

1201 Uppsatser om Supply Chain - Sida 51 av 81

Människosmuggling : Hemliga tvångsmedel för att bekämpa den organiserade brottsligheten

The first aim of this study is to examine what the differences are between the Classic directive (directive 2004/18/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 31 March 2004 on the coordination of procedures for the award of public works contracts, public supply contracts and public service contracts) and the Revised Classic directive (directive 2014/24/EU of the European Parliament and of the council of 26 February 2014 on public procurement and repealing Directive 2004/18/EC) when it comes to social considerations in public procurement. The second aim is to examine if the revision of the directive has solved the prior existing problems regarding social considerations in public procurement. In this paper a traditional European legal method is used. The examinations show a number of things, including the Revised Classic directive involving codification of case law, references to other sources of law and some clarified rules as well as new provisions. The regulations regarding reserved contracts, technical specifications, and selection criterion are satisfied in the Revised Classic directive.

En studie och analys av omorganiseringen av de svenska honorärkonsulaten efter inträdet i EU

This thesis aims to analyse the problems concerning the reorganization of the Swedish consulary system, which took place right after the Swedish entry in the European Union in 1995. This thesis shows the underlying debate in the Parliament before the changes. It also discusses which factors caused the reorganisation. My work focuses on the Swedish consulary representation in Spain which exist of an embassy in Madrid and 20 underlying honorary consulates. The consulates are not foreign authorities but are still handeling a lot of cases as an govenmental authority.

Kartläggning av informationsbehov

This report is the result of a thesis carried out during the spring of 2010 at Sandvik Coromant in Gimo. The purpose of this thesis has been to make an inventory and mapping of information used by flow groups that are most relevant for the day-to-day work. This mapping will then form the basis for information supplied by an automated system.The project consisted of:Identifying how the information is supplied today.Inquiring into the needs of an automated system.Which needs of information that will be provided by the system.Data collection occurred in two ways, both through observations and interviews. Observations of the participants were carried out early in the thesis, where the aim was to create a picture of the problem, and gradually develop a basis for the actual interview study. At each observation, an unstructured observation was used, which means that all activity was recorded.

Resurseffektiv livsmedelsproduktion : Tillämpning av industriell symbios för ökad resurseffektivitet inom den svenska tomatodlingsbranschen

Industries with energy costs as a large proportion of their total costs are greatly affected by the instruments deployed to cope with the Swedish climate and energy policy goals. With energy costs representing more than 30 % of the total costs, tomato cultivators are one of the affected industries. In order to remain competitive with other countries, a more resource- and cost-efficient cultivation of tomatoes in greenhouses is desirable in Sweden. Based on the concept of industrial symbiosis, this study investigates the prerequisites for a resource-efficient production of locally grown tomatoes in Sweden through the utilization of low grade industrial waste heat. The study is based on the foundry industry as the supplier of waste heat.To investigate the environmental, technical and economic potential of the exchange of waste heat, a comparative life cycle assessment, an inventory of the supply of industrial waste heat in Sweden, a compilation of potential technologies for the recovery of low grade industrial waste heat for heating greenhouses and a comparative life-cycle cost calculation were carried out.

Prognostisering av slitdelar : hur ska Väderstad-Verken öka sin servicegrad?

The agricultural plantingmachines are used just a few weeks every year. That means that the supply of service and spare parts have to be good to make the timeliness costs low at the agricultural hard working periods. The machines wear down successivly when they are used. The wear is harder on some parts than the others on a machine. Spare parts can be dicided into consumables.

Offentlig upphandling av textila produkter ? faktorer som kan inverka på en kommun när det gäller att ställa krav på miljö- och social hänsyn : En fallstudie av Örebro kommun

The public sector is a major purchaser of goods and services. By setting requirements for environmental and social considerations in public procurement, an authority has the possibility to use consumer power to influence the actors in a market. The purpose of this paper is to investigate public procurement of textile products in a municipality, in order to gain knowledge about factors that may be important for the use of environmental and social criteria. Håkan Hydén´s (professor in sociology of law) norm model was used as the basis of the analysis, where the conduct was investigated along three dimensions of the norm ? willingness, knowledge and system conditions ? in order to identify underlying factors that can influence the process.The results ? analyzed by using interviews and documents ? show that the procurer's willingness, motivation and knowledge are important factors in this context, as well as the political priority of the municipality.

Matematiksvårigheter = dyskalkyli? : En studie om lärares uppfattningar av matematiksvårigheter och dyskalkyli

Livsformerna på jorden delas systematiskt in i de tre domänerna bakterier, arkéer och eukaryoter. Arkéer är de mikroorganismer som lever i extrema miljöer såsom hetvattenkällor, sjöar med hög salthalt och i miljöer med extrema pH-värden. De kan existera i miljöer där inga andra organismer överlever men förekommer även rikligt överallt runtomkring oss, exempelvis i människans mage och som normalflora i munnen.Vissa bakterier och arkéer har genen för enzymet ammoniak monooxygenas (AMO). Detta enzym spelar en viktig roll vid rening av avloppsvatten genom att oxidera ammonium till nitrit.Syftet med detta examensarbete har varit att detektera arkéer i prover av aktivt slam vilket gjordes genom att optimera en Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) baserad metod. Först pelleterades slamproverna via centrifugering för att kunna preparera DNA.

