar jordbruk flödet av akvatiska insekter till land? : Effekter av jordbruk på akvatiskt tillflöde till land vid norrländska bäckar

Streams and riparian zone are closely linked by reciprocal flows of energy and nutrients. A large part of the transportation from water to land is in form of emerged aquatic insects. Conversion of land from forest to agriculture can greatly affect aquatic ecosystems, and due to the close link, also affect the adjacent terrestral zone. Investigating how the presence of agriculture in the surrounding area affects amounts of emergent aquatic insects gives an indication on how agriculture, in turn, may affect the terrestral enviroment. The study was preformed alongside ten streams in northern Sweden; five in landscape transformed by agriculture and five in undisturbed forest areas.

"Min sida" - mervärde för företag och konsument?

Den konkurrens som råder inom affärsvärlden har gjort att företag blivit tvungna att effektivisera sitt arbete. Man ser gärna att vissa steg i värdekedjan förkortas eller försvinner helt och hållet.Internet är en plats som många företag etablerat sig och bedriver e-handel på och har blivit ett komplement till detaljhandeln. Internet och e-handelns stora framgång har gjort det möjligt för företag att nå ut till fler konsumenter än tidigare. Urvalet av företag och produkter på Internet ökar och har gett konsumenten större valmöjligheter när de handlar på Internet. Internet har blivit ett bekvämligt sätt för konsumenten att handla på eftersom företagen alltid finns tillgängliga.

How to future proof a Business Model : Capture and capitalize value in the field of Urban Mining

Context: During the 21st century several alarming reports have been published that deals with the depletion and pollutant of the earth by human interference. The earth is an ending resource and so are the mountains and bedrocks which are continuously mined in order to harvest its minerals. The idea behind Urban Mining is to (re)invent processes enabling further purpose for materials both from old deposits and new products providing secondary raw materials and energy. This thesis aims to investigate the challenges and opportunities of how firms and organizations can and will be able to strike a better balance between product-/service systems, economic growth and environmental stewardship in the context of Urban Mining as an approach. With the innovation of processes, technology, business- planning and creation in focus.Objective: How to future proof a business model for Urban Mining by the usage of business model design.Method: This thesis will be conducted using a case study approach, meaning that it will incorporate qualitative, exploratory and descriptive characteristics - aiming towards enabling both applied and fundamental research.Results: The result evaluates the business model element differences between traditional C&D industry and Urban Mining industry.

Energibolagens framtida datainsamling

The Swedish energy companies have several different systems for data collection of the energy consumption of their clients. Often computerized remote meter readers are put in practice in order to register the energy consumption of large companies. The majority of household clients, however, are read off by the assistance of manual methods. Household power consumption is read off once a year. As a result, these clients are not debited for their actual consumption; their invoices during the year are the result of estimations. At times when the electricity supply system is highly loaded, electricity is more expensive.

Marknadsföring via internet : ett reklammedium i frammarsch eller mättnad?

Internet has since the beginning of the nineties gone through an enormous growth in size, and with this big increase in numbers of users, a new, lucrative advertisingmarket was created with webbased marketing. This market has grown in the same tempo, and has now reached some sort of a breakpoint. There is no doubt that internet will be a marketingmedium to count on in the future, but how will development continue to progres and what shape will it have? Will this development keep on growing in the same tempo as earlier or will we see factors that put a break on this development?With this study, I have wanted to give a picture of internet as a marketingchannel today and how it is understood by consumers, spokesmen for the bransch and branschauthoritys. Further, I have tried to give a picture of how the future could look like, judging from the data that was collected from interviews, a big poll and those written sources on the subject that are available today.To be able to give answers to my questions at issue and reach a conclusion for the partproblems that I had initially, I have made a group of interviews with spokesmen of the bransches marketing, netportal, netanalysis amongst others.

Näringsbelastning på en anlagd våtmark från åker, skog och enskilda avlopp :

This work is a part of the project ?Våtmarker i odlingslandskapet ? uppföljning av miljömålen? (Wetlands in arable land ? following-up of the environmental goals). The main objective with this project is to study nitrogen and phosphorus retention in a constructed wetland by using mass balance calculations. Continuous measurements of nutrients and water flow through the inlet and the outlet of the wetland are made. However, substantial amounts of nitrogen and phosphorus were assumed to reach the wetland with a drain-pipe transporting wastewater from nearby houses (10 persons).

Molekylärgenetisk analys av dilaterad cardiomyopati hos hund :

Canine dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) is a disease with high morbidity and mortality and with a high prevalence in certain breeds. Predominatly large breeds are affected, such as Great danes, Newfoundlands, Deerhounds and Dobermanns. One exception is Cocker spaniels, where both American and English Cocker spaniels are affected in a quite high frequency. Cardiomyopathy is characterised as a disease that affects the myocardium and gives an impaired heart function. To diagnose DCM following criteria have to be observed: 1. Dilation of the left ventricle. 2. Reduced systolic heart function. 3. Increased sphericity of the left ventricle. To be certain of the diagnosis, alternative reasons for the symptoms such as lung- and heart diseases with other etiologies have to be excluded Two different types of DCM have been found upon histological examination.


Beans are a global source of plant-based protein, and in some countries, they constitute a primary source of protein intake. With ongoing climate change, including rising temperatures, it is necessary to adapt beans to ensure a reliable food supply. An important mechanism that many plants have, to cope with high temperatures, is cooling through transpiration. During transpiration, stomata open and release water vapor. Water molecules use heat energy from the leaf to convert into gas, thereby cooling the leaf.

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