Förändring av en kärntjänst - En undersökning utförd på Arla Foods

Bakgrund: I bakgrunden framgår det att den personliga kontakten med mejeriföretagen har minskat med tiden, vilket har resulterat i ett ökat avstånd mellan mejeriföretag och kund. Samtidigt präglas branschen av hög konkurrens. Det har blivit allt viktigare att arbeta för att behålla sina befintliga kunder.Problemformulering: Vilka faktorer är viktiga för mejeriföretagens långsiktiga överlevnad vid omvandling av en rutinmässig kärntjänst?Syfte: Att analysera och jämföra två beställningsmetoder för att se vilka faktorer som påverkar och bidrar till en långsiktig relation.Metod: Uppsatsen utgår från en deduktiv forskningsansats. Både kvalitativ och kvantitativ undersökningsmetod tillämpas i form av en djupintervju samt en kundenkät.Teorier: Uppsatsen använder följande teorier: Involveringsteorin, Mervärdesteorin, Nätverkssynsättet, Totalkommunikation samt Service profit chain.

Portal till det förflutna : en arkeologisk kvalitetskontrollerad ämnesportal som resurs för universitetsutbildning i Lund.

The purpose of this essay ("Gateway to the Past. An archaeological quality controlled subject gateway as a resource for higher education in Lund") is to examine how a quality controlled subject gateway could increase the quality of the information supply for the Department of Archaeology and Ancient History at Lund University. The essay gives a brief background to subject gateways and also describes the Department and its subjects (prehistoric archaeology, medieval archaeology, osteology and classical studies) . The essay consists of a questionnaire distributed to parts of the target group as well as an investigation of three particular subject gateways: NordArk, ARGE and The Labyrinth. The essay also contains an exposition of how archaeologists seek information, of the structure of the archaeological subjects and of classification systems for quality controlled subject gateways.

Ny konsumtion av gamla kläder : ? En studie om konsumenters miljömedvetenhet och motiv till att köpa second hand kläder på Myrorna

The world?s consumption is increasing at an accelerating rate and it´s produced and consumed more goods and services than ever before. A large part of people's consumption consists of clothing that is bought and discarded increasingly leading to a number of environmental problems such as global warming, pollution, loss of biodiversity and the depletion of natural assets. One way to save the earth's resources is to buy used clothing, so called second hand, instead of new ones. The store chain ?The Ants? (in Swedish ?Myrorna?) has specializing in second-hand goods and sells, among other things, clothes.

Identifiering av 13 nya mjölksyrabakterier med DHPLC

Mjölksyrabakterier tillhörande släkten Lactobacillus och Bifidobacterium har nyligen upptäckts hos bin och i honungen de producerar och innefattar 13 nya arter[1]. Forskarna arbetar med att ta fram nya snabba och mer pålitliga identifierings metoder för att karakterisera dessa bakterier. I detta projekt undersöktes möjligheten att identifiera dessa bakterier med en ny metod som heter denaturing high performance liquid chromatography (DHPLC). Metoden bygger på separation av PCR (polymerase chain reaction) amplifierade 16S rDNA fragment i DHPLC [8]. Vid identifiering av bakterier amplifierades olika variabla regioner från 16S rRNA genen, som påvisade efter sekvensering störst genetisk variation mellan dessa bakterier [1]. Separationen utfördes med ion-pair reverse-phase high presure liquid chromatoghaphy (IP RP HPLC) med delvis denaturering av DNA molekylen.

Geotermi i Ungern : Undersökning av Ungerns energisituation inriktat på geotermi samt kapacitetsfaktorn för det största geotermiska värmeverket i Mellaneuropa.

Hungary?s share of renewable energy in 2010 was 7.9 %, and their renewable energy goal for 2020 is 14.65 %. Geothermal energy is one option that could help to achieve the goal, since Hungary has favorable bedrock, the temperature gradient is above average and thepermeability is high. Today Hungary is importing just over half of its primary energy supply. Because of political conflicts between nations Hungary wants to expand its own production of energy.

Laborationer och vetenskaplighet : Utgångspunkter och validitet vid bedömning av laborationsrapporter

Livsformerna på jorden delas systematiskt in i de tre domänerna bakterier, arkéer och eukaryoter. Arkéer är de mikroorganismer som lever i extrema miljöer såsom hetvattenkällor, sjöar med hög salthalt och i miljöer med extrema pH-värden. De kan existera i miljöer där inga andra organismer överlever men förekommer även rikligt överallt runtomkring oss, exempelvis i människans mage och som normalflora i munnen.Vissa bakterier och arkéer har genen för enzymet ammoniak monooxygenas (AMO). Detta enzym spelar en viktig roll vid rening av avloppsvatten genom att oxidera ammonium till nitrit.Syftet med detta examensarbete har varit att detektera arkéer i prover av aktivt slam vilket gjordes genom att optimera en Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) baserad metod. Först pelleterades slamproverna via centrifugering för att kunna preparera DNA.

Voltage Sags Indices and Statistics

Voltage sag indices are a way of quantifying the performance of the power supply, as far as voltage sags are concerned. Indices can be defined for individual events, for individual sites, and for a whole system. A standard method for single-event methods is part of IEC standard 61000-4-30.This thesis emphasizes the importance of voltage sag indices and different methods for calculating three-phase voltage sag characteristics. Three-phase events measured in a medium network voltage over period of one month were analyzed, results examined and statistically evaluated. An algorithm for calculating voltage sag characteristics and indices was created in Matlab.

Digital divide eller digital opportunity i Anacostia High School, Washington D.C. : en studie baserad på sistaårselever i High School

 Purpose/Aim: The goal of this thesis is to examine access and knowledge computers and the Internet among the senior-year students of Anacostia High School. Do the students of this facility have the same opportunity as the residents from better socioeconomical backgrounds or are they being excluded from the technology? Material/Method: To approach the thesis goal I have used a quantitative method. More specifically, a questionnaire was handed out to the senior year students at Anacostia High School. Main results: The study has shown that most of the students of Anacostia had in some way access to computers and Internet.

